I know Overwatch is having its initial hype, but i'm pretty disappointed with it. I never feel like i'm out playing anyone, or necessarily being out played. It just seems like lots of different scenarios arise through the course of the game that allow one party to abuse their character. In almost every scenario one hero or another will have an advantage.
Sure there is skill, in creating situations where your character thrives and minimizing time spent in situations where you're character doesn't. Though normally in FPS, the thrill comes in knowing you just took someone out who had a roughly equal shot to take you out, but you simply were quicker, or smarter.
I don't Feel a lot of that kind of reward in Overwatch. When kill someone, normally its because i had a significant advantage, and likewise when i die i was at a significant disadvantage.
Stupid of me to place my self in that situation, but i'm almost never mad at the death, because i feel helpless.
Also a lot of the ults feel really, .."Sit back and relax while the computer takes over and does some cool shit on your behalf" ..
Somehow i honestly feel more able to get outplayed or out play someone in Heroes, than in Overwatch.