^ That was ... detailed.
To add to that: Don't take a job you hate, to buy stuff you don't need just to impress people you don't like. Edit: Rephrased.
On November 21 2013 20:32 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +You know what really grinds my gears? The trees in my yard don't shed their leave until the end of November, so there's only one day to rake them so the street sweepers can pick them up. I guess I'm fortunate that we have street sweepers, but still, the trees need to get their act together and die quicker. Also, when Alex Garfield fired -orb- from EG for saying the N-word before his employment with EG, I thought that was a bitch move. Let's make a list. I guess I should say in advance that most of what you're about to read is hyperbole and I'm just venting hard. - Nose hair, yuck.
- Those idiots who are all into philosophy. Philosophy never solved shit.
- People who critique your argument's "logical fallacies" by linking you to some wikipedia article that goes "X cannot equal Y if Y only equals Z, this is known as Faggot's Fallacy"
- Christians who think God wrote the Bible. Being a Christian should expand peoples' minds, but it boxes their minds in. I guess the main reason is that they get all their information from their Pastor, who tells people what the 'true' interpretation of Christianity and the Bible is.
- Christians who just do stuff to get into Heaven and don't care all that much for people different than themselves.
- Atheists who think they have this massive intellectual upper-hand by presenting Christians with quandaries with the contradictory-but-accepted doctrine that fundies cling to. Then the fundies try to mash a square peg into a circle slot. "There's a God-shaped hole in your heart" No. There's a logic-shaped hole in your brain.
- kik. Stop cluttering up Omegle, you assholes.
- My step-sister is a bitch and pisses me off.
- Everyone thinks life is about your job. When asked to describe themselves, they say "I'm an engineer".
- Everyone on the planet could die instantly at any moment, but no one seems to mind much.
- Activision-Blizzard is made of failure. Who the fuck releases an incomplete game? They just had no idea what they were doing somehow. How can you just not look at the broodwar engine and go "Hey, that's a good starting place" when designing a game. I mean, make some high-ground advantage, for pete's sake. And tanks didn't even splash each other until people complained that mech was unstoppable. No chat channels? Nobody wants that. No LAN? What is LAN? No inter-regional play? We'll have a tournament for that later. That's how they started this fiasco game out. There's still no LAN, and the reason is obvious. They are afraid of piracy like the plague. When you buy SC2, you don't buy a CD and some software, you buy an addition to your "account". So you're paying for the right to play the game. You don't own shit. Blizzard wants to control the software from start to finish. You own nothing. They could cut everyone off tomorrow and nobody could do shit. They can alter your account and you can't do shit. You have no rights. That's why there is no LAN. Because they made it so you MUST go through battle.net to play. Otherwise, you could do the unthinkable and connect with other players without getting blizzard's approval to do so.
- The SC2 fanbase sucks. I'm starting to hate them. I just want to support LoL so that SC2 dies. I want it to die a terrible, terrible death like all those conspiracy theorists are saying. They are fucking whiners who petition Blizzard to do retarded things like change the fundamental elements of gameplay because otherwise it's "too boring" or "imbalanced" or "I'm a faggot", and when Blizzard caves in and changes shit, it fucks up the careers of professional gamers and permanently tarnishes their legacies. They are a bunch of whiny little bitches who want everything handed to them, and if they don't win, it's the game's fault, not theirs.
- I fucking hate that Teamliquid changed the title of the page to Starcraft 2 and Dota 2 progaming news.
- MOBA games are stupid and bullshit and are fucking cancer. League of Legends isn't fun to play, isn't fun to watch, and isn't even "free to play". So fuck that game. How anyone can take that game seriously is beyond me, but not really; that's hyperbole.
- I hate all the "progamers" in North America. They all suck, and then complain about SC2, and then their fans jump on the bandwagon and go "Well, so-and-so says the game is broken, and he's a progamer, so it must be true".
- I hate what SC2 turned into. The reason it's so fucking repetitive is because people cried about the game not being macro-oriented enough, with everything succumbing to "all-ins" and "cheese". It's turned into this informal macrofest, and if you don't "macro game", then you get insulted and yelled at, and now it's a contest with two guys with tiny dicks macroing to see who can macro harder than the other guy's macro. The person who made StarCraft a phenomenon was Boxer, who was known for using micro tricks that were considered to be near-impossible. That feeling of "Wow, how did he do that?" is completely missing from SC2, because it's morphed into this trashy pure-macro slugfest where everyone has to play rock-scissors-paper to get an advantage so their macro can triumph.
- I hate people who say SC2 is dying, and give completely wrong reasons why.
- I hate people who talking about how to "fix" SC2, and give either wrong reasons, or just fucking retarded things that have no basis in reality.
- I hate people who deny that there is anything wrong with SC2 and retort by defaming the criticizers.
- Reddit. I never visit that site, but the three times I've been on there, it's just been people making youtube-comments, and is generally just trash.
- People who go "BroodWar is dead" because now BroodWar really is dead thanks to those assholes.
- Eywa. What a fucking sociopathic motherfucker. He is so unbelievably pathetic that he has 400 dollars to waste just to get one player to switch teams just to try and sabotage STL. I would seriously punch him in the face but I don't want to get any Eywa on my hand.
- This notion that LoL is a "sport" is laughable. It's approximately akin to professional cock-sucking and everybody in NA sucks, so it amazes me that people actually go out of their way to boost their ELO. LoL does not deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as StarCraft or WarCraft or Assassin's Creed or anything. The game is a rip-off of DotA and has horrendous graphics. How people can play LoL and then talk shit about BroodWar's graphics is one of the most paradoxical contradictions of the 21st century.
- My dumb friends who can't imagine playing any game outside of the one they play, whether it be BroodWar, SC2, or LoL. For some reason, you have to play only ONE GAME. Why? To get good. Well, I have news - you're going to suck no matter what. Concentrate one game as hard as you want. Devote time to it. Read guides. Practice and theorize. You will still suck. You will never be good enough to warrant any sort of recognition outside of your tiny circle of friends that you know online, because by the time you reach a decent ELO in anything, your real life friends will all be married with kids, and those kids will have grandkids, and your parents will never be proud of you for your video game accomplishments so fuck off.
- Anyone who thinks HAARP is a secret government project to use radiowaves to control people's minds or assassinate people is fucking retarded and needs to stop smoking so much weed.
- Kwark is a terrible mod on TL. He just picks arguments with dumbasses and baits them by insulting them personally, which they cannot respond to without getting banned. Well, I totally raped Kwark in some argument he trumped-up out of nowhere, complete with a personal insult. Then I smashed his stupid nonsense argument, and out of the fucking blue, Tofucake comes up and goes "Stop being unreasonable" without even reading the thread and says that I'm asserting shit that I never said, so I have to quote myself and Kwark's statements in the thread, and both of them just completely shut up without admitting they made have made mistake. I thought at least Tofucake would go "My apologies, I misunderstood", but no. My imagination tells me that Kwark went into some admin thread/chat thing and went "This ninazerg cunt is disputing me when I am so smart and have a degree in history." and Tofucake was like "I will step up and solve this" and doesn't read anything at all, and just posts what he thinks I'm saying. And getting a history degree is like the easiest fucking degree in the world, but what's worse is that I know my history better than someone with a history degree, so go suck a dick.
- Jibba is pretty awful too, but he's left me alone for the most part.
- All the dumbass mods who try to be Chill. Oh, you're all so cool swearing and insulting the users. Problem is, Chill was witty to a certain degree. You are not Chill. Look at Chill and then look back at yourself. Then look at Chill again. Then look back at yourself. You're still not Chill. Now go see how many dicks you can fit in your mouth.
