United Kingdom20270 Posts
On September 16 2019 17:40 Pandemona wrote: Does this bug not work the same way it did for when people were leveling, where they logged out after clearing big trash pull in ZF to respawn the mobs and do it again? That way you can spam dungeons without getting the cooldown cuz u reset the instance and went back in etc etc? Will that now not be able to happen?
Nop, that's layer exploit
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
Oh so you are not allowed to do that? I saw a lot of streamers do this leveling up xD
Unless youre missing a step, this is not the same. The exploit involves getting invited by someone else to get on their layer while being anywhere in the dungeon. You dont get layered by relogging, you will always be on the same layer by your own (apparently).
On September 16 2019 13:41 Cyro wrote:I've had worse multi shots than that lol, even in your vid that's several times the "10 yard" radius - looks closer to 30! Show nested quote +I'm also bummed about bosses not doing abilities in classic like they did in vanilla huh? ------- some of the published changes I looked in few mins just form ~3 patches:
Maraudon Noxxious Scions will no longer spawn when you cleanse Celebrian Vines.
Zul'Farrak The respawn of the 2 Troll/1 Basilisk patrollers should now be 2 hours. Reduced the damage dealt by the Sul'lithuz Abomination and Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler. Zul'Farrak Dead Heroes are no longer elites. Theka the Martyr will now only remain immune to physical damage for 30 seconds before reverting to normal. Antu'sul's Sul'lithuz Broodlings now only hatch 4 at a time and are significantly weaker. Witch Doctor Zum'rah will no longer call as many Zul'Farrak Zombies to his aid when aggroed. Weegli Blastfuse now has slightly more hit points. Antu'sul's Warden no longer attempts to knock adventurers into Antu'sul's lair. Sandfury Cretins who engage the party during the pyramid event are no longer able to cast shadow bolt.
Uldaman Reduced the number of Shadowforge Ambushers that attack after looting the quest chest. Shadowforge Ambushers are no longer elite. The respawn of the Stone Stewards has been changed to 2 hours (from 30 minutes).
LBRS Removed the stacking acid from the Flesh Tentacles in the C'thun encounter. Digestive Acid now increases its effect over time during the C'thun encounter. Fixed a bug that could allow for the Digestive Acid debuff to be removed. Lowered the amount of knockback dealt by Giant Tentacles. Tentacles should no longer spawn on players who have just been knocked back by a previous tentacle.
AQ The hitpoints of every creature in the General Rajaxx encounter has been lowered. Damage of General Rajaxx has been lowered. It should no longer be possible for Emperor Vek'lor and Vek'nilash to Unbalancing Strike or Arcane Burst immediately after a teleport. Certain monsters have had their hitpoints reduced.
Oh I assume you mean some content being the way it "ended up" in 1.12 or 1.13 or whatever, rather than when it was originally launched. Not WoW Classic having missing/incorrect implementation.
8748 Posts
community has proven to be pretty awful. you'd have no idea you're playing a coop game. people camp npc's for rare recipes just to sell them on AH marked up +60 gold. they park their characters directly on top of npc's just to make it harder to click on the npc (??). people are selfish when doing quests, picking up quest items while you are killing the mobs that were guarding it. on pvp servers, same faction doesn't help you when you get attacked by opposite faction
it's all so depressing and discouraging. we're all supposed to be on the same team, especially pvp server your faction is all your teammates, but the average player will take any opportunity to get themselves a greater reward at the cost of someone else getting a lesser reward.
would be really funny to me if some of these dicks who monopolize things on the AH and charge more than they're worth just to enrich themselves for shit they dont really need, or just to have a lot of gold in their account, are poor in real life and speak out against wealthy people and corporations doing the same thing in real life to them. and now they're playing a fucking video game that's supposed to be cooperative. the stakes are infinitely low / meaningless, and yet they can't resist being greedy themselves
anyway, mmorpg's will never work properly because human nature doesnt support it. idk why people thought classic wow would somehow be an exception full of people who care about community. it is not even close. just a depressing game to play. idk how people play it and dont get depressed by how shitty everyone treats each other. that's all i can do is pretend the other people arent real people and play with friends who are actually cooperative
My experience has been the exact opposite, I’ve witnessed and benefited from a lot of unusual courtesies as I’ve leveled. Seems like some big variance across servers.
Charlie Sheens House51436 Posts
To add to NonY's point, myself personally, i would love for the LFG dungeon tool to be added, i mean i am spamming /2 and /4 channels for a healer for my friends for up to 20-30 minutes at a time before finding a group. The summon stones....i can see them, but cannot use them so unless you have a Warlock friend you have to run to every dungeon which again i don't mind to an extent but as a horde player running to Deadmines now on a PvP realm is just not a good idea.
Having the ability to put yourself in a queue for a dungeon and get teleported into it for me isn't ruining the game or "destroying" the community if you are only queuing into people on your same realm like it released as back in LK expansion right? That way you can make the friends there and continue on as normal.
