Please add {N}Cadenza Mafia to the cue.
+ Show Spoiler [Hype Flavor (part I)] +The idea is simple. You get one post, and one post-slot only, ever, to accommodate a fan club you are the sole member of, and to communicate noteworthy developments surrounding the organism, thing, idea --or whatever you dedicate it -to- the denizens of this blog. Race Bannon: Cadenza is on her way to become the post-modern equivalent of a Rockstar
This is a list of OPosters, and their headlines, which I'll bump in the chronological order with respect to receiving PMs that new content has been added. PM => subject: bump l message: your headline. Remember, you are utterly alone here, like in death, except we're all dying so we might as well synergize and transcend together. Empathize with your readers on a higher level, and have fun dynamicizing. Enjoy lifetime free access and subscription. Here are some useful formatting tips. And here. + Show Spoiler [Quarantine] + Quotes are the easiest way to take heavily stylised chunks which don't compute tag-wise, and isolate them from the rest, in an attempt to repair and salvage. + Show Spoiler [Hide] + You can edit stuff out, save it for later, communicate covertly uuoooowwuuuuooww ooooh, by using anchors. Quote this post for demonstration. You can also define anchors and link to them or those of others, even the invisible ones I think so that has potential + Show Spoiler [keep your most recent updates on top] ++ Show Spoiler ++ Show Spoiler [embed youtube and .ogg] ++ Show Spoiler [colored links] + If you see colored stuff, or even smileys.. they might be links. Add the color tags in-between the url ones, otherwise it won't work
THE ARCANON: PressGet involved in the Hype Tsunami
Introducing a new normal format: {N}- game doesn't last longer than a week
- # of dayphases will be initial # of mafia
- a dayphase can be something like 2 x 11 hours spread across two RL days, or as short and frequent as to be optimally fitting
- optimal timezone exclusivity may apply, for example EU time: 11:00-22:00 CEST dayphases, the rest being silent twilight and night
- after the remaining dayphases run out, whoever guesses the identity of the remaining mafia --via PM to host-- is a winner
+ Show Spoiler [Hype Flavor part II] +In today's tumultuous value constellations' fight for relevance, who is fit to say what rocks and what doesn't? Me, and you. She is humble. She won't laugh at your stupid jokes if they suck. And last but not least, she has a plush giraffe (and a snake) I dubbed Gyro Raffael. And it's got a very important message to share with the world: One doesn't always need to be acoustically understood. For the times one does, one better have a plush giraffe doll to ventriloquize for emphasis. Remember Madame Psychosis from David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest? For me, she is it. She's the most alluring Caucasian girl in the world right now, simply because she's streaming BW/R, and has been to Korea to check out the post-golden era that was Proleague, + the above. [anchor]I know exactly what happened. Why SC2 had to be made and released before it could be what it should've been, and why KeSPA initiated the apoptosis of its symbiosis with Broodwar. Furthermore, [/anchorooOOPSie]I know that the only reason we haven't been given more post-Tossgirl female presence is because all the girls are trapped in a matrix together, and Cadenza is the one to lead and educate them to transcend it. Never do girls rally behind other girls, though. We need to organize a rally chain. I rally behind her. You girls can rally behind me, and so on. I'll be the psychrononautic hype liquid enveloping her, streaming her to stardom surface, as seen in this still image.
Canada11355 Posts
MafiacalFeast I has ended in town victory!
I'll post another normal when i get around to it
On April 25 2018 04:56 Fecalfeast wrote: MafiacalFeast I has ended in town victory!
I'll post another normal when i get around to it
I can host first if you want
Canada11355 Posts
When is the next game going to start? I'm a bit rusty but I really feel like playing this game again.
Canada11355 Posts
Well the last game took a month to fill so that's a hard question to answer
Elementary Mafia resulted in a mafia victory.
Any new ones? I need something to take my head off a recent event.
Mafia For Busy People has just finished with a town victory so there's room for a new game now.
United Kingdom10443 Posts
I can host a game. I'll leave sign ups open and start next monday
United Kingdom10443 Posts
Chill Hop Mafia ended with Mafia Victory
Is there any interest in my hosting a Mini + Themed game.
High-level concept is as follows: (1) Vanilla only
(2) Each day cycle split into 2 phases of 24hrs. Phase 1 = Nominate 3 for lynch (including No-Lynch). Phase 2 = Plurality Vote from Phase 1 pool
(3)Night cycle is 1 phase of 24hrs following standard NK mechanic
(4) Post minimum per PHASE is 1 game-relevant post (i.e. 1 post every 24hrs).
(5) Post maximum per PHASE is Total pages to be equal or less than # of remaining players / 3 (rounded down, and always greater than 2) Therefore, if the game has 13 actives, the maximum PHASE page count is 13/3 = 4 (rounded down) If the game is down to 8 activities, the maximum PHASE page count is 8/3 = 2 (rounded down)
The intent of this is to encourage quality posting by those that are extremely active, whilst, not flooding the game out of reach from those that prefer a more casual approach.
My hope is that points 1 to 5 will contribute as follows: (i) Simplify setup complexity for first time host + first time concept.
(ii) Encouraged FOCUSED discussion across both halves of the day. Phase 1 requires scum intervention to secure lynch pool. Phase 2 requires intervention from players of any alignment, and gives town & mafia a reduced-guilt option to lynch questionables.
(iii) Discourage flooding for casuals; and encourage focused posting for actives.
A - I am happy to host the game immediately B - I am happy to work out finer details with the community and/or co-hosts.