- The old iCCup admins. Cheloman was incompetent, Mai-K was incompetent, and yelloant is incompetent. None of them can speak English, and none of them care about StarCraft. Unk said he would stick with iccup to the bitter end, and he fucking quit like a little bitch.
- Sylessa was the most abusive admin in the history of the universe. She needs to be blacklisted and then banned from the internet entirely.
- Hackers are retards.
- People who support political parties are just pawns and are letting someone else do the thinking for them, kind of like those Christians who grow up in church and just trust everything the Pastor says, even when he is found to be a crystal meth user who has sex with male prostitutes.
- Once your virginity is gone, you can't get it back.
- Idiots who think pornography is immoral. Sexuality is human, and to want to experience sexuality is a human thing, but Christians have to be dickheads who go "Yes, but sexuality is meant to be expressed God's way, between a married man and woman." and I want to tell them Adam and Eve weren't married and had sex, but they'll just come up with some bullshit argument about how Adam and Eve didn't need to be married and then there's suddenly this blaring contradiction in their notion that they deny exists because "God works in mysterious ways" and they just have this smug sense of superiority because they're "right" and I'm "wrong" no matter what I say. They heard pornography was bad from all the past0rz and good-ass Christians, so it's wrong and is sin and will destroy your life, and obviously the Devil is influencing my thinking.
- People who blame the Devil for stuff. "The enemy is attacking me." No, you're just an asshole sometimes. You can't be perfect 24/7, because your definition of "perfect" makes no sense in reality. You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. The world is one big asshole. That's just the way things are, so deal with it. Don't go and pretend like you're perfect and the Devil is responsible for all the bad stuff.
- People who are easily manipulated and allow themselves into a vicious cycle of control from another person shouldn't cry that they're not happy with their lives.
- Rapists are assholes and deserve nothing but horrible things. Fuck forgiveness.
- I fucking hate all the happy couples that are cuddling in public. Fuck your happiness.
- I especially hate dumb idiot fucks who are couples that decide to take their girlfriend to Hooter's on a date to watch UFC fights. How fucking romantic is that shit? It's not, even in the slightest. They just take up whole tables, and I have to stand there for two hours because those shitheads want their own table all to themselves. I hope you both get AIDS.
- The social pressure to do stuff. I just want to hide in my house for the rest of my life and never talk to anyone again. I don't want a job or to go college. I can't just "do what I love" for a living. I have to do something I hate, and get a college degree I don't want, so I can get a job I don't want that someone else would kill to have, all because the standard of living is so fucking high in the states that it essentially forces everyone into an endless cycle of fuck that causes people to burn out, forget their dreams, kills their creativity and desire to learn, and to become slaves to their professions so they can walk towards a carrot dangling in their face; the promise of a better future that will never come.
In conclusion, fuck off everyone, I hate you all. I love you
On November 07 2013 01:49 Aveng3r wrote: I hate it when piss water splashes back up on you when your crapping. It's almost 2014 have we really not figured out a way to prevent this? Put a piece of TP down before you let the brown dragon spread its wings.
On November 21 2013 20:32 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +You know what really grinds my gears? The trees in my yard don't shed their leave until the end of November, so there's only one day to rake them so the street sweepers can pick them up. I guess I'm fortunate that we have street sweepers, but still, the trees need to get their act together and die quicker. Also, when Alex Garfield fired -orb- from EG for saying the N-word before his employment with EG, I thought that was a bitch move. Let's make a list. I guess I should say in advance that most of what you're about to read is hyperbole and I'm just venting hard. - Nose hair, yuck.
- Those idiots who are all into philosophy. Philosophy never solved shit.
- People who critique your argument's "logical fallacies" by linking you to some wikipedia article that goes "X cannot equal Y if Y only equals Z, this is known as Faggot's Fallacy"
- Christians who think God wrote the Bible. Being a Christian should expand peoples' minds, but it boxes their minds in. I guess the main reason is that they get all their information from their Pastor, who tells people what the 'true' interpretation of Christianity and the Bible is.
- Christians who just do stuff to get into Heaven and don't care all that much for people different than themselves.
- Atheists who think they have this massive intellectual upper-hand by presenting Christians with quandaries with the contradictory-but-accepted doctrine that fundies cling to. Then the fundies try to mash a square peg into a circle slot. "There's a God-shaped hole in your heart" No. There's a logic-shaped hole in your brain.
- kik. Stop cluttering up Omegle, you assholes.
- My step-sister is a bitch and pisses me off.
- Everyone thinks life is about your job. When asked to describe themselves, they say "I'm an engineer".
- Everyone on the planet could die instantly at any moment, but no one seems to mind much.
- Activision-Blizzard is made of failure. Who the fuck releases an incomplete game? They just had no idea what they were doing somehow. How can you just not look at the broodwar engine and go "Hey, that's a good starting place" when designing a game. I mean, make some high-ground advantage, for pete's sake. And tanks didn't even splash each other until people complained that mech was unstoppable. No chat channels? Nobody wants that. No LAN? What is LAN? No inter-regional play? We'll have a tournament for that later. That's how they started this fiasco game out. There's still no LAN, and the reason is obvious. They are afraid of piracy like the plague. When you buy SC2, you don't buy a CD and some software, you buy an addition to your "account". So you're paying for the right to play the game. You don't own shit. Blizzard wants to control the software from start to finish. You own nothing. They could cut everyone off tomorrow and nobody could do shit. They can alter your account and you can't do shit. You have no rights. That's why there is no LAN. Because they made it so you MUST go through battle.net to play. Otherwise, you could do the unthinkable and connect with other players without getting blizzard's approval to do so.
- The SC2 fanbase sucks. I'm starting to hate them. I just want to support LoL so that SC2 dies. I want it to die a terrible, terrible death like all those conspiracy theorists are saying. They are fucking whiners who petition Blizzard to do retarded things like change the fundamental elements of gameplay because otherwise it's "too boring" or "imbalanced" or "I'm a faggot", and when Blizzard caves in and changes shit, it fucks up the careers of professional gamers and permanently tarnishes their legacies. They are a bunch of whiny little bitches who want everything handed to them, and if they don't win, it's the game's fault, not theirs.
- I fucking hate that Teamliquid changed the title of the page to Starcraft 2 and Dota 2 progaming news.
- MOBA games are stupid and bullshit and are fucking cancer. League of Legends isn't fun to play, isn't fun to watch, and isn't even "free to play". So fuck that game. How anyone can take that game seriously is beyond me, but not really; that's hyperbole.
- I hate all the "progamers" in North America. They all suck, and then complain about SC2, and then their fans jump on the bandwagon and go "Well, so-and-so says the game is broken, and he's a progamer, so it must be true".
- I hate what SC2 turned into. The reason it's so fucking repetitive is because people cried about the game not being macro-oriented enough, with everything succumbing to "all-ins" and "cheese". It's turned into this informal macrofest, and if you don't "macro game", then you get insulted and yelled at, and now it's a contest with two guys with tiny dicks macroing to see who can macro harder than the other guy's macro. The person who made StarCraft a phenomenon was Boxer, who was known for using micro tricks that were considered to be near-impossible. That feeling of "Wow, how did he do that?" is completely missing from SC2, because it's morphed into this trashy pure-macro slugfest where everyone has to play rock-scissors-paper to get an advantage so their macro can triumph.
- I hate people who say SC2 is dying, and give completely wrong reasons why.
- I hate people who talking about how to "fix" SC2, and give either wrong reasons, or just fucking retarded things that have no basis in reality.
- I hate people who deny that there is anything wrong with SC2 and retort by defaming the criticizers.
