Hi! I got into TL because of FPL, partly thanks to The_Templar's recaps in round 1. Those have been a little rarer recently (Templar is a busy man), so I figured that since I was thinking about FPL a lot, I might as well try to write about it. I ripped off the format from Templar, as you can see, with his quasi-permission. This is obviously not official TL material, just a fan's perspective.
Player of the week: soO
With no aces matches this week, this category is somewhat arbitrary: any player who got 4 points. soO is owned by the most FPL-ers, so when he punished sOs’ greed and won the game with a powerful ling/hydra attack, he benefitted the most people.
Runner-up: Solar
Again, fairly arbitrary. I gave it to Solar because 133 people decided to trade for him when they saw his hapless opponent, BBoongBBoong. Fair play, fair play.
Anti-player of the week: GuMiho
Who still lacks faith in GumiGod? 83 people anti’d him—one even trading FOR him on the anti after seeing this TvT master going up against TY. After an iffy defense of TY’s double-pronged drop, GuMiho built up a carefully-composed mech army and executed a nice hellbat drop over TY’s tank line in the middle of the map. A couple of thor drops onto TY’s hastily repositioned army sealed the deal.
Runner-up: DeParture
OK, not many people have him on the anti team, but a fair number of people have Flash and/or KT Rolster. After the casters predicted that DeParture’s only shot at victory would be a nasty cheese, he went macro against God himself—and won. A huge swell of banelings crashed into the forces defending Flash’s fourth while mutas took down the CC. Yet another baneling assault killed the workers at Flash’s third and DeParture closed the series 3-1.
Trade bait for week 3: Rogue
This $7 player is now within reach of people who hold a number of much cheaper starters, including Curious, BrAvO, DRG, DeParture, Blaze, and Journey. Jin Air plays Prime next week in a battle for last place. Rogue should be able to take out any of Prime’s players, right?
Runners-up: DeParture or Blaze
It’s too late to get in on the ground floor with these two, who only cost $3 each originally. However, they are still relatively affordable despite their two-game winning streak. A third victory means a +1 bonus point—at which point they will become a lot harder to purchase. It’s your call.
Team of the week: Skynx
A stellar week (five wins and a line-up appearance) propelled Skynx to first place, made possible by some good trades: jjakji for Solar and Sorry for GuMiho. With this latter trade, Skynx was betting heavily on TY losing vs. the Towel Terran, as TY is anti’d. It paid off. Skynx’s team is also well-positioned for trading in future rounds. Nice job!
Worst team of the week: gloupi78
The Jin Air plane crash is hurting a lot of teams, including this one. Perhaps it’s unkind to kick gloupi while he or she is down, but this team could also really have benefitted from some trades this week, since only Maru and Curious were even playing. Of course the real nail in the coffin is the anti team. Solar’s not a bad choice, per se, it just so happens that BBoongBBoong’s losing streak yields to no one. Bbyong is a lot riskier, and this week swung the wrong way, at least for gloupi. Better luck next week!
Best possible no-trade team:
$7 soO 8
$6 Dear 8
$5 Curious 8
$3 Blaze 7
$3 DeParture 7
$3 Sorry 5
$3 SAM 7
$9 Maru 0
$3 Seed 0
$1 Jim 0
There are many possible 0-point anti-teams consisting of any combination of Jin Air players, Prime players (minus KeeN), or Seed.
That’s a total of 51 points.
Best possible team:
I think this is right.
$6 Dear 8
$5 Curious 8
$4 Journey --> Bbyong 8
$3 Sorry --> GuMiho 8
$3 Blaze 7
$3 DeParture 7
$6 SKT 8
Jin Air/Prime/Seed anti 0
For a total of 54 points – 2 trade tax = 52 points.