The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 546
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United States8519 Posts
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United States35080 Posts
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Bulgaria4093 Posts
On March 21 2014 00:17 Gahlo wrote: WTB S3 support gold income pls. Not because I don't like it the way it is now, but because it makes idiots think they can build blitzcrank like a tank and never wards and then go chasing off into the jungle after their jax and run into K6 and Lulu over and over and over and over. I don't think you got it right man:-) the idiots who do not understand the role and building supports as tanks and ap damage dealers were and still are out there, at least in season 4 this could kind of work and you have something in your team in comparison to nothing during season 3 xD | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
AND IT HAS 1 HP LEFT. I'm sitting here going oh my god why won't my auto go off and then Amumu smites it. Enemy team picks up a kill while we run, Amumu challenges me at my red buff when he's level 2, but fortunately he screws up his smite (or mine came back 500 ms sooner, not sure which) and I get red, then Voli basically suicides so I can q onto Teemo and use a minion wave to get the last punch through to kill Teemo. After that, we crept back into the game despite our Sivir being like 60 cs behind due to everyone getting to lanes like a minute late on our side. I was really dreading the red buff fight because I knew mummy was coming and its like great, this reminds me the time I had to outsmite a smite/consume Nunu down like 3 levels. | ||
France45622 Posts
Wanna now why? Because Sivir doesn't use her ult and positions like shit (and builds Mallet over Banshee vs Anivia/Malphite/Thresh)? Because Fiddle's ult are crap and he never tries to initiate or flank, and because he tries to blame others when he stands still in lane after they used Talisman so Thresh gets a free grab? Because that fucktard Ziggs gloats about his damage but can't even fucking pop any of the 3 Banshee's Veils on their team? You're fucking Ziggs, you're one of the best pokers in the game, that's your fucking job! None of them able to fucking play his role properly in the teamcomp. Yeah I guess my Jax should have popped their BV from a distance, initiated with a 5-man stun, then made sure to win the fight for us, uh? Fucktards. I should have just stocked on wards and kept splitpushing the fucking opened lane. | ||
Australia2003 Posts
Why is this in Shikyo? Didn't get any LP for the win! Stats weren't loading post-game, and although a message popped up saying the game hadn't been lost, 16 hours later there's still no sign of it. Rito oce plz. | ||
United States848 Posts
yeh im shit | ||
Finland951 Posts
Blames it on his support. | ||
France45622 Posts
Ziggs ignores me when I ask for a swap too. Of course, Ryze being able to start sapphire vs Jax means I can't even pretend to get close to the wave at level 1. When Amumu comes to "gank", he kills me (Ryze dies, but too late for me to get an assist because Amumu can't even hit a med range Q with no juke from Ryze), pushes the wave, then goes back to the jungle. So we have level 5 Ryze with first blood vs level 3 Jax, and 10+ of my minions near his tower, destroying his next wave as it comes in. Ryze gets a 20+ cs lead from that (since there's no way I even get in exp range) and hits 6. Amumu starts raging at me because meanwhile I took golems. Amumu proceeds to rage at me, then Ziggs pretends I never asked for a swap and rages at me too. Whatever, turns out fed Ryze when Jax is 3 levels behind kinda takes over a game. Who would have thought, as Amumu is a way worse jungler than I've seen in Plat. | ||
Germany2073 Posts
was so close to gold 1, failed 5 promos in a row. played last night, kept getting same shit as in promos, 2 guys minimum losing their lane and won't stop dieing all game. 5am, run into same smurf nidalee player 2 times in a row. perfect cs, trashes midlaner in first game. 2nd game i go mid against him, but fail to kill him. get a single gank all game while being camped by their xin jungle. In the one gank our Naut stacks his own cc, and nid can get out of range with 150hp left. Farmfest, lategame team = spear magnet -> demoted to gold 3. lolololololol. play a couple of games, new promo to gold 2. What do i get. 1st game premade panth garen top / jungle just doing their own thing running around solo (or mandropping into 1v4s) and a suicidal annie mid (yay i have 11 kills! 11-9-4 -_- #notfeeding). 