Sonic Proleague? - Page 21
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Czech Republic6104 Posts
+ Show Spoiler [korean] + 프로리그 한번 해볼까요!!!!!!!? 실패를 해도 남는게 있을것이고. 선수 섭외는 월요일부터 본격적으로 해서 프로리그 끝나자마자 9차 개인스타리그 진행 하는걸로 해서 오랜만에 같은 팀 선수들의 팀워크도 맞춰보고 동시에 8번째팀 소닉 올스타가 아니라 소닉팀으로 출전시켜 아마추어 양성도 하고 에이스들은 자연스럽게 9차 스타리그 출전도 시키고 외국에서도 엄청난 조회수와 댓글로 관심이 폭발적입니다. 겨울방학전까지만 프로리그 일정 잡아보고 끝나자마자 일주일 텀 두고 9차 스타리그 바로 들어가는걸로 해서 오랜만에 프로리그의 느낌 나게끔 기획 해보겠습니다!!!!!!!!! 댓글로 여러분들의 생각은 어떤지 댓글 달아주세요 해외 팀리퀴드의 반응 뉴스도 보셧는지 모르겠지만 소닉 프로리그 뉴스 전 CJ팀 진영화,윤찬희,전태규,노재상,한상봉 전 SKT팀 최호선,김택용,임홍규,이승석,박세정 전 MBC팀 박지호,염보성,김재훈,지영훈,박수범,김기훈 전 STX팀 철구,변현제,김윤중,조일장,김경효 전 KT 팀 김태영,박성균,김규회,배성흠,한재선 전 화승 팀 하늘,구성훈,유진우,공민창,이창우,박준오 전 삼성 박성준,허영무,차명환,노강호,샤이니 소닉팀 (멤버모집끝 선별중) Shall we try doing Proleague one time!!!!!!!? Even if this fails it will be beneficial... Starting monday I will earnestly begin confirming players for the Proleague and when that ends we can progress to the 9th Individual StarLeague. It's been a long time since we could observe teamwork of the players like this. At the same time, the 8th Team wouldn't be Sonic All Star, but rather amateurs would participate as Sonic's team and train so that the aces will then naturally participate in the 9th Starleague. Furthermore, the interest overseas is seriously explosive as seen in the comments and hits (this thread). Although it's before winter break, let's try to squeeze in a Proleague schedule and as soon as that ends proceed straight to 9th StarLeague just after a week's break. It's been a long time since I planned to make something like a Proleague happen!!!!!!!!! Please share what your thoughts are on this topic in the comments. Overseas Teamliquid's reaction I wonder if they've seen this news too. Sonic Proleague News: ex CJ Movie, Mong,Zeus ,Cola,kwanro ex SKT sSak,Bisu,larva,s2,pure ex MBC pusan,Sea,jaehoon,starcue,tyson,lazy ex STX terror,mini,shuttle,hero,notice ex KT ample,mind,hint,hm[arnc],starry ex Hwaseung sky,hiya,beast,kkong,saber,killer ex Samsung KHAN zergman,jangbi,Great,Hi,Shinee Sonic Team - currently finishing recruiting amateurs I'm not entirely sure about some points, like the level of commitment he's showing but it seems he's pretty set on making something happen before SSL9. In my opinion it could be something like Snipealot said before, a smaller cup of sorts. I believe he refers to it as "something of a proleague feel". So let's show some more explosions of interest? ^^ link to FB post. On October 27 2013 03:05 snipealot wrote: You did motivate sonic yes It's up to the players now. Sonic will start contacting and confirming players from monday, set a schedule and host a proleague, or rather a team-tournament. It'll be a short one, I don't expect round-robin. Most probably it'll be a bracket system starting from ro8 and maybe having the finals(+perhaps ro4) offline. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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Magic Woods9326 Posts
On October 27 2013 02:00 Epoxide wrote: Anything similar to the 1st Sinbal Farm Team Battle would be great. It's also a very reasonable start. It's better to have something smaller succeed and build up more hype for something bigger. I'm looking forward to anything Sonic can do. Better overview copied from Legacy Event Matches: + Show Spoiler + First Sinbal Farm Team Battle: 2012-01-13 Terror All-Stars vs Mong Rank (I don't know what this is, some of Mong's friends I guess?) 5-2 Terror ??> Pusan Terror ??> Sexy Terror ??> Mong Minus)Eagle ??> Mong Minus)Eagle ??> ZergMaN Shinee ??> ZergMaN Shinee ??> Neo.G Erase Clemson (???) vs Bread Afreeca (???) 5-4 force[Name] ??> mahell force[Name] ??> NtO`Smile Sea.KH ??> NtO`Smile Candy ??> NtO`Smile Candy ??> Sky Just ??> Sky HiyA ??> Sky HiyA ??> BackHo HiyA ??> Snail 2012-01-14 Erase Clemson (???) vs Mong Rank (same notation as last time) 5-3 force[Name] ??> Neo.G force[Name] ??