This FUCKING RETARD just went stalker immortal into dt. against terran. and you know the incredible thing? it worked. Protoss does not need aoe to win. Protoss does not need skill to play. its incredible. the difference in skill required to play the tvp matchup makes me want to punch a hole in this fucking computer. I try so hard to be good at this game, and my mmr often has me just destroying other terrans and zergs. my winrates are above 80 percent in the tvz and tvt matchups. but no matter what i do, I cant get my head around tvp. I can stant losing to people who are worse than me, and I rarely feel like protoss outplays me. ever. Its just gimmick after gimmick after gimmick. That the balance team hasnt done something about this yet fucking amazes me.
The Letting Off Steam Thread - Page 129
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United States2411 Posts
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United States7291 Posts
Fuck your stupid contest. Well, good evening, TeamLiquid. I do believe it's quite time we had ourselves a cordial little chat. I do suppose that first, before we head into the thesis behind this most recent bout of musing, that I start with a little story. It begins with my naive spunky idealism, a drive to use my talents for the benefit of the StarCraft community. I was but a little piglet, being fed off the teet of my mother, without realizing that the true price of my service would be to end up in the butchery. I made a big mistake: I joined the iCCup team. Without realizing the full extent of the vendetta, I worked in blissful ignorance until my unexpected promotion. This of course, made me a very visible figure to the iCCup community, and therefore, a target to be attacked relentlessly. Naturally, rather than to take the abuse maturely, I reacted without much calculation. This isn't to say that my pacifistic instinct didn't kick in first, when I tried to help a particular fat fuck on more than one occasion to show that I wanted to transcend any sort of past conflict. Hello Nina, It has come to my attention that you contacted the sponsor of the Test Your Might BGH Tournament in a need of urgency. As I am the organizer and operator of the tournament, I simply request that if you need any information regarding the tournament that you contact me. This is for the simple reason that I'm the one responsible for any input and output of the tournament. Given that, I have a special interest in anything pertaining to the tournament itself and would like to help you in any way possible. Hello, I'm excited about your upcoming tournament, and I would like it to be successful, so I just wanted to make sure you contacted iCCup.Messer about hosting the tournament on iCCup, because our rules require all commercial tournaments to be approved by the iCCup staff. The iCCup [administration] didn't ask me to tell you this and doesn't know about it - I'm going out of my way to help you out (as surprising as that may be) because I'd like to avoid any drama that may ensue if someone from the iCCup staff decides to abruptly stop the tournament. We both love Broodwar, and I know a lot of people are excited about this tournament, so I sincerely hope everything works out. =) ~ Nina And additionally, I used my moderator powers to weed out a user that was banned from the tournament for the benefit of the organizers. You would assume that such steps to extend an olive branch would be appreciated. But that was not the case. My olive branch was thrown on the ground and shat upon with the most foul of excrement. So I can only apologize if you don't understand my frustration with hearing public verbal attacks against me for no reason. You can only imagine my shock when my friend Eywa decided to go into business working with none other than Game aka The American Muscle Terran. It seemed like almost overnight, Eywa turned from being polite, enthusiastic, and zealous to build a StarCraft scene, into a pessimist; a narcissist, angry, disillusioned man whose ambition was now torn between StarCraft and vengeance against the iCCup administration. The awful truth is, he was fired from the admin team after taking a short hiatus to find himself removed. He claims to have put in a request of absence, to let the admins know he would be on vacation, however, the administration (of that time) claimed the opposite is true, but since I never had mind to check until all the evidence was somehow lost, I am inclined to believe that he was fired unfairly. He only mentioned that he "left" the team to work on his own projects, so I was unaware that there was a problem. People left the team all the time, so this was nothing out-of-the-ordinary. During either the Island Tour, he said he wanted iCCup to publish news for the event, and I gladly obliged. I asked for the information, but he said he would give it to me later. I thought that was a bit odd, but it made sense when the day before the tour, he posted on TeamLiquid all of the details, including that he would be working with Game on the article. I told him that I would give him credit for the tournament, but could not support a project that included Game, partially for the verbal abuse from Game, and the fact that Our Dear Leader, Cheloman, gave specific orders to boycott anything involving Game. Regardless, I had a subordinate post the news piece, and Eywa didn't like it. I was kind of annoyed, but agreed to fix it up, but the same night, was asked by Head Admin Messer to remove that news piece. I messaged Eywa and explained what happened, and he only became embittered at iCCup. After watching some of Eywa's practice games against ZuCrow, I became fairly confident that I could beat him with any race. I asked for a showmatch, which was quite a bad idea. I'd never been that sort of stage before, and my heart was pounding through the games. I lost the bo9 3-5, but felt like something was amiss and I didn't play as well as I could have because I had gotten so nervous, so I asked for another showmatch, which ended similarly, being 4-5 in his favor. I played slightly better the second time, but it was humiliating to have lost in front of so many people. This wasn't my first humiliating loss, though. I had played some very emotional matches that went very poorly for me in the past, and had been knocked out of the first match of every tournament I had ever entered. So I quit StarCraft. My retirement lasted 2 weeks. I came back and the first game was against none other than Eywa on the ladder, who was still talking shit and lording his wins over me, so made sure to absolutely crush him in that game. I wanted to make him feel the way I felt. But it was just one game that no one saw, so I found his smurf IDs, and began hunting him down on the ladder and beating him again and again and again. After nine consecutive wins, I finally got too cocky and did a very bad build and lost before immediately rematching him and winning. Still, people kept giving me shit about the showmatches, including Eywa, who kept saying "Beat you 2-0". Faggot. So I challenged him to a full-blown grudgematch, where, instead of playing off-races on weird maps, we would play my Zerg versus his Protoss. The grudgematch thread garnered a lot