If you think jungle is bad try being a support that prefer enchanters. You're harming your adc more than helping since you're going to be duolaning much more than braindead champs like Leona or Nautilus.
[Patch 10.2] Dragon Slayer/Guardians Discussion - Page 2
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Denmark2771 Posts
If you think jungle is bad try being a support that prefer enchanters. You're harming your adc more than helping since you're going to be duolaning much more than braindead champs like Leona or Nautilus. | ||
Australia8596 Posts
On January 28 2020 06:10 Bladeorade wrote: Did I say anything about 1v1ing the mid laner? I was down 4 levels while have a very successful game That is absolutely stupid and im willing to bet the opposing orianna was also having a very successful game? shes not going to be 4 levels up on you by being 0/3/0. if she was, then you werent having a successful game at all. people need to realise now that this season the jungle role is still as important as ever, only for different reasons. the games not about accelerating farm on as many lanes as possible, its about increasing the difference between the junglers so that you can take all the dragons. stop whinging that the solo laners are eclipsing you in xp and instead get your huge laners to pressure their jungle with you. why do you think counter jungling was brought back to the game? if you still want to play the s9 jungle role that leads in xp and roams all over the map and sets everything up, switch to mid; because thats essentially what the s9 jungle role was; a mid lane that came online faster | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
Preemptive change list for 10.3, which seems to be a lot of what we hoped. MF, Senna and Aphelios nerfs hopefully make other ADC even remotely pickable, although my bet is that Senna and Aphelios will continue to dominate. And what do you know, the Sona buff was retarded, who knew . | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
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Belgium4469 Posts
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Poland9084 Posts
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Canada10660 Posts
I think they're both fine on their own, because you can outplay big ten with burst, and you can outplay a shield by just not attacking into the shield, but with them both combined Sett wins either way; if you disengage when he pop's W shield he regens a ridiculous amount, if you try and trade through the shield he kills you because he has like 200% eHP. Just too much raw survivability. He gets to kind of have his cake and eat it too. The jungler in me would tend towards them nerfing the shield, because largely his passive is what makes him work in the jungle along with all the auto resets, but something has to give. I have a feeling riot will nerf the passive, because it makes more sense that the strong parts of the kit be active instead of passive. | ||
Belgium4469 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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United States4029 Posts
On January 29 2020 00:15 Sent. wrote: How are you supposed to play around Senna's poke in the early game? I don't play a lot of bot/supp recently, but whenever I have to lane against her in the early game I have no idea how to react to her point and click poke. It's like laning against the old Pantheon and having to deal with the constant rain of his Qs, except it's worse because Senna's powerful autos don't cost mana. yeah I mostly play top but every once in a while I play AD and I have no idea how to lane against Senna lol | ||
Canada10660 Posts
I think his inherent tankiness is more of a problem, but I could be wrong. I've been spamming him and lethality Graves / Pantheon though, so I'm used to blowing people up. On the pbe they're buffing jungle XP from level 1 to 7 by 4.5%. Its a kind of convoluted change though, results in level 5 one camp earlier, level 6 in same camp break point. Strangely, they are buffing blue side note than red side, which is kind of weird because almost all junglers are pretty much just spam clearing Blue side as it is. I thought they said they wanted both sides to be more equal, but they're actually nerfing the first red spawns XP, and Raptors seem unchanged. Kind of bizarre. Krugs are recently buffed, but they still take 3 years to clear.... That Golem spawning time is awful. And they're buffing crab by about 15xp, which seems heavy, given early game skirmishing junglers are already meta. More Lee + Elise I guess. | ||
Australia8596 Posts
On January 29 2020 00:15 Sent. wrote: How are you supposed to play around Senna's poke in the early game? I don't play a lot of bot/supp recently, but whenever I have to lane against her in the early game I have no idea how to react to her point and click poke. It's like laning against the old Pantheon and having to deal with the constant rain of his Qs, except it's worse because Senna's powerful autos don't cost mana. ignoring godlike dodges and reactions because theyre too hard to consistently pull off, your only options are pick a duo that has good all-in or take tp on your ad and just try and go even in lane. sennas still squishy so a strong duo can 100-0 him with ignite, otherwise you just give priority to senna and farm under tower and wait for ganks | ||
Denmark2771 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
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United States1898 Posts
On January 29 2020 13:56 Jek wrote: If you're premade just go Xerath+Brand, both max W and watch her ragequit after ~5 minutes. Her slow attack speed make it nearly impossible to miss W if she has the audacity to hit one of your minions. Yeah I feel like double mage is great vs Senna I like Neeko/Veigar Neeko doesnt really need a lot of gold to function I think she's going to end up being a decent support. Unless she is I didnt play for like 2 years | ||
Germany4194 Posts
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Australia2347 Posts
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Germany4194 Posts
Other little things that come to mind are Janna ult negating her ult, Janna/Nami/Soraka looking like good picks vs her in general, Naut/Thresh/Leona kill lanes blowing her up etc. | ||
United States19143 Posts
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