- Reddit. I never visit that site, but the three times I've been on there, it's just been people making youtube-comments, and is generally just trash.
- People who go "BroodWar is dead" because now BroodWar really is dead thanks to those assholes.
- Eywa. What a fucking sociopathic motherfucker. He is so unbelievably pathetic that he has 400 dollars to waste just to get one player to switch teams just to try and sabotage STL. I would seriously punch him in the face but I don't want to get any Eywa on my hand.
- This notion that LoL is a "sport" is laughable. It's approximately akin to professional cock-sucking and everybody in NA sucks, so it amazes me that people actually go out of their way to boost their ELO. LoL does not deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as StarCraft or WarCraft or Assassin's Creed or anything. The game is a rip-off of DotA and has horrendous graphics. How people can play LoL and then talk shit about BroodWar's graphics is one of the most paradoxical contradictions of the 21st century.
- My dumb friends who can't imagine playing any game outside of the one they play, whether it be BroodWar, SC2, or LoL. For some reason, you have to play only ONE GAME. Why? To get good. Well, I have news - you're going to suck no matter what. Concentrate one game as hard as you want. Devote time to it. Read guides. Practice and theorize. You will still suck. You will never be good enough to warrant any sort of recognition outside of your tiny circle of friends that you know online, because by the time you reach a decent ELO in anything, your real life friends will all be married with kids, and those kids will have grandkids, and your parents will never be proud of you for your video game accomplishments so fuck off.
- Anyone who thinks HAARP is a secret government project to use radiowaves to control people's minds or assassinate people is fucking retarded and needs to stop smoking so much weed.
- Kwark is a terrible mod on TL. He just picks arguments with dumbasses and baits them by insulting them personally, which they cannot respond to without getting banned. Well, I totally raped Kwark in some argument he trumped-up out of nowhere, complete with a personal insult. Then I smashed his stupid nonsense argument, and out of the fucking blue, Tofucake comes up and goes "Stop being unreasonable" without even reading the thread and says that I'm asserting shit that I never said, so I have to quote myself and Kwark's statements in the thread, and both of them just completely shut up without admitting they made have made mistake. I thought at least Tofucake would go "My apologies, I misunderstood", but no. My imagination tells me that Kwark went into some admin thread/chat thing and went "This ninazerg cunt is disputing me when I am so smart and have a degree in history." and Tofucake was like "I will step up and solve this" and doesn't read anything at all, and just posts what he thinks I'm saying. And getting a history degree is like the easiest fucking degree in the world, but what's worse is that I know my history better than someone with a history degree, so go suck a dick.
- Jibba is pretty awful too, but he's left me alone for the most part.
- All the dumbass mods who try to be Chill. Oh, you're all so cool swearing and insulting the users. Problem is, Chill was witty to a certain degree. You are not Chill. Look at Chill and then look back at yourself. Then look at Chill again. Then look back at yourself. You're still not Chill. Now go see how many dicks you can fit in your mouth.
- The old iCCup admins. Cheloman was incompetent, Mai-K was incompetent, and yelloant is incompetent. None of them can speak English, and none of them care about StarCraft. Unk said he would stick with iccup to the bitter end, and he fucking quit like a little bitch.
- Sylessa was the most abusive admin in the history of the universe. She needs to be blacklisted and then banned from the internet entirely.
- Hackers are retards.
- People who support political parties are just pawns and are letting someone else do the thinking for them, kind of like those Christians who grow up in church and just trust everything the Pastor says, even when he is found to be a crystal meth user who has sex with male prostitutes.
- Once your virginity is gone, you can't get it back.
- Idiots who think pornography is immoral. Sexuality is human, and to want to experience sexuality is a human thing, but Christians have to be dickheads who go "Yes, but sexuality is meant to be expressed God's way, between a married man and woman." and I want to tell them Adam and Eve weren't married and had sex, but they'll just come up with some bullshit argument about how Adam and Eve didn't need to be married and then there's suddenly this blaring contradiction in their notion that they deny exists because "God works in mysterious ways" and they just have this smug sense of superiority because they're "right" and I'm "wrong" no matter what I say. They heard pornography was bad from all the past0rz and good-ass Christians, so it's wrong and is sin and will destroy your life, and obviously the Devil is influencing my thinking.
- People who blame the Devil for stuff. "The enemy is attacking me." No, you're just an asshole sometimes. You can't be perfect 24/7, because your definition of "perfect" makes no sense in reality. You're an asshole. I'm an asshole. The world is one big asshole. That's just the way things are, so deal with it. Don't go and pretend like you're perfect and the Devil is responsible for all the bad stuff.
- People who are easily manipulated and allow themselves into a vicious cycle of control from another person shouldn't cry that they're not happy with their lives.
- Rapists are assholes and deserve nothing but horrible things. Fuck forgiveness.
- I fucking hate all the happy couples that are cuddling in public. Fuck your happiness.
- I especially hate dumb idiot fucks who are couples that decide to take their girlfriend to Hooter's on a date to watch UFC fights. How fucking romantic is that shit? It's not, even in the slightest. They just take up whole tables, and I have to stand there for two hours because those shitheads want their own table all to themselves. I hope you both get AIDS.
- The social pressure to do stuff. I just want to hide in my house for the rest of my life and never talk to anyone again. I don't want a job or to go college. I can't just "do what I love" for a living. I have to do something I hate, and get a college degree I don't want, so I can get a job I don't want that someone else would kill to have, all because the standard of living is so fucking high in the states that it essentially forces everyone into an endless cycle of fuck that causes people to burn out, forget their dreams, kills their creativity and desire to learn, and to become slaves to their professions so they can walk towards a carrot dangling in their face; the promise of a better future that will never come.
In conclusion, fuck off everyone, I hate you all.
When I began this thread however many years ago, I think I was secretly waiting for this post. This thread can now die. Our work here is done.
+ Show Spoiler +I'm just joking. If this thread really dies I will fucking burn my house down. It's one of the few things that remind me of my humanity.
Edit: Going over the stuff you said about LoL, that's one of the funniest things I've ever read on TL, and finally puts my disgust with that whole scene / genre into words.
That one's got the Devil in her, I can tell.
+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
I'm going to try that blog thing one day
+ Show Spoiler +My gym teacher is Walter White and got arrested for being a big-time heroin dealer.
I'm mad because she was actually really nice and one of the few gym teachers who actually cared about everyone. Ain't life funny.
+ Show Spoiler + eh fuck me i fucking stayed up all fucking night to fucking watch a match that i already knew who was going to win. I fucken b'sed a fucking research paper that has a fucking ton of fucking weight that would effect my grade but you know what, that bitch extended it. HELL FUCKEN YEA SHE EXTENDED IT! i also fucked up on my calc test if fucken read my calculator wrong and wrote down the wrong fucking answer. I still haven't received my test back but fuck for studying for days what the fuck do i have to show for it, a FUCKEN B? fuck me i might have gotten a fuck c for all i fucken know. And im fucking stuck with a fucken class that i fucken hate but have to take. Like why the fuck do ihave to take fucking dance shit i hate it.
On November 22 2013 21:15 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
I would say "more, more!" but what could possibly be left?
+ Show Spoiler +What you said about hating the game is 100% spot on. This is precisely the reason I stopped playing "seriously" some time ago, because I fucking hate playing Starcraft 2 competitively (by competitively, I don't mean professionally, because fuck me if I'm wasting my life getting good enough at a video game to make money off of it; there are easier avenues to income, like getting fucked in the ass by a herpes-infected orangutan every night). I didn't have fun, so I quit. The guy who tried to extrapolate this concept to real life situations is completely wrong. SC2 is a game. If you don't have fun playing, then stop playing. Totally agree.
