On July 05 2018 02:52 Holyflare wrote:
Everyone should get 1 vote and then just the 2 highest get put up for lynch + no lynch option. Lynch then ensues 2nd phase. Parity or something would be good maybe. 1 shot parity. Might be too strong though.
Don't like maximum posting restrictions, never will
Minimum should be a page filter or if not a page then several posts of quality imo.
I think voting every 24hrs will be too much for a lot of remaining ppl though.
Cheers for feedback. Great points.Everyone should get 1 vote and then just the 2 highest get put up for lynch + no lynch option. Lynch then ensues 2nd phase. Parity or something would be good maybe. 1 shot parity. Might be too strong though.
Don't like maximum posting restrictions, never will
Minimum should be a page filter or if not a page then several posts of quality imo.
I think voting every 24hrs will be too much for a lot of remaining ppl though.
I will try the nomination pool mechanic next time. Will keep things as simple/standard as possible for this proof-of-concept.
I know you dont like maximums, but I think the other 12 players will appreciate it .. Hey, you are only penalised with 1-2 votes which at best may be meaningless in the scheme; or at worst, allow scum some flexibility for schenanigans which I think opens the game for more creativity.
I agree minimum should have some element of quality, which I will enforce. I suspect "1 page" will be too much though. If we cant get a person to posts 3 times, how do we get 20!
Absolutely agree on 24hrs is too much for many. Especially throughout a week.
Going to create something now.