This blog contains some harsh language intended to convey emotions and make for a more fun read. It is not meant to be harmful in any way. Read at your own discretion! Furthermore, this is a different style of writing from my usual and is quite long. Hope you enjoy it!
Peruvian BW players. Their reputation for cheesing is unparalleled and known throughout all of the BW community. One must always be wary and cautious whenever he plays a Peruvian. Exaggeration much? quite possible or maybe, just maybe it's true. Only through experience will you learn such an important lesson.
so many holes
Your day starts off as normal and everything seems fine so far. Feeling the inkling for some BW action, you start the game, log into iccup and create your own game. You're pumped! It may be a new season with lots of smurfs but that doesn't bother you. You're gonna dominate! It's time to teach these smurfs who they're dealing with. Suddenly, a player joins. About 1200 rank and a protoss hmm. Seems simple enough. You'll dispatch this noob and get revenge for previous protoss losses. As the countdown commences, you're getting more excited to grab your first win of the new season.
The game starts. You want to play standard and safe. 1 rax FE, your favorite build for TvP is what you have in mind. Planting down that depot and rax to partially block the entrance of your base at 7 o'clock on La Mancha makes you feel a bit safe. Your opponent is close by at 5 o'clock but is 1 gating only. You feel safer and build your cc on the low ground. Make marines, workers and a bunker to prevent a quick loss. You figure it's best to get an engineering bay soon and start by adding some factories first, that pro thinking! A single dragoon starts targeting your bunker, no big deal with an scv repairing. You go back and admire your worker saturation. This is the best saturation ever! You feel proud. Your macro is improving and you have no idle workers, fantastic! Once the factories are done building, you'll start to go on the offensive. You're going to roll that protoss and makes him regret facing you!
CRASHHHHHHHH!!!!! what? huh? what was that sound? you scroll over to your expansion and your bunker was destroyed by a single goon? Say what? wait, that flicker, you see it. Your eyes confirm it but it hasn't clicked. AHHHHHH! your 4 marines scream as they are slashed to death by a single strike. Panic sets in. Shit! You want to build a turret but wait, where's my engineering bay? IT'S NOT HERE! You were too busy getting your factories up. You order two SCVs to build an engineering bay and an academy. You try to stale for time but even your spider mines aren't ready yet. You stare helplessly as your worker are annihilated. Just keep him occupied a bit more, you wish. Your heart sinks as you see them make their way into your main. SCVs start to panic and run wild only to be killed as they pass by.
What was once a thriving main is now devoid of almost all life. Your vultures are finished but no spider mines. Your engineering bay finishes but you have no money. Your worst fears are confirmed. One last ditch effort by a paltry force of 2 vultures doesn't help much and they are soon wiped off the face of this dry desert. You are air lifted out at the last second, it's game over, gg. As you depart the battlefield, you can't help but blame yourself. You alone are responsible for the slaughter of 30+SCVs and vultures. Memories of Sayle calling protoss 'the bullshit race' swirl around in your head. You chuckle for a bit then clench your fists and vow revenge! That protoss scum will not get away next time! He will be defeated!
Round 2:
You calm down and realize he got lucky. Had you had detection, that would've been an easy hold into a gg after you roll him a couple minutes later. No problem, still got this. You create another game, same name and all. He joins. You eye his name to confirm. Yes, it's him. Guess I don't have to wait much, you think to yourself. Game counts down after an exchange of glgl's and hf's. This time you're wary of his style and you're ready!
Game starts, glgl you say but the chat remains silent. You question if your opponent is still there or if you've still so fixated on the last game that you didn't see his response. Maybe both? Doesn't matter. A worker confirms he's close by at 10 o'clock while you're at 1 o'clock. My third is that much closer, nice, I got this. His worker comes in, looks a bit suspicious. Wait, is it heading to my geyser? stop him! nooooooo! At least it's only a geyser ... huh? what is it with this guy? My mineral lines! >.>
you know what? it doesn't matter either. NOTHING MATTERS ANYMORE! Your grip on reality is waning but you hold onto the last threads of your sanity. You were going to 1 rax FE anyways. ha! You'll just clean this up, get your cc far from his probe to avoid it getting detected and still win this in the end is what you think. A mere gas and pylon block won't stop me! He also likely got supply blocked and lost those minerals so I'm not that far behind are more of your thoughts.
