The site is still being built so it might be unstable. Videos will be released soon.
In november 2006 "Beyond Belief"; a conference about science, religion and society was held in Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA. The whole thing was videotaped and published online, and it generated some great discussions.
God obviously got pissed though and surrounded the place with wild fires for this years conference
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Anyway, the "Beyond Belief 2" conferance was scheduled to be held 31/10 - 2/11 2007, which means it's supposed to be going on now. I have found no recent updates on this however, so I'm not sure whether it's actually happening right now or if it's been moved.
Beyond belief 2 are supposed to pick up where the discussion ended last year, so in order for you to prepare for the upcoming conference I here produce a guide for watching Beyond Belief 2006 to warm up.
Beyond Belief 2006 Guide
Beyond Belief 2006 main page
The Speakers:
List of all speakers with pictures and short descriptions of their work
The aim was covering 3 topics:
#1 "The clash of cultures" - religion and science in a modern society
#2 "Can we be good wihtout God?" - about morality
#3 "If not God then what?" - the deep questions about life and universe
The conferance spans over about 20 hours divided into 10 sessions, and you might not feel like wathcing it all so here's a quick guide to what the different speakers are talking about. I'll also give each speak 1-5 stars solely based on how much I enjoyed it.
To watch something go HERE, choose session and skip to the time mentioned below. Some videos might not work, in that case go to google video and search for "beyond belief" and find the right session.
Intro: Roger Bingham (Host)
When: Session 1, start.
Steven Weinberg Speech
When: Session 1, 0:06 - 0:28
Stars: ****
Content: introducing the #1 topic, Weinberg talks about conflicts between science and religion and claims religion is superfluouse. Prety much a standard talk - but good stuff.
Lawrence Krauss Speech
When: Session 1, 0:30 - 0:48
Stars: ****
Content: Krauss continues on Weibergs topic but argues that science does not make it impossible to believe in God, and that Scientist should recognize that (Krauss is an athesit himself though). He also argues that the best way to "fight religion" is to demonstrate the wonders of science. Good.
Short discussion with Krauss and Weinberg follows. Interesting. A fun quote:
"Somehow he managed this feat of intellectual acrobatics that I can only admire"
- Weinberg
- Weinberg
Sam Harris speech
When: Session 1, 0:52 - 1:14
Stars: *****
Content: Talks about some of the major problems religion causes today. He argues that different forms of dogmatism are the root of the problem.
Discussion with Harris, Weinberg and Krauss afterwards where Krauss defends religion just a little bit and Weinbergs admits to some sentimentality conserning religion.
I'd like to think of Religion as this crazy old aunt, that's senile and tells lies. But you know she was beatiful once, and we'll miss her when she's gone.
Michael Shermer Speech
when: Session 1, 1:28 - end
content: A little bit about why people believe and he argues that the attitide that people has on religion depends on what their goals are etc. Fun guy watch the start of it as makes some jokes.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Speech
when: Session 2 start - 0:41
stars: *****
content: Passionatly speaks about religion in history, much in context with astronomy. About the origins of religion, and about how religion undermines science. I really liked this one. Watch this one.
More panel discussion and questions afterwards. Many interesting things brought up here. Watch! Terrence Sejnowski then gives a short talk too.
Sam:I think...there's a yawning chasm of nihilism waiting us if we don't seal it up.
Neil: ROFL
Sam: Yeah, many justifications for madness have been coming out of that hole.
Joan Roughgarden Speech
When: Session 3, 0:05 - 0:28
Stars: *
Content: Sneaky advocation of intelligent design! Argues that some verses of the bible actually explains evolution. She's a professor of biology but still get's this together. I think she's wrong about a lot but she still brings up some good points.
Richard Dawkins mini-Speech (not a prepared one)
When: Session 3, 0:29 - 0:38
Stars: ***
Content: Some comments from Dawkins (pretty much critique of Joan's views). About the unnecessity of thinking up religious analogies of different scientific things. Agreeing with what he says here.
Joan actually defends herself pretty good afterwards with scientific arguments even if I don't agree with her.
A lot of discussion follows, good stuff.
...and then Steven Weinberg came up this picture of the crazy old aunt that we will all miss when she's gone.
I will not miss her AT ALL!
A short fun clip from the discussion afterwards:
Carolyn Porco "Lady Saturn" Speech
When: Session 3, 0:21 - 0:51
Stars: *****
The #3 topic, about the beauty of science (mostly astronomy) and about consolation without religion. Awesome inspiring speech! Watch.
There are probably a billion china teapots orbiting the sun. They just happen to be afix to the earth.
Stuart Hameroff Speech
When: Session 4, start - 0:26
Stars: **
Content: About of how the mind works interpreted in terms of quantum mechanics, and about conciousness. He seems to have some weird/controversial ideas. Nice to have seen, but I kind of think he is wrong. He almost advocates some weird form of quantum mechanic-dualism. Afterwards Krauss also comments "IT'S JUST NOT TRUE"
Ramachandran Speech
When Session 4, 0:39 - 0:55
Stars: ***
Content: About how the brain works from different perspectives, why people are attracted by religion etc. Interesting but not very relevant to the main discussion.