That is my only other point to add to NonY's little rant which i agree with and have seen first hand on EU side as well. I even whispered one guy when i died in Hillsbrad and said yo dude ress at same time as me and we will kill this mage as there is 3 of us. He never replied, i ressed with my mate we both tried kill the mage while he ressed and ran away xD
On September 17 2019 00:43 farvacola wrote: My experience has been the exact opposite, I’ve witnessed and benefited from a lot of unusual courtesies as I’ve leveled. Seems like some big variance across servers. Same. I've come across so many helpful and nice people. On both sides actually, I came across a horde priest quite some levels above me who just finished an elite mob. They waited around for 10 minutes to help me kill the mob, waiting to let me tag it.
It has been a really great experience and I've grouped with so many people just to meet them a few days later and group with them again. And anytime I've been chain-ganked I've asked for help in chat and gotten so many people rallying to help me out. Or people coming to help do quests even if they don't need them themselves.
So yeah, I have experienced pretty much the opposite.
Also they're not summoning stones, as it says on them, they're meeting stones. It's a place for groups to meet before heading into the dungeon. And I'd definitely be saddened to see LFG added, and I'm glad the devs aren't interested in even entertaining such an idea.
United Kingdom20270 Posts
My experience flipped strongly negative when i hit around 55 as well. My "raiding" guild with a bunch of promise decided to push back guild raids into the next month so that half a dozen of the officers/gm could raid with their friends in another guild a reset or two sooner which then led to a mass exodus from the raid core and that kind of behavior continued.
I joined a highly active guild afterwards and over these last few days i've been trying to get ony attune to join them. I and some other guildies (i was friends with a few before joining) posted an advertisement to run UBRS a bunch of times yesterday and then today very regularly for 18 hours straight in guild chat (and four hours in LFG channel) - 0 tanks and 0 healers from guild. Zero. The run didn't happen after all of that for lack of people.
This is a guild that has 100 people online right now. They're running Onyxia - and killing her - with 30 people because the rest of the guild are not attuned, yet there are more than 10 people in guild available to raid who are sitting on the last step of attunement, some of them for quite a while.
I would say go respec/reroll to tank/healer but every tank and healer slot in the raid team is filled already so it would be raid suicide to do so. I don't expect anyone else (nor myself) to lock themselves into an offrole that has no chance of seeing a raid.
I don't see any good option here aside from find new people to play with that aren't shit(?) - maybe the pool of players won't be like this in another 2-8 weeks when people are starting to raid without playing all day every day. The current dudes seem to have burned through their launch hype and jumped right into the "got mine, screw everyone else" playstyle!
28077 Posts
There’s a lot of loot drama at higher levels too. People rolling need on someone else’s BIS, etc.
mmmh I get a lot of cooperation going on in wpvp but ofc it depends. It probably depends on server too. I don't necessarily expect somebody on my "team" or faction to act in my favor because I know they just don't have to (you might be playing a evil character if you want..). In many ways the way I play my own character is very much a war soldier mostly on the offense against the horde, although I almost never attack grey characters (sometimes I just throw some spell at them and leave). Some people play more defensively or passively even on pvp server, and would avoid engaging a hordie if they can because they will survive longer in the area for that (many hordies won't attack them on sight).
I'm 39 and still having fun and the "hardcore omfg need to raid/need bis gear right naaaooo" are 10-20 levels higher ..
I just play by myself, i know a few people that also play but i mainly go at it alone. My friendlist is growing "naturally" and the exploits that some people have exploited don't matter to me because i take it slowish and i'm on one of the newer servers so there aren't as many hardcore people that took holydays here.
But well.. in 2 days its off to Japan for a 3 week holyday, no more WoW. After that i'm gonna search some guild that wants to raid ~2 days a week and we'll see how long i'm motivated.
Experience on a PvP server has mostly been great, as a WL before Deathcoil i'm basically just fresh meat for any rogue/warrior but besides 2-3 man gank squads (warrior + healer + who cares) that kill everything on sight it's pretty peacefull as long as you don't fight for a questmob... Which leads to madness, which is glorious in itself . The lvl ~30 warriors with whirlwind axes are the only thing that really pisses me off so far, that thing is so broken if you can get it that early ^^.
8748 Posts
sorry for the rant. glad to hear other people are having better experiences. im on stalagg, not one of the original servers but one of the early ones. i think a lot of people who primarily want to "get ahead" and empower their own characters as much as possible as fast as possible are on my server
if i could have leveled faster it would've been smoother. but im kind of in the wave of people who dont quite have that much time to dump into the game but are still leveling pretty fast (im 53 atm). so they probably feel like they gotta do everything they can to help themselves in order to keep up with the people who have more time. idk
On September 17 2019 09:55 NonY wrote: sorry for the rant. glad to hear other people are having better experiences. im on stalagg, not one of the original servers but one of the early ones. i think a lot of people who primarily want to "get ahead" and empower their own characters as much as possible as fast as possible are on my server
if i could have leveled faster it would've been smoother. but im kind of in the wave of people who dont quite have that much time to dump into the game but are still leveling pretty fast (im 53 atm). so they probably feel like they gotta do everything they can to help themselves in order to keep up with the people who have more time. idk
That might be it. I feel like people in that range are people who want to be try hards but cant be for 1 reason or another and that makes that an uncomfortable space to be in.
