Hi TL, my name is ibraishome and this is my first blog ever
Today I would like to present you a basic concept of a SCII Card Game I've been working on lately. I always have been a fan of altering board- or cardgames and play them with my friends. For example in the past I created alternate versions of Risk (new map with some special rules and action cards) and Citadels (modern version with different characters (hacker, scientist, insurance salesman, ect. ^^ ) and different buildings).
As I saw the player cards on GOM TV during WCS Korea, I felt the urge to create a card game for StarCraft II, since I think there isn't any.
What I would like to show you is the basic concept I worked out until now, concerning the basic game mechanichs. Additionally I will share my "vision" of how I would like the card game to work. Therefore I will put my opinion about the game mechanics, and why I would like to have them in that way in [spoiler tags] during the text.
I would like to ask you about your opinion and feedback on the game and if you want to have a StarCraft Card Game. If you have an own idea, how you think the game could be improved or the mechanics could be tweaked, please tell them. If I agree that they fit, I would love to include them into the game.
Table of Contents:
I. General Information
II. Game Concept
III. Basic Mechanics & Rules
IV. Example Cards
I. General Information:
First of all, I don't want the game to be a copy of an existing TCG like Magic. Even though I always enjoy playing some Magic (the old Magic: Shandalar from 1997^^), I would prefer the game to feel more like a real game of StarCraft II. Therefore I started to design the game from scratch.
Of course there will be some parts that might remind you of other card games. I don't want the game to be as individual as possible, but to be as StarCraft II as possible.
Please take also into consideration that all the numbers & values presented are nowhere near final and only act as placeholders. The game itself is by no means playable at the moment, as I am still unsure about many mechanics or undecided between several alternatives. Please take everything only as a concept.
II. Game Concept:
There are two types of cards in the game: Player-Cards and Action-Cards (sorry, I don't know how these are properly called in English). Action-Cards are further divided into Units, Buildings and Strategies/Harassement (and maybe Upgrades too, we'll see). Both card types have a different deck, so that means, every player will have two decks.
Every player has to choose a race for his decks and is only allowed to include cards that match the chosen race in his decks. This means, if I choose Protoss as my race, I won't be able to include Zerg-Unit-Cards or Terran-Players into my decks. As it looks now, it won't be possible to play a random-like style. However, there will be some "neutral" cards, that can be used in every race's deck.
In the following, to avoid any confusion, I will call the Player-Cards "Gamer-Cards" and if I refer to them I will say "gamers". "Players" will always mean the people playing the game.
A game between two players will be viewed as a single match in StarCraft II. To win a game, a player has to win three or four fights (like a Bo5 or Bo7). During a game, whenever its a players turn he can attack his opponent. The moment when to attack during the game can be completely chosen by the player, ther won't be a rule that forces to attack at a certain time.
To attack, he has to play one of his Gamer-Cards. The opponent has to play a Gamer-Card as well and the winner of the fight will be determined by some values I will explain later. The winner of the fight gets one point, and as stated above, whoever gets enough points wins the game.
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A few things:
That every player has two decks might seem complicated as first, but the deck with the Player-Cards should hardly be seen as a second pile. I only wanted to make clear that both card-types do NOT share the same deck. So I promise, it won't be very complicated
I included the gamer-cards because I personally think it will be more fun to have them. That means that the fights I described above will be seen for example as Innovation vs. Soulkey or Mvp vs. Scarlett or whoever else, which might bring another factor of fun into the game. Additionally anybody should be able to create his personal dream team of players.
Another point is be that, given the values and skills the different (Pro-)Gamers might have, they will be useful in different stages of the game. For example a MC should be very good in early gamestages, on the other side, Rain might be very useful in the "late-game". With that I hope to encourage to different playstyles and strategies within a race. Like, your deck as a Protoss can be very agressive and you try to finish the game quick or you try to win in the later stages of the game, and you choose your Action-Cards after the strategy you pursue.
In general it is my goal to achieve a 50:50 balance between the importance of the player cards and strategy cards.
That every player has two decks might seem complicated as first, but the deck with the Player-Cards should hardly be seen as a second pile. I only wanted to make clear that both card-types do NOT share the same deck. So I promise, it won't be very complicated
I included the gamer-cards because I personally think it will be more fun to have them. That means that the fights I described above will be seen for example as Innovation vs. Soulkey or Mvp vs. Scarlett or whoever else, which might bring another factor of fun into the game. Additionally anybody should be able to create his personal dream team of players.
Another point is be that, given the values and skills the different (Pro-)Gamers might have, they will be useful in different stages of the game. For example a MC should be very good in early gamestages, on the other side, Rain might be very useful in the "late-game". With that I hope to encourage to different playstyles and strategies within a race. Like, your deck as a Protoss can be very agressive and you try to finish the game quick or you try to win in the later stages of the game, and you choose your Action-Cards after the strategy you pursue.
In general it is my goal to achieve a 50:50 balance between the importance of the player cards and strategy cards.
III. Basic Mechanics & Rules:
Perhaps I'm repeating myself, but I want to say again, that all of the rules are basics until now and nothing is final
I will start to explain the game mechanics with the important values in the game: Every player will have an Income and an Army. Both values will start at 0 at the beginning of the game. Income will work as something like Mana or Energy in other card games. It will allow you to play stronger cards. However, there won't be something like lands or energy-cards. At the beginning of each turn, a player has to choose, if he wants to increase his Income or his Army by 1 (or maybe if he wants to draw an extra card).
As I said, Income works as a regulator for the cards, so that you won't be able to play a "BattleCruiser" in the first round of the game. On the other hand, the Army-value is what is important in a fight. Both values will be increaseable (or decreasable) not only by the beginning of your turn, but also by playing cards.
