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e스포츠 게임단 “Team Epic” 창단 및 스타크래프트2 선수 공개 모집 곰티비에서 글로벌 게임연출을 해 온 “StarTale Legend” 이선종 게임연출이 e스포츠 게임단을 창단한다. 게임단 창단과 함께 플레잉 감독직을 수행 할 것으로 알려진 이선종 감독은 핫식스컵을 끝으로 몇 년간 해 온 게임연출을 그만두고 2013년 11월6일 e스포츠 게임단 “Team Epic”의 창단을 밝혔다. “Team Epic”은 우선 스타크래프트2 종목의 팀 구성을 통해 2014년 GSTL과 WCS 참가를 목표로 이스포츠 연맹측에 가입의사를 타진해 왔으며 이와 함께 선수 공개 모집에 들어갔다. 이선종 플레잉 감독은 “시작은 미약하더라도 결과는 창대한 팀을 만들고 싶다. 플레잉 감독직을 통해 선수로서의 도전과 함께 스폰서 계약 등 차근 차근 하나씩 해나갈 생각이다. 또한 신인 발굴을 통해 스타 플레이어를 만들고 싶다” 라고 창단 포부를 밝혔다. “Team Epic”의 선수 지원 자격은 스타크래프트2 래더 별마스터 이상으로 숙소 생활이 가능한 사람이면 누구나 신청 가능하며 아래 내용을 기재하여 nclegend@hanmail.net으로 신청하면 된다. 1. 이름 2. 나이 3. 스타크래프트2 래더 등급 4. 게이머 도전 각오 한편 이스포츠 연맹측은 “이선종 플레잉 감독의 새로운 도전에 찬사를 보내며, 행정적인 절차 및 스폰서 영업등에 관해 적극적으로 지원하겠다”고 밝혔다.
Team Epic is recruiting new players.
Former gomtv global game director(observer) @Startale_Legend launches a new e-sports team.
After hot six cup, he will retire from his old job, and will be the owner and playing-head coach of the new team.
With the objective of participating 2014 WCS and GSTL, he contacted ESF and started a open recruitment.
Legend said: " Even the beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will the team's future be. One step by one step it will be done. Also, through discovery of new faces, I want to make star players. "
The requirement for applying the recruitment is star-master, and whoever that can live in the teamhouse can apply to nclegend@honamail.net
1. name 2. age 3. ladder rank 4. thoughts as a gamer
ESF says: "We praise for Legend's new challenge, and we will help with our best to support the team through getting sponsorship, etc."
Legend must have made bank as a game observer to be able to fund a team
Really?? Legend's gonna become a head coach?? This is awesome!! :D :D
Is this team completely from scratch? It doesn't even have a single player yet? o_O
France7248 Posts
good luck then
Canada1637 Posts
Whoa, considering all the money and people dropping out the Korean scene Legend is a brave man.
Epic.IdrA plz. Seriously though, it would be cool to see a team of completely unknown koreans and see how they progress over time and if they can become contenders.
Pretty cool. Hope he get can some good players, and turn to be something more than Azubu. Azubu to me was just where "leftover koreans that cant get a contract" went =\
I wonder how many seasons it will take them to be competitive.
Weird but awesome news lol
I really hope that this works out for them! Totally excited to see what they can achieve. GL Legend <3
On November 13 2013 13:56 Yhamm wrote: good news, bad name True. 'Epic Legend" does sound pretty cheesy.
Then he poach former teammates and we get Epic.Life. No wait Azubu disbands and there will be Epic.BBoongBBoong pffff ..ok pretty much all names will be epic
Canada16217 Posts
woah does it mention anything of sponsors? like who's backing this or is it just Legend?
wow this is interesting. wonder who is gonna be on his team
On November 13 2013 14:08 Za7oX wrote: HOW MUCH DO OBSERVERS GET PAID!!!
Weird but awesome news lol They get paid 25 minerals, 75 gas
Anyways, I'm interested to see which players end up joining this
Legend is the new esports hero!
legend i love you now but howwww