Most of my experience has been warm and fuzzies.. this is literally just now like 2 mins ago.
We had rolled on Stallag but moved to Sulfurus (I hadnt even started before that decision was made any alot of people jsut rerolled after getting frustrated with ques) and I think it was an excellent decision. Its the third / fourth most populated server. Wont die, but there arent anyassholes here either. And I personally have never gotten a que for more than a few minutes but peo0le have.
So I do think the server matters quite a bit. That having been said I have people on disc again right now ranting about corpse camping, npc camping, idiots standing over nps with gigantic pots (that was quick) trying to bait people into clicking on them.. but like.. thats the game.
Standing over NPCs was a thing you could do until Mop? I think, me and a couple of people(shitty looking back) did it when the molten front opened in cata a bit early so we could get the 30day mount and blacksmith plans a day or two ahead of everyone. frustrating but its a part of classic i guess.
I experience shitty and pleasant behavior equally (dare I say). It’s all about what you take from it.
I’m herb and when I’m killing a mob guarding it almost someone else always runs up and casually harvests it and splits.
When I’m about to die by a mob. Someone within vicinity will break their “eco grind” cycle to help me.
Im hearing lots of stories about lvl 60 peeps having nothing to do and now blaming how everything should’ve been pre-patch to help add more difficulty to the BiS grinding. Sucks that they reached that point so quickly (but what else would u expect if u “speedrun” ur toon). Maybe blizzard should consider releasing BGs sooner though I think that would make the more casual guys less incentivized to grind PvP rank cause they’re “late” to 60.
I feel like I digressed from my original thoughts. lol
Play a priest on Thunderfury with not a lot of time played (only 30) and people have been very nice. Of course I may be part of it because I throw heals to others that took a tough pull or even rez corpses that I see. Throw PW:F on everybody I see and almost everyone who has a buff spell hits me back up in return. The other day I threw one on a warlock, and she ran up and gave me a hearthstone. Bonkers.
Opposing faction niceness varies but typically errs on the side of ignoring/keeping distance.
United Kingdom20270 Posts
On September 17 2019 22:22 Ryzel wrote: Play a priest on Thunderfury with not a lot of time played (only 30) and people have been very nice. Of course I may be part of it because I throw heals to others that took a tough pull or even rez corpses that I see. Throw PW:F on everybody I see and almost everyone who has a buff spell hits me back up in return. The other day I threw one on a warlock, and she ran up and gave me a hearthstone. Bonkers.
Opposing faction niceness varies but typically errs on the side of ignoring/keeping distance.
Most people have chars around the high 20's to low 40's right now and are pretty nice in my experience. It's the guys on epic mounts that you need to watch out for as an exaggerated percentage of them got up there by throwing people under the bus so that they could climb on top more easily.
Having seen that enormous fustercluck first hand i'm probably gonna spec back to BM, do misc. max level stuff and level new classes with some friends for a while for a larger fraction of the community to catch up. I'm still having a lot of fun with the game but not with those people. There'll be plenty of time to do MC and Onyxia next month! I actually cracked over some unexpected stress in the last few days and sitting back to look at it i feel a lot better about the game and life in general now.
I actually got a cool name for an alt first try on my full server as well, "Nomnoms"! Always a shock these days to hit enter and have it just work without sitting at the name screen obsessing over potential options for an hour (:
United Kingdom20270 Posts
There's a major bug right now which mostly applies for lvl 60's. The 32-buff cap is wrongly implemented as a 32 aura cap, highly problematic because lots of stats on gear like +hit, +crit and many talents wrongly count as auras inside of that cap.
All of those bonuses fill most of the cap without you doing anything.
Adding more by equipping certain pieces of gear / enchanting / getting a buff like arcane intellect is literally making gear with those stats stop working (and thus people with hit cap are missing bosses etcetc) because people reach more than those 32 auras and the "gear auras" no longer fit within the cap, so the stats no longer apply to you.
edit: Fixed soon, and actually more complicated than that: https://classic.wowhead.com/news=295171/wow-classic-hotfix-for-buffs-falling-off-before-cap-and-aura-problems
I've taken quite well to playing hunter&mage but not warrior so far, don't know why it's going so badly. I've been duo playing with a priest but my threat output w/ 1h+shield is atrocious (can hold 1 target with equal level dps) and overall damage output is not good.
Big problems even with healer aggro - if i focus on one mob to stack a few sunders etc, any additional mobs in combat will go wreck the healer. If i split threat to hold anything, even my heal can pull any of them off of me by wanding one. I'm rage starved to begin with, so any aggro loss is followed by severe rage starvation and i can never really get the mobs back (taunt pulls it for a few seconds, it hits me once and then swaps back to whomever is generating threat because i don't have the rage to hit it with anything)
The only real successes i've had is fighting 2 mobs at a time to be able to juggle them and hold both, but they still take a lot longer to die than i think they should to be efficient.
Should i be playing more DPS-y with a 2h weapon right now, both in open world and dungeon tanking? This one is still low at the moment (level 18). I'm sure there's some stuff that can be done to make war+priest wreck faces that i'm not doing right now!