Queue the Opening Act
Hey Waldorf! Have you seen the games this past weekend? Yea Statler, they were awful! Even the DRTL games were better than that! I’m told that we have to “summarize” the crapfest that we had.
Hey Waldorf! Apparently AoV played iwL first! Oh, didn’t know that those teams were even allowed to play, Statler. So Waldorf, apparently, there was a TvT on oxide where Poetic played Biggus and both players decided to play TvT like they were playing a PvP. A PvP, Statler? They should just switch races then! Exactly, Waldorf! Biggus wins with the better engagements and dropship play
Hey Hey Statler, you know what Fold stands for? What Waldorf? It stands for losing! Oh, thats a good one Waldorf. Ye Statler, that’s exactly what happened on Colloseum, cause Fold folded a PvP to Executor’s zealot harrass! Ahaahahaahahah!!!!!!
Oh man, that was 2 bad games in a row, have we got anymore Statler? We do Waldorf, game 3 also sucked cause Mewka actually won a PvZ with a 2 gate into 4 gate (2 gates were proxied at Zerg’s mineral only) against Sacred on Outsider. That’s what you get for not checking the outsiders on Outsider, Statler. Amen to that, Waldorf.
Man we should just play starcraft, we would reck these noobs. I agree with you on that Waldorf, let’s make a 2 man team and win STL. Yea, can we demote Fold to D ranks while we’re at it? Let’s do that too, Waldorf.
Hey Hey Statler, did you see that PvP on Overwatch? I fell asleep during the Outsider game and forgot to wake up for this one. Alright Waldorf, I almost fell asleep too but something interesting happened. So Elegant played a pvp against Artanis, went for a dt expand, didn’t do any damage with his dt, holds his early expansion against Artanis’ push then dies to reaver harrass. So nothing really happened, Waldorf. Hmm, you’re right Statler.
Statler, riddle me this. Marines with no medics and no turrets against Mutas is? That’s easy Waldorf! A loss and demotion to ERIT! Oh Statler, I should make these questions harder cause that question was too easy for you but too hard for Canata vs Ace on Tau Cross.
Man, that clan war was awful with a iwL win of 4-1. can we get refunds Waldorf? I thought we already got refunds with the DRTL games, Statler. Good point Waldorf,
Hey Waldorf, let’s get some food cause this article sucks and Comradexkcd is a shitty writer. Ye Statler, I heard the gyro stand outside is having a buy 1 get 1 free sale.
T/N: Statler, Waldorf, Come back!!! I need you guys to analyze the 2nd set! Guys? Guys? Ah screw it, I’ll do the 2nd clan war review.
So the 2nd clan war was between PsB and LRM. We actually have a PvP on Oxide, which is something that I have never expected. We have Wallace vs ArcNeon where both players went for DT expand, except that Archeon went 1 zealot vs Wallace’s 2 zealots meaning that his dt was out faster compared to Wallace’s DT and that also means that Wallace lost his expand, having to cancel, and ArcNeon got his expansion with cannons literally as the DT was walking into the natural. And well, the rest of the game is history.
Game 2 was Technics vs Voddy where Voddy opens mech on Colloseum II and decides that engineering bays are for wussies and flat out get smashed by Technic's mutalisks and zerglings. Easy there Technics, go easy on Voddy next time
Hey Hey Statler, did you get that chick’s number? Nah Waldorf, I tried to go for her, but I don’t do pigs. Good save there Statler, we can’t lower our standards like that. Hey, did Comradexkcd already cover 2 games? Looks like he did, Waldorf. Hey Comradexkcd, get us Popcorn and don’t forget the butter!
T/N:I’m going to go to my corner in my room, drink and cry myself to sleep.
Alright Waldorf, what we got here is Infected going for a hydra bust on Bonyth’s natural while losing every overlord and their mothers. Including your mother, Statler? Why, you cheeky cunt, Waldorf, no my mother is no overlord but I do tell you that losing all your overlords and not doing any damages won’t help you win the game, but it helps us heckle you for losing.
Hey, Waldorf, I got this video here. Oh, what video, Statler? This is what happens you are Cute and you 12 hatch against Nemu’s 9 pool. Statler, Show it to the plebians on teamliquid, that’ll get the mods in a jolt.
Hey Statler and Waldorf, PsB got a walkover in game 5. Comradexkcd, how did you get up here? I uh um just walked up the stairs over there to get here. Get out of here, you D rank 360 apm noob that loses to d rank protosses with a rank egos. Sorry sorry, I’m leaving.