On November 23 2013 02:33 [UoN]Sentinel wrote:+ Show Spoiler +My gym teacher is Walter White and got arrested for being a big-time heroin dealer.
I'm mad because she was actually really nice and one of the few gym teachers who actually cared about everyone. Ain't life funny. Walter White made and sold meth. Maybe a Frank Lucas/Walter White hybrid would work better
On November 22 2013 21:15 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
terrible last line, hate is stronger than love
On November 23 2013 08:56 Paljas wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2013 21:15 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
terrible last line, hate is stronger than love
Nah, love is stronger.
+ Show Spoiler +PS4 and Xbox 1 have fuckin shitty ass games right now. Why the hell would anyone have bought these systems day one? And the best selling games for these systems are owned for PS3 and 360 by these guys lol. Good job buying the same game twice sheep.
Lower job requirements for females and minorities. If you cannt do the fucking job you shouldn't get it. Just because your are a woman or racial minority doesn't mean you deserve it any more then the next person. Just having lower requirements is racist and sexist. Hey I bet I can win a lawsuit! BRB researching
On November 23 2013 09:30 ninazerg wrote:Show nested quote +On November 23 2013 08:56 Paljas wrote:On November 22 2013 21:15 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
terrible last line, hate is stronger than love Nah, love is stronger.
I disagree. Hate is an emotion so powerful and destructive one cannot maintain it for a very long time. Love is not.
On November 07 2013 02:10 Sycamore wrote:Show nested quote +On November 07 2013 01:52 Tobberoth wrote:On November 07 2013 01:49 Aveng3r wrote: I hate it when piss water splashes back up on you when your crapping. It's almost 2014 have we really not figured out a way to prevent this? Your toilet is either terrible, or your penis is a railgun. Seriously, how can this even happen. He's talking about shit causing the splash. It happened to me today. And the water hit my fucking face Take some toilet paper in your hand, guide the shit out and then place the shit into the water silently (and splashlessly)
Works every time.
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +doge is the dumbest fucking tumblr/9gag tier meme, I can't believe people think it's funny
people who say that 9x39mm/(subsonic).300BLK are just glorified .45 ACP are literally brain dead and should seek immediate medical attention
fuck both of the major the political parties in this country and anyone who votes for them
fuck massachusetts
On November 23 2013 01:04 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: I'm going to try that blog thing one day
+ Show Spoiler +Something I totally forgot to mention about the blog thing - you have to control the quality of the comments you receive. If you start posting with a theme, you'll build a fanbase, but will also build an anti-fanbase. Fortunately, you have the option to ban people from posting in your blog and rating on your blogs. If someone says "Stop posting this stupid shit", just ban them, then only reply to them if you reply to positive comments as well, which you should. If you only focus on negative comments, you're just asking to be trolled to death. I've seen a few really popular bloggers crack because they let the trolls irk them. You must never crack. You are a stone. You do not retaliate, ever. You do not argue. You simply hit the ban button and pretend like the shit never happened. If someone is a repeat troll, NEVER NEVER NEVER give them any attention. For general criticism, like "Nobody thinks this is funny. You're not funny.", you will, of course, ban them. The next step is to reply to them in a friendly manner to make them look like an asshole, for example: "Nobody forces you to read my blog (I hope lol) and I'm just having fun and enjoying what I do " Then the "argument" has effectively ended. How you respond to positive comments is entirely up to you, as long as you don't ignore your fans. gl hf
On November 23 2013 08:36 jeeeeohn wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2013 21:15 ninazerg wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Actually, I wasn't done. I just ran out of time last night because I had to go to sleep, but was going on an insomnia-fueled brain-dump. A lot of my best ideas actually occur at like 4 a.m., and the day is reserved for mediocre ideas. Yesterday, I lost a very important match in BroodWar. At least, it was important to me. I invested a lot of time into playing and practicing, and got out of my group with no losses into the ro16. I felt a lot of pressure, though. People kept saying I would win the whole tournament, and I just hated that feeling. It was like I'd rather people just ignore me than give me hype. I hate hype. You can't be the image projected in hype, and I wasn't. I had to play against someone I'd never lost to before in a best of three. I didn't feel over-confident, though. I knew I could win though. But I didn't. I screwed up my first game and lost, and by that time, I was just on full tilt, so my second game was really shitty and I lost it. I tried my best to stay calm and keep playing, but that first game kept creeping back into my mind, and I was defeated 0-2 and knocked out of the bracket by someone that everyone thought I would beat. The worst part was having to tell my StarCraft buddies that I just flopped. That's always the worst part. I felt so angry with myself for awhile. I was so mad that I forgot to cry. I didn't break anything, throw anything, hit anything, or burst into tears, but I had to vent a little. I messaged one of my friends, and was just typing out absolutely crazy shit just to let off some steam. After that, I tried to keep my chin up, but when it came time for bed, I just felt like something was bothering me. I just happened to stumble across this thread by mere chance, and all of a sudden, I just started typing out just anything I could think of until I ran out of energy and had to sleep. I think it was something like 5:45 a.m. before I got done. As it turns out, everything was bothering me. I just needed to dump this stuff somewhere public, and expected approximately 0 people to read with a -/+ 3 margin of error. The stuff I said about never getting good was mostly directed at some of the people I know who tried to "go pro" in SC2 and LoL. I never said I was good at any game. Other people say it about me, and I feel sometimes it has to do with gender. Because I'm a woman, people naturally expect me to absolutely suck at video games. But why? I'm a complete nerd, and if anything, I'm dedicated when I like something. So, I make some improvements to my game, and then people be like "omg ur so good" and have no idea. I'm not good. I'm average, or maybe even below average. I just wanted so bad to do well in a tournament, because I'd always let my nerves get to me before and I'd do really, really poorly, and I felt like nerves weren't a factor this time. I do, however, think that men generally are more ego-oriented when it comes to video games, and they think that because they became better than 99% of the other gamers in their respective game, that they can go over to another game and just dominate it. Well, the presumption is stupid. I mean, it's always good to try new things and push yourself to be better, but I felt they were just going from BroodWar to other games just to "be pro" and get nerd-props, and it didn't work out, and they didn't like the other games. If you hate what you do, you can push yourself hard, but you can't force yourself to like it, especially if it's competitive, because you will always lose. Both men and women have this idea that if they dominate all their opponents, that the game will magically become more fun. That won't happen, because first, you have to love the game, and second, you will probably lose a lot more than you win. The only person I know (of) that said he was going to try to go pro and got anywhere was Theognis, and I really don't hear anyone ever mention him when talking about top players in SC2. So yeah, I don't think I'm going to be a top gamer or anything, I just am try-hard because I like the game. I hate that BroodWar has to go down the drain. It's such a good game and I have so many great memories from playing that have actually made me a better person, and the memories keep coming, because there are still players. I'm very skeptical that BroodWar can come back after taking so many hits, and that's depressing in itself, but I guess a miracle could happen. But it probably won't. That pisses me off. Let's resume, shall we? - Fuck Ma Jae Yoon, and if you wanna be down with sAviOr, then fuck you too!
- If you refuse to put on your seatbelt, you will not be "thrown out of your car to safety". You will go face-first into glass.
- Drug-dealers, I understand you need to make money, but fuck off.