of attention, but ultimately, he refused, knowing that I had beaten him so many times, and that it would not be possible to win. He dodged the grudgematch like a bitch, and kept changing his reasons for not wanting to fight. + Show Spoiler [message list goes from bottom to top] + Precisely. Original Message From Eywa-: Exactly. Hide nested quote - Original Message From ninazerg: I'm glad you hold Gecko in such high esteem for intelligence. Getting a live cast or making a thread isn't a problem. I just have to make sure your mom isn't making you do chores on the day of the grudgematch. Original Message From Eywa-: You obviously haven't run this plan by your gay boyfriend Gecko, or you'd know that you shouldn't tell the person when to show up. Anyhomo, you need a thread and live cast before you can do something like this, no point in my playing if you're going to avoid public humiliation. Otherwise, I'll let you know when I'll play you closer to the date. Original Message From ninazerg: Silencia, puta! :D Let's make a plan. Saturday, high noon. Players: Me - Zerg You - Protoss format: bo5, loser picks from map pool Map pool: any iccup map. gl hf. Original Message From Eywa-: I'm not dodging, there's no set plan. Honestly, you just know you can't handle my strategic knowledge and are hoping you can simply out-macro me. As I said before, you're trash shim. Original Message From ninazerg: So, you're dodging because you can't just cheese against my off-race again? Original Message From Eywa-: Go cry to someone who cares. I've stomped you twice already. Original Message From ninazerg: Nice to see you're showing your true colors. Original Message From Eywa-: You're garbage. Original Message From ninazerg: Also, no retarded maps. We'll use the iccup maps, not fucking desert outpost and bifrost, which are garbage. The worst part about playing StarCraft is that sometimes, people just remember my flaws and don't care about anything else that I do. I love so many people in the community, but I can't stand the computer-based alpha males whose goal is to humiliate everyone else and talk about it forever. I also can't stand power-trippy assholes, but I, again, extended the olive branch: Hello, A few days ago you said if I was serious about starting a truce to message you in private, so here I am, because I am serious. I don't mind drama personally, but I know a lot of people have plenty of it in their lives, and don't want to come online to see more of it. So first of all, I want to apologize to you personally for everything incendiary or divisive said on my part. Sometimes, I let myself get carried away with how I feel, but I really don't want to have any drama with anyone. I don't think we're going to be like, friends, but I think we can be civil with each other and not say anything to piss the other person off. I'm also not speaking on behalf of iccup, but I would appreciate, if you are willing to accept my apologies and offer for truce to let any ill will or feelings you have against iccup go. I just also want to make clear that I'm not admitting to a grudge existing, because the current iccup staff has no personal grudge against you, and Cheloman/Paladin aren't even part of the team any more. Now, this is what I think about you personally: I think you are very intelligent, talented in StarCraft, and have a nice smile (but omg, that beard... :x ). A lot of people that have spent time talking with you have told me that you are a "big teddy bear on the inside", and I would certainly like to see more of that, and I wonder why you've gone to such pains to hide it. I would love to see the big teddy bear Game, because I believe you really do love StarCraft still, and it just needs more positivity, which is why I decided to write this to you. I have no agenda, ulterior motives, or trickery in writing this. If anything I've said in this message sounded condescending, sarcastic or rude, I apologize for that, as well. I hope by putting myself out there, you can start to consider to making a truce with iccup, and maybe we can make that public - if, God willing, it happens. Give it some time, think it over, and let me know what you think! Till then, have a good day, and a pleasant tomorrow :3 - Nina IGNORED! At the time the letter was written, Cheloman, Paladin and GeckoXp were no longer involved with the iCCup team. The last piece of the puzzle would be me, and so I said that I was sorry. I really was. I just wanted to stop the silliness, but Game ignored me, continued to hold a grudge against iCCup, and me personally, and made sure to tell everyone he worked with what a terrible person I am. I was watching a stream and Game was watching the same stream, and a thought hit me: "We both really love this game", and I asked him if he wouldn't mind a truce. He refused and said I was only doing it to get attention in public, and that if I were serious, I would message him in private. So I did. But subsequently, after he continued to cheat my friends and other people in tournaments that he and Eywa would create, maybe it was for the best. Eywa used self-destruct last year, and it was super-effective, critical hit. After being massively overshadowed by the TLS, Game stopped producing tournaments. Out of grief, Eywa suicided his TL account, and continues to fail to this very day at life, and has recently paid the player Sziky 400$ to join Game's team, LRM, in order to "rig the league" and ruin the SBWI Team League. There is no word yet on whether or not the STL has even been affected in the slightest by this turn of events, as Sziky has barely played. The longer Eywa dodges the grudgematch, the more of a bitch he becomes. I felt forced to bring it up again when I was unexpectedly brought into some faggy popularity contest. The contest is basically rigged to the max, and I didn't even know I was in it until I had already "lost" to Liquid`Nazgul. Not that I would want to "beat" him to begin with. I hate these stupid contests, so I did what everyone else should have done: posted a blog declaring that everything is bullshit, and taking all the dirt that could be dug up on me, and saying "Here it is, have fun with that." including those losses to Eywa that will seemingly never go away, because everyone has to be a faggot about it. Any day he comes out of hiding to play me, I'm ready. But as far as anyone who uses it against me to put me down, let me just say this: I don't care. Nobody cares. I'm a different person now. I've changed a lot since then, and nobody is going to throw that out there against me and hurt me with it. But like magic, when I posted telling people not to vote for me, something weird happened. My "opponent", TheEmulator, lost a huge lead overnight and my momentum carried me to being ahead of him by about 20 votes. While I was catching him, he posted saying that I was supposed to be the easy win in my group, which pissed me off, so when I got a significant lead over him the night before the vote, I was ready to win, then concede my spot to him and then quit. But that didn't happen. Out of nowhere, he somehow overtook me at the last second, despite the fact that my votes were still going up when I went to bed, leading me to believe that someone wanted to