Well Waldorf, game 5 was in fact the best game of the series, and as a matter of fact, the best game of today! I have to agree with you on that one Statler, let it stand as an inspiration to all starcraft players playing in STL. It would save us a lot of time not having to watch bad games.
Well Statler, Tructacz got to get a free win against Bizzy on Fighting spirit because Tructacz crushed Bizzy’s mid game push with a strong lurker ling muta army and proceeded to clean the floor up. Clean the floor of what, Waldorf? The tomatoes that I’m throwing at Eric’s stream, Statler. Hahahaha good one, Waldorf.
T:N: Iwl wins 4-1 against AoV and LRM beats PsB 4-2.
Preview: Week 6
Give that back. No Elmo, let me, get away, holy fuck you're annoying. *BLAM*. That's why I hate children shows, now I have to clean up Elmo's remains. YOU DO NOT PLAY WITH MY GUN, I NEED IT TO KILL MANY BEAR. Speaking of many bears, next week will feature Russians again. It's not that I'm biased or anything, but the international Federation of Untouchables has so many cool players I want to see next week against intrinsic Motivation. There'd be TTF, who's currently investigating the Elmo suicide, MARWIN, Tama, Must, who now has his own fanclub, MARWIN, Andreyy, M A R W I N and all the other gosu players like Alfio. They really should take this war seriously, being behind 0-2 in scores; iM) on the other hand did their best to show that they're not to be underestimated. Seriously, with the way iFU performed so far (except M A R R R R W I N FUCK YEAH), they have a good chance to cause a major upset.
TTF investigating
The other clan war is even more exciting. With LRM Evolutions leading the league undefeated (which was to be expected), the Eagles and LaGFree must win the next clan war. That's a lot of pressure. Obviously, the eagles are super inactive, most of their players can't play the standard 50 games a day anymore, their old bones ache. The Peruvians seem to be motivated and could make their third win in a row. Let's see what the eagle's going to do. It's not that I can ask for anything, but give us Dewalt. It's not like I'm biased. Dewalt vs. Terror. If you don't give us that, you'll never get your sas tag back pez!
A Call for Freedom
Gentlemen, we may have stuttery streams, we may have hacklebeast flying off in the sky, we have an observer missing things on the fly, we may have zergs not knowing how to scout, we even have L_Master getting creeped out by the fox, but the one thing that we will not stand for is the tyranny and the oppression that is and can only be said with this one line
Nov 25 01:06:33
High above the throne of hockey cards, false promises, and lies is the evil mod Eywa. He sits there, above the unholy throne, watching with his evil eyes over us. We are not allowed to be free in chat. We are not allowed to express ourselves. We are currently being crushed by the might and wickedness of this false mod himself.
But that day is no more! This sunday, when STL week 6 goes live, we, the real sons of starcraft, will fight as free men against the this monstrosity. You can run, and not fight, but his wretchedness will spread all over the BW chats, and it will engulf you. You can run away and be safe for now, but are you willing to live in the thought that for one chance, only 1 time, that you fought long and hard for that freedom to truly be a starcraft player? He may ban us, he may timeout us, but the one thing he can never do is take away our freedom!!
This sunday, fight with me, fight with the courage and passion that you have for Starcraft, and fight with everything you got in L_Master’s chat for the freedom!
+ Show Spoiler [XKCD] +
Hi. Let's start then. Please introduce yourself to the readers!
Hi, I'm Comradexkcd/Amazingxkcd (I use Comradexkcd more nowadays). I am a college student, zerg user, and work part time as a testing developer for the best company ever. I study network engineering at Purdue, and I am an avid badminton player.
I also write shitty articles for STL
You're apparently also the manager of iM). Tell me a bit about the clan. How, when and why was it founded? Who are the key players?
A while back, when the league got announced, I was in a skype call with MVP while playing BW, and we were talking about BW. I jokingly said that I would fund a team if he got together a team that at least had a shot at winning. Turns out, he was serious about it and well I guess I funded the team, so I paid the entrance fee for the team and thus iM was born. As of now, the key players are basically everyone that is in the current roster. We may not be the biggest team, but we have the motivation (especially after our clan war against Sas.) to have a shot at taking this.
You had two strong opponents in the first rounds - sas and LaGFree. What do you think about these two teams now?