- I hate all the girl-gamers who are like "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GIRL PLAYING VIDEO GAMES" followed by "I SUCK LOL". It's not funny to suck. You're making me look bad. You're making yourself look bad. You're an embarrassment to yourself and all of us who taking gaming srsly. When you slut it up, and show some cleavage on your livestreamy things just to get moar viewers, don't get your panties in a bunch because people call you out on it. Yes, you have the right to dress however you want and I have the right to say that I hope you spontaneously burst into flames, but since I'm nicer than that, I just say "I feel this way about what you're doing." and when you blow me off like I'm an idiot, I can't help but feel that what you're doing is a calculated act to get attention, but I'm not naming any names here + Show Spoiler + OH, WHAT? I'm crazy for even thinking such a thing? Every village has a mayor, every pack of wolves has an alpha male, and every niche has a few people who want control within that niche. You think I haven't been around the block a few times? There were these tiny little clans on the battle.net server with terrible players and lots of smurfs who would come and go, and within these very small groups, there were these fierce political battles to see who is going to have the power in the clan. So, MAYBE, in some kind of bizarro alternate universe, someone could conceivably put on a show to get attention from horny nerds.
- "Getting girls into e-Sports"... what the fuck. I don't want to be in e-Sports. Now, I don't want to say anything bad about Scarlett , but I need to ask this: who is the second-best female gamer in SC2? Nobody even fucking knows. Eve? Flo? Aphrodite? I accept Scarlett. She won some shit, and I recognize her as a girl. But for all the girls born with vaginas, Scarlett is making them look terrible. Maybe it's because as a female, my brain is inherently smaller than a male's brain, and I am incapable of executing strategies, because males are the hunters or something... well, in the human race at least. With lions, that's a different story. Or maybe it's because any time a girl gets to a decent level of play, she gets a disproportionate amount of extra attention, and it distracts from her practice because she spends half her time "talkin' with the fans". Not that talking with the viewers is bad, don't get me wrong; it's just that "being famous for being a gamer who is a girl" takes the place of "being famous for being a gamer who is skilled", and it's stupid. Haven't you noticed that Scarlett stays very private and practices the fucking game? But how many girls want to play a game where you build an army and then go kill an opponent's army, and then decide to do it for 15 hours a day, and memorize all kinds of minute details about the game? Hell, most guys don't even want to do that. So no, you're not going to get girls into StarCraft 1 or 2 or 3, unless they're an oddball like me, dating someone who plays StarCraft, or you pay them, like Lindsay SporeColony.
- Wait, I wasn't quite done with that last rant. Most of the greatest military leaders of history are men. That makes people who nerd-out over playing RTS primarily men because they have more role models. Who do I have? Joan of Arc and Tossgirl? Catherine the Great? Paris Hilton? Yeah. Pretty much. So all the giggly airheads who play up their gender and suck at their game just need to fuck off. For the guys, if you want what they have in Korea, keep dreaming. AND FOLLOW THAT DREAM. And stop acting so weird.
- Don't give me hype until I win some shit.
- Did I mention LoL players are idiots? They're all like "Stupid teammates", and nothing is their fault. They all say the same shit: "I'm pretty decent, but I always get at least one really bad teammate." Really? Then start a team. Stop being a faggot and start a team if you care so much about this game that you have to scream at your teammates over the teamspeak. Then they get frustrated, so they make a "troll account" and feed their opponents just to piss their teammates off. YOU ARE STUPID, DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH YOUR TIME, MOTHERFUCKER. Don't go "I got so mad that I punched my dog in the face and now he's a pug." and keep getting on a hamster wheel of rage, and logging onto LoL to get your teeth pulled and scream about it. What, is the gamer population made of masochists?
- Imbalance. I understand that you think "the game" is imbalanced. You are wrong. If the game were truly broken, you would stop playing. Are Colossus imbalanced? Play Protoss then and shut up. "But I hate PvP", but you'd rather play TvT or ZvZ? Okay, just do all-in stuff every PvP and be as gay as possible every time. "But I won't improve if I do that." SO WAIT WAIT WAIT. Let me get this straight: Your problem is that you feel like you can't win, but when someone tells you how you can win, you make excuses? So do you want to win or not? "No, I want to win, but I want it to be because of skill, not because of gayness" you reply. No dude. Asking to suck another man's dick is gayness. Literally. It's a fucking strategy game, and the object is to win, so you should do what you need to do to win. If you don't get satisfaction from winning because the wins are "too gay", then again, you should stop playing the game. If you truly believe Blizzard is fucking the game up, then don't be like "I'm just gonna keep playing and losing, that'll show 'em." STOP PLAYING.
- People who just reply to argue.
On April 1 2069 4:20 somerandomfaggot wrote: Stop playing SC2? I think this is the wrong approach and you have the wrong mindset for how to handle failure. The only way to overcome adversity is to never give up, and this 'just give up' message you're sending is wrong, and will never get you anywhere in life. Unlike yourself, SC2 fans are dedicated to making the game better and want to get the best possible experience possible, and it's probably only 1% of gamers who whine like that, but they are a very vocal minority who do not represent the SC2 community as a whole. I think you are a miserable person who never got anywhere in life and takes it out on others. I personally don't see what you're trying to accomplish here except troll, because you aren't offering any solutions to any kinds of problems. What you wrote is basically a waste of text, because it helps no one. Instead of being ridiculously negative, why not post something useful instead of "just quit"?
Holy shit, Dr. Phil. I never thought of that, and this explains why I'm never going anywhere in life. If only I thought of this shit sooner. But wait a minute! Shouldn't you be out sucking a dick somewhere? Well, since you took the time to read through what I had to say, I guess it's time for a nice, gentle, teamliquid-approved response, full of diplomatic speak, sound reasoning, and just enough sarcasm sprinkled on top, just to let you know how much you've rustled my jimmies. But since this the letting off stream thread, and I've skimmed through the other blogs, and have seen that you have a history of arguing with everyone there, being an amateur psychologist and all, I have some very tart words for you. Then I go to the general forum and see you arguing there too!? NO WAY. I guess I'm gonna have to make these words extra-tart for you, my good friend. First of all, thanks for your wonderful advice. I completely understand where you're coming from, and you want to be all positive about ESPORTS. I get it. However, you can go fuck yourself. I'm sorry that your parents make you wear a helmet everywhere you go. I'm sorry that you think that people should force themselves to be unhappy and play a game they hate so that your vision for the game's legacy will pan out. I'm sorry that you have brain damage and think your opinion matters to Blizzard, and that they're gonna change the game "in the next expansion" and fix everything. And of course, I'm sorry that you're so goddamn stupid that you think people being critical of SC2 are a "minority". I have a FOX NEWS ALERT for you, Walter Cronkite: They aren't. TL just closes "SC2 sucks" threads and bans people who keep saying it, because otherwise, the forums would be ONLY "SC2 sucks" threads, and that would make for a very sucky forum. Beyond that, you can double-fuck yourself for judging me based on my post. I mean, judgers gonna judge, but you seem like a semi-intelligent person who just needs a good self-fuck and some extra brain cells. How are you going to call me a miserable person with no solutions when I am offering one: FUCKING QUIT DOING SOMETHING IF YOU HATE IT. If you hate going to school, drop out and join a gang and shoot people. If you hate your job, get a new job, and cuss your boss out at your old job. Maybe even slide everything off his/her desk, jump up onto the desk and go "You fucking suck!"... be creative with it. You don't slam your hand down on a hot burner and go "Wow, this hurts, but I'm going to wait for the next expansion, because this might get better."
