So Soyu had a mean johnny law get him and towed his car etc.And it got me to think about the time I went to jail because of similar happings.And then i relized that i never did update everyone about my jail time not really anyway.I figured with the blogs now i can do it without feeling foolish.Heres the link to the Og thread back on Jan 24 2003.
A little background
So id gotten myself into trouble at the time because I had continued to drive my 3 cars even though none were insured/tagged or legal in anyway other than all being legally mine.I got busted and ticketed a total of 3 times for no insurance/expired tags/and the big one driving on a suspended license.The reason was I had recently been divorced was paying child support/bills /rent/and little food mostly for my daughter, and had none left for insurance.But i continued driving even after my first 2 warnings before they suspended my lic.
Fast forward to one court date
So my first court date for ONE of the tickets, the judge gave me the option pay 1400 dollars or go to jail for 48 hours.48 hours it was and we set a time and date sometime in the future.The judge explaind id be going to the Mission a work releass faciluty where i could bring my own clothes(plain white/grey,tighty whiteys no boxers wtf!!)some money for vending machines id be staying there the full 48 but there were others who were able to go to work.So i wasnt to scared I thought neat ill have some stories for my bros.Boy after it was all said and down i did have a story for them.
Getting to jail
So i get dropped off,kindly enough by my ex-wife,Id stopped driving finally and had sold/given my 3 crs away.I entered the processing area and was told to wait by a lady bejhind a glass window.I watied and waited and then I guess just for fun I waited some more.After a few hours a gentlemn comes to me and says.
"It appears you have a warrant out for your arrest.Youll be staying with us here."
I had no idea what was in store for me I was starting to get a litlle scared.Apperently with all the court dates/tickets Id missed one and had gotten a warrant for a faluire to appear.
They finally take me in and start booking me fingerprints and what not.They sent me to a romm and told em to strip, I did down to my boxers.A gaurd came in and asked me to show my feet mouth etc,but they never did strip me all the way and peer in my but crack, i was shocked and very happy.
I soon found out that when the first gaurd said " youre staying here" meant I was going to block A-1 its the intake outtake block that also serves as the block for anyone being punished for misbehaving in the other blocks.The reason is A-1 is 23 hour lock down, now im gettin even more scared.
They finally get me in to the block its a circular area two stories high with a gaurd station at the base of stair that lead to the second floor.They put me in a two man cell with a bunkbed a metal toliet /sink combo job and a small fold out desk and two cellmates.One guy a younger mexican guy wasnt intemidating but the huge prison tattoed white guy did.Not knowing what to say I just sat down after the gaurd brought in a cot for me seeing as it was a two man cell with 3 pepole in it.
Not much happend I was asked why I was there buy the younger hispanic guy and the huge white guy was shortly taken away to where i have no clue.I was scared now no clue what was going on hadnt been told anything.Apeerntly i missed dinner because I got nothing to eat that day and never left that cell.
WTF is going on
Somehow during the evning I had fallen asleep.I awoke it was dark and the gaurd was just leaving the door after shouting to get up.I got up and soon relized its 5:30 am and its breakfast time.Going down stairs we got our breackfast handed out by other inmates from a portable food tray thingy.I dont rember exactly what it was but I know I had gotten a still frozen pint of orange juice that my inmate showed me to set on our light in the cell and it would melt faster.We had 30 minutes to get a book or make a collect call and then back to the cells.I tried using the phone to reach someone telling them I had no clue now when id get out only that I had to wait for a tv court thing.So I dialed my inmate #(you must use it to call out) and found out my number hadnt been processed yet so no call got me. The gaurds gave me no info on how I could tell someone whats going on they treated us all like shit and I hadnt even done anything wrong in comparison to some in here.
I ate my breakfast in the cell and read a fantasy book id found while out and also got to know Jose more turns out hed gotten busted down to A-1 for fighting while on kitchen duty, he was a pretty cool cat sent most of his life in juvy and when he turned 18 he went to jail for the remander of his sentence. I dont remeber if he told me or not what hed down in the first place.Lunch was served some sandwich with bolgna and chesse some mustard packets a milk and Im not sure what else( heaven for a vegitarian).I also dont rember how many diffrent people came in and out of our cell that day but by dinner we had 4 people in the cell.
Dinner was served at 5:30 pm served,like nreakfast, downstairs and we were given another half hour to make calls what not.Agian I was unable to get through to the outside world.I was able to find out that they still had no clue when my tv court was and that my inmate number could take 2-4 weeks to process and for me to be able to use it.O shit now im scared and have no clue how long im in for but not for 48 hours it seems.
Before Lights out Jose had me proff reading his letter to his woman ( imagine that lol me proff reading lol)But for me having done that he allowed me to use his inmate number the next day. I couldnt wait to call someone and see if they could get me out.Sleep came slow to me but I did fall asleep,i relized, after being woken to a really abd smell and some noises.I hear some god aufawl gas being explled at the same time as liquid poo hitting water sounds.I hear the guy on the bottom bunk( by now i had the top bunk)another scary big ugly white dude say."You know if your quick on the trigger, we wont have to smell that shit" And for the nest 15 minutes or so all i could hear were grunts, liquid poo hiting water,loud long farts and the sound of a high powerd toliet flushing like every 30 seconds.I didnt sleep anymore that night.
Breakfast agian, I try calling with Jose's number and no one picks up.I head back to the cell and read/visit with Jose.I never really talked to anyone else inthere.Just after my second lunch in jail my self and around 20 others were led to a video court room and we eatch ahd a time at the desk talking to a judge miles away.He was letting many ppl go many of wich had done things way worse in my mind than I had.Well long story short im staying in jail till my in person court date 2 weeks away unless i can get bail posted a mere 500 buck but its not like I had it on me right.
I make it back to good ole A-1 before dinner is served and agian while out for the half of an hour we get eatch day i try the phone agian.I call my mom first shurley shell bail me out.The phone rinfs it picks up I try talking but its ovious she cant hear me then a attomated voice comes on saying" this is a collect call from pima county jail from Jose Rivera do you accept".Well my mom said "no" and hung up, wtf. I tried then my work they know im in jail maybe theyll pick-up for jose i relize thats probally not happening but maybe someone will put 2and 2 together they did after all know im in jail.Nope they hang up,as does booth my grandmas,my real dad.In desperation I try my ex-wifeshe answers "do you accept?" seconds slow, tears are begging to form and I dont want to be seen crying in A-1or be here for that matter ive served my 48 hour by now and more, the gaurds are treating me like a low life thug and as much as jose and smelling poop is I want my home.She says ".............Yes".O god glory hallilujah rejoice.I am able to expain i need bailed out because ive got work and also I have to care for my daughter while Mom is at work/school.She agrees but its to late today... one more night.
I slept good that night Jose left that morning after breakfast his time in A-1 served back to what ever other block he had been in.I was pulled out sometime after lunch and finally after waiting for a few hours in a holding tank i was issued my papers and my personal effects.Exept for my cash it now was in check form.
The light of day was so nice I was free but I also had no money and no way home.I was very far from my house and jennifer had had to leave somewhere since it was taking so long to process me out.I found out there was a cirlce k that would cash the check,I was able to get bus fare and get home. The end
There i finally told the story theres alot ive fogoten details and what not like I was convinced I was going to use this time to quit smoking cigs but the first thing i bought when i went to circle k was cigs.
Not sure if any will read it but here ya are bye.