So on the 17th my little sister got married.My family(wife myson leo,and my daughter ayanna)all went a hour and a half south of tucson to Sierra Vista where my parent s little brother and sister all live.
My sister is getting married to a tattoo artist that works for my dad hes a good guy.It was a short affair one my dad was minister for and then we had a good ole fashioned biker reception with bands and much drink food and alot of bikers.heres some random pics from the event.
O yes the blues part is because my son threw up on me after we booth got ready and then he contunied to throw up every so often then my daughter got sick and then my wife did as well i got sick the day after wtf no fun.Now my family up there is getting sick T_T
My brother before getting ready
My dad and bro after getting ready
My sister and her husbad with there kids eatch with one from another marraige and one togeter talso pictuered best "man" shortie a lesbian tattoo artist for my dadand brides maid in back is my dad looking like the preacher from the exiorsist!
My mom laughing my sister and nephew
the wife and my daughter
My dad my brother and my nephews and niece wife in background
Myself and my son on one of his feeling better parts of the day before dry heaving some more poor guy T_T
Thats about it ive got a few from the reception i may post them later who knows hope you enjioy.