Also, I wasn't saying that quitting is my solution for problems "in life". I was saying that you specifically are a faggot cocksucker who needs to catch on fire and get stabbed by angry midgets in a dark alley while on duty as a male prostitute who gives blowjobs to herpes-infested crackheads for a dollar, you brain-dead retarded motherfucker; Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, you fucking waste of human life. Sit on a dildo, asshole. Hit me back in exactly 1,000,000 years when you finally acquire enough knowledge to come up with a statement that doesn't involve your biased dumbass opinion, made-up statistics, a lack of reading comprehension, amateur psycho-analysis of my personality, and stupid shit in general. Here is a good way to make sure you're not being a dumbfuck! Do the following: If you denounce a perceived generalization, but place me with a generalized opinion, then you are a dumbfuck. If you find yourself saying "I think you are objectively wrong because, in my opinion..." because your opinion does not make my opinion wrong. Example: Me - "I think Cypher was a good movie" You - "You're wrong, Cypher was terrible, and I just facepalmed after watching it, and besides that, it got terrible reviews on rottentomatoes.gov/nobodycares" Well good for you, bucko! I still think Cypher is a good movie regardless. You can disagree and say it's not for you, but that's not going to change what I feel about it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
- The term "trolling". Whatever happened to "joking around", or "humorous"? Nobody goes "I think she's just playing/messing/fucking/joking around." Nope. It goes straight to "You're trolling." Even things that clearly aren't trolling are called trolling, and the word is so overused that it's like "fuck" and has no meaning for anything. Actually, well, it kind of does. A troll is someone who does something to confuse/upset other people for their own personal amusement. If the troll causes other people to laugh at the confusion/upsetness of the victims, it becomes an epic troll. But you know what? Sometimes, just sometimes, I just genuinely want to make people laugh because I dunno, I think it's a good thing when people are happy, and I'm not "trolling". But people gotta get all snotty and go "Nice attempt at humor; fail. It's too tryhard and/or I can't tell if troll or serious". My response to them would be: "Hi."
- Everyone typing "tl;dr" after everything. If people are too lazy to read, then that's their problem, not yours. What's especially mind-bendingly insane is when people type like one paragraph and then go "tl;dr - I want people to stop peeing on toilet seats" and I'm like "Yeah, I just read that. Why is this necessary?"
tl;dr - tl;dr is retarded
- Mods posting my personal business in skype and thinking I won't find out about it. I know about that shit, bitch. That was a dick move. Also, "Bitches be cray"? I will slap the glasses off of your face, dork.
- People need to stop debating religion on the internet. It will never achieve anything or go anywhere except the gutter. You will almost never hear someone go "Wow, I was reading through the 18 pages where you debated MegaAtheist, and you stomped the shit out of his arguments, and I'm pretty sure God exists now!" But I'm sure it'll happen eventually, so keep fighting the good fight. Yeah, I know religious debates aren't going away, but we should at least put them in a Hunger Games style arena where they can fight to the death.
- The dialogue in the Pokemon anime series is really fucking bad.
- The Yu-Gi-Oh anime was unbearable and made me cringe so much at its badness.
- People are always like "Look at what's happening in Darfur", and they have no idea what's happening in Darfur. It is a product of the Sudanese Civil War, which nobody knows about here in Wisconsin, cuz we're just a bunch of simple country folk who just know the world is crazy place and don't care to know all the details cuz we got too much on our plate already as it is. Well, basically, the Justice and Equality Movement (which is just a rebel group) began clashes with Islamic militia forces in Western Sudan. Northern Sudan denies that they used the militia forces to deliberately attack and displace civilians, which they are accused of doing by Southern Sudan, and some human rights organizations. The exact number of dead remains widely disputed. The Sudanese government claims that the number of dead civilians is around 10,000, while the World Health Organization estimates at least 10x that number. Some reputed sources have put the death toll close to half a million. Make SCVs, not war.
- Country music is really terrible.
- Fat fucking TV evangelists who say homosexuals are going to Hell, while indulging in the deadly sin of gluttony daily. Actually, I think their fatness is symbolic for their greed. They go on TV and say "I feel God healing your hip", and put their hand out towards the studio camera with their eyes closed, like that isn't the most generalized thing ever. Then they do more generalized healings and go "You reap what you sow. I got a letter from a wonderful lady in Texas who gave 5,000 dollars, and now God has blessed her with a new husband and healing." and trick people into sending money with the false belief that they will be healed. I mean, they just want to be healed so badly that they're willing to try anything, and it's a fucked-up move to use the name of God to trick them into giving out money. I hope these assholes do, in fact, reap what the fuck they're sowing.
- I hate psychics. They're full of shit, can't tell you anything about yourself that you don't already know, can't talk to your dead loved ones, and are scam artists. I can't believe Montel Williams would let these scumbags on his show. I can't believe any of the talk show hosts would do this. Jeff Probst even brought on some psychics and I just was like "WHY?" Anyone who brings a psychic on their show and legitimizes them is an asshole, and psychics themselves are like, super-assholes. They have absolutely zero powers.
- "Faith-healers". Same shit as psychics, but it's not hip and trendy to bring them on day-time talk shows because they'll talk about God and shit, and nobody wants to hear that. They want hilarious witty psychics who joke around and go "Dead people have a sense of humor too!" *Audience laughs* Whaaaaat the fuuuuuccckkkkkkk.
- People who shoot down conspiracy theories because the theories are "too complicated". But look. You fucking know something is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report. I'm not saying that I think I know who did it, but some of the information provided in the report is just clearly wrong and I want to know why. Let's just say "I want answers". Now, I know some people are going to think "You're crazy for thinking there is some legitimacy to what conspiracy theorists are saying" but what the fuck? There's some guy who posted a youtube video where he's all like "9/11 truthers are stupid cuz they say they want answers, but when they get answers, those answers aren't good enough", and by the way, youtube guy, your mother is a cat so fuck you, and also, let me rephrase this: "I want real answers, not bullshit answers." If you want the truth from politicians, you have to get out a frying pan and grill them. This is fucking retarded that people are actually going "Major attack on American soil? Welp, I think the politicians are telling the truth 100% on this one." Are you fucking with me right now? Do you remember the Maine? Operation Northwood? Operation Ajax? Gulf of Tonkin? Did you know that David Keresh was a gun enthusiast and regularly left his compound to go to gun shows and that the government could have arrested him quietly instead of assaulting the compound with machine guns? They fucking lie about everything by denying everything. There is shit that is wrong with the 9/11 Commission Report, but nobody can say shit because it's not allowed on mainstream television, therefore, must be invalid and we're a bunch of crazy people.
- Man, I fucking hate gossip, which is why I try my damn hardest not to do it. If I say shit about someone, I just tell them "I said this and that".
- They said I was a narcissist. Well, nars-assist THIS.
- I don't understand why people have to "come out of the closet". Just be out of the closet to begin with.
- People who hate gay people just grind my gears. I have dream that one day, that we will judge a man not by the content of his butthole, but by the content of his character. The reason people go into the closet to begin with is because gay people get their face stomped by the boot of society. Our society is not "tolerant". Not even close. It's like we've all been raised to fucking hate each other, and hate our neighbors, and hate our co-workers, and hate our spouse, and hate our bosses, and hate people we've never even met, all for no fucking reason.
- The Good Samaritan was gay. I guess that's not really a rant, but yeah.
- Murder pisses me off. The only rationale I could see for murdering someone is that they killed and/or raped someone you loved. But when people are like "I don't really care for you that much, so you have to die, and I will gladly facilitate that for you." that's pretty faggy. Keep in mind, I don't think "revenge murder" is right or good. It just makes more sense than all those other reasons people murder for. If your boyfriend cheated on you, you don't stab him 78 times all over his body. You just don't fucking do that, dumbass.