LagFree is fucking good, and I'm quite surprised. I thought they would be like AoV or iwL, but man they already beat iFu, and Us. Granted that the first week was a bit of hell for our team, but I am impressed with lagfree's play. As for Sas, some of their players looked quite shaky. We may have lost the clan war, but the games were quite close and definitely of better quality than the shitfest we saw this past weekend. I do think that sas. will have to step up their game for the rest of the season if they don't want to get overtaken by the other teams
Well, next week iFU will be up. What about them? Any special plans - do you plan on buying, let's say Marwin, for 20 hockey cards or something?
Our plan is simple. Type all caps in chat, and spam russian drinking songs when marwin plays so that he joins in. It's the only way to beat a monster like him. Now, I need some good russian drinking songs.
You already mentioned it, you're not only a manager, but also in the SBWI coverage team. Apparently. Why did you join? How's the atmosphere? Are there problems (yes -> you know where the door is)?
Why did I join? You know how when you play and enjoy a game for such a long time, that you feel like you owe something back to the game and the community for that, so you hear that a certain guy named Gecko needs writers cause he is lazy as fuck, so you join the team and help out? Exactly that. The Atmosphere right now in the coverage team is basically described in this nice picture
As for problems, we are still missing coffee and free lunches, but I haven't been slammed by Jaevla's bat so I got that going for me.
You don't want to make him angry. Let's switch the subject. Do you think next week's games are better than this week's?
Of course, even the ERIT tournament that ninazerg is making will have better games then the pile of crud that was this week's games. Man, I was thinking of writing a battle report for Lrm vs PsB game 5 because that was the best game of the series, no joke.
Will you participate in the ERIT Tour?
No smurfing is allowed, and I would rather not Hurt AtomicArchon's feelings by playing in that tournament so he has a shot at winning it.
Ok. Your thoughts on our new maps - are they imbalanced, are they great or what?
I don't like the tileset for Oxide at all. I do like space tilesets, but the brown colors puts me off. I'm still not quite sure about the balance for Oxide itself as the teams are still figuring out how to play it (we saw a pvp this weekend that I bet was both players planning a PvT build), but if the lineups have any indications, terran will remain the favored race on that map, but it's not the end of the world. I like the dynamics of Overwatch, but It seems imbalanced agaisnt zergs so I wouldn't expect zergs to be sent out much on that map because of the close 3rd gas being super open (I think tanks can hit it from the ledge, would have to test it). We'll most likely keep seeing protosses and terrans on that map, but mostly more PvPs with failed DT rushes.
Btw, after seeing your draft - did you really not know Clawson?
all I know from the game is that wallace sucks at dt rushing.
Haha, ok. Clawson is quite a known name from back in the day, pro-Gaming and all. How do you feel about oldschool players returning - good, bad? Does their history interest you?
Have you seen the epic necros by Bongo-Lizard? Those were fun to see. But about the old players coming back, it's good to see since it keeps the scene alive, but I want more new blood as well.
Who are the most promising new players in your eyes?
I was impressed by Poetic's play against Bakuyru in week 3, but Im not sure if there are like any promising new players unless you want me to dip into the c-ranks and the d-ranks and point out players there. Since it seems like all the players in STL have either established themselves or are peruvian, and I know dipshit about peruvians besides terror
Ok, let's do our theme question part thing we don't officially have. What races would Kermit, Elmo and Count Count play? Also, what would be the racial combination be for the 2on2 team Waldorf and Statler?
Kermit is clearly Zerg, because smart players play zerg. Elmo himself would be protoss because he is incapable of doing anything more than 1a2a3a, and I think Count Count would choose terran because terrans love counting the amount of siege thanks they have. Waldorf and Statler would be Xel'naga, forever heckling the shit out of every player who thinks 2v2 are a serious competiton
Sounds wonderful. Which character would be best in a tutorial VOD for build orders? Like explaining stuff to beginners...
Definitely would have to roll with Big Bird on this. He would be like the Movie of foreign brood war.
Alright - name the clan you think is most likely winning the entire STL!
Clearly iM).
Totally no bias there, totally none at all
I see. Any last words or shoutouts?
shoutouts to the teams that I manage and play with, shout out to Jesse for being my practice partner, shout out to Pilgrims for creating thanksgiving holiday and giving me an excuse to stuff myself, and finally I would like to say shout out to SWBI for putting this event on. You can find my stream at http://www.twitch.tv/comradexkcd if you ever want to dance to disco music. Just saying.
Ok, thanks for the interview!
