an hour ago or so I felt like pettin the banana, so I open some porn, pull my pants down, ready to wank, and than I hear this “uhh..”, and I look to the left and there´s my friend, lying on my couch reading a book, and im like wtfffs he doing here, bolt up and tuck my wiener back in, and I didn’t know anything to say, we just stared at eachother. Eventually we cracked up but lol that fucker was so quiet, just lay there, not making a sound I totally forgot he was over. Fucker could have said something while I opened the porn, but no wait till i pulls down my pants, and holds my wiener in my hand.
than we talked about being good
Is anything that anyone does, not in some way egoistic? What is a good person? Of course everybody knows what good deeds are. Helping the poor and old, giving money to charity, stuff like that. I hope everyone will agree with that stuff being good.
But are people that do this, better than people that don’t? If you put a dollar into some homeless guys hat on the street, what is your reason for doing so? Speaking for myself, I think nobody does stuff to plainly help other people. If you do it, it’s because you have the urge to do so, or you feel better about yourself, want to get rid of your bad conscience, be relieved. Or you just like helping people. You enjoy it. But the reason you do it is still You.
In town there is this one homeless guy, an old man with just the most friendliest and saddest face I have ever seen, I just feel so sad about him, have the urge to help him, and I always give him some spare change, and although I know that a euro will not make much of a difference, I feel better. But I don’t think that counts as a good deed. There are other homeless guys. They don’t have friendly faces. I don’t give them money. I just don’t feel the urge too.
I have this one friend that constantly has this sick urge to help everybody everywhere, always neglecting himself caring more about anybody else than himself. But he actually is sick, there is actually a name for this kind of thing and lots of doctors came up with in their diagnosis of him. He lives quite far from my house, takes 20 minutes to drive, I had this art project going at home, I really needed to finish it until tomorrow and was afraid I wouldn’t make it, I wined about it to some friend by instant messenger, not being serious just oh man im never gonna make this. And incidentally this other friend of mine was at his house at that moment and read that, It was raining like ass and he actually rode his bike to me, takes like an hour at least, and persisted at helping me with the art project so I would be finished by tomorrow. This may sound cool and like a really good friend and while it was sort of cool at the beginning, it really hurts to see what he’s doing to himself. His parents asked his teachers and friends to try to create an environment where he needs help himself or at least doesn’t need to help anybody else, to make him do stuff for himself, and let other people help him.
Again from the outside it may look like a really nice person, caring for other people so much, but actually he just gives in to his urge. It makes him happy, or at least it makes him feel better than before.
Everyone gives in to his or her urges. And most of those urges are probably congenital, means its not in your power to have them or not.
Of course everyone will like that friend of mine more than the greedy investment banker( nobody likes those right?), or some bad criminal, or generally just anybody that doesn’t help other people like that all the time. But what they do is always because they have the urge to do so, because it has a benefit for themselves.
We all give in to our desires, and while some may appear good to others, others don’t, but technically its just an impulse we follow. And you cant put that in good or bad. That’s just the inner monkey and one cant do much about that. Its just the other thinking part of the human that calls some of those inner monkeys good and some of them bad.
Funny story. Feels like two different blogs though.
But I don't think being 'good' is egotistical, even if people do it because it makes them feel good. Satisfaction for giving in to empathy is a positive trait in a person, and I don't think it has anything to do with ego.
I know what you mean by people helping out of there way just to do something good for the other person. I don't believe it has anything to do with ego either and I as well whenever have cash in my pocket always try to give the homeless guy that didn't ask for any change/cash a buck or two or a hand full of change. I have a friend that is quite lenient with his money since he is blissful to have a wealthy family and a good job, and I always see him pull out around $5-10 bucks to give to the homeless guy. Even if he just spent his last dollar on a pack of cigarettes or some food he'll just ask the homeless person if they want the pack of cigs or if they want the combo meal he just purchased. Those good people like that have blessings come for them I believe. Somewhat like karma.
Well anyways your blog was funny how it started....Your friend just there watching you with ur wee wee in ur hand ROFL!
At least you weren't wanking to animal porn (my friend caught his bro doing that haha).
It's like you say, whether a person is good or not depends on how you define 'good'. That's a complicated topic, there's lots of literature about it too.
I made a blog about this as well. I think for the most part we agree. If you really want to help your friend though, I think it would be effective to tell him that him helping himself would make you feel good.
I turn 19 tomorrow, but since TL is on the Korean time, I figure I might as well make this post today. In the province I live in, I will have every right I can have with regards to age. Under the eyes of the law, I guess that means it thinks I'm wise enough to handle those rights. So let me share with you some of my wisdom today.
The world is a funny place. The world is the only place. Living in it will be the only experience I ever have. Throughout life, I believe it is everyone's ambition to pursue pleasure, and evade pain. This is done by shaping the world around you. Moving this here and moving that there only to the end of this ambition.
