Life isn't as easy as I thought it would be. Finding a job is easy, finding a job that's suitable for me is not. I feel like I am living in a foreign country, even though I have lived here my whole life. You see, the majority language here is Russian. But it has not been like that always. About 70-75 years ago Estonian was the most spoken language here, but then World War 2 happened and lots of foreigners were located here. That means that I'm actually the minority among minority, which kind of sucks. I can speak Russian, but still not perfectly. One would think that after 8 years of studying it, and living among native Russian speakers, a person would master the language - but no. That's not the case with me. I'm an anomaly perhaps.
The language problem leads to my next point. Finding a job that doesn't require good proficiency of Russian is hard to find here. It's possible, but not easy. And that's not the only issue in my hometown. It's and industrial city, meaning that if you don't have any special qualifications, espesially in the field of chemistry, you probably won't find a job here. Again, possible, but not quite likely.
I know that I can find a job. But unfortunately, I can't accept most of them. The previous week I applied for a job in a local factory. It's blue collar work, but hey, can't really complain, when there's not much to choose from. Anyways, this week I actually got a call back, after I had lost hope of getting that job. But ... I had to decline. Turns out that working towards driver's license and finding a suitable job won't mix well together. It's only 2 days a week for 2 hours in the evening when I'm occupied, but that apparently is a big no-no to many.
So here I am, bored out of my mind, and contemplating over what to do. There's not much that I can do, other than to think about my future options. As finding a job is near impossible right now, I'm thinking about post-secondary education. I'm thinking of applying to college, either into history, philosphy, or east-asian studies. It's pretty unlikely that I'll be accepted (due to one really shitty exam result), but I'm going to try nevertheless. Even if I would be accepted, I'm feeling afraid, if I'd even manage college - I dropped out once already.
The more likely option would be for me to go to vocational/trade school. I will almost surely be accepted, and it will probably end up being cheaper. There are many vocations one can learn, but I'm not interested in most of them. The one's that feel somewhat interesting are accounting, cooking and logistics. Accounting and logistics do require some math, but I think I could manage. They would also be useful further along my career, if I'd like to create my own company. Cooking feels fun, as I would actually be creating something with my own hands. I would likely make my own restaurant somewhere along the line as well (everbody's doing it!). But I'm pretty tall so that might cause problems. 197 cm (6'6") in a small kitchen will cause some uncomfort.
But all the former might become impossible in the coming year as I got the letter from Estonian Defence Forces to get a medical check-up. There's a chance that I will have to spend the coming year fulfilling the mandatory military service. Then again, my othodontic treatment may interfere, so perhaps I will be obtaining further education instead.
I'm currently registered as unemployed which sucks. I was told to attend a career councelor, which, as it turns out, is as pointless as I imagined it to be. I was given a 'workbook', where each page is basically filled with the same question asked in four different ways.
After I (hopefully) obtain my driver's license, I'll be trying to fulfill my summer by working. Hopefully I'll find a job then, and get some cash to finance myself for at least several months.
If that won't be the case, then I'm a failure at life.
Also what the fuck is up with the weather? There was no sign of snow 3 days ago, and now it has been snowing 3 days non-stop.
I decided to watch IEM finals. After 1,5 years of not keeping up with the scene, those finals felt quick and dirty. Should I feel happy or sad about that, I don't know. Only explaination is PvP, I guess.
I don't think I have anything else left to say. My system has been cleaned.
Obligatory music part.
I love the chorus on this one
I think everyone should have a listen of 'Because The Internet'. One of the better albums out there.
I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I'm actually enjoying Skrillex. Turns out 'bro-step' isn't all he does. I was surprised that his first studio album is just coming out now, considering how famous he has been over the past few years. Definitely have a listen, you'll probably be surprised.