eliminate me from the league. Bitter memories of losing 0-2 in so many tournaments came flooding back, and despite winning my CrSL group 2-0, I lost my first bracket match 0-2, and was upset. I felt like I was put into the competition to lose. Who would do that? Who thought it would be funny to put me in this shit? Then this faggot Serejai goes that he's voting for TheEmulator because I'm a bitch. Suddenly, the picture becomes more clear. It wasn't TheEmulator who rigged my poll, it was Serejai. After all, in the "Loser round", my poll got more votes than any of the other polls, and that made it stand out. So, here is what must happen. Serejai must die. He must lose this competition in a devastating fashion, like nothing the world has ever seen. This will be the mother of all battles, commenced by shock and awe, and will involve a massive propaganda campaign to absolutely obliterate every fiber of his soul. It will be an absolute massacre, hamburger hill, showdown at the house of blues, OK corral, stalingrad, world war 3, the last battle in the Matrix Revolutions, the Biblical armaggedon foreseen by the prophet John. I am stocking up on energy drinks and am making a special playlist in preparation for this battle in which we will end by standing knee-deep in blood. As for Lichter, shame on you for this thing. It's not fun, it's not cute, it's not funny, it's not enjoyable to watch. It is reducing TL to an unwinnable high school prom queen contest. This whole thing is a travesty of epic proportions. As for everyone involved having fun, I wish none of you ill except for a few of you, and this situation we have will be amended, and that's a promise. | ||
Germany6926 Posts
On December 07 2013 18:21 ninazerg wrote: + Show Spoiler + Fuck your stupid contest. Well, good evening, TeamLiquid. I do believe it's quite time we had ourselves a cordial little chat. I do suppose that first, before we head into the thesis behind this most recent bout of musing, that I start with a little story. It begins with my naive spunky idealism, a drive to use my talents for the benefit of the StarCraft community. I was but a little piglet, being fed off the teet of my mother, without realizing that the true price of my service would be to end up in the butchery. I made a big mistake: I joined the iCCup team. Without realizing the full extent of the vendetta, I worked in blissful ignorance until my unexpected promotion. This of course, made me a very visible figure to the iCCup community, and therefore, a target to be attacked relentlessly. Naturally, rather than to take the abuse maturely, I reacted without much calculation. This isn't to say that my pacifistic instinct didn't kick in first, when I tried to help a particular fat fuck on more than one occasion to show that I wanted to transcend any sort of past conflict. Hello Nina, It has come to my attention that you contacted the sponsor of the Test Your Might BGH Tournament in a need of urgency. As I am the organizer and operator of the tournament, I simply request that if you need any information regarding the tournament that you contact me. This is for the simple reason that I'm the one responsible for any input and output of the tournament. Given that, I have a special interest in anything pertaining to the tournament itself and would like to help you in any way possible. Hello, I'm excited about your upcoming tournament, and I would like it to be successful, so I just wanted to make sure you contacted iCCup.Messer about hosting the tournament on iCCup, because our rules require all commercial tournaments to be approved by the iCCup staff. The iCCup [administration] didn't ask me to tell you this and doesn't know about it - I'm going out of my way to help you out (as surprising as that may be) because I'd like to avoid any drama that may ensue if someone from the iCCup staff decides to abruptly stop the tournament. We both love Broodwar, and I know a lot of people are excited about this tournament, so I sincerely hope everything works out. =) ~ Nina And additionally, I used my moderator powers to weed out a user that was banned from the tournament for the benefit of the organizers. You would assume that such steps to extend an olive branch would be appreciated. But that was not the case. My olive branch was thrown on the ground and shat upon with the most foul of excrement. So I can only apologize if you don't understand my frustration with hearing public verbal attacks against me for no reason. You can only imagine my shock when my friend Eywa decided to go into business working with none other than Game aka The American Muscle Terran. It seemed like almost overnight, Eywa turned from being polite, enthusiastic, and zealous to build a StarCraft scene, into a pessimist; a narcissist, angry, disillusioned man whose ambition was now torn between StarCraft and vengeance against the iCCup administration. The awful truth is, he was fired from the admin team after taking a short hiatus to find himself removed. He claims to have put in a request of absence, to let the admins know he would be on vacation, however, the administration (of that time) claimed the opposite is true, but since I never had mind to check until all the evidence was somehow lost, I am inclined to believe that he was fired unfairly. He only mentioned that he "left" the team to work on his own projects, so I was unaware that there was a problem. People left the team all the time, so this was nothing out-of-the-ordinary. During either the Island Tour, he said he wanted iCCup to publish news for the event, and I gladly obliged. I asked for the information, but he said he would give it to me later. I thought that was a bit odd, but it made sense when the day before the tour, he posted on TeamLiquid all of the details, including that he would be working with Game on the article. I told him that I would give him credit for the tournament, but could not support a project that included Game, partially for the verbal abuse from Game, and the fact that Our Dear Leader, Cheloman, gave specific orders to boycott anything involving Game. Regardless, I had a subordinate post the news piece, and Eywa didn't like it. I was kind of annoyed, but agreed to fix it up, but the same night, was asked by Head Admin Messer to remove that news piece. I messaged Eywa and explained what happened, and he only became embittered at iCCup. After watching some of Eywa's practice games against ZuCrow, I became fairly confident that I could beat him with any race. I asked for a showmatch, which was quite a bad idea. I'd never been that sort of stage before, and my heart was pounding through the games. I lost the bo9 3-5, but felt like something was amiss and I didn't play as well as I could have because I had gotten so nervous, so I asked for another showmatch, which ended similarly, being 4-5 in his favor. I played slightly better the second time, but it was humiliating to have lost in front of so many people. This wasn't my first humiliating loss, though. I had played some very emotional matches that went very poorly for me in the past, and had been knocked out of the first match of every tournament I had ever entered. So I quit StarCraft. My retirement lasted 2 weeks. I came back