The Gamer-cards will have values (attributes), too. I am trying to work in three different attributes. The one I'm most sure about is the "Unit Control"-Skill. This attribute should interact with your Army-Value. To give an easy example:
Your Army-Value is 12, your opponent's is 15. You decide to attack with MarineKing, who has "Unit Control: 19" (NOT FINAL^^). Your opponents answers with a player who only has "Unit Control: 14". That means you would win the fight by 2 ((12+19) - (15+14)). You would get one point. To make it more strategic, the players should be played hidden.
The other Gamer-attributes I'm working with would be "Macro" (or Mechanics) and "Strategy" (or Decision Making). These values should assist you in fights. For example, if your player has a better Macro and additionally you've got better Income at the moment, you will receive somewhat a bonus. On the other hand, the player who owns the gamer with the better Strategy is allowed to play extra cards before the fight, or something else. These attributes still need a lot of tweaking.
Additionally some players might have different skills, that might come into play when they are in a fight. Here is another example: MarineKing has the skill "Exceptional Marine-Control: If MKP wins a fight, all of your Marine-Units are allowed to stay on the battlefield and have not go to the deposit."
Regarding the general process of the game:
Your Action-card deck might consist of 50 cards, where you hold maybe 6 in your hand. Your Gamer-Pile might consist of 10-15 cards, where you hold about 3 in your hand.
I'm not sure about the drawing process. Maybe, a player is only allowed to draw one card per turn, or as many until he has again 6 in his hand.
On his turn, the player is allowed to play one of his Action-Cards or choose to fight. If he plays an Action-Card, whatever is standing on it, will be done. Normally, it will only be possible to play one Action-Card during a turn, but certain cards will allow or require you to play an additional card.
Most Strategy-Cards will be played and go to the deposit after it. Units, Buildings and other cards will stay on the battlefield for a certain time.
If a players chooses to attack, he plays one of his Gamer-Cards from his hand (hidden). The defender has to play a Gamer-Card, too, but possibly is allowed to play another Action-Card (like a Defenders-Advantage). If this increases the passiveness of the game, the attacker might be allowed to play an Action-Card, too. Then the fight happens, and after that, both Gamer-Cards will go to the deposit (like a "graveyard", but not so cruel) and both players draw another gamer.
Therefore players might be forced to have at least 10 gamers in their Gamer-Pile, so that nobody can be certain to have his Flash, Innovation, Mvp and TaeJa Combo every game. After the fight took place, all Units on the battlefield will go to the deposit. It might be the same with all buildings, but I'm not sure about that - it needs some testing.
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I hope this will add another strategic element into the game. As the Units you played disappear after a fight, you will have to think what units to play. Like you have 3 Colossi on your hand, but it might not be clever to play all of them now, as they will vanish after the fight and you won't have them in later stages.
IV. Example Cards:
This might actually be the most interesting section, as it perhaps shows you how the game should look in the end. Of course I don't have a card-design ready until now, so everything will be text. Sorry ^^
Please read the spoilers, as I will explain my thoughts, again.
Race: Protoss, Unit
Income Required: None
The Zealot gives you +1 Army.
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This is the way, a standard-card might look like. Nothing fancy.
Race: Protoss, Unit
Income Req.: 15
If you own have a Robotics Facility on the field, you can play this card with at least 10 income. Reduces your income by 1. Increases your Army by 6.
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One of the stronger units. Perhaps many of the stronger ones might give you -1 Income (As it's a commitment to build them). In general I want the cards to have a relation with each other, but there should be no requirements. That means you can play the Colossus without a Robo, but you will get a bonus if you already have one on the field.
Race: Protoss, Upgrade
Income Req.: 12
All Zealots on your field give +2 Army instead of +1.
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An Upgrade - the type of card I'm actually most unsure with. We'll see. It should stay on the battlefield after a fight, as you lose units but no upgrades in a real StarCraft game.
Photon Overcharge
Race: Protoss, Strategy
Income Req.: 7
If you have a Mothership Core on the field, this card doesn't need a required income. You counter one of the opponents harassement cards.
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Again: No requirement of a MSC, but a bonus if you already have one.
Orbital Command
Race: Terran, Building
Income Req.: 2
Stays on the field. If you play a "M.U.L.E", "Supply Calldown" or "Scan", you can remove the Orbital Command from the field and take the played card back onto your hand.
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Another card that interacts with others. Actually, I don't have a concept for the three other mentioned cards, yet, but surprise, surprise: with MULEs you might get a better income
Race: Terran, Harassement
Income Req.: 8
You lose 3 Army and 1 Army for every Static Defense the opponent has on the field. The opponents loses 3 Army. You can destroy up to 2 buildings of your opponent.
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Of course I try to put in special strategies of the actual races, like this Doom-Drop or the 7-Roach-Push and what not... Numbers might have to be tweaked.
Race: Terran, Strategy
Income Req.: 12
If you have a Ghost Academy on the field, this card requires only 10 Income. If you have a Ghost Academy and a Ghost on the field, you can play this card for free. Destroy up to 2 buildings of your opponent.
Race: None, Event
Income Req: None
After the next fight, the winnings player does not go into the deposit. Instead he goes back to the hand of its owner.
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Might be risky to play, if you're losing. Actually a card, that is played best directly before a fight. I just wanted to show how some of the neutral cards might look like.
I appreciate your feedback and thank you for reading! Please ask if something was unclear. Sorry if my not-so-good-English made some things hard to understand
I you are interested in the game, I will post blogs with my progession every now and then.