> ZergMaN force[Name] ??> Sexy force[Name] ??> Mong force[Name] ??> Pusan BJ Sonic ??> Pusan Sea.KH ??> Pusan HiyA ??> Pusan Bread Afreeca (???) vs Terror All-Stars 5-1 mahell ??> Ample mahell ??> Shinee mahell ??> LYH BackHo ??> LYH BackHo ??> Terror BackHo ??> Minus)Eagle 2012-01-15 Terror All-Stars vs Erase Clemson (???) 5-3 Shinee ??> Just Shinee ??> Candy Minus)Eagle ??> Candy Minus)Eagle ??> force[Name] Ample ??> force[Name] Ample ??> Sea.KH Ample ??> Apink Terror ??> Apink Bread Afreeca (???) vs Mong Rank (same notation as before) 5-4 Sky ??> ZergMaN NtO`Smile ??> ZergMaN Anytime ??> ZergMaN Anytime ??> Mong mahell ??> Mong mahell ??> Sexy BackHo ??> Sexy BackHo ??> Pusan BackHo ??> StarCue 2012-01-16 Final: Erase Clemson (???) vs Bread Afreeca (???) 4-6 Candy ??> mahell Candy ??> Anytime Candy ??> BackHo Just ??> BackHo Sea.KH ??> BackHo Sea.KH ??> Killer HiyA ??> Killer RuBy ??> Killer RuBy ??> Sky force[Name] ??> Sky Korean: + Show Spoiler + ★소닉 팀배1회 개막전 5:5매치★ -개막전 1차전 장애철구VS몽랑캐- 1경기:철구Z(승)vs박지호P(패) 2경기:철구Z(승)vs이영웅T(패) 3경기:철구Z(패)vs몽네임T(승) 4경기:진웅P(승)vs몽네임T(패) 5경기:진웅P(패)vs박성준Z(승) 6경기:샤이니T(승)VS박성준Z(패) 7경기:샤이니T(승)VS빡건Z(패) ◈최종결과◈ 장애철구팀의 5:2스코어로 승리!!! ★소닉 팀배1회 개막전 5:5매치★ -개막전 2차전 소거슨VS빵프리카- 1경기:포스네임Z(승)VS마헬Z(패) 2경기:포스네임Z(패)VS스마일T(승) 3경기:손경훈P(패)VS스마일T(승) 4경기:캔디P(승)VS스마일T(패) 5경기:캔디T(패)VS하늘P(승) 6경기:임두성Z(패)VS하늘P(승) 7경기:구성훈T(승)VS하늘P(패) 8경기:구성훈T(승)VS손찬웅P(패) 9경기:구성훈T(승)VS장영환Z(패) ◈최종결과◈ 소거슨팀 5:4의 스코어로 승리!!! ●2일차 1차전 소거슨VS몽랑캐● 1.포스네임Z(승)VS빡건Z(패) 2.포스네임Z(승)VS박성준Z(패) 3.포스네임Z(승)VS이영웅T(패) 4.포스네임Z(승)VS몽군T(패) 5.포스네임Z(패)V박지호P(승) 6.소닉Z(패)VS박지호P(승) 7.손경훈T(패)VS박지호P(승) 8.구성훈T(승)VS박지호P(패) ☞최종결과☜ 소거슨팀[5]勝 : 몽랑캐팀[3]敗 ●2일차 2차전 빵프리카VS장애철구● 1.마헬Z(승)VSt사신테란T(패) 2.마헬Z(승)VS샤이니T(패) 3.마헬Z(패)VS이기호P(승) 4.손찬웅P(승)VS이기호P(패) 5.손찬웅P(승)VS철구Z(패) 6.손찬웅P(승)VS진웅P(패) ☞최종결과☜ 빵프리카팀[5] 勝: 장애철구팀[1]敗 ★소닉 팀배1회 3일차 5:5매치★ -3일차 1차전 장애철구VS소거슨- 1.샤이니T(승)VS임두성Z(패) 2.샤이니T(패)VS캔디P(승) 3.진웅P(승)VS캔디T(패) 4.진웅P(패)VS포스네임Z(승) 5.사신테란T(승)VS포스네임Z(패) 6.사신테란T(승)VS손경훈P(패) 7.사신테란T(패)VS남도일Z(승) 8.철구Z(승)VS남도일(패) 장애철구5:3소거슨 소닉 팀배1회 3일차 5:5매치★ -3일차 2차전 빵프리카VS몽랑캐- 1.하늘P(패)VS박성준Z(승) 2.스마일T(패)VS박성준Z(승) 3.오영종P(승)VS박성준Z(패) 4.오영종P(패)VS몽네임T(승) 5.마헬Z(승)VS몽네임T(패) 6.마헬Z(패)VS이영웅T(승) 7.손찬웅P(승)VS이영웅T(패) 8.손찬웅P(승)VS박지호P(패) 9.손찬웅P(승)VS지영훈Z(패) 빵프리카5:4몽랑캐[ ★소닉 팀배1회 결승전 6:6매치★ ◀◀◀소거슨VS빵프리카▶▶▶ 1경기 : 캔디T(승)VS마헬Z(패) 2경기 : 캔디T(승)VS오영종P(패) 3경기 : 캔디T(패)VS손찬웅P(승) 4경기 : 임두성Z(패)VS손찬웅P(승) 5경기 : 손경훈P(승)VS손찬웅P(패) 6경기 : 손경훈P(패)VS박준오Z(승) 7경기 : 구성훈T(패)VS박준오Z(승) 8경기 : 민찬기T(승)VS박준오Z(패) 9경기 : 민찬기T(패)VS하늘P(승) 10경기 : 포스네임Z(패)VS하늘P(승) ===========최종경기결과============ ◆소거슨팀[4]敗 : 빵프리카팀[6]勝◆ | ||
Canada7507 Posts
Class A: Killer, Sea, Bisu, JangBi, Movie, Hero, Mind, Amateur Class B: Mong, sSak, etc. etc. so on and so forth to divide the players. And then have the Class A players decide on who to pick for their next players by having a 8 man tournament to decide who to pick first and who to pick last. I feel that Sonic is just coercing players to play with each other for sake of their former experiences/glory on same team. The 8 team arrangement should be done more organically so we can witness new dynamics of play style and such. Perhaps they can even name their own team. But either way, just my 2 cents. | ||
Magic Woods9326 Posts
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Czech Republic6104 Posts
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Magic Woods9326 Posts
On October 27 2013 02:10 Stratos wrote: As for the team names, Sonic's idea was that they'll be called ex-XYZ before they (hopefully) find a new sponsor. Like the last time he tried. PC Family, Sinbal Farm, etc. | ||
United States5912 Posts
I wonder if it would be possible to help him set up some sort of quick kickstarter like thing so he can get some resources from westerners if he needs it. | ||
United States505 Posts