and the first game was against none other than Eywa on the ladder, who was still talking shit and lording his wins over me, so made sure to absolutely crush him in that game. I wanted to make him feel the way I felt. But it was just one game that no one saw, so I found his smurf IDs, and began hunting him down on the ladder and beating him again and again and again. After nine consecutive wins, I finally got too cocky and did a very bad build and lost before immediately rematching him and winning. Still, people kept giving me shit about the showmatches, including Eywa, who kept saying "Beat you 2-0". Faggot. So I challenged him to a full-blown grudgematch, where, instead of playing off-races on weird maps, we would play my Zerg versus his Protoss. The grudgematch thread garnered a lot of attention, but ultimately, he refused, knowing that I had beaten him so many times, and that it would not be possible to win. He dodged the grudgematch like a bitch, and kept changing his reasons for not wanting to fight. + Show Spoiler [message list goes from bottom to top] + Precisely. Original Message From Eywa-: Exactly. Hide nested quote - Original Message From ninazerg: I'm glad you hold Gecko in such high esteem for intelligence. Getting a live cast or making a thread isn't a problem. I just have to make sure your mom isn't making you do chores on the day of the grudgematch. Original Message From Eywa-: You obviously haven't run this plan by your gay boyfriend Gecko, or you'd know that you shouldn't tell the person when to show up. Anyhomo, you need a thread and live cast before you can do something like this, no point in my playing if you're going to avoid public humiliation. Otherwise, I'll let you know when I'll play you closer to the date. Original Message From ninazerg: Silencia, puta! :D Let's make a plan. Saturday, high noon. Players: Me - Zerg You - Protoss format: bo5, loser picks from map pool Map pool: any iccup map. gl hf. Original Message From Eywa-: I'm not dodging, there's no set plan. Honestly, you just know you can't handle my strategic knowledge and are hoping you can simply out-macro me. As I said before, you're trash shim. Original Message From ninazerg: So, you're dodging because you can't just cheese against my off-race again? Original Message From Eywa-: Go cry to someone who cares. I've stomped you twice already. Original Message From ninazerg: Nice to see you're showing your true colors. Original Message From Eywa-: You're garbage. Original Message From ninazerg: Also, no retarded maps. We'll use the iccup maps, not fucking desert outpost and bifrost, which are garbage. The worst part about playing StarCraft is that sometimes, people just remember my flaws and don't care about anything else that I do. I love so many people in the community, but I can't stand the computer-based alpha males whose goal is to humiliate everyone else and talk about it forever. I also can't stand power-trippy assholes, but I, again, extended the olive branch: Hello, A few days ago you said if I was serious about starting a truce to message you in private, so here I am, because I am serious. I don't mind drama personally, but I know a lot of people have plenty of it in their lives, and don't want to come online to see more of it. So first of all, I want to apologize to you personally for everything incendiary or divisive said on my part. Sometimes, I let myself get carried away with how I feel, but I really don't want to have any drama with anyone. I don't think we're going to be like, friends, but I think we can be civil with each other and not say anything to piss the other person off. I'm also not speaking on behalf of iccup, but I would appreciate, if you are willing to accept my apologies and offer for truce to let any ill will or feelings you have against iccup go. I just also want to make clear that I'm not admitting to a grudge existing, because the current iccup staff has no personal grudge against you, and Cheloman/Paladin aren't even part of the team any more. Now, this is what I think about you personally: I think you are very intelligent, talented in StarCraft, and have a nice smile (but omg, that beard... :x ). A lot of people that have spent time talking with you have told me that you are a "big teddy bear on the inside", and I would certainly like to see more of that, and I wonder why you've gone to such pains to hide it. I would love to see the big teddy bear Game, because I believe you really do love StarCraft still, and it just needs more positivity, which is why I decided to write this to you. I have no agenda, ulterior motives, or trickery in writing this. If anything I've said in this message sounded condescending, sarcastic or rude, I apologize for that, as well. I hope by putting myself out there, you can start to consider to making a truce with iccup, and maybe we can make that public - if, God willing, it happens. Give it some time, think it over, and let me know what you think! Till then, have a good day, and a pleasant tomorrow :3 - Nina IGNORED! At the time the letter was written, Cheloman, Paladin and GeckoXp were no longer involved with the iCCup team. The last piece of the puzzle would be me, and so I said that I was sorry. I really was. I just wanted to stop the silliness, but Game ignored me, continued to hold a grudge against iCCup, and me personally, and made sure to tell everyone he worked with what a terrible person I am. I was watching a stream and Game was watching the same stream, and a thought hit me: "We both really love this game", and I asked him if he wouldn't mind a truce. He refused and said I was only doing it to get attention in public, and that if I were serious, I would message him in private. So I did. But subsequently, after he continued to cheat my friends and other people in tournaments that he and Eywa would create, maybe it was for the best. Eywa used self-destruct last year, and it was super-effective, critical hit. After being massively overshadowed by the TLS, Game stopped producing tournaments. Out of grief, Eywa suicided his TL account, and continues to fail to this very day at life, and has recently paid the player Sziky 400$ to join Game's team, LRM, in order to "rig the league" and ruin the SBWI Team League. There is no word yet on whether or not the STL has even been affected in the slightest by this turn of events, as Sziky has barely played. The longer Eywa dodges the grudgematch, the more of a bitch he becomes. I felt forced to bring it up again when I was unexpectedly brought into some faggy popularity contest. The contest is basically rigged to the max, and I didn't even know I was in it until I had already "lost" to Liquid`Nazgul. Not that I would want to "beat" him to begin with. I hate these stupid contests, so I did what everyone else should have done: posted a blog declaring that everything is bullshit, and taking all the dirt that could be dug up on me, and saying "Here it is, have fun with that." including those losses to Eywa that will seemingly never go away, because everyone has to be a faggot about it. Any day he comes out of hiding to play me, I'm ready. But as far as anyone who uses it against me to put me down, let me just say this: I don't care. Nobody cares. I'm a