Welcome to this patch's General Discussion thread for the League of Legends subforum. This thread is for discussion around League of Legends. Free feel to talk about anything LoL related here that does not already have its own thread.
I cant wait for Lillia to be available, played a fair bit of PTS and she is so many times more fun than her kit suggest. One of the first new champions in ages that doesn't fell like cancer to play against too. :D
Nerfing tank Fiddle on the other hand is pure whenever a champion is viable in another way than Riot intented they always get slammed.
Love the lowkey omega buff (E) to toplane Skarner. :D
I had a Lillia support in one of my games. She went like 1 and 15. Haven't seen her otherwise. She's been perma babes at my elo.
For a champion that's supposed to be a jungler, her base armor is atrocious at a measly 20. Idk, her clear is fast when you get some items, but she feels mighty squishy in jungle over, and I don't even really see how you could effectively kite better. She can't even really abuse Raptor + rejuv Regen because her single target is bad enough that she needs to focus farm Raptors early, so you can't exactly skip Raptors and run by and hit them like you can on most Champions.
What do people think of LeeSin? I've always held this perception that you need to be an exceptional Lee player to pick him. But like... I had a couple of people pick him for me in trades because he was their only jungle pick and despite being awful at him I just kept winning. After this happen like 4 times, I noticed the 100% winrate and started actually picking him for myself; after 150 games I still have a 59% winrate on him at my "true Elo", which is the highest of about 5 picks I pay frequently. Conventionally, I'd say I'm what I would call a bad Lee Sin player... My damage share is always bad, my mechanics suck, and i fall off a cliff. I don't do flashy picks side from the occasional R flash, I don't tilt people off the face of the earth, I don't 1v9, I'm always behind in gold and xp, in 150 games I'm still mastery level 5 with only a single mastery 6 token and 60k champ experience... But I just win and win and win. I thought I was just lucky as hell for a long time, but at this point the sample size is so large I can't help but think maybe I'm "good at Lee sin."
On July 23 2020 10:44 iCanada wrote: For a champion that's supposed to be a jungler, her base armor is atrocious at a measly 20. Idk, her clear is fast when you get some items, but she feels mighty squishy in jungle over, and I don't even really see how you could effectively kite better. She can't even really abuse Raptor + rejuv Regen because her single target is bad enough that she needs to focus farm Raptors early, so you can't exactly skip Raptors and run by and hit them like you can on most Champions.
Hm? She has nearly full health after a leashless full clear, I could finish it around 3:25 pretty sure it can be done quite faster it was on PTS so I had shitty ping. Ravenous Hunter is bonkers on her for the sustain since her passive count as single target damage.
Start red and use Raptors like Rumble to heal. Krugs Raptors Wolf Blue (start Gromp when blue is around 1/3 and do both at the same time)
I feel like we're playing different Champions. You have a video? Relatively standard jungle kiting leaves me like half HP.
This video at around 2 minutes is imo as good as it gets, and even using the raptors to heal with a solo leash gets you about the same. This feels reliable, but I've tried for hours and can't seem to get any better results than about half HP.
I have seen some PBE videos, but that was prior to them gutting her base armor by like 8.
What do people think of LeeSin? I've always held this perception that you need to be an exceptional Lee player to pick him. "
I think he's very safe and not as hard as people think he is. He "feels" bad when you're not carrying on him and absolutely awful when you mess something up (failing an Insec is probably much worse than giving your Oriana a sombrero), but you don't have to be an exceptional Lee player to play him on an acceptable level.
On July 23 2020 12:05 iCanada wrote: I feel like we're playing different Champions. You have a video? Relatively standard jungle kiting leaves me like half HP.
This video at around 2 minutes is imo as good as it gets, and even using the raptors to heal with a solo leash gets you about the same. This feels reliable, but I've tried for hours and can't seem to get any better results than about half HP.
I have seen some PBE videos, but that was prior to them gutting her base armor by like 8.
In my worst red start Fleet Footwork runs I have ~620 after a leashless clear.
I dont have a clip but from that video I think he's missing way too many Talisman ticks. He's burst killing a lot of the small creeps instead of letting them die to dots meaning less Talisman ticks/heal, you take zero damage from them since you're kiting and you spend the same amount of time killing the big anyway. A lot (all if done perfectly I think) of the small can die while burning from passive/talisman without taking extra damage instead of just burst killing them. From the clip the first thing I noticed was the last 4 small krugs he doesn't hit all of them with inner circle meaning 2 less ticks likewise on raptors he's missing a fuckton ton the entire camp can die to dots while you're running towards wolves.