Humans are funny creatures. For all the power we wield -the power to destroy, the power to create, the power to change- we are equally frail. A bump on the head can render us mentally handicapped, two days without food or sleep can leave us incapable of the simplest tasks, and a clever lie can make us hurt ourselves. Where one can kill another human, permanently damage another human, and deceive another human, one is equally capable of being both the assailant, and the victim.
When I was young, I believed whatever I wanted to believe. I believed no one wished ill upon me. I believed everyone's goal was to help me. I believed the world was a kind and gentle place. And I'll bet you did too.
Growing up, I eventually discovered through hard experiences that the world wasn't what I wanted it to be. The world was what it was. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is looking out for their self-interests alone. Our mothers, our friends, our neighbours and our leaders are all looking out for their personal agenda. Sometimes that's bad news for someone else.
All people are hedonistic, but not all people are intelligent. In fact, very few people posses a strong sense of foresight and reasoning when they make their decisions. This realisation came to me after I discovered the ladder. In the space of time before I realised so many people, including close friends, were not as intelligent as I'd been giving them credit for, I made many mistakes, and befell many losses. It came from trying to predict people constantly. I would always assess someone's motives (what I knew they thought would make them happy), and decide what the most obvious and best things were that they would do to achieve their goals. That was how I knew what people were going to do before they did things. But it only works sometimes, and because it worked for so long, I started staking more, and more important things on it. I'd decide what I was going to do based on how I predicted someone's behaviour. When things went awry and someone stopped acting how I knew they should act, I got confused. I looked for things that were wrong, I wondered if the person's goals had changed. What I finally discovered was that they had, but not really. The end goals were all the same, only one new goal was added; Which was to sit on this person's ass and do fuck all while things spiralled to shit. Essentially, this person was an idiot.
You might say that if this person found pleasure in sitting on their ass and doing nothing, then despite it being short term, they were achieving their goals. And you'd be right. But I don't believe anyone can be happy doing nothing while they watch their life go to hell. This person was avoiding the imagined pain of going out and getting things on track, and accepting the real pain of feeling helpless and doing nothing. This person was literally too stupid to pursue happiness, and avoid pain.
But this person was my really close friend. My own pursuit of pleasure involved her being around and happy in the future, so that I could rely on her. Naturally, I saw it as in line with my own interests to try to get her to pursue her own. I tried for months. Every bit of progress was destroyed the next day. Eventually she saw me as trying to bring her into the pain (of pursuing her goals) that she was avoiding. It was backlash. If she was refusing my help, I could only stop offering it. We stopped being friends, and I was distraught over the loss, my own pursuit a failure. A month without talking, and she finally spoke up. She finally seemed to realise. She apologised and agnoized over her foolishness. But I couldn't accept it. I couldn't be friends with her. It hurt, but I thought there was no point in wasting anymore time.. In giving in. Maybe I was an idiot. Maybe I feared pain where pleasure could have came. Maybe I wasn't. It was never clear. I sent her off with the best wishes I could give. I told her that it didn't matter what she'd done, as long as she learned from it she didn't need to regret it. And then we said good bye. A month later, I wanted to check up on her but she wasn't to be found. I don't know what happened to her, but I fear the worst.
She'd hurt me. She'd hurt me so many times. Not because I wanted to be her lover, no, we were only friends. But because I'd felt so betrayed when she'd whisked away our friendship. Took me for granted. I wouldn't have any of that. I'd leave her. I didn't think she'd care. I thought she'd grown tired of me and was only pursuing her pleasure. But she did. She came back for me twice. The first time I graciously welcomed her back. The second I decided she needed to learn a lesson. Not only for myself, but for her in her future friendships. When she realises that even if Jesus himself couldn't have broken them before, they could become frail and meaningless when left unattended.
It seemed that the lesson I was teaching was the lesson I was learning at the same time. The lesson that things are not as reliable as you want them to be. Things are only what you make them. Humans are only what they are. Your best friends will deceive you if they're too stupid to realise you won't put up with it, and they'll miss you when you're gone. The assumption that everyone knows what they're doing is a false one. But despite this knowledge, your actions cannot change. You cannot save someone from the consequences of their foolishness. They must learn the hard way, or not at all.
On October 30 2008 23:31 Nytefish wrote: At least you weren't wanking to animal porn (my friend caught his bro doing that haha).
It's like you say, whether a person is good or not depends on how you define 'good'. That's a complicated topic, there's lots of literature about it too.
I used to think animal porn was a joke... Cause like "animals are always naked and doing what they want, why would you need to film that?" What a world.
On October 30 2008 23:31 Nytefish wrote: At least you weren't wanking to animal porn (my friend caught his bro doing that haha).
It's like you say, whether a person is good or not depends on how you define 'good'. That's a complicated topic, there's lots of literature about it too.
I used to think animal porn was a joke... Cause like "animals are always naked and doing what they want, why would you need to film that?" What a world.
I think he meant human on animal porn, a slight difference.