Ionic Spark Shen. :'(
Wow, I totally forgot about that item, I actually abused Lightning Shen.
Ardent Censor is Nidalee's highest winrate item in Korean Soloqueue per op.gg Most likely because if you're able to build it, you're winning anyway. Correlation /= causation.
Yeah, but like if you don't pop off then you're too poor to be sufficiently tanky and you do less damage now, too. Tankiness is a cheaper build than pure DPS, and the components are cheaper/more incremental, i.e. Ruby Crystal, and the Resolve tree gives a lot of tankiness (Aftershock, Grasp). So a poor tank jungler is possible, but in this meta where carry junglers snowball out of control so hard, I wouldn't pick them without a good reason in soloQ.
I would add annie and MF supports, even though annie made a name for herself as a viable support after that and is not considered trolling since then
My favourite toplane pick was GP with the Zeusplank builld. Max oranges, build shiv + wits (i think it was wits second) and then full tank. It's possible Wit's end was not in the build, but I'm quite sure it was..
On February 15 2020 21:02 Uldridge wrote: My favourite toplane pick was GP with the Zeusplank builld. Max oranges, build shiv + wits (i think it was wits second) and then full tank. It's possible Wit's end was not in the build, but I'm quite sure it was.. Ahhhh. Yes!
Yeah, Wit's End was part of it to both make him tankier and to enhance his passive's magic damage.
Not gonna lie I'm gonna miss Soraka/Sona top. Both because they're insanely fun to play but because if allowed to stay eventually people would find the "anti soraka" strats and it would evolve draft and allow even more champion/strategic diversity
On February 15 2020 18:34 DarkCore wrote:Most likely because if you're able to build it, you're winning anyway. Correlation /= causation. Show nested quote +Yeah, but like if you don't pop off then you're too poor to be sufficiently tanky and you do less damage now, too. Tankiness is a cheaper build than pure DPS, and the components are cheaper/more incremental, i.e. Ruby Crystal, and the Resolve tree gives a lot of tankiness (Aftershock, Grasp). So a poor tank jungler is possible, but in this meta where carry junglers snowball out of control so hard, I wouldn't pick them without a good reason in soloQ.
No one is winning games when they build Ardent Censor on Nidalee. It is an item you buy if you are falling off and doing anything you can to hold on to relevance into a game where you either didn't create a carry type lead. It is a last ditch "please god carry my worthless ass" purchase. If anything it gets the opposite of the "mejai's" effect, because you generally only buy it when you play poorly.
Also, I'm not really sure tanky stats that worth it on most meta junglers, idk. But I also main Graves and Nidalee unless thje other guy picks like Shyv, Eve, Mundo, or Nunu in which case I pick braindead shit like Mundo, Warwick, and Trundle and just 50/50 an otherwise counter matchup.
On February 17 2020 13:49 chipmonklord17 wrote: Not gonna lie I'm gonna miss Soraka/Sona top. Both because they're insanely fun to play but because if allowed to stay eventually people would find the "anti soraka" strats and it would evolve draft and allow even more champion/strategic diversity
Agreed. Mostly because either of those champions with Jungle Graves is like a 90% win, picks compliment each-others weaknesses perfectly.
On February 17 2020 13:49 chipmonklord17 wrote: Not gonna lie I'm gonna miss Soraka/Sona top. Both because they're insanely fun to play but because if allowed to stay eventually people would find the "anti soraka" strats and it would evolve draft and allow even more champion/strategic diversity Yeah. I feel they were way too quick at jumping the nerf gun. I dont understand why they let Akali/Aatrox/Irelia be blatantly overpowered for ages but instantly nerf something like Soraka. Unless your champion does flashy things I guess you have to live in fear of the mighty nerf hammer.
Soraka comps remind me of goats from Overwatch which I also loved to play/watch. :'(
it's actually very lame (riot's approach)
I dont understand why they let Akali/Aatrox/Irelia be blatantly overpowered for ages but instantly nerf something like Soraka.
Because new champs, and also to sell dem skinz.
Soraka needed a nerf, the problem with anti Soraka comps is that it narrows your draft (a laner that can kill Soraka is not enough), and also gives up the ability to draft other strong meta picks. She's pretty safe for a top laner since she can lane from a distance and also doesn't need to farm well. But she doesn't need to be butchered, they should just rework her E, allowing more counterplay against her heal.
