So I have been playing iccup for about 5 season worth. Each season I have different accounts and each account I at a C or over.
So I tried to get today and was denied. I ask around to see why this is possible. Iccup wasn't down, iccup launcher is updated.
MMMM only possible answer is that im IP Banned. But why? So I go into the forums and don't not see anything about me. So I sent a PM to one of the admins and I was told "suspected of abusing / bming players who I have played."
I can't beleive this. Who cares if I make fun of some kid who should not be on iccup in the first place and can not play this game after being out for around 10years. And for the abusing, I play who ever wants to play me. If its a D- to someone who is at my rank or above. It grants me around 25pts if im at a C grade and they are at a D grade.
I can't beleive this, and from what im told almost impossible to get un-Ip banned...Wow
Someone probably reported you for abusing D- / D level players to get C season after season. The report was probably because you bm'd him and he looked at your account and saw what you did so he reported you. Sucks, but there's no reason to bm someone no matter how bad they are or how much they bm you, no matter how much time they've had to improve.
Have fun on b.net, hope it was worth it.
You see, if you were a nice person this wouldn't have happened.
Well the only thing you can do is write a long, formal, sincere apology to a head admin.
Mmm when they(The zerg) makes an extractor and an evolution chamber before a pool, I beleive I can bm them.
While people like Dashh[uC] actually abuse and bm. 19-1, 18-0. Yeah...
And I wrote a nice well thoughtout letter and no response. The admins just go off the public, they seem they don't do anything investigations of their own.
Maybe you should take that as a lesson to not be a dick ever. When I encounter a noob I try to help him. Because fuck we've all been there at one point or another. No reason to bag on a guy. It's a different story if its 2v2 though and hes on my team. Then I get annoyed, I still try to help though.
That's a shit attitude you got there. Just because you're better doesn't give you the right to insult people. By that logic it's okay for an A rank player to bm you because, relatively speaking, you're a noob.
On September 30 2008 18:33 SexY[RawR] wrote:
I can't beleive this. Who cares if I make fun of some kid who should not be on iccup in the first place and can not play this game after being out for around 10years. And for the abusing, I play who ever wants to play me. If its a D- to someone who is at my rank or above. It grants me around 25pts if im at a C grade and they are at a D grade.
You sound like a real dick. Kudos to ICCUP for banning someone who admits he's an asshole, so they can keep a more sportsmanlike atmosphere.
On September 30 2008 19:03 Nytefish wrote: That's a shit attitude you got there. Just because you're better doesn't give you the right to insult people. By that logic it's okay for an A rank player to bm you because, relatively speaking, you're a noob. exactly, this game has been out 10 years, so why cant a noob like you get to rankA? it must be because you suck and are a waste of space. You are a dick and now you cant play on iccup.
Hardly but ok. Just because I havnt reach the A grade doesnt mean I can not compete with them. But yes when someone goes Evolution Chamber then extractor does give me the right. I don't beleive I was ever that retarded.
No it doesn't you moron, that's like saying that if you and some guy are making pizzas together and he puts the pepperonis under the cheese you can abuse him because pizza making has been around for a thousand years (I made pizzas as my summer job so thats why I'm talking about fucking pizzas as my example). Or say playing chess and some guy makes a dumb opening move, you don't verbally abuse him. SC is a complicated game and not everyone knows what to do when they start. If they go evo then gas and are on ICCUP, then kudos to them for getting on a private 1v1 server before learning what a BO is (which sounds pretty implausible but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt).
Your logic is stupid, shut your mouth while you're ahead.
I'm pretty sure nobody ever has "the right" to bm someone else. Even if the person is a bad mannered fag themself; let alone just someone new to the game.
Russian Federation386 Posts
On September 30 2008 19:09 SexY[RawR] wrote:But yes when someone goes Evolution Chamber then extractor does give me the right.
Glad people like you aren't allowed to play on ICCup.
He was never ahead.
And he's just digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Just because someone does'nt know - even about the basics of the game - gives you no right to rip him a new hole.
There is never - and I mean never - a reason to be BM in this game. Not even in retaliation to BM itself.
Have the common decency to either grow up - or go play on East.
maybe he was testing some build? -.-
what do you know? maybe he's having fun? maybe he gave his account to his friend to play and laughed at him for his build (that dosen't give you the right to do so too+bm him)? I don't think anyone knows about iccup if they already don't know the basic build order. (but that's not the point anyway)
and why are you complaining, you got your points, what do you want more? go to euro/asia/whatever and bm your friends for playing bad.
imo, since you still don't get it that what you did is wrong, you should not be unbanned. when you really understand why you were banned, maybe, maybe you should be given a chance.
you deserve to get banned whether your opponent has 18 apm or not whether you're c or even a+ you have no right to put down someone just because they want to get better at this game but are bad.
try ipconfig /renew and see if you're still banned O_o?
this thread shows that he deserves to be still banned
obv fast carapace ling build whos the noob now ^^
Why make multiple accounts to just reach something you've already got- C ; just stick to that rank and keep playing instead of copping out. In light of that, if you are bm to people who actually play a C as a D rank that are actually trying to get better by playing higher ranks... clearly showing a lot more aptitude than some C player bashing D ranks everyday and on top of it all; thinking he's better than them,.
On September 30 2008 18:33 SexY[RawR] wrote: Who cares if I make fun of some kid who should not be on iccup in the first place and can not play this game after being out for around 10years.
Why shouldn't he be on iCCup? Because some people are trying to get better and just happen to be quite bad? This seems like you were a dick to people on iCCup and now your crying about it. Don't have sympathy for you one bit. Enjoy B.net.
EDIT: Oh yes and I agree with the person who said kudos to iCCup.