Photo by nattu
As some might be aware, I went thru a rought breakup about 2 months ago. I wrote a rather emotional blog entry about it on this very site. Thanks to everybody for being super nice about it and trying to help. You did!
I decided to focus on other parts of my life. I've been spending more time with friends, family, and spending more time with me. I practicly stopped drinking and clubbing and just focused on important things. It has been going very well. I found time to work some more to increase cashflow a little bit, and my schoolwork is shiny again. I've grown a bit and am coming to realize that we are probably happier apart.
Enter the butterflies. They are celebrating spring break in my stomach right now.
It's nice, falling in love. Extra nice when you have a moment. The one moment where you know you could stay for eternity and be happy. We fell asleep on her bed, faces only millimetres apart, waking up now and then sharing kisses. I knew I was in love right then.
We had 3 wonderful dates, and now she's been away on vacation for almost a week. Enter the butterflies. It's impossible to not spend time thinking about everything that can go wrong when she is elsewhere. Maybe she don't really like me - maybe she meets someone she likes better - maybe her friends don't like me and convince her to say goodbye - maybe she is afraid. Oh, and my favorite: maybe I scared her away with a badly worded text message.
In all this I am confused, happy, and spend too much time reading between lines. I didnt expect to fall in love but there is no stopping it now.
Obstacles are plenty. There is a big age difference. So large that friend mixing can be a problem. We work together. We have very different lives. She still has to answer to parents, I do not.
And in the end, all my thought and worries don't matter. Because I know that I am above all very very happy. I sit down and feel the emotions inside me. The butterflies are still partying hard, I still look at my phone way to often, and I'm gonna be sweaty and nervous when I meet her again.
It's so nice falling in love again