Mai sobs. She holds onto the jar tighter before she pushes herself up from the floor. Her legs wobble as she stands. Her body still trembles as tears stream down her face as she takes a step forward- Her vision blurred by the tears, her feet hitting all that was before her, guiding her, for her tears continuously flow out of her eyes like a waterfall; the dim lighting the moon shared wasn't enough to allow Mai to make up anything before her.
Her stomach churned with pain and disgust, her body trembled at the gruesome sight in her hands, and with her heartbeat that she felt thumping inside her chest-with every step she took, her heart seemed to break more and more, piece by piece from the drumming of her heart; Beating so loud and painfully inside her chest as if it were to shatter glass that made up her heart.
Mai whined again, her lip quivering as she took a step forward, away from the living room where she once lay. Taking a step forward, away from the door . Taking a step forward, away from the box. Walking into the hallway, the carpet floor that Mai walked on was changed to cold wood floors as she walked past the threshold.
The creaking of the wood floors were the only sounds to be heard besides Mai's soft sobbing. She ambles slowly, careful not to bump into anything to cause her to drop the jar. But- the small hallway only had so much room as she bumped into the small console table- the collision with it caused a glass object to fall. Flinching at the sound, Mai took a second to register it. The fallen glass shattered, piercing her bare foot, Mai felt her cold blood fall down the surface of her skin and trickle down her foot as many shards of glass pierce her foot, breaking the surface of her skin. Mai yelped in pain, moving her bleeding foot away from the glass and throwing her head back, unable to do much more with her hands full. She stands with her right foot on its heel, preventing the glass from going any deeper into her skin as she stands still.
Cold air blows on the back of Mai's neck- Mai stops breathing, as her hairs stand up. She was outside of Adam's room . She could feel the air in Adam's room flowing around her body, making her feel as if time itself was standing still.
Her body shook from both pain and shock. A feeling of grief began to creep it's way around her heart.
"Adam, I.." she spoke softly, but her lips and voice were shaky…
She couldn't see, but she felt the cold air from his room flow out of his open door. Goosebumps arise on Mai's skin, and she slams her foot down, the glass In her foot throbbing in pain.
Mai's foot hurt- she felt the blood running out of the cut, and she winced as she took another step. The air from Adam's room felt as if it was his breath, as if he was trying to say something to her. It was a cold and eerie breath that made Mai's skin quiver. The cold air dried the tears running down Mai’s face, and the cold air hit her eyes.
She held the jar in her arms, her palms too sweaty to hold them for her- then Mai took another step. She was walking forward, walking to the end of the hallway, past Adam's bedroom.
Mai walked, ignoring the pain in her foot.
She walked.
She walked past Adam’s room,
Then her room.
She leaned on the wall as she limped forward, her eyes unable to aid her as she walked down the hall.
Her arms were locked together tightly to hold the jar
Her legs walked to the room- the room next to hers.
Slowly, she pushed the door open
And stepped into the room.
Mai let out her last sob as a burst of cold air hit her, causing her skin to tremble.
Then, Mai’s tears came to an end, but her sad expression did not falter.
She had already cried all the tears she had left,
She had nothing else to cry, she had nothing else in her body other than the blood that dripped from her foot, and the air she gasped for.
But then the pain from her foot filled her, and it ached- a sudden pain as the reality of the situation she was in washed over her. She couldn't take another step, with the pain of the glass pieces piercing her foot. Her body trembled and shook, filled with coldness, and fear. As Mai tried to continue to walk, she dropped to the floor, clasping the jar to her chest while she fell back-first as she dropped herself to the dusty cold wooden floor.
Her body hit the floor with an ‘uhff’ sound and a grunt. Her body continued to tremble violently. With her falling to the floor, the pieces of broken glass still stuck in the skin of her foot got thrust in deeper.
She winced in pain, and her foot began to tremble even more. Fear creeping into her, gripping her heart with no intention of letting go of her.
Her heart began to beat faster, and she tried to breathe, but she felt like she couldn't...
She was frozen. she was laying on the floor, her body trembling and shaking. Tears dared to escape her eyes as her lips trembled and her body was filled with coldness, pain and fear.
Mai let out a small whimper. She felt the cold breath of death as she heard the breathing from inside the room that was next to her own.
Mai clamped her eyes shut, then let out a weak groan, throwing her head back as she bit her lip the same way she had previously done before; her teeth sinking into her lip, making her lip bleed again. She was in pure pain and it all felt too overwhelming. The pain filled her mind and body. The emotional pain making her hurt more than anything else.
She was on the floor; too shaken to and winced at the pain, she felt weak.
Mai took a deep breath, she was on the cold floor, and the pulsing from her foot made her even more aware of her situation…Mai gasped from the pain and gently placed the jar down next to her- moving to sit on her knees to reach for the light switch. Before reaching the light switch, Mai suddenly froze. She heard something, someone was breathing from behind. And it was coming closer.
Mai looked behind her to see what was breathing- And there... She saw a shadow of a face... Just standing there, a few feet behind her and away from the door. The shadow did not move, it just stood there... staring down at Mai laying on the floor, bleeding, unresponsive. It was terrifying.
It smelt vile
It smelt like blood.
Out of instinct, Mai swiftly moved her hand to the light switch
The yellow light filled the room in an instant, Mai’s eyes squinted from the bright light
Then opened her eyes quickly.
No one was there
The room was filled with an eerie silence.
Mai let out a soft gasp as she realised that the shadow was not there, and that the breathing was gone.
The shadow had vanished into the darkness. Mai looked through the room and didn’t see a sign of another person. It was like it was never there in the first place. Mai blinked her eyes, feeling a wave of relief after seeing that there was no one in the room, nor in the hallway.
The smell of blood remains in the air
Mai looked down at her bloody foot, and she felt a wave of pain as she saw the glass still stuck in her foot...
Mai was left alone, bleeding, and slowly closing into a shock... She was... Completely alone…
"A-ahh...", Mai winced in pain as she stood up, limping on her foot as she placed her hand on the wall, balancing herself.
The room around her was completely filled
Filled with robotic parts,
Mechanical parts,
Mai picked up the jar, looking at adam’s brain and eyes,
Mai already decided
She already knew what she was going to do
Mai were you crying because adam died
Or because you knew he wouldn't?