- I get it. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a pretty cute show. I could see watching it with a daughter or son as an acceptable show, but if you're a man, and let's say older than 18, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? This is like your grandpa putting on a gold-colored tracksuit and a dew-rag, then going to a Justin Bieber concert and singing all the lyrics by heart and pop-locking while slowly unzipping his top to reveal a tattoo of Justin Bieber naked on his chest. That is WEIRD, okay? That is fucking weird. I think you can agree with me. That is just so wrong that it should not happen, ever. I know that MLP feels so right, but that's how crackheads feel about crack. A grown man owning all the seasons on DVD, wearing a Twilight Sparkle t-shirt and collecting stuffed ponies is fucking weird. Do you understand? The world isn't ready for men to break gender stereotypes at this level yet.
- k-pop is so shitty that it makes my ears bleed. When I watch Supernovamaniac's stream, I want to die. Why do I watch his stream? Well, I have a fun habit of sniping him just to make him rage. Don't worry, I don't stream-cheat, for two reasons: 1. Cheating is wrong and SNM is easy enough to kill without having to cheat. 2. If I had his stream on, the k-pop would cause my head to explode. It's only acceptable when I'm not trying to concentrate, so I can go back later and watch the VOD and laugh my head off when he goes "Zerg is stupid" and leaves the game. Actually, no more sniping him for now. Unless he talks shit about me again out of the blue like he normally does.
- It literally makes me quite mad that the TL user "Game" hasn't been nuked yet. How much do you have to lie, cheat, and flame people before mods go "Mm, I think that's enough."? If you want some laughs, read his liquipedia page. It's just bunch of non-referenced embellishments like... well, let's go through them. Nobody has ever called him the "American Muscle Terran", but maybe we should. He was never close to being a "top player". He was never in [fOu], because Odin[fOu] is a Brazilian player. He posted a replay pack of himself on gosugamers.net on the alternate ID "gNs.I-Jasa".
His old Gosugamers profile says the following:
Guerilla Terran Currently: MgZ gNs.I MnM... and gay
BW since mid 2004. First day of BW joined .tQ by 3-0ing DanTe.tQ 3 months later joined LighT and USA B went to faking fOu on west went to Xion_G for money played brainclan for iNTL joined ScM with ZergbOy joined MgZ joined Excello back to MgZ Have smurfed in countless clans.
+ Show Spoiler +"rofl look who got the last laugh" - FroZen, who Game claims to have 'taught'.
In his liquipedia page, it says he started in 2005, but here he says 2004. Okay, whatever. He can't remember the year, so what? Well, shall we continue? Yeah, let's do it!
"In 2005 when Game began playing BroodWar he joined team [LighT] after only 3 months of playing, citing that he simply understood the game."
Here's where it gets funny:
Notable Games
4-2 grudgematch vs ToT)Eriador( 2-1 series vs (NC)...YellOw on afreeca 2-1 series vs IefNaij 1-2 series vs Firebathero
He played Liquid`Drone after Drone came back to BroodWar after god-only-knows-how-long and they were doing the "grudgematch" as a joke to make fun of another grudgematch. I also was trying to cultivate a grudgematch against Tesla, but sadly, it never materialized because she was scared of me. Interestingly, Game cites in his "achievements" that he played a showmatch versus Fox.Bibiane, but does not mention it in his "notable games", probably because he got destroyed 3-0. The matches against YellOw, JF, and Firebathero are mysteriously gone. The real stuff has been left behind in hilarious fashion:
Lumix: "Lie more!!"
gNs.I-Jasa posting his good friend Game's replay pack, and letting people know that Game is "A ranked Terran" and "Game's not BM".
On why he's using the ID 'Odin': "that isnt me yoon im a fan of his" Changing his reason five posts later: "congratulations on having a low IQ... Odin is a mythical God lolz"
Game being butt-hurt again, his darling Plus coming to his defense.
In his achievements, he lists:
- Organized SBWI Nation Wars - Played for team North America in SBWI Nation Wars
So he organized the Nation Wars... and played in it. Well, I guess there's not going to be a conflict of interes-WHAT, NORTH AMERICA IN THE FINALS!?
I guess there's only more thing to post:
LRM)Game Exposed, by Joseph Kim (don't try to read this in one sitting until you have a lot of food and water with you, it's an epic novel about how Joekim and Game worked together to rig the iCCup ClanLeague)
- All the tournaments that Game "organized" were full of drama, which is why nobody who worked with him on the tournaments don't want to have anything to do with him, and the players all think he's a scumbag. Even his most kiss-ass defenders turned on him, except a few delusional US East users. And because Game was "organizing" all this shit, no one made any serious effort to host anything on Teamliquid.net except for Eywa, who I genuinely believe has mental problems and is a very committed sociopath. Because the players had to go through these guys to be in tournaments, they just decided to quit BroodWar instead. Of course, nobody will say shit, because they don't want to "cause more drama", and by doing this, they constantly are enabling bad behavior. It's like the fucking Catholic Church for Christ's sake (haha pun) turning a blind eye to child molestation. Well no. That's way too extreme. If you molest a child, you should be stabbed in the face. But the principle of allowing bad behavior to continue because you believe it is for a "greater good" will not last. It doesn't work in relationships, it doesn't work in politics, it doesn't work at your job, and it will never work for eSports.
- All of Game's responses are "nice ad hominems" to any criticism. It's all lies and slander, so don't believe any of the shit you just read. It's obvious that I'm just a fat man in his basement pretending to be a girl so that will people will pay attention to me when I sling mud at Game's good name. He was never banned from [LighT] clan for maphacking.
- Capitalism and Democracy have made America the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, not because our corporations have employed armies of slave labor overseas so that Asian people are making our amenities and computers, Latinos are growing our food, Africans are giving us our precious metals, and Arabs are supplying us our energy. We don't need to make anything of our own anymore, because other people can just make it for us. That's why 70% of jobs in America are in the "Service Sector", which essentially a business that is tailored to sell items to consumers, and boy do we consume. That's why China will still lend America money - we're still a good investment. Look at all your shit that says "Made In China". The government of the United States is borrowing money with interest that will go back into the Chinese economy via taxpayer dollars so that the same people who pay taxes can also continue purchasing goods that will also go back into the Chinese economy.
- I like Chinese food, but I don't like Patrice Wilson. He is the mastermind behind Rebecca Black's "Friday", and other songs, such as that Thanksgiving song and the Chinese Food song. He claims to be making positive music, but he's not. He's making stupid music, and the girls are getting the blame for these songs, when all they want to do is be a popstar for a day. You might think "What a bunch of spoiled brats", but think about this: you can't have a brat without an enabler. The parents literally pay Patrice Wilson a few thousand dollars to make a music video, which he then posts on Youtube. I can't remember, but I do believe the girls have exclusive rights to their songs as well, which would be good if the songs weren't shit. Wilson writes the songs, directs the music videos, and produces the music used for the songs, which a girl with somewhat rich parents will be the face for. WELL FUCK HIM. STOP MAKING SUCH SHITTY MUSIC VIDEOS AND USING VIEW-BOOSTING TO GET THE VIDEOS NOTICED SO THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO SEE THIS SHIT. If you are a parent, do not let your children talk to Patrice Wilson.