1 idea I had given this is themed is to implement a punishment if not meeting min/max posting occurs. i.e. recipient receives votes. Perhaps 10-20% of active player count rounded DOWN.
I'll obs, I'm quite busy these few weeks
United Kingdom10443 Posts
So in phase 1 does each player get 3 votes?
I generally don't like all vanilla games as you don't really have any town power to overcome and bussing has no consequences. Maybe do a single 1 shot blue role like Mafia for Busy People if you want to keep things simple.
With point 5, is that the limit for the entire game or each individual person?
It sounds interesting though
On July 04 2018 17:08 KelsierSC wrote: So in phase 1 does each player get 3 votes?
I generally don't like all vanilla games as you don't really have any town power to overcome and bussing has no consequences. Maybe do a single 1 shot blue role like Mafia for Busy People if you want to keep things simple.
With point 5, is that the limit for the entire game or each individual person?
It sounds interesting though great point!
Hmmm i would say 2 votea per person for phase 1 with caveat that you can pile both votes together. This gives some unpredictability without potential to completely derail in last 2 minutes with "triple" hammers.
Point 5 was intended per person. Like i think 2-4 pages ia reasonable to expect. 5+ in 24hrs is prob too much spam even if lots of drama happening.
Im ok with simple blue or each nominated person in phase 2 can mason with a person of their choice for the phase.
Scrap the mason as that could be abused.
United Kingdom10443 Posts
I think if it is your first time hosting the game you might want to run a Normal setup. Rather than having 2 phases in the day and masons and stuff. Just do a normal with a few roles if you want, from my first experience that will be more than enough.
If you really want to do the 2 phase thing. I'd keep it simple with 2 players going into the lynch pool and no lynch always being the 3rd option. With 3 players I can imagine trying to keep track of tiebreakers will be quite difficult.
With regards to maximum post counts, I would just make a message in the OP asking people to avoid spamming and giving a guideline of what you would expect ( number of pages or number of posts w/e ). You could also say you will give friendly warnings by PM if a player starts flooding. It's a bit of a pain to monitor tbh.
I would say a minimum of 3 game relevant posts per day cycle, warning first then modkilled second time.Same rule for non voting. What do you have as your replacement policy?
On July 04 2018 20:44 KelsierSC wrote: I think if it is your first time hosting the game you might want to run a Normal setup. Rather than having 2 phases in the day and masons and stuff. Just do a normal with a few roles if you want, from my first experience that will be more than enough.
If you really want to do the 2 phase thing. I'd keep it simple with 2 players going into the lynch pool and no lynch always being the 3rd option. With 3 players I can imagine trying to keep track of tiebreakers will be quite difficult.
With regards to maximum post counts, I would just make a message in the OP asking people to avoid spamming and giving a guideline of what you would expect ( number of pages or number of posts w/e ). You could also say you will give friendly warnings by PM if a player starts flooding. It's a bit of a pain to monitor tbh.
I would say a minimum of 3 game relevant posts per day cycle, warning first then modkilled second time.Same rule for non voting. What do you have as your replacement policy?
Great feedback, - It sounds as iI may have found a co-host
I have co-hosted before so am comfortable with the execution side of things.
I think key areas to address are: (1) Trial a mechanic to encourage positive posting across different activity levels;; and, (2) Maintain a modicum of balance with the mechanic.
Prior, 2 mechanics were referenced: (1) Restricted lynch (i.e. nomination pool) (2) Min/Max posting requirement.
In retrospect, I think the easiest solution for first run-through will be a standard game with the min/max posting trialed. Therefore both areas are addressed (balance and new mechanic).
Thus, the game would look something like this:
Setup: Semi-Open, A - 13p - 1 blue role, B - 13p - 2 blue role,
Deadline: 22:59 GMT (+00:00). Days = 48 hours. Nights = 24 hours. Activity Requirement: Day Cycle: Minimum: 3 game-relevant posts. Maximum: 80 posts = 4 pages per day cycle (all posts inclusive of non game-relevant). Night Cycle: No min/max.
Penalty for not adhering (applies after first 24hrs of each Day cycle) Failure to meet minimum requirement: Apply 1 vote for each missing post. (i.e. 0 posts = 3 votes, 2 posts = 1 vote). Failure to meet maximum requirement: Apply 1 vote for first additional page. Apply 2 votes beyond.
Votes: Use ##vote No-Lynch. Self votes and unvotes are not counted. Votes outside the vote thread will not be counted.
No replacements. If you can't be bothered to log onto TL and post once within 48 hours then don't sign up. Exceptions might be made for exceptional circumstances.
Lynch mechanics: Plurality. In the event of a tie, the person who reached the highest number of votes first is lynched.
Kill mechanics: Town can no-lynch. Mafia can no-kill. If there is a cycle of no-lynch/ no-kill then mafia must shoot first.
Game mechanics: Mafia do not know the setup.
Regarding Modkill - 1 warning for not following game core rules (standard stuff, behaviour/non-vote/non-posting etc) - Modkill after warning, or at host-discretion. Preference is to avoid.
United Kingdom10443 Posts
Thanks but don't feel like cohosting. I'll sign up whenever you host it.
I will create when i wake up tomorrow.
Cheers for feedback
United Kingdom30774 Posts
Everyone should get 1 vote and then just the 2 highest get put up for lynch + no lynch option. Lynch then ensues 2nd phase. Parity or something would be good maybe. 1 shot parity. Might be too strong though.
Don't like maximum posting restrictions, never will
Minimum should be a page filter or if not a page then several posts of quality imo.
I think voting every 24hrs will be too much for a lot of remaining ppl though.