different person now. I've changed a lot since then, and nobody is going to throw that out there against me and hurt me with it. But like magic, when I posted telling people not to vote for me, something weird happened. My "opponent", TheEmulator, lost a huge lead overnight and my momentum carried me to being ahead of him by about 20 votes. While I was catching him, he posted saying that I was supposed to be the easy win in my group, which pissed me off, so when I got a significant lead over him the night before the vote, I was ready to win, then concede my spot to him and then quit. But that didn't happen. Out of nowhere, he somehow overtook me at the last second, despite the fact that my votes were still going up when I went to bed, leading me to believe that someone wanted to eliminate me from the league. Bitter memories of losing 0-2 in so many tournaments came flooding back, and despite winning my CrSL group 2-0, I lost my first bracket match 0-2, and was upset. I felt like I was put into the competition to lose. Who would do that? Who thought it would be funny to put me in this shit? Then this faggot Serejai goes that he's voting for TheEmulator because I'm a bitch. Suddenly, the picture becomes more clear. It wasn't TheEmulator who rigged my poll, it was Serejai. After all, in the "Loser round", my poll got more votes than any of the other polls, and that made it stand out. So, here is what must happen. Serejai must die. He must lose this competition in a devastating fashion, like nothing the world has ever seen. This will be the mother of all battles, commenced by shock and awe, and will involve a massive propaganda campaign to absolutely obliterate every fiber of his soul. It will be an absolute massacre, hamburger hill, showdown at the house of blues, OK corral, stalingrad, world war 3, the last battle in the Matrix Revolutions, the Biblical armaggedon foreseen by the prophet John. I am stocking up on energy drinks and am making a special playlist in preparation for this battle in which we will end by standing knee-deep in blood. As for Lichter, shame on you for this thing. It's not fun, it's not cute, it's not funny, it's not enjoyable to watch. It is reducing TL to an unwinnable high school prom queen contest. This whole thing is a travesty of epic proportions. As for everyone involved having fun, I wish none of you ill except for a few of you, and this situation we have will be amended, and that's a promise. maybe you should write a book | ||
Norway189 Posts
Fuck my ISP. If you are from Norway, don't EVER get Nextgentel. Fuck them so hard. They won't deliver a stable internet connection, and their customer support is almost fucking nonexistent. Like most other ISPs, the customer support doesn't know jack fucking shit, so once you get through the phone queue, you literally talk to someone who is 100% incompetent and should never give anyone advices. Fuck Nextgentel. Fuck them so much. I live in the middle of Norways second largest city, and I can't even play starcraft online. Well I can, but with 3 fucking seconds of delay every move, good luck trying to micro. It's not only starcraft. The internet disappears at random times too. Fuck Nextgentel so much. Fuck everyone who works for Nextgentel, and fuck their ancestors. | ||
Singapore3438 Posts
On December 07 2013 18:21 ninazerg wrote: + Show Spoiler + Fuck your stupid contest. Well, good evening, TeamLiquid. I do believe it's quite time we had ourselves a cordial little chat. I do suppose that first, before we head into the thesis behind this most recent bout of musing, that I start with a little story. It begins with my naive spunky idealism, a drive to use my talents for the benefit of the StarCraft community. I was but a little piglet, being fed off the teet of my mother, without realizing that the true price of my service would be to end up in the butchery. I made a big mistake: I joined the iCCup team. Without realizing the full extent of the vendetta, I worked in blissful ignorance until my unexpected promotion. This of course, made me a very visible figure to the iCCup community, and therefore, a target to be attacked relentlessly. Naturally, rather than to take the abuse maturely, I reacted without much calculation. This isn't to say that my pacifistic instinct didn't kick in first, when I tried to help a particular fat fuck on more than one occasion to show that I wanted to transcend any sort of past conflict. Hello Nina, It has come to my attention that you contacted the sponsor of the Test Your Might BGH Tournament in a need of urgency. As I am the organizer and operator of the tournament, I simply request that if you need any information regarding the tournament that you contact me. This is for the simple reason that I'm the one responsible for any input and output of the tournament. Given that, I have a special interest in anything pertaining to the tournament itself and would like to help you in any way possible. Hello, I'm excited about your upcoming tournament, and I would like it to be successful, so I just wanted to make sure you contacted iCCup.Messer about hosting the tournament on iCCup, because our rules require all commercial tournaments to be approved by the iCCup staff. The iCCup [administration] didn't ask me to tell you this and doesn't know about it - I'm going out of my way to help you out (as surprising as that may be) because I'd like to avoid any drama that may ensue if someone from the iCCup staff decides to abruptly stop the tournament. We both love Broodwar, and I know a lot of people are excited about this tournament, so I sincerely hope everything works out. =) ~ Nina And additionally, I used my moderator powers to weed out a user that was banned from the tournament for the benefit of the organizers. You would assume that such steps to extend an olive branch would be appreciated. But that was not the case. My olive branch was thrown on the ground and shat upon with the most foul of excrement. So I can only apologize if you don't understand my frustration with hearing public verbal attacks against me for no reason. You can only imagine my shock when my friend Eywa decided to go into business working with none other than Game aka The American Muscle Terran. It seemed like almost overnight, Eywa turned from being polite, enthusiastic, and zealous to build a StarCraft scene, into a pessimist; a narcissist, angry, disillusioned man whose ambition was now torn between StarCraft and vengeance against the iCCup administration. The awful truth is, he was fired from the admin team after taking a short hiatus to find himself removed. He claims to have put in a request of absence, to let the admins know he would be on vacation, however, the administration (of that time) claimed the opposite is true, but since I never had mind to check until all the evidence was somehow lost, I am inclined to believe that he was fired unfairly. He only mentioned that he "left" the team to work on his own projects, so I was unaware that there was a problem. People left the team all the time, so this was nothing out-of-the-ordinary. During either the Island Tour, he said he wanted iCCup to publish news for the event, and I gladly obliged. I asked for the information, but he