I'm a lazy person, and I usually don't get things done for many reasons, but the main reason is because I am extremely lazy. My goal for what has been a while now was to make a few FPVOD's and post them on Youtube, maybe give some advice to Zerg players who just struggle. My skill level isn't really high (Probably C) but I know there is a LOT of people who are in the D - Low C range who seek help on several occasions.
Well after fucking with HyperCam 2 for what seemed to be an eternity, I got it working. I proudly present a Youtube channel with somewhat mediocre Zerg play FPVOD's that has no audio at all. However, a very lengthy description describes the game and the decisions I make. This is probably for the best at the moment because for one, I hate talking and two, I think a lot better when I sit, relax, and just type. So basically, although my video(s) at the moment won't be as entertaining as listening to a guy constantly yell obscenities into his mic and brag about how "Don't do this build unless your good like me" and "How do I spell Chaos Launcher" - I am still working hard to provide information that players can use to their advantage. So, if anything, my videos will be very boring until I decide to man up and stick that microphone of mine into my mouth.
The games I will (and am) uploading so far are random ICCup games. This is kind of fucking awesome for many reasons, but mainly because it is spontaneous and you can see who is the good mannered players and who aren't. If your name appears on my youtube account for whatever reason and you want it off, chances are I will take it off for you, unless you didn't say "gg" at the end.
Anyways, today I did upload two videos. Basically they are not special and if you are above "D" rank they definitely would be a bore. But in memory of my cat, who I violently smashed off my desk during the recording of my second game who wouldn't get the FUCK off my keyboard, I want to present this channel and just let people be aware of this. We have a love - hate relationship though because after I was done recording the second game he brushed up against my leg and meowed, in which I bent over and patted his head. I told him that I would not hit him anymore and that I was truly sorry, but there was an important matter that I was attending to.
Anyhow, yeah.