Sometimes I hate pub games. Most of the time (I'm low MMR) I have to end up playing support heroes; which is fine, play to fit the role right? Most of the time, though, I just end up wishing I played a carry or at the least a nuker or something. In a sample of my last 10 games...
10 games as a support 6 times I had to solo my lane 4 times the "carry" I was with got less lasthits than I did creep pulling 4 times my laning partner auto attacked the lane against my reccommendations 10 games I got flamed 10 games I was the only support hero 3 games my lane partner fed despite wards being up
I'm pretty frustrated right now. I'm working on improving my game, but it's hard to remain motivated when some of the things that happens in these games go on.
I'm thinking of perhaps trying to jungle Lifestealer or something for awhile to see If I can contribute more to my team that way then supporting someone who isn't really benifiting anyway. Most people really want to solo mid so I don't think trying to claim it every game would go well.
Any tips for how to help impact your game from players who have gone through these MMRs where people don't really know how to play very well and choose bad lanes are appreciated.
Well, here's to hoping to see you on ladder. Good Luck
don't try to full on support in some pub game. Just go a support hero with strong spells like lion, who can still dominate a solo lane. For the rest just buy courier and ward the map.
I played jungle enig for like 15 games in a row when I first started (re-started) DotA2 from a 3 year gap from wc3 DotA... I lost faith in people during those games like you wouldn't believe.
Quick story, While playing enigma in one of those games my Jugg (level 13) vs Sven/Huskar (both lvl 6) due to me getting the jugg 11~ kills in about 6 minutes. He spends that gold lead buying BoT's and a force staff... Sometimes it's just out of your hands. lol
What supports are you playing as? supports have such a wide range of abilities saying you play support doesn't mean much. wisp is a bad pub hero, because without a friend he's terrible to coordinate. While others like lion can carry solely on their abilities throughout the mid game. Others like enigma or chen can turn an entire team fight around with good timing and win lost games. ect. try playing more and more supports to get a feel for all the types, rather than just sitting there pulling and relying on your team. there is alot for supports to do.
On February 26 2013 16:38 PrinceXizor wrote: What supports are you playing as? supports have such a wide range of abilities saying you play support doesn't mean much. wisp is a bad pub hero, because without a friend he's terrible to coordinate. While others like lion can carry solely on their abilities throughout the mid game. Others like enigma or chen can turn an entire team fight around with good timing and win lost games. ect. try playing more and more supports to get a feel for all the types, rather than just sitting there pulling and relying on your team. there is alot for supports to do.
Well as CM you shouldn't need to pull more than the first stack and pull CM going 4/4/0 gives a ton of presence in lane and in ganks on mid put the ward up to spot the safe lane rune for your side, then stack once and pull, then spend the rest of your time getting the free auto attacks on the lane opponent and setting up kills
WHen playing pubs, you can't FORCE your team to get money (unless Bounty hunter) but you can force them to get XP. focus on depriving the enemy of XP and fighting for your team whenever you can manage it. all three of those heroes can do very very well when ganked so staying next to your carry and pinging the trees and running around back there can get you some kills when you see a haste or invis rune next to your lane, go grab it and gank either your lane or middle. carry tp scrolls and try to be involved in every fight near a tower possible. It doesn't take too much overall to give your team the advantage with those teams.
Never play pubs to win, play them to have fun and to have things to look at later to see what you did poorly. if you did your best and still lost, who cares. focus on getting items like staff so you can save your team and roam more effectively.
IT requires experience as a carry to get more last hits when a support is stacking and pulling than just shoving lane constantly. most pubs don't have that experience.
For both LoL and Dota I think playing support (or jungle) in the earliest stages of "account building" is unecessary. Players are not good enough and do enough random shit that the traditional "roles" becomes somewhat obsolete. I think its more important to get a hero you can practice last hitting and map awareness with. Getting the maximum amount of money and learning how to not give the other team any (by means of you or allies dying) is enough to get your team through to the win.
On pro or very high level in both games, certain teamcomps are chosen to gain advantages in certain states of the game. However on lower levels people arent good enough to take advantage or deny these thing in a given window of time. I think its better to go for something overall strong and improve your gameplay that way.
Yes, these are teamgames - but the team youre playing with in a given game will most likely never be your allies again. Thats why you should focus on improving your own skill first and think "overall benefit" second. Playing all (or more than one) role will make you learn more about the game and overall understanding certainly helps you understand when to push, when to defend, when to take objectives, etc.
If youre counting on the team pulling out the win, you will most likely never improve your MMR because you influence the outcomes very little in comparison to other roles.
As mentioned before, you should play with friends. Eventually playing with them will get you better at the game, get you out of that low mmr, and eventually will be able to support good players and will make your courier/ward buying that much more gratifying!
Play with a friend or stack, is all I can say. If you solo pub at low MMRs and are nice about choosing heroes that your team needs, you will be playing 5th position support every goddamn game. Get a friend so you can do shit like cancer lancer (kotl+pl), wisp+ck, etc. That being said, if you still are solo queuing pub games then you're better off not picking venge or CM (hard supports), go for initiation supports who make a really big difference in teamfights--Tide, Sand King, Rubick, Lion/Lina, Undying, etc. Even shit like going Witch Doctor and solo killing anyone near creeps with casket-maledict-ulti into aghs rush is quite effective if the players you're playing against are bad enough. Bane is OP at low levels too.
seriously. Don't play support in pubs, it's not worth it. Your teammates are not worth getting support and it won't do the team any good anyway. You know the guy that picks the fifth hard carry even though the entire team is yelling not to? Be that guy.
it's not good for the team but it sure as hell is better for your sanity & play.
Jungle naix is pretty bad but assuming both of the teams are incompetent it works just fine because you can afk for 30 mins and come out of the jungle and win.
If you're sure that you're better than everyone else in your game just instant pick a high impact hero mid and win like that. QoP, SF, tinker, leshrac work well and have good map presence.
Yeah listen to the people saying play a carry, or at least a nuker. You have to be able to do damage because you can't count on your team to do it. Lion is a fun hero... I notice Riki's always get 534985043 kills in low level games as well. You need to learn carry anyway because as a support you're trying to help the carry get big as fast as possible, which you can't do if you don't understand carry progression.
I understand your frustration. I've been playing DotA since 2005 and while it has gotten better it can still be a headache. I quit back in 2012 for a few reasons (I've played it for 7 years and was tired of it, didn't have fun anymore, enjoy 1v1 games more and had better stuff to do). My suggestion for you is to take a break. Doesn't even have to be long-term, but if you play dota every day try to avoid it for 3 or more days. This is how I survived my years of playing dota.