Dear took the first game after his dark templars mopped up for his two gate, one base attack. Game two went a bit longer, but Dear was in control from start to finish. He took damage from drops, but built an insurmountable gateway army that ran aLive over.
Dark won game one by out maneuvering Classic with hydralisks and out muscling him with brood lords. He dropped the second to mass oracles and blink stalkers, but got revenge in the third, using ultralisks and zerglings to better cope with the stargate style.
Maru's bunker rush failed to end game one, but a follow up drop with four hellbats prompted a concession from Solar. Solar scouted Maru's proxy barracks in the second game. From there he went for a ling/ravager all in with queens, but Maru easily dismissed it with bunkers and tanks.
Stats won the first game with a lethal blink into INnoVation’s main, aided by oracles and statis wards. He took an early lead in game two when INnoVation's attempt to kill the Splyce Protoss' third failed. INnoVation fought back, but crumbled before tempest, storms and dark templar.
ByuL went up 1-0 after countering herO’s three stargate build with queen/hydra/bane, but failed to close out the series. Sentries locked him out of his main while adepts gutted it in game two, while an immortal/archon/Charge attack on his third closed out the series for the ROOT Protoss.