Riven is some trash. As in, he's really damn bad. But when he fails his push->level 2 all-in and I ignite him, we're both going to die. He survives my tick with 2 HP, gonna die on the next, I die from his last tick, he level-ups (considering he all-ined immediatly and only gets 75% of the needed exp from the kill, that means randomly dying minions during the fight and from the AoE gave him just what he needed) and survives my ignite with the gained HP.
Fucking goddamn luck at its finest. And then, since it's Riven, I'm fucked since despite how bad he is he basically just needs to faceroll on his keyboard (every jump puts him out of E range), combined with Udyr deciding to camp so I can't abuse his badness (still held equal in farm until our blue was invaded, mid didn't move, and... I died without killing Riven because his Q pushes him in a bush and interrupts my killing spell mid-animation).
Fucking trash lucking out twice on that bullshit champ.
Felt good playing Jayce since along time, dude is still pretty strong. I got quite fed against mundo in lane and on other lanes.
Then after team had no CC at all and enemy team was pretty good against kiting with tons of jumps and shit. We got dumpstered in teamfights :/ My team was premades probably not giving a fuck in their voicecomm. Disappointing. Need to carry harder I guess...
Does people dodging out of games reduce when you get to 30? It sometimes takes 5 or 6 attempts to get a game... I just want to play
My team : Shyvana (me), Lee, Zed, Cait/Thresh Their team : Nasus, Vi, Nida, Jinx/Morgana
No way to win against this shit. They had a fucklot of peel to prevent us from hard engaging their poke comp. I made Nasus my bitch by having my jungle coming several times to make sure he was so behind he couldn't do anything for the next 10-15min. He was 1/4 at his 2nd turret, and yet I was afraid to leave the lane because he would have been able to free farm and fuck us all, which he was almost already able to at 25min with 450 stacks, frozen heart and spirit visage almost done.
I feel it's, like, the perfect composition to deny every playing possibility of the opposite team. You have a shitlot of poke as Nida/Jinx/Morg, a shitlot of peel as Nasus/Morgana/Vi, and a shitlot of tools to prevent any hard engage as Nida/Morg/Nasus/Jinx. And you have a ton of fucking damage to 2-shot everyone in teamfights.
Most frustrating game ever I swear. Nasus had only 1k more damage than our Thresh (18k to 17k) AND HE WAS STILL A HUGE FUCKING RETARDED UNKILLABLE THREAT
1/10/1 First pick heimer top blames team for loss while constantly flaming. saying " GET OUT OF THIS ELO". Also has a negative KDA over 38 games. like for real? Sigh next queue different person but ANOTHER heimer top and he has a 1:2 negative kda... like hoyl shit... fuck this heimer art update.We won only caus their top laner a katarina dced and we counter jungled the hell out of their nautilus(lol) jungle. Seriously it feels like every game is just a frustrating stupid loss or a unsatisfying win, whichever side gets more trolls or idiots is the side that loses. Just trudging along at 60-65% winrate to dia when it feels like it should be higher when carrying every game.
On March 19 2014 05:58 Shottaz wrote:Does people dodging out of games reduce when you get to 30? It sometimes takes 5 or 6 attempts to get a game... I just want to play
Yes. Although probably not in solo blind picks.
I think that oftentimes, the worst situations to be in are the ones where you're expected to do well, because if something causes you to not do well, be it some sort of interference, your own mistakes, or just plain bad luck, then you're immediately the target of immense rage from teammates, whether deserved or not.
This happened to me in a game against a team with two junglers. Bot was a lone Lucian with no support, and it was me and a Varus against him. The enemy junglers, however, didn't let it remain like that, because it only took about one minute before we were getting camped and repeatedly ganked by Shaco and Wukong, who were also taking turns as pseudo-supports. For the entire laning phase except for two intervals (during which we heavily chunked bot tower and took dragon), it was pretty much always at least 2v2 and often 3v2 against us.
Of course, it's hard to be aggressive under that kind of pressure, especially since one of the camping junglers is a Shaco, so we're stuck playing defensively and eventually lose the lane. Of course, our Lee Sin jungle who, 15 minutes in, has yet to participate in a single kill, is the first to bitch about "how can you lose 2v1?" He only had one buff stolen at the beginning, and our mid got first blood in exchange during an invade anyway. He wasn't behind compared to the enemy junglers by any means.
Maybe I should have pinged him to come or something, I dunno. I was hoping he'd have an impact elsewhere in exchange for the camp we were facing.
9 of the 17 losses I've had after placement matches have been in series.
I won 6/20 ranked games. sigh .
That moment when you press tab as support and your just-back-from-the-dead ADC buys a cutlass and its not Vayne.
Lose every trade.
Seriously, a huge difference between different skill levels is actually knowing what to buy and how the items actually work for xyz situation.