said he would give it to me later. I thought that was a bit odd, but it made sense when the day before the tour, he posted on TeamLiquid all of the details, including that he would be working with Game on the article. I told him that I would give him credit for the tournament, but could not support a project that included Game, partially for the verbal abuse from Game, and the fact that Our Dear Leader, Cheloman, gave specific orders to boycott anything involving Game. Regardless, I had a subordinate post the news piece, and Eywa didn't like it. I was kind of annoyed, but agreed to fix it up, but the same night, was asked by Head Admin Messer to remove that news piece. I messaged Eywa and explained what happened, and he only became embittered at iCCup. After watching some of Eywa's practice games against ZuCrow, I became fairly confident that I could beat him with any race. I asked for a showmatch, which was quite a bad idea. I'd never been that sort of stage before, and my heart was pounding through the games. I lost the bo9 3-5, but felt like something was amiss and I didn't play as well as I could have because I had gotten so nervous, so I asked for another showmatch, which ended similarly, being 4-5 in his favor. I played slightly better the second time, but it was humiliating to have lost in front of so many people. This wasn't my first humiliating loss, though. I had played some very emotional matches that went very poorly for me in the past, and had been knocked out of the first match of every tournament I had ever entered. So I quit StarCraft. My retirement lasted 2 weeks. I came back and the first game was against none other than Eywa on the ladder, who was still talking shit and lording his wins over me, so made sure to absolutely crush him in that game. I wanted to make him feel the way I felt. But it was just one game that no one saw, so I found his smurf IDs, and began hunting him down on the ladder and beating him again and again and again. After nine consecutive wins, I finally got too cocky and did a very bad build and lost before immediately rematching him and winning. Still, people kept giving me shit about the showmatches, including Eywa, who kept saying "Beat you 2-0". Faggot. So I challenged him to a full-blown grudgematch, where, instead of playing off-races on weird maps, we would play my Zerg versus his Protoss. The grudgematch thread garnered a lot of attention, but ultimately, he refused, knowing that I had beaten him so many times, and that it would not be possible to win. He dodged the grudgematch like a bitch, and kept changing his reasons for not wanting to fight. + Show Spoiler [message list goes from bottom to top] + Precisely. Original Message From Eywa-: Exactly. Hide nested quote - Original Message From ninazerg: I'm glad you hold Gecko in such high esteem for intelligence. Getting a live cast or making a thread isn't a problem. I just have to make sure your mom isn't making you do chores on the day of the grudgematch. Original Message From Eywa-: You obviously haven't run this plan by your gay boyfriend Gecko, or you'd know that you shouldn't tell the person when to show up. Anyhomo, you need a thread and live cast before you can do something like this, no point in my playing if you're going to avoid public humiliation. Otherwise, I'll let you know when I'll play you closer to the date. Original Message From ninazerg: Silencia, puta! :D Let's make a plan. Saturday, high noon. Players: Me - Zerg You - Protoss format: bo5, loser picks from map pool Map pool: any iccup map. gl hf. Original Message From Eywa-: I'm not dodging, there's no set plan. Honestly, you just know you can't handle my strategic knowledge and are hoping you can simply out-macro me. As I said before, you're trash shim. Original Message From ninazerg: So, you're dodging because you can't just cheese against my off-race again? Original Message From Eywa-: Go cry to someone who cares. I've stomped you twice already. Original Message From ninazerg: Nice to see you're showing your true colors. Original Message From Eywa-: You're garbage. Original Message From ninazerg: Also, no retarded maps. We'll use the iccup maps, not fucking desert outpost and bifrost, which are garbage. The worst part about playing StarCraft is that sometimes, people just remember my flaws and don't care about anything else that I do. I love so many people in the community, but I can't stand the computer-based alpha males whose goal is to humiliate everyone else and talk about it forever. I also can't stand power-trippy assholes, but I, again, extended the olive branch: Hello, A few days ago you said if I was serious about starting a truce to message you in private, so here I am, because I am serious. I don't mind drama personally, but I know a lot of people have plenty of it in their lives, and don't want to come online to see more of it. So first of all, I want to apologize to you personally for everything incendiary or divisive said on my part. Sometimes, I let myself get carried away with how I feel, but I really don't want to have any drama with anyone. I don't think we're going to be like, friends, but I think we can be civil with each other and not say anything to piss the other person off. I'm also not speaking on behalf of iccup, but I would appreciate, if you are willing to accept my apologies and offer for truce to let any ill will or feelings you have against iccup go. I just also want to make clear that I'm not admitting to a grudge existing, because the current iccup staff has no personal grudge against you, and Cheloman/Paladin aren't even part of the team any more. Now, this is what I think about you personally: I think you are very intelligent, talented in StarCraft, and have a nice smile (but omg, that beard... :x ). A lot of people that have spent time talking with you have told me that you are a "big teddy bear on the inside", and I would certainly like to see more of that, and I wonder why you've gone to such pains to hide it. I would love to see the big teddy bear Game, because I believe you really do love StarCraft still, and it just needs more positivity, which is why I decided to write this to you. I have no agenda, ulterior motives, or trickery in writing this. If anything I've said in this message sounded condescending, sarcastic or rude, I apologize for that, as well. I hope by putting myself out there, you can start to consider to making a truce with iccup, and maybe we can make that public - if, God willing, it happens. Give it some time, think it over, and let me know what you think! Till then, have a good day, and a pleasant tomorrow :3 - Nina IGNORED! At the time the letter was written, Cheloman, Paladin and GeckoXp were no longer involved with the iCCup team. The last piece of the puzzle would be me, and so I said that I was sorry. I really was. I just wanted to stop the silliness, but Game ignored me, continued to hold a grudge against iCCup, and me personally, and made sure to tell everyone he worked with what a terrible person I am. I was watching a stream and Game was watching the same stream, and a thought hit me: "We both really love this game", and I asked him if he wouldn't mind a truce. He refused and said I was only doing it to