This shouldn't be too bad if I keep my calm. Ok, so I'll expand, get some factories and watch out for any dt followups. Land my cc, spread out my marines, that should be enough marines I think. AHHHHHH! What's happening now? How did he get that many units already? I don't even... You sit there completely silent starting at your army as its easily crushed yet again under the might of the protoss army.
It's over again. Not much has changed. He pretty much had his own way and still won. This can't be right. That shouldn't have happened. Where did I mess up? Maybe I was too confident in going cc instead of a bunker incase of a followup? hmm don't let it bother you. SNAP OUT OF IT! He's just ready with his builds, that's all. You think to yourself:If I get lucky enough to face him again, I'll make sure to win! I wish I could face him again. You leave the game and create another game with the same name.
Round 3:
As if he has heard your wish, he joins the game like the previous time. You recognize that this guy won't be an easy challenge at this point. He's already winning the psychological game and is quite possibly the better macro player but you tell yourself that if you are cautious and prepare for all his cheeses, you'll win this. You're now ready. This is the final game. It's win or walk away a loser in his and your eyes!
The game starts off normally. You spawn at 5 o'clock and scout clockwise. You hope that you get to his base soon enough to catch any new cheeses. You get lucky and scout his base first but wait, it's empty? Maybe he's hiding something near the top? hmm doesn't seem like it. This has to be a proxy gate, can't be anything else. Maybe 2 gate since he's obviously not Bisu.
Feeling like you're more in control, you get the gas and think about blocking the entrance then it happens. The sneaky probe builds a pylon to prevent the block. A free pylon kill, can't really complain lol. Either way, you think about possible followups and decide to block his likely future expansion with an engineering bay. Two can play at that game:
Finally, his zealots are revealed! Your vultures are out and you have marines+beefy SCVs, everything will be fine. You breath a sight of relief and enjoy the upcoming micro battle (left to right and down to read). You also manage to sneak some vultures out and score some easy probe kills! YES! This is what you've wanted! You feel uplifted!
You finally have the commanding lead. Bringing his worker count down to single digits, blocking his expansion and having easily triple the worker count, you are ready to begin your offense but something else catches your eye. Having just scouted his base while killing workers, you see the templar archives. DT's incoming! You stay calm and realize that you have an engineering bay from earlier in the game. You built 2 turrets and await the inevitable:
You scout around and take out his proxy 2 gates as well as expand and try to vulture harass but he's on the defensive:
Eventually, the game rolls on and you get tired. You realize the advantage you had has likely lessened so you go on the offensive but unfortunately for you, your siege tanks are spread thin and your vulture numbers dwindle in no time:
FUCK! You lose your cool. Your heart drops and you feel the counterattack incoming. You have barely anything to defend with. Is it going to be 0-3? Can you stop the forward march of the protoss? Will you concede defeat?
You manage to stop it with the 2-3 tanks on the high ground and with the spider mines from vultures that spawned on time. Even though you stopped it, you now know that you have an uphill battle to climb. Not only did you lose your whole mech army but he's likely going to try and get his third soon which you need to prevent. Thoughts swirl around on what you can do. You settle on just defending till you recover while trying to harass. You manage to catch some free units that your opponent donations to your cause and clear almost all his probes on his third base as well as more at his expansion. You finally start feeling that luck is on your side:
With much less workers now, his economy must be suffering. This is your chance to strike! Rolling out with your army, your order your tank to siege on the ramp. Having a mind of their own, they decide to resist your command leading to you losing your army yet again. You facepalm and feel like you want to break your keyboard and punch a wall but you want your hand in one piece lol:
No matter, his army has gotten smaller and you just got another 4 bases, 2 of which are mining at a decent rate and 2 other ones that are mostly for gas. You get a couple of templar kills with some vultures but he decides to just attack your other bases. That pushes you over the edge! Fuck this shit! Sayle's words come to mind: kill him! kill him! You march into his base, lay seige to his expansions and easily decimate his final force:
and with that, the final GG! You've done it! You somehow managed to win a game that you almost lost that you should've won! and managed to beat a famed peruvian player while you're at it. You've learned your lesson. You quit iccup, close BW and go sleep to recover.