On October 27 2013 02:04 Xiphos wrote: Although the previous team dynamic is nice and all but I still prefer that they split the players into tiers such as Class A: Killer, Sea, Bisu, JangBi, Movie, Hero, Mind, Amateur Class B: Mong, sSak, etc. etc. so on and so forth to divide the players. And then have the Class A players decide on who to pick for their next players by having a 8 man tournament to decide who to pick first and who to pick last. I feel that Sonic is just coercing players to play with each other for sake of their former experiences/glory on same team. The 8 team arrangement should be done more organically so we can witness new dynamics of play style and such. Perhaps they can even name their own team. But either way, just my 2 cents. I don't know, if you based it on tourney winnings, it probably wouldn't be so bad. But you can't just throw Jangbi, Mind, or Bisu up there and expect people to take it sitting down. Yes, they're really really good, but they haven't proven it in the amateur scene yet. Either way, I think this is an informal event, so regardless of skill, people would pick their teammates and friends. | ||
Jollibee19343 Posts
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394 Posts
On October 27 2013 02:04 Xiphos wrote: Although the previous team dynamic is nice and all but I still prefer that they split the players into tiers such as Class A: Killer, Sea, Bisu, JangBi, Movie, Hero, Mind, Amateur Class B: Mong, sSak, etc. etc. so on and so forth to divide the players. And then have the Class A players decide on who to pick for their next players by having a 8 man tournament to decide who to pick first and who to pick last. I feel that Sonic is just coercing players to play with each other for sake of their former experiences/glory on same team. The 8 team arrangement should be done more organically so we can witness new dynamics of play style and such. Perhaps they can even name their own team. But either way, just my 2 cents. Actually, keeping the format as close as possible to the previous Proleague format, is probably overall the best decision, for a variety of reasons. For example, it shows the original sponsors, that they were appreciated, allows some of the decisions they made to remain intact, and provides some benefit to them as well. It will also make a transition easier. I'm sure Sonic has considered relevant factors in deciding the format. He has been doing a good job organizing his various events, and improving aspects of the events consistently over time. | ||
Korea (South)494 Posts
It's up to the players now. Sonic will start contacting and confirming players from monday, set a schedule and host a proleague, or rather a team-tournament. It'll be a short one, I don't expect round-robin. Most probably it'll be a bracket system starting from ro8 and maybe having the finals(+perhaps ro4) offline. | ||
Czech Republic6104 Posts
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Magic Woods9326 Posts
On October 27 2013 03:58 Stratos wrote: I'm probably most excited about Sonic Team. I started discovering the amateur scene recently and it's full of fun tournaments and leagues with players who simply play for fun. Sonic picking a few of these under his wings is a good sign of him planning ahead and realizing that he needs to integrate these players into his leagues to motivate more players and get in the fresh blood that will eventually be needed. The return of 서문지훈 | ||
United States120 Posts
If only we had Jesus and PerfectMan back in action | ||
Poland6 Posts
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8413 Posts
On October 26 2013 08:23 AssiRoyal wrote: what about Guemchi? didnt he wanna go to india for vacation like 2 years ago or sth? what is he doing atm? does anyone know? Well, I wasn't to keen on either free nor Guemchi, sorry.^^ Flying would be awesome. | ||
Sweden24578 Posts
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United States5145 Posts
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