+ Show Spoiler [TechnicS] +
Hi and could you please introduce yourself?
Hello! My name is Dimitar Sivkov, mostly known to the bw community as TechnicS coming from Bulgaria ^ . ^ ~
Tell us a bit about your first game in STL last weekend - the ZvT vs. vOddy. What were your impressions?
I was mostly confused and uninformed what's going on since that was my first time showing up. I had a nice and smooth zvt making lots of upgraded zerglings and mutalisks - one of my favourite unit compositions. vOddy relied on massing army instead of making defences and that made it possible for me to harrass him a bit more than i should have
You completely ass raped him, much to the dislike of our writer. Why wouldn't you toy around a bit more with vOddy? No mercy with Terrans?
I think he played well. The main reason for me beating him rather easier was that he sacrificed a lot of his first goliaths. I think he wanted to punish if i go too greedy on him but that didn't work out good for him. I usually toy around with players that consistently don't leave the game even when it's 99.99999999999999999999999999999% sure they can't win the game (unless some geographical anomalies take place)
Great, great. Personally, I missed queens or something. Then again, I like vOddy. Anyhow, let's talk about your team - LRM Evolutions. You guys won three out of three wars, which is quite good. Do you think any clan can beat you, or are you very confident you'll win this season with a clear record?
I haven't had a thorough look into other team's lineups, i have no idea what will happen
Tell me a bit about your other clan then - [BG]. It seems you guys have quite the number of uprising players with Inf3cted and Wallace. Is Bulgaria the new Russia or Hungary? Any reason why BG seems to improve so much?
We created the team with the idea of getting more fun rather than skill. I think we have mostly nice atmosphere in the team and that's enough for me. I guess gathering together made some players become better. That A- Wallace guy and that olympic Inf3cted guy are enigmas to me too - we should be watching them closely as their skills unfold in the tournaments to follow! I think Bulgaria is the Bulgaria that has always had lots of talented players ;D!
So LRM Evolution's team atmosphere is not nice?
I like LRM atmosphere too, I have and had been in the team for so long, I don't get the question?
I try to trick you into ratting out your team's super secrets, isn't that obvious? Like FC Bayern (some football team) has a mole problem now. Can't you tell the readers some awesome stories? E.g. who of the LRM Players likes to dress like women, or who the biggest entertainer is?
I admit I really enjoy and drool over NeMu and Game food discussions
they discuss a lot of delicious stuff ^ . ^~
I rarely find time to play since March this year and i can't tell too many stories T. T
Hm, scandals and drama lack so far. Let's add some drama. Foreign BW loves it. Your Liquipedia page lists a series vs. eOnzErG from last December as a "rivalry". Do you have ongoing rivalrys - friendly and not-so-friendly ones going on in the BW world? If so, please tell us background infos!
hm, I don't play too much, if at all, don't think I have any ongoing ones. Also I can't care less for other people being bm and/or being rather uneducated, let alone to call them rivalries
only negative feelings I have are towards me, since I consistently underperform heavily (relative to practice play) in the most important matches
Is that a reference to your games in the TLS or where does the negativity towards yourself come from?
not only TLS, it's for many years now
the negativity comes from my desire and expectation to perform as good as I do in practice
In reality, most of the time, I perform rather at 70-80% at best (if we ever find a way to properly quantify it)
Holy fuck. If you ever go 100% people should be scared man. Also, it gets a bit depressing. Let's switch to some small questions - name your favourite character of Sesame Street!
i don't know their names T. T
i guess i will go with the frog and the big yellow bird
oh no! the cookie monster
yeah cookie monster is the best
i like cookies too
i enjoy them frequently on dark side of the force parties
What's your favourite Defiler.ru Chat meme?
i like how in the moment wallace appears anywhere
suddenly a whole screen gets full of :wallace:'s
See, there's a LRM/BG Bromance you left out earlier. Who's your favourite SOSPA player in the moment?
As a zerg, I like Killer's play the most, he seems really sharp and good nowadays. Next comes Shuttle, as I get a lof of fun watching him. I like how manner movie is, also Bisu's zerg is amazing! I'm sure if he played zerg instead of protoss, he would have won more individual tournaments
bisu zerg, such units, wow, so apm, much amaze, very build order, wow! doge.jpg
Fanbois. Any last words or shoutouts?
I really like SBWI, also painted hydralisks, your SBWI arcticles, skzlime's wording when he is joking and wish SBWI league viewers to have lots of good times watching us play
^. ^~
Ok, well thanks for the interview!