He might ironically be doing "too much" damage (you dont lose clear speed) from using double adaptive runes? I used 2x armor.
In short I think he's not utilizing her huge amount of dot damage and missing a lot of Talisman procs. I'd imagine the only time you want a leash on her is if you want to start blue or cheese gank.
On July 23 2020 12:05 iCanada wrote: I feel like we're playing different Champions. You have a video? Relatively standard jungle kiting leaves me like half HP.
This video at around 2 minutes is imo as good as it gets, and even using the raptors to heal with a solo leash gets you about the same. This feels reliable, but I've tried for hours and can't seem to get any better results than about half HP.
I have seen some PBE videos, but that was prior to them gutting her base armor by like 8.
In my worst red start Fleet Footwork runs I have ~620 after a leashless clear.
I dont have a clip but from that video I think he's missing way too many Talisman ticks. He's burst killing a lot of the small creeps instead of letting them die to dots meaning less Talisman ticks/heal, you take zero damage from them since you're kiting and you spend the same amount of time killing the big anyway. A lot (all if done perfectly I think) of the small can die while burning from passive/talisman without taking extra damage instead of just burst killing them. From the clip the first thing I noticed was the last 4 small krugs he doesn't hit all of them with inner circle meaning 2 less ticks likewise on raptors he's missing a fuckton ton the entire camp can die to dots while you're running towards wolves.
He might ironically be doing "too much" damage (you dont lose clear speed) from using double adaptive runes? I used 2x armor.
In short I think he's not utilizing her huge amount of dot damage and missing a lot of Talisman procs. I'd imagine the only time you want a leash on her is if you want to start blue or cheese gank.
This makes a semblance of sense to me. That being said, in the very least her clear is very... non standard and harder to get into than other champions I've sunk a lot of games into like say Nidalee or Qiyana.
What do people think of LeeSin? I've always held this perception that you need to be an exceptional Lee player to pick him. "
I think he's very safe and not as hard as people think he is. He "feels" bad when you're not carrying on him and absolutely awful when you mess something up (failing an Insec is probably much worse than giving your Oriana a sombrero), but you don't have to be an exceptional Lee player to play him on an acceptable level.
Yeah, with my experience, I'm leaning towards him being this quintessential beginner jungler that people get sucked into inting games away on instead of this mechanical god champion that 1v9s. I think if people played him the way they play say Warwick, there winrate would skyrocket. He's so forgiving with positioning and getting vision, has all these tools to engage, peel, and otherwise support people in fights that get overshadowing by trying to solo win games with insecs and stuff.
But honestly, I kind of think a standard Insec (QtrnketWR) is bad compared to say a W>Rflash>Q out. It's harder to accomplish. It is less consistent even when you do it well, its easy to escape or screw up the kick positioning, and you have no way to escape whatever position the Insec put you in in the first place. WRflashQ on the other hand is consistent as hell, is instant / less telegraphed and inescapable, and you get to Q out into the safety of your team. You burn flash, but you get the guaranteed safe pick. A lot of times if an ADC is on their game they will flash your insec anyway, and then you have to Rflash to actually Insec them anyway; meanwhile they are in a safer position, you're in a more precarious one, and you dont have any escapes. And mechanically it is waaaaaaay easier.
I think the stupidest part about Yone is that, up until this point, every champion that gets reworked is gone forever, yet this is obviously a Yasuo rework that they chose couldn't actually replace him, making every single player's complaint about removing old champions valid instantly
Spammable Q, magic damage in the kit to neutralize defensive itemization, %max health damage, free sustain, likely no mana or energy reliance...
At least his mobilty won't be as bad to play against as Yasuo's or Riven's. I don't think he's going to replace Yasuo as the most popular "I carry or I int" champion. His lanky model is also uglier in my opinion. Wrong kind of edgy.
the kit looks like higher utility - similar damage yasuo that is harder to fuck up
p.s. if he is able to pull back his E whenever he wants - should be pretty broken on top of the rest of his utility, like better Zed's W with more control and better supportive abilities