2nd game, have to jungle, worst roll. Predict the lvl2 red invade, zed mid doesn't come. When he finally comes i already had to burn flash. He misses everything and doesnt use ignite against 100hp wukong, THEN gets juked by clone. Later i spot low hp wukong going for his red. Ping a million times to alert team. Sit in their jungle waiting for him for 10+ seconds. Kill him. Enemy bot+midlane surround and kill me, my bot and mid have their thumbs up their butts. Didn't follow, didn't push, probably never knew anything was happening. Fast forward, premade bot gets trashed 2v2 against randoms, i try to help mid but he fails to all in 3 times (didn't ult) and misses the kills by 50-200hp. Promo failed again, 6th promo in a row. FML. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
This is a Twitch that started 7-0 and I had to sit and eat all of his bullshit because Vi wasn't taking advantage of good opportunities to initiate. She also had a chance to straight up end the game because she was 1v1 against a Poppy with nexus left and she ran away instead of going "gee, this Poppy has like 60 cs and two items, she can't kill me." Others could have prevented recalls on the enemy team. Never been so mad in a game before. Other instances of retardedness: 1. I stunned Twitch near dragon in a major fight. Vi could followup with her ult (she was literally on top of him), she doesn't. He flashes over the wall. Instead of a resounding victory, we lose the fight. Twitch gets away. Uses it on Nocturne? after the fight is essentially over and everyone on our team is scattered or dead. 2. I can't even remember them all, there were just too freaking many. I've never seen a jungler go "hey, the enemy ADC is almost dead and they're 90% of their teams damage... I should save ult so the followup fight is easier" and just shrug their shoulders and let the stupid rat walk away. Yeah, your high KDA really matters, because you're letting the dude doing all the dirty work die and then lose objectives. UGH. Also- Poppy averaged about 2 cs per minute and we still lost. This is like the 3rd or 4th time this week I've trashed my top lane opponent this badly and we still lose because my team is brain dead when team fights roll around. | ||
Canada752 Posts
You get a mix of the new people that don't know what they are doing, and skilled players that just see this as a formality. I'm well aware I'm not that skilled. Maybe only top 30%, but I want to improve. Easy bot lane. New Leona and Jinx, vs my Twitch and a Karma. Despite my Karma starting Sapphire crystal, CS is even. SHe has a bad habit of auto attacking and nuking creeps, so the enemy has absolutely no reason to fear her, but does a good counter engage on the one time Leona actually gets her intiation on me with a quick shield on me/stun on Leona. Of course, uses that to run away, not kill them since Jinx was always out of position, but it's something. Their Lee Sin is clearly extremely skilled, and of course, 0 wards placed on map by my support Karma. Just such a shame. The Karma clearly had no idea what she was doing. At all. Never followed instructions when I asked for wards, to not push the lane, or to harass. Just did her own derp thing while a skilled lee sin ate up the entire team and I had to deal with what was nearly a 2v1 lane. I guess Riot has no way of telling when they are placing retards with people that have some idea what to do. Twitch only Smurf, 4-0 start, now 4-5. 3 troll games, and 2 games with people not trolling, just simply playing like they purchased their account. It feels so much like I'm playing Dota 2 with how imbalanced the game plays right now. That is not a good thing. (Anyone who plays Dota 2 knows the retard rules) | ||
New York City13113 Posts
I've realized that in situations like these, I automatically assume that the culprit is some young kid because the alternative is too terrifying to think about. | ||
Korea (South)185 Posts
"don't ever tell an 42 year old adult what to do again" You know a game is good when it makes grown men suffer complete mental and emotional break downs. | ||
France1923 Posts
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France2198 Posts
On March 24 2014 03:31 The_Unseen wrote: I'm pretty sure this thread gives cancer So stop trying to get cancer and come duo :D | ||
France1923 Posts
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France2198 Posts
On March 24 2014 03:56 The_Unseen wrote: I'm kinda busy trying to prepare for my exams which start tomorrow Then stop trying to get cancer and plz go ace your exams | ||
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