New York City13113 Posts
On February 15 2020 11:25 Jek wrote:Show nested quote +On February 14 2020 03:40 GrandInquisitor wrote: Also tempted to give honorable mention to Ardent Censer, which somehow in one patch, without even being buffed in that patch, went from "no one built it" to "you're trolling if you don't start Relic Shield on the ADC to help your support rush it even faster". This one is so odd. Everyone on /jannamains knew it was busted for many patches in advance and Apdo had been ranting for months about how fucking stupid it was.... and then Riot buffed it again. Dont know if it was a gentleman's agreement about pros that they didn't start to use it until Worlds was locked on the patch or what the fuck was going on. No, it's that pros were and remain fucking bad at builds. A brief history of Ardent:
+ Show Spoiler +
Honestly, the fact that it's hard to calculate optimality for builds means that actually paying attention to builds is the lowest-hanging fruit if I were a League analyst. There are so many absolute shit builds going around even at the pro level: the skew towards Rabadon's instead of Void Staff, the over-emphasis on Coup de Grace instead of Cut Down or Last Stand, Doublelift and others building Alacrity + Berserker's on Senna, people still building BC on Darius for some reason.
(LS is wrong about Morello though - the pros are right to build it, because there's so much healing in the game, and even passive health regen is basically enough to justify it, even before taking into account slot efficiency considerations.)
I don't agree with LS on Morellos either, people build it because it also has a bunch of highly desirable stats (health, AP, MPen) which quite a few snowball heavy AP junglers really want, plus a debuff which is basically mandatory in the current meta. That's also why Riot nerfed it a few seasons ago.
On February 18 2020 00:05 GrandInquisitor wrote:Show nested quote +On February 15 2020 11:25 Jek wrote:On February 14 2020 03:40 GrandInquisitor wrote: Also tempted to give honorable mention to Ardent Censer, which somehow in one patch, without even being buffed in that patch, went from "no one built it" to "you're trolling if you don't start Relic Shield on the ADC to help your support rush it even faster". This one is so odd. Everyone on /jannamains knew it was busted for many patches in advance and Apdo had been ranting for months about how fucking stupid it was.... and then Riot buffed it again. Dont know if it was a gentleman's agreement about pros that they didn't start to use it until Worlds was locked on the patch or what the fuck was going on. No, it's that pros were and remain fucking bad at builds. A brief history of Ardent: + Show Spoiler +Honestly, the fact that it's hard to calculate optimality for builds means that actually paying attention to builds is the lowest-hanging fruit if I were a League analyst. There are so many absolute shit builds going around even at the pro level: the skew towards Rabadon's instead of Void Staff, the over-emphasis on Coup de Grace instead of Cut Down or Last Stand, Doublelift and others building Alacrity + Berserker's on Senna, people still building BC on Darius for some reason. (LS is wrong about Morello though - the pros are right to build it, because there's so much healing in the game, and even passive health regen is basically enough to justify it, even before taking into account slot efficiency considerations.) DL is so bad at Senna it hurts.
You didn’t like Bjergsen’s no morello, no void after 3 items into Yuumi Ornn?
Actually this makes me think of a good post game stat to add, if on the damage to champions graph you could split it into damage to who/damage from who
Darius can solo baron next patch with Warrior, Tabis, and Spirit Visage.
Likely constitutes an enormous buff to his top lane, as that means he can solo / 2-man baron at 20 minutes easily with top itemization, too.
I think he's ability to assist with herald takes would be more important to overall viability.
On February 18 2020 19:18 cLutZ wrote: I think he's ability to assist with herald takes would be more important to overall viability.
Will it? I'm pretty sure every jungler in the game can solo rift herald quite safely if there is adequate map pressure and vision/
New York City13113 Posts
On February 18 2020 04:49 Slusher wrote: You didn’t like Bjergsen’s no morello, no void after 3 items into Yuumi Ornn?
Actually this makes me think of a good post game stat to add, if on the damage to champions graph you could split it into damage to who/damage from who I know this is academy so they're barely even pro but Tuesday's Rumble build was so fucking bad I had to call it out here
First he builds sorc boots into Liandry's. Good build, nothing wrong here. Then he builds a Zhonya's, and also picks up a refillable pot at 23:42. The Zhonya's is smart, the refillable pot at 23:42 is pretty weird, especially since he sells it at 26:02, but maybe it was a mouse slip.
Except at 26:02 he buys another Fiendish Codex. What? Why? Rumble doesn't need to rush CDR, he already has Zhonya's, so what, is he really going to replace an item in his build with Banshee's? Of course not - he builds Rabadon's while sitting on Codex, holding him back both slot-wise (he doesn't buy any more pinks for the rest of the game) as well as gold-wise.
Then he built SPELLBINDER WHILE STILL SITTING ON CODEX. On Rumble! Not the Void Staff that Rumble so desperately needs against a team where every champion has built MR. Spellbinder!
So then he SELLS the Spellbinder and the Codex to finally build Void Staff. AND THEN HE BUYS ANOTHER NEEDLESSLY LARGE ROD. When he already has a Deathcap, and literally just sold the Spellbinder that is the only other item NLR builds into!
Bro, he's so much better than you at the game, I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing to maximize his dps. /hard s
The /s wasn't needed, we are all 200 IQ memers here.
Sorry, it's the internet, you can literally never be too careful/clear.