Botrk is only good on ADCs who can get the whole damn thing before 10 minutes (ridiculously fed) or is vayne, even then for the first situation its still gonna hurt the ADC.
On March 19 2014 16:22 padfoota wrote: That moment when you press tab as support and your just-back-from-the-dead ADC buys a cutlass and its not Vayne.
Lose every trade.
Seriously, a huge difference between different skill levels is actually knowing what to buy and how the items actually work for xyz situation.
Botrk is only good on ADCs who can get the whole damn thing before 10 minutes (ridiculously fed) or is vayne, even then for the first situation its still gonna hurt the ADC.
BotRK is underrated by ADC with onhits(Ez) and Lucian(passive double shot).
Trundle feeds Renekton, sits in base like a baby. Syndra, Trundle's duo buddy, just fucks around forcing 3/2 surrender votes.
Game that should have ended at 20 minutes due to afk lasts 48+mins because surrendering was impossible since Syndra and Veiger wanted to see how extreme the situation would have to get to 1shot her.
Meanwhile it would have been an easy win if Trundle had just grown the fuck up and played.
What a bunch of fucktards. Zed insisting on splitpushing vs Eve and when he doesn't buy any wards. Or just yolo-ing 1v4 (sometimes 1v5 even) to try and kill Draven with Barrier and accompanied by 400+ AP Orianna and Thresh with Locket. Corki going mid or bot on purpose when we ping the enemy team trying to go to nashor. Elise raging all damn game long. Morgana support not buying sightstone. I noticed that at around 40 minutes when he was almost 6-slotted (NLR for rabbadon in his last slot).
Noone upgraded their sweeper even after I asked for it. I was actually the only one to buy wards with the occasional one from Morgana and the trinket wards. I upgraded my trinket for pinks because of Eve going full AP with DFG and 1v1ing fucktards like Zed thinking he can walk in the enemy jungle without vision. They wanted to do nashor but when Corki didn't suddenly run mid instead of helping dps it down, it was the lack of wards that prevented us from seeing them coming. Basically, despite all my AoE I had to try and kill uber-fed Eve by myself, who even sold his zhonya for a GA at the end when he noticed I was outplaying him.
Fucking retards thought it was a good idea to play without any wards as a 5-squishies team and to baron dance for around 20 minutes so that the enemy team could get everything they needed to fuck us up (GA, Zhonya, more AP for Orianna's shield, etc.) when we had their bot inhib left open. But can't splitpush or leave the baron area without a goddamn ward to check stuff. And they had the nerve to rage at each other. Fucking whiny 'tards, you want to win? Think about what you're fucking doing all wrong instead of tearing the others a new one, we were all doing dumb shit, focus on the game.
2 games in a row of trolls.
First game, win lane, lose game. Jungle came in, got my lane ahead and we kept it, but other lanes whine, cry, and begin to troll. Garen says, after a very positive attitude in chat, that he doesn't care and wants to lose now. Begins feeding. Surrender at 20.
Second game, on my twitch only smurf, end up in Jungle. Don't get a leash, so I have the worst jungle start you can get as a rat with low damage. Apply a tiny bit of pressure in lanes, but nothing serious. J4 leans on my bot lane hard, and as Twitch, I can't counter gank him until 6 at best, so I focus on the other 2 lanes, get them well ahead as soon as I can. Bot lane is actually doing fantastically well for all the ganks they've taken. Naturally, this means that after I do finally come bot to counter gank, kill J4. "I'm afking if you take my farm again". Proceed to flame, feed, and troll for the rest of the game. Game ends when they 2v5 the enemy team, and I make the choice to counter push. We were actually quite ahead, and win teamfights that aren't suicide engages. Base race scenario, one rat versus 5 team, but there is still a garen to slow them down.
Lose game with enemy nexus at 8 hp. If I had only used my ult.... or, you know, not had trolling teammates. I'd say that's the biggest heartbreak of any game I've had so far. Galio was playing amazingly well too, a huge shame that he had to take that loss.
Apparently playing late night/early morning means it's time for trolls. I think that's 4 ranked game in a row with trolls on my team. Riot please Fix.
On March 20 2014 04:55 Fildun wrote: Fk these EUW servers. I'm playing Dota.
Pretty sure im going to give it a try again too. EUW, NA, whatever the fuck, constant issues one would only expect with a neglected F2P game that is losing cash and has 400 concurrent players. Its not like they havent had, oh, months, years to solve these recurring issues. 3rd day in a row ranked has been disabled when i want to play, lag spikes at all times of day, 12th, 16th, 32nd week in a row the servers have been fucked for at least 1 day?
I don't understand why you would be an absolute fuckwit if you are a plat smurf. Gold V game with two plat smurfs talking shit to everyone on my team while they carry. Honestly it's like NBA players vs'ing high schoolers and talking smack when they win.