United States22883 Posts
I wasn't really criticizing you so much as I was correcting. You transcend past worrying about bad things (sufferings) but the good and bad morals still exist. Meditation and practice are two separate parts to it. Good and bad are built into dharma which is a heavy part of Zen Buddhism and karma is included as well. While meditating you reach a state of mind where you no longer think of those things, but you still adhere to their very well defined principles of good and bad. Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
You may not agree with that which is perfectly fine and I think moral relativism has a good amount of weight as well, but good and bad actions/thoughts/etc. do exist in Zen Buddhism.
The "maybe" proverb shows that it can be futile to label things as good and bad, but I don't think it dismisses them all together. It shows that all things are combination of good and bad. Every action has good consequences and bad consequences.