- All of the internet celebrities are only famous because they spam. I know this for a fact. They're not the idiots who post "Hey, check out my channel" in the youtube comments. They spam smarter. Youtube always has trending videos on their front page. But they also control their content. So you couldn't just spam some video titled "I'm in the KKK, fuck all the Jews and Niggers" to the front page and expect them to not ban the fuck out of you. But you make a somewhat clever video (or not, as long as it's not the lowest possible shit recorded with a potato), you can spam the views on your video until it makes the front page. Once people see it, you will get subscribers. If you repeat the process, your subscribers will continuously go up. Even the people who are already "famous" on youtube will still spam their videos to acquire fresh subscribers, because a lot of people abandon their old accounts, and it's pointless to have 500,000 subs if 400,000 of them are inactive, right? This basic principle applies to everything on the internet. It's also a real-life principle. If you sat around smoking weed long enough, you might think to yourself "Hey, why does McDonald's run ads if everyone in the world knows who they are?" and the answer is that they are constantly working to make their presence known, because people have very short attention spans. There's a fine line between creating awareness and being annoying, and I mean, that line is VERY fucking fine. That's why businesses hire marketing directors and use focus groups for advertisements. Can you do it too? Of course you can! Try this very easy experiment: Once a week, post a blog in the TL blogs. Go to "My Blog", and look at how many views your blog gets. If you post on the same day, every week, your blog views will steadily increase, with some stock-market-like ups and downs. Do something funny like, "Funny picture analysis", where you find random pictures on the internet, then just describe them super-seriously in great detail. People will love it. Don't make them read too much. Three paragraphs max. Then, at the bottom of your post, put in a spoiler "If you enjoyed this post, check out my other blogs, thanks!" and post a link to your TL blog list. Repeat this process for as long as you want. TL's blog section basically does all the work for you, and you just have to post consistently without having to spam anyone.
- Girl blogs. Boy blogs. They are fucking bad. My advice to everyone is "grow some balls". Do you have a crush? Grow some balls. Are you in the friendzone? Grow some balls. Did your girlfriend break up with you and hook up with your Dad? That's pretty fucked up, but grow some balls. Just read some Courage Wolf memes for like 2 hours until you're fucking ready to kick some ass. Your good friend Kristin is coming over to study with you. You've liked her for over three years and now is the time where you are going to pour your heart out to her, beautiful Kristin. You've dreamed of hold her in your arms and her saying "I love you, Ryan" (Assuming these are your and her names) but never having the courage to say the words. But you've just grown balls and have been reading the Courage Wolf meme for like 2 hours. Kristin walks in the door. You go up to her all awkwardly and act all goofy and weird, and despite all your insecurities, you go "Kristin, I like you more than a friend. I would like to take you on a date and get some ice cream." and she's like "Well... I kind of always thought of you as like an older brother... it would just be too weird." and then your heart is fucking pounding at this point, because what you say next could determine whether or not you reproduce and carry on your legacy. Courage-Wolf kicks in. "Well," you say with a grin, "I hope you're into incest." BAM BOOM POW. Of course, she will say she's not, because nobody but a fucking weirdo would say they're into incest, and if she said yes, you'd have to slap her in the face and tell her to get out of your house. After this, she will never talk to you again. But this is good. You had your heart set on one person who didn't want your peeeenis, and now the door of opportunity has opened for you to explore your options. How do you cope with the rejection part? GROW SOME BALLS.
I'm just kidding about everything I just said. I love you all.
I would say "more, more!" but what could possibly be left? + Show Spoiler +What you said about hating the game is 100% spot on. This is precisely the reason I stopped playing "seriously" some time ago, because I fucking hate playing Starcraft 2 competitively (by competitively, I don't mean professionally, because fuck me if I'm wasting my life getting good enough at a video game to make money off of it; there are easier avenues to income, like getting fucked in the ass by a herpes-infected orangutan every night). I didn't have fun, so I quit. The guy who tried to extrapolate this concept to real life situations is completely wrong. SC2 is a game. If you don't have fun playing, then stop playing. Totally agree.
There's a lot left. Life is full of problems with no immediately apparent solutions.
+ Show Spoiler +
I know what you mean about playing competitively. It can be really fun or really vicious depending how you feel about going through the losing streaks. I would just say that if you really love what you do, there's nothing wrong with being passionate about it and trying to be better. I think it is just difficult right now to get into competitive gaming unless you're a natural, and I certainly can't put myself in that category. The best thing you can do is what I call "giving yourself time". People always set these imaginary deadlines for themselves, such as "I want to be in Master's League within 2 months", and it just adds an extra layer of unnecessary pressure. For any amateur player, I would just say let yourself grow organically. Professionals in sports and eSports have a lot of experience, so they can set goals like that. For example, they can say "Okay, an injured hamstring takes about 6 weeks to recover from, and it will take about 6 weeks to get my cardio back up, so I know I'll be out of top form for at least 12 weeks." but if you've never been injured, how can you know how your body will respond to the injury? Some people heal quicker, and some heal slower.
The "guy" from the argument doesn't really exist. I mean, he exists as an idea, but there is no specific person I'm referring to. The concept of a habitual arguer materializes all over the place, but half of them are legitimately just trolls. The other half are "intellectuals"; that is, people who are relatively smart, and assume they have a bit more insight into all topics than other people. I wouldn't dispute that they're smart, but (and it's a big butt) by acknowledging their own intelligence, they fall into a trap of believing that they cannot be wrong or cannot be "defeated" in a debate. I KNOW I'M ABOUT TO RANT A BIT, but bear with me for a sec. The "guy" presenting the argument against me is the quintessential "superiority compex" type of arguer, who takes a moral high ground, is dismissive, and goes so far as to point out perceived character defects in my personality based on one post. Some of them might be right on the money, like if he said "I think you're a depressed person." because I actually have clinical depression. However, whether he's right or wrong about the specifics of my character defects does not matter, because his sample pool of information is extremely limited. In one post, I might show a lot of happiness and gratitude, and in another, I might show a lot of anger and resentment. If you only see the anger and resentment part of me, and believe that is my entire personality, you would be wrong.
You probably already know all of that, though. The thing I wanted to touch on is the notion of a Popular Misconception. Most arguments on the internet are based on "My concept vs your concept", and because it is using purely conceptual devices, the conclusion of the debate is very open-ended, that is to say, on paper, if you have two immortals at their computers forever, they could argue about one topic forever without reaching a conclusion. Also, debates are often posed as if there is an audience watching the debate, and sometimes, there is. So the point of the debate really isn't to prove the other person wrong, but to get the perceived or real audience to your side. Finally, because the debates are conceptual, it is difficult to lay down facts and just win, so most of the debate is actually trying to undermine the other person's methodology. Normally, if I see something that I disagree with, I don't always jump in and start debating for this very reason. I might say something silly and sarcastic, but not to make any kind of "point". Like, if there were some debate about abortion that was super-serious, I just might come out of the blue and post "What if Hitler had been aborted? Your move pro-lifers." and I'm not "trolling", I'm just trying to shake the guys up, as if to say "Come on, this is frivolous." However, if I start a thread, and someone just decides to go after me, then it's on like Donkey Kong. If they're completely right, I will just say they're right and make corrections. If they're wrong, then it's only a matter of time before they bite the dust, but then again, I prefer to discuss things rather than argue. It's not easy to go that route though when people are so defensive and just ready to argue. I'll go and say "Maybe God exists." and they go "What? Because the Bible says it's real, and the Bible says that it is inerrant, so it must be the truth, right?" and I'm like whoaaaa hold on. I'm not talking about Christianity or any religion. I'm starting at point A and you're way off at point W on a whole 'nother topic. So I have to let them know "Hey, it's okay, I'm not arguing that, I'm just thinking about x, y and z, and want to know what you would add to these ideas."
On November 23 2013 10:36 Ettick wrote:+ Show Spoiler +doge is the dumbest fucking tumblr/9gag tier meme, I can't believe people think it's funny
people who say that 9x39mm/(subsonic).300BLK are just glorified .45 ACP are literally brain dead and should seek immediate medical attention
fuck both of the major the political parties in this country and anyone who votes for them
+ Show Spoiler +Most memes, to me, start off unfunny, but the more I think about them, the funnier they become. Doge is kind of a weird one, but I saw one that I liked: I just laughed so hard about this one.