On June 20 2014 16:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: We're also talking about this in a vacuum. The really big problem with Darius is that he gets completely owned by ganks if he pushes. Cloth + 5 isn't going to help if you get 100-0'd. The real zoning threat comes from the jungle and W, not from the spears.
But I mean, I guess that would differ at each level of play.
that is true for both. in a massacre lane like panth vs darius the jungle influence is huge on both sides.
How do you play panth vs Trynda top after level ~9?
Like early levels i was zoning the shit out of trynd but once he had cutlass+multiple points in W it was rough for me - waiting for the AD reduction to come off so that i could do damage limited me to basically one cycle and then i had to run/die, but using them while the AD- was on meant they did shit damage
I was maxing heartseeker first and went bottle+pots->bruta+tabi but after i hit bruta/tabi point (about 12 minutes i think) i just lost any sort of presence in lane because every time i went to poke he just spun on top and had to run from W slow and cutlass slow TT
Why would you Max E first? Q is much much much better in lane. More damage, less mana, a third the cooldown, higher range.
Don't run, man mode that shit. Even if you have the ad debuff fight him anyway. Two of his autos will be blocked and you'll get three Q's off for sure, and more autos because you gave higher range, move speed, and base attack speed. In addition your stun will kill half his fury bar.
You should stomp tryn by like 100 cs. All his trading power is auto attacks. Just go fuck him up. It's legitimately the ideal matchup for pantheon.
E is a great skill, but most of its damage output comes from AD scaling as opposed to leveling it. You are much stronger early with Q.
I'd say you probably don't need the bottle as well, in favor of a dblade and whichever pot you like best. I'd probably grab a mana potion against tryn, assuming you have life steal quints. I'd probably push the lane hard, going ham on tryn whenever possible, only laying off when you know their jungle on your side of the map (ie 3:40).
When I say go ham, I mean q auto auto q him when ever he tries to last hit. All can do is auto you back, which you'll block. If he levels spin to trade with you He won't have the sustain to stay in long more than two trades which you'll win hard.
If he's good he'll be pushed to leave lane several times pre six, if he's bad he will straight up die. You should be at least twenty cs ahead at 6 unless their jungle camped you in which case if you didn't die then your team should have big map advantage. By level nine you should have a big item competed and tryn should be maybe half way there while being down a level or so from creeps that just died to tower after being shoved out of lane.
Honestly, I don't think you realize how fucked tryndemere is against you until he hits 6. Even then, he probably will be (should be) behind so much at 6 that he is still screwed in any fight. You have to dominate him early, but it really is a lane heavily tilted in your favor. He should need heavy gank spey to make it through the early game... and even then pantheon will win almost any 2v2 jungles involved to given the difference in cc, burst, and early game lane presence.
Quick Pantheon question.
When I jungle I'm still doing ranger's upgrade, warrior, second brutalizer, then full tank as standard build. I'm wondering if it might be better to go warrior, new black cleaver into full tank, but I'm not really sure.
On one hand the two brutalizers let you capitalize on Pantheon's strong early mid game, which I feel like is the whole point of jungle Pantheon. On the other hand, new black cleaver as second main item gives you a more useful lategame i'd imagine. You could in theory sit next to your carry and E/Q shred the other team's tank and use W to protect. It also gets you tanky faster.
Anyone have thoughts? I have not tested the black cleaver second yet so I was looking for other opinions. I would say sorry for necroing an old thread but Atrioc's guides are da best and you should all thank me for bringing it up again.
I like new Cleaver on Panth, but only as a later item when the extra 5% shred makes an impact vs flat pen. If the build path didn't suck so much, I'd 100% get it right after Warrior. Warrior/Phage just seems too weak for early-mid. Maybe give it a try though. It's definitely invaluable late-game and in any situation where you'd get LW, it's a suitable replacement if you'll be teamfighting or you have an AD top, jungle or mid.
The thing about it is, it augments his base build really well with health and CDR. But no pen and low AD means it sucks without serious backing if you're going to be a main damage source. Same reason why it's ass on ADCs.
I go shit like Brut/Hydra into BC and do decently well as a splitting threat and in skirmishes, but that's lane Panth.