+ Show Spoiler [Dsaqwe] +
You got time for some STL interview?
hm now ? xd
ok ..
We always do them last minute, we're not good at preparing things.
Ok, let's start then. Hello and could you please introduce yourself to the interested users?
hi yo all, my akas dsaqwe and sas.LocDog, A- toss
(what else should i write) xd
1st line enuf?
Sexual preferences, hobbies, job (pro-gaming), etc. pp, that's up to you
One line works for me, if you don't want to add something else.
dunno i guess its ok haha ..: )
maybe later ill think sth up
I never, ever edit the answers from my interview partners. It's pretty mean, but that's how SBWI News Staff rolls.
Anyhow, before the STL started there were some guys to tell the world sas would have a hard time to score big. Now you're up 2-0 - what are your thoughts on the results of sas so far?
Well yes, losing Sziky was bad for us, but we are still very strong and i believe we still can win ! tbh i didnt expect that we can beat iFU, but they didnt bring their best LU ...
Actually we lost bizzy and cute too ...
And you gained Julia. Apparently Julia wanted to play in a league with Peruvians. Tell me a bit about the atmosphere in sas - it seems to be unique. Does he fit in? Does he challenge you as BM PR Manager? (DRaW suggested something like this)(I did not know anything about the kick)
Well ye Julia joined and we banned him after 1 week cause he BMed zaraki haha .. haha ye there was a joke in sas that im only BM, no space for other ...atmosphere is always good in sas, mass chatcraft and no practice
Define inactive please - less than 40 games a day is inactive?
Haha i mean there are some active, but no all, for example skzlime never play , only like 2 hours b4 CW ..
And kidca playing Z lately afaik ...
Hm, I don't like Zerg either. Speaking about scary things, sas will face LaGFree next week, how about that? Scared? Feel challenged? What do you think about their recent success?
Ofc we are not scared, but LagFree seems very good (they beat iFU?) and it will be hard CW for us, but we will do our best to win ..
You played twice on a new map (Overwatch). One time against eOnzErG and one time against HoPe. What were your impressions of the map and the games?
Ah dont remind me of game vs eonz haha .. and vs hope i think was close game, but i manage to win at end .. well i played only like 4 games on this map, but it seems very good
Why not mention eOnzErG? Do I smell drama?
Haha no .. just i played bad and he did some weird shit and win .. Z imba
Is there somebody in the community you reall don't like? Would you like to meet him or her in one of the next clan wars?
Well theres no player i dont like or have sth personal against him, its just a game and we are all bm sometimes , noone specific i want meet in cw
There are plenty of your games on FISH going around, or have been spread on Teamliquid. You meet a couple of the SOSPA Stars. Does one of these games have a special place in your memory? And why?
Yea i met and beat many ex pros and lost even more ... dont remember all this games, but maybe my favorite game was vs EroS_Ample cause it was pure macro game from both and i think i played very good this game ...
More about SOSPA. Do you have a favourite player in the SOSPA events?
uf tbh i dont follow SOSPA and korean events, just sometimes i check snipealot stream and watch a bit if toss streaming ..
Do you follow other streams? Foreigners?
Sometimes but not really ..lately i watched trutacz stream few times and a bit lower lvl toss streams. And scan stream too
Hm. I wanted to ask about the new faces who did quite good lately - like Wallace. Are there any players you saw improving a lot in the past years? Or didn't you really care?
I think wallace improved and drshrinker improving fast, but dont really care too much
Let's do some BW unrelated questions. If the Teletubbies were in war with the characters from Sesame Street - who would win?
Protoss !!
What's your favourite Defiler Meme?
haha hard to say, there are many good and funny... :pocik: or :opasniy: ? donno haha
:nicelis: maybe
I'm all for nicelis! Did you know 2pac- deleted :nicelis: from our STL Week 5 LiveReport thread? Your take on this moderation?
Haha rly ? why wud he do that ?! bm 2pac-
2pac destroys eSports! Any last words or shoutouts?
Haha ... thanks to SWBI for organizations awesome league! gogo sas FTW !
btw u can add this for 1st answer: "Hi yo, im A- protoss user from croatia, aka dsaqwe and sas.LocDog, playing for sas team.."
little bettter xd
Ok, thanks for the interview!
Very last Quote
mention somewhere that the match iwL vs AoV went without any problems, and say thanks to their captains
- AlexOundOS
Writers: amazingxkcd, GeckoXP