However i believe had he picked an easier opponent, Classic would have screwed this group with a switch anyway.
I don't see how Group D would end up with Innovation had Patience picked someone else.
Classic would switch anyone in his group to bring Fantasy or Hurricane in, so choosing Impact or Dear would be safe from a swap.
Ragnarok is unlikely going to pick Inno given his TvZ, so even Patience picking Fantasy or Hurricane into D means Hero or maybe Soo is likely to return in a swap.
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If P picks Fantasy, Hurricane is still #3 in A and would likely choose Hero (weak vP) or Soo (Hurricane is strongest vs Z) who would then return in the Swap. Patience picking Hurricane is a chance for Ragnarok to take Hero or Fantasy, with Hero prefering Fantasy, and Fantasy likely to prefer Soo or Hero. Given Stats, Soo, Inno, and Hero, I think you take your chances with Hero.
Now Stats, as the strongest and most balanced draftable (non-seed) Protoss in a field with 8 Protoss, was likely to end up picked near last and thus into Group C/D. Dear is certain to avoid him as the 4th player in Group B and prefer Inno, even over soO.
In a 4D Chess move, I wonder if Patience drafted the strongest player possible thinking he was the player Classic most wanted to swap into Group A (because everyone picks on him in past group nominations), and then it backfired spectacularly.
Patience:"No, wait!, I am way worse than Hurricane! Swap me! Remember how Maru used to always beat me?"
Classic:"Nope, you beat Maru just now, I couldn't, enjoy a group with the two other players who beat Maru recently+Dark."