If I consider that some weeks ago they changed both the "Mobile" and "Guest" wifi that now asks for a pass and a username, I would assume they intentionally blocked it. I guess I was using too much bandwith for being a "standart user" or something like that.
Now I can't even listen to the commentary when I'm actually working, you know, like hearing a football match on the radio. The only solution I found was to read the threads of specific tournament... but seeing "OMG DENDI WHAT A PLAY MVP GG NO RE" it makes me feel like "man, and I'm just sitting here"
Meh, like if I have that much job to do today! Guess I'll have to get back to pretend I'm working...
BTW, if someone knows if there is some kind of "radio" or "text-live commentary" for Dota2/SC2 matches, let me know... Even if i don't think that kind of stuff exist.
See you later, in a less pointless post!