Questions afterwards.
Some general discussion follows. A representative from the Templeton foundation argues that science can't disprove God.
Sam: Science can't disprove Posiedon either. I wrote that on my site, and now I get hate mail from people who actually believe in Posiedon.
Paul Davies Speech
When: Session 5, start - 0:38
Stars: ****
Content: About the complexity of the universe, and about how much science can tell us about how it all works. About the laws of nature and the way humans can interpret them. I liked this one, deep stuff, and really interesting to listen to. Made a lot more sense than Hameroffs Speech to me. Followed up by a few questions.
Steven Nadler Speech
When: Session 5, 0:48 - 1:06
Stars: **
Content: About Spinoza, the first "atheist hero" kind of. Pretty good, but not too interesting really. Questions follows.
Patricia Churchland Speech
When: Session 5, 0:23 - end
Stars: ****
Content: About culture and morality from a scientific perspective. Presents some interesting test results on animal populations to see how morality in animal groups works. Also how our experiences affects our brains and why we believe things. I found it all pretty interesting. Good question-session after this one too.
Susan Neiman Speech
When: Session 6 start - 0:28
Stars: ***
Content: About morality, some ideas on where it comes from.
Some examples of morality and immorality from the bible etc. Concludes that no bible is needed to maintain ethics. Pretty good.
Loyal Rue Speech
When: Session 6, 0:47 - 1:12
Stars: ***
Content: More reasons why religion is such a large and widespread fenomena, and why it appeals to people. Also how religion works and holds together, pretty interesting.
Elizabeth Loftus Speech
When: Session 6, 1:13 - 1:32
Stars: **
Content: About manipulating memories in humans. Also how people are made into believing things. Some pretty weird stuff. She suggests at some point that you could plant memories in people to stop them for having dangerous beliefs. What?! Even if you could do that what kind of society would we have. Freedom of thought for the win. This qualifies as the weirdest talk of bb06.
Some more general discussion afterwards. Scott Atran and Sam Harris has some hot discussion here too.
Mahzarin Banaji Speech
When: Session 7, start - 0:32
Stars: ***
Content: Even more about how the brain works and why you believe some things and how the brain interprets information. Also some test results on morality in humans. Interesting.
Richard Dawkins Speech
When: Session 7, 0:40 - 1:10
Stars: *****
Content: First a bit of his "Conciousness raising" campaign, not forcing beliefs on children etc. Then he provides a couple of evolutionary explanation for morality and altruism. Really nice to see him talking about evolution instead of religion here. He knows his stuff. The question afterwards are nice too, including his evolutionary explanation of suicidal behaviors etc.
Here follows (in the start of session 8) a further discussion or debate with Atran and Harris. Good stuff.
Atran argues that the reason for suicide bombings arn't religious, but that it has to do with group dynamics, while Sam argues that religious still are a real important factor.
Harold Kroto Speech
When: Session 8, 0:32 -
Stars: ****
Content: On how to popularize and spread science, nice presentation. He also brings up some more Spinoza. Ends his presentation with a picture of a pirate and "Those that die be the lucky ones"
gold haha.
Charles Harper Speech
When: Session 8, 1:07 - 1:06
Stars: **
Content: Harper (being from Templenton Foundation) talks about problems of science and about the compatability of science and religion. I found it pretty boring. Q/A were more fun. Kroto suggests the next prize should be given to Dawkins to show that it's not a religious - oriented prize.
Sir John Templeton is a billionaire, a businessman, who has used his millios to subvert science.
Ann Druyan Speech
When: 1:39 - 1:58
Stars: ***
Content: Some emotional presentation of personal experiences, about the Cosmos television series and about Carl Sagan. Getting science out to the public etc.
Here a clip from Dawkins "Root fo all evil" is shown, Dawkins discussion with Ted Haggard.
Sam Harris Speech(2)
when: Session 9, 0:09 - 0:27
Stars: ****
Content: About morality this time. What he says makes very much sense. Some fun examples andmetaphors, great to listen to.
Jim Woodward Speech
when: Session 9, 0:32 - 0:53
Stars: *
Content: Pretty much argues that we can't base our ethics on science only. I found it boring, and I disagree with some of his points.
Melvin Konner Speech
when: Session 9, 0:54 - 1:29
Stars: ***
Content: Claims religion will always be in our society, and that it has many positive effects on people, and that some people need it. Critisizes Sam's and Dawkin's books for not discussion the possible problems when removing religion. Good discussion afterwards with Konnor/Sam.
Paul Churchland talks and reads Dan Dennets Letter
When: Session 9, 2:12 - end
Stars: ****
Content: About ways to create a system of ethics without a holy book. Paul also reads Dan Dennets letter. Dennet had just been undergoing a serious surgery but wrote a letter to the conferance. Fun and positive. Good stuff.
The last part, Session 10 seems to be out of google video right now. If you get hold of it, watch Neil deGrasse Tyson's second speech (*****), it's awesome.
End of Guide.
Allright. All of this is really interesting and I recommend everyone to watch some of it. So when you got some time to kill, you know where to find it!