get attention in public, and that if I were serious, I would message him in private. So I did. But subsequently, after he continued to cheat my friends and other people in tournaments that he and Eywa would create, maybe it was for the best. Eywa used self-destruct last year, and it was super-effective, critical hit. After being massively overshadowed by the TLS, Game stopped producing tournaments. Out of grief, Eywa suicided his TL account, and continues to fail to this very day at life, and has recently paid the player Sziky 400$ to join Game's team, LRM, in order to "rig the league" and ruin the SBWI Team League. There is no word yet on whether or not the STL has even been affected in the slightest by this turn of events, as Sziky has barely played. The longer Eywa dodges the grudgematch, the more of a bitch he becomes. I felt forced to bring it up again when I was unexpectedly brought into some faggy popularity contest. The contest is basically rigged to the max, and I didn't even know I was in it until I had already "lost" to Liquid`Nazgul. Not that I would want to "beat" him to begin with. I hate these stupid contests, so I did what everyone else should have done: posted a blog declaring that everything is bullshit, and taking all the dirt that could be dug up on me, and saying "Here it is, have fun with that." including those losses to Eywa that will seemingly never go away, because everyone has to be a faggot about it. Any day he comes out of hiding to play me, I'm ready. But as far as anyone who uses it against me to put me down, let me just say this: I don't care. Nobody cares. I'm a different person now. I've changed a lot since then, and nobody is going to throw that out there against me and hurt me with it. But like magic, when I posted telling people not to vote for me, something weird happened. My "opponent", TheEmulator, lost a huge lead overnight and my momentum carried me to being ahead of him by about 20 votes. While I was catching him, he posted saying that I was supposed to be the easy win in my group, which pissed me off, so when I got a significant lead over him the night before the vote, I was ready to win, then concede my spot to him and then quit. But that didn't happen. Out of nowhere, he somehow overtook me at the last second, despite the fact that my votes were still going up when I went to bed, leading me to believe that someone wanted to eliminate me from the league. Bitter memories of losing 0-2 in so many tournaments came flooding back, and despite winning my CrSL group 2-0, I lost my first bracket match 0-2, and was upset. I felt like I was put into the competition to lose. Who would do that? Who thought it would be funny to put me in this shit? Then this faggot Serejai goes that he's voting for TheEmulator because I'm a bitch. Suddenly, the picture becomes more clear. It wasn't TheEmulator who rigged my poll, it was Serejai. After all, in the "Loser round", my poll got more votes than any of the other polls, and that made it stand out. So, here is what must happen. Serejai must die. He must lose this competition in a devastating fashion, like nothing the world has ever seen. This will be the mother of all battles, commenced by shock and awe, and will involve a massive propaganda campaign to absolutely obliterate every fiber of his soul. It will be an absolute massacre, hamburger hill, showdown at the house of blues, OK corral, stalingrad, world war 3, the last battle in the Matrix Revolutions, the Biblical armaggedon foreseen by the prophet John. I am stocking up on energy drinks and am making a special playlist in preparation for this battle in which we will end by standing knee-deep in blood. As for Lichter, shame on you for this thing. It's not fun, it's not cute, it's not funny, it's not enjoyable to watch. It is reducing TL to an unwinnable high school prom queen contest. This whole thing is a travesty of epic proportions. As for everyone involved having fun, I wish none of you ill except for a few of you, and this situation we have will be amended, and that's a promise. I've learned more from this than I've learned from reading TL for the past 6 months. As for me + Show Spoiler + OK this has happened to every online game/sports/hobbies ( basically anything that you could called as a game) that I've ever played. WTF every single one of them. There was BW, football/soccer, table tennis, badminton, dota1/2 etc, and now with an online game that I've picked up recently. Basically it like this. I got to know the game. Tried it by myself. Like it. Wanted to become good at it. Found ppl who are good at it. Made friends. They're friendly and try to get me to become better. I put in a lot of efforts. I improved by very little. Improvement became harder as sudden external factors came in ( sucky Internet, time constrain, school ) or sometimes I simply not good enough. Friends gave up on me, patience cannot be limitless , since their efforts spent were wasted. and no one wants to play with a noob. And I also dont want to waste their time anymore, being a burden that drags then down. TL;DR: I'm always not good enough at everything I've tried. | ||
Canada10681 Posts
A girl I know wrote this on Facebook: Morale of the week: Stop being afraid of thinking too much. 12 likes. Someone responded: Yes, sometimes you just need to rush in blindly. (which is the polar opposite) Fuck those morons. Seriously. What the fuck. | ||
Hong Kong4308 Posts
On December 08 2013 05:45 Djzapz wrote: + Show Spoiler + A girl I know wrote this on Facebook: Morale of the week: Stop being afraid of thinking too much. 12 likes. Someone responded: Yes, sometimes you just need to rush in blindly. (which is the polar opposite) Fuck those morons. Seriously. What the fuck. Let's play who has the worse comment concerning life! + Show Spoiler + I was having a conversation with one kid at the university and I kept getting pissed at his statements so I sarcastically asked him, "Is ignorance strength?" and he replied, "In a lot of ways, yes." | ||
Canada10681 Posts
Gonna scroll down her page and point out a few instances of her canned pretend-wisdom: These are translations from French to English btw. Dec 5: Completely confused. [someone asked why: no answer] Dec 4: I'm not open to many people anymore. I've learned plenty of painful lessons from opening up to people who don't truly care. So, if I like you enough to show you the real me, I hope you appreciate it & I don't have to regret it. Dec 3: Never forget who you are! <3 Dec 1: In life, we always have a choice: to love or to hate, to do or to run away, to be honest or to lie, to be ourselves or to pretend" Nov 28: 1st snow of the year and I already got into an accident, fuck the ice [ok, that's not the right kind of thing but look at what she wrote the day before] Nov 27: YEAAAH SAFE AND SOUND. It slides around with summer tires. [yep, that happened] Nov 25: We're the masters of our happyness[sic] so stop blaming your boyfriend/girlfriend, your family or your job. If you're unhappy, clean up your life to be happy! I think my previous post really confirmed to me that she's dumb though. | ||
United States11320 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + I got nothing for funny FB statuses, just a cumdumpster who talks about how she wants a guy to treat her like a princess, then one week later, "All men are the same..." | ||
Canada10681 Posts
It's not just pseudowisdom, I can't believe people still take pictures of their food. I thought we had solved that problem by mocking it. You'd think people would stop, can't they say that everyone hates that shit? Then there's a fuckload of calls for attention, inside jokes and other general crap. Typing "F" in my url bar is like asking Chrome to take me to the zoo. So it's not ALL bad | ||
Northern Ireland23322 Posts
Fucking assholes with no moral integrity who do 'journalism' and get paid for the privilege of googling a few images and sticking them on a list with an arbitrary number. '23 reasons that people like dogs' or something like that AND GET FUCKING PAID FOR IT. People who will happily sit around and 'like' pictures of fucking food, or inane crap, sit on Facebook and the ilk all day but don't appreciate/look at stuff you actually take time/effort for, or share specifically one-to-one. The kind of people who will sit and argue nonsense, but whenever something thought-provoking comes along goes 'TLDR HRURURURURHR'. Fucking cretins, it's not the lack of the inquisitive mind that disappoints and angers me, but the simultaneous need to inform people that not only are you ignorant of a topic, but you are HAPPY TO ROLL AROUND IN THE OWN FILTH OF THEIR STUPIDITY LIKE A PIG. The devolution of the term troll to pretty much = ALL types of negative interaction. 'Oh the trolls are out in force'. NO, they aren't 'trolling you', they are taking umbrage with the keyboard typed diahhrea you are inflicting on the world. 'Social justice warriors.' There are legit ones, who do good work. There are also those who externalise all their own dissatisfaction with themselves onto every other facet of society, and fucking moan continuously. Fuck off. The kind of people who continuously complain that they are oppressed because of their mental illnesses, or even worse they'll call it a 'disability' when it isn't (in their specific case). Who will then start rolling their eyes and put on a sing-song voice and go 'oh you're just ignorant, you don't know what it's like living under the dark cloud of depression.' WELL YES I FUCKING DO, I JUST DONT MAKE IT THE DEFINING FEATURE OF MY PERSONALITY TO DOWNRIGHT STRANGERS YOU CRETIN. God worst case was this fucking cunt I know, went out drinking all the time, worked for 2 months over the summer in the Edinburgh fringe, represented the school at overseas student union gatherings and the like. 'Too depressed to study'. Gets dispensation, doesn't have to sit exams, can do essays in lieu of that. At one point actually had somebody scribing lectures notes on her behalf. Goes on Facebook, COMPLAINS ABOUT THE GUY'S HANDWRITING. | ||
Canada3485 Posts
On December 08 2013 10:15 Wombat_NI wrote: + Show Spoiler + The devolution of the term troll to pretty much = ALL types of negative interaction. 'Oh the trolls are out in force'. NO, they aren't 'trolling you', they are taking umbrage with the keyboard typed diahhrea you are inflicting on the world. + Show Spoiler + Even worse, those people who "hack" things. I mean that crap off lifehacker and stuff like that. Coming up with a shortcut to something or a new idea isn't "hacking". Here's what I am talking about. Funnily enough, it ties in with your first point about those people that aren't journalists but somehow get paid like one. Good work, you made a list of stuff that other people probably came up with and you copied. It's just the worst! 99% of it isn't anything special, it's usually either common sense or being responsible about things. Like this "article", all that bank stuff you should be paying attention to anyway because it is kinda sorta important. And seriously, looking at unit prices. That isn't "hacking", that's being responsible with your money. Are people this dumb now? Really, I could just go on a giant rant about how awful Buzzfeed is, but it isn't worth my time. The people who allow that site to exist are what is wrong with society. They reward stupidity and lowest common denominator garbage. | ||
Canada8157 Posts
Netherlands6175 Posts
You're in Canada, I don't think you know what lag is. | ||
Canada8157 Posts
On December 08 2013 16:20 dravernor wrote: You're in Canada, I don't think you know what lag is. Canadian internet bro, 3rd world | ||
Canada3485 Posts
On December 08 2013 16:20 dravernor wrote: Our internet is garbage. We have a monopoly of a few huge corporations that screw everyone over constantly. We're almost as bad as the US.You're in Canada, I don't think you know what lag is. | ||
Netherlands6175 Posts
On December 08 2013 16:47 Ben... wrote: Our internet is garbage. We have a monopoly of a few huge corporations that screw everyone over constantly. We're almost as bad as the US. Really? What is your down/up? Customer service? Latency playing games? (Genuine questions btw, I'm not mocking) | ||
United States2434 Posts
Fuck having to go to sleep, I could get so much shit done if I never slept. | ||
Germany404 Posts
Ok fuck the mods on the german EU bnet forum. They seem to be really retarted. They banned me a 2nd time now for 5 days saying I was insulting, taunting whatever. The first time ban in almost 3 years is now maybe a week or two ago. In this whole time I have seen sooo much flamers, whiners and rude people that never got temp banned or banned forever. I have reported so many of this dumbasses that NEVER got any punish for what they do, they are still around. Funny thing is I wasnt even harsh, flaming or insulting, I was just defending myself cause you get trolled hard there. I will never go there again or write anything there i also deleted it from favourites list. To make a quote from Jay & Silent Bob what I think about the mods there: "Fuck them. Fuck them in their fuckin asses." Oh also fuck protoss. Im so lost there what to do against them that I just do the FilterSC marine only build to practice my mechanics. | ||
Netherlands6175 Posts
On December 08 2013 20:51 Tresher wrote: + Show Spoiler + Ok fuck the mods on the german EU bnet forum. They seem to be really retarted. They banned me a 2nd time now for 5 days saying I was insulting, taunting whatever. The first time ban in almost 3 years is now maybe a week or two ago. In this whole time I have seen sooo much flamers, whiners and rude people that never got temp banned or banned forever. I have reported so many of this dumbasses that NEVER got any punish for what they do, they are still around. Funny thing is I wasnt even harsh, flaming or insulting, I was just defending myself cause you get trolled hard there. I will never go there again or write anything there i also deleted it from favourites list. To make a quote from Jay & Silent Bob what I think about the mods there: "Fuck them. Fuck them in their fuckin asses." Oh also fuck protoss. Im so lost there what to do against them that I just do the FilterSC marine only build to practice my mechanics. Off topic but my friend worked as one of the main animators on the Jay & Silent Bob movie :3 I am all out of anger for this thread. | ||
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