On December 04 2012 07:12 Big J wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2012 07:10 TheDougler wrote:On December 04 2012 04:44 jalstar wrote: I don't get why you'd make plenty of valid points then put the conspiracy nonsense in so you can pass it off as "it was all a joke!" This was the wierd bit for me too. Was the whole point simply that people can make conspiracy theories about anything? What actually about the response time to ghost imbalance rather than to infestor imbalance as seen in the examples of 3base Zerg beating 6 base toss? I just don't understand what the point was... Regardless it was indeed extremely funny. If he doesn't, it's a balance whine thread and will get closed
But the statistics coupled with a whole number of foreign zergies statements should be enough to prove that a " patchzerg " is a real thing, although not in any meaningful way connected to the patch.
I have to agree with earlier opinions that the write-up itself is good but the satire/humor was leagues below and likely unnecessary.
I've never a seen a balance whine this elaborated and beautifully written. If the OP is entirely serious, though... brb laddering to 1a-fungal my victims into oblivion.
On December 04 2012 07:15 Mavvie wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2012 07:12 Trumpstyle wrote: I agree with this article. I long believed stephano being a patchzerg(and a lot of others), he become good after the infestor buff which happened in patch 1.4 and watching he's stream it becomes apparent, he only uses 4 control groups which is ridiculous and drag hes mouse when just target 1 unit is a newbie thing to do and other newbie stuff he does which I can't remember.
I also agree that Koreans keep the viewer numbers down, even though this is a bit harsh I think we need to limit the amount of Koreans coming to our tournament. Like ipl5 was a complete disaster so many Koreans just made it unwatchable. If I wanna watch GSL or OSL I watch that, but for ipl5 I wanna see north American players and maybe some Europeans. Maybe introducing more US Only tournaments and for EU only Tournaments and just invite like 2-3 Koreans over for the open tournaments. Like Lone star clash 2(which had 6 Koreans not 35 like ipl5)had more viewers than Ipl 5 says something. WCS europe 100k viewers, it's time for the tournaments organizers to wake up.
Remember South Korea has 10 years advantage and teamliquid did this them self for there tournaments in broodwar times so it's all good.
About Blizzard making the zerg so easy to make white people win I just don't know, don't think they are smart enough for that.
Stephano's a patch zerg now? what? he killed MC with roach/hydra, and nearly did the same to squirtle lol. not to mention his play is always astounding, and he's revolutionized every Zerg matchup at least once (infestor/ling/ultra ZvZ, infestor/ling/ultra ZvT, gasless 3 hatch roach/ling max ZvP), and while I'm not sure what patch 1.5 changed, these builds don't rely around queens which is I believe what constitutes a "patchzerg"? I guess he uses infestors a lot, but I guarantee you he'd be just as good today if he used other (buffed to be viable) midgame /lategame options.
You could've just said that Stephano was good before the patch and reported him.
On December 04 2012 07:10 Shyft wrote: Hey great writeup man, but one point i think that you are dead wrong about is that protoss is more forgiving than terran. I agree that they have a better lategame, and their mechanics are easier, but if you've ever played protoss you'll know how fragile they are, and that unless you're maxed with a bank, losing one army or any probes loses you the game
I don't think this is an argument on whether the sad zealot or sad marine is more depressed.
Toss is fragile yes. The only reason foreign toss does decently vs terran or zerg is because immortal timings are too strong with force field and colossus is just a dumb 1 a unit that doesn't really get any better as long as you make it at the right time.
As for this article, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although, the blizzard conspiracy for making foreigners win more is probably going a little overboard. The korean zergs will just play better than the foreign zergs and koreans will still win.
Great job addressing the issue of infestor being herp derp dumb. They need to completely rework fungal growth and infested terrans. Honestly I think the best way blizzard can fix this problem is to fire the current balance team and get a whole new team.
The current balance team is not taking any action. They are afraid to take the risks that are involved in a major change like changing fungal growth big time or reworking protoss gateway units weakness from warp gate tech abuse and the stupidity that is the colossus.
and before people claim that i'm just a terran fanboy, I started off playing as a protoss player and got bored of 3 base turtling so I switched to random and made masters for season since then.
Wow, just wow and 1000x respect! It's just GENIUS how you covered every single feeling all terrans have, how everything you say is so true (with the exception of the conspiracy ofcourse :p). I agree 100000%.
Ofcourse you will get a ton of flame for this, because zergs don't like to hear all of this. In their eyes everything is totally fine.
If you think about it, in an objective way: is it normal that: 1) the race with the best macro mechanics 2) is also the race with the best army 3) is also the race that has a maphack named creep 4) is also a race that can prevent expansions from landing/going up for a long time (creep, overlord creep, burrow, speedling)???
This is an absolute great post.
Canada166 Posts
These stupid balance/whine posts just further damage the game. Think of how many people will read this and be discouraged by it, decide not to ladder, maybe decided not to watch an upcoming tournament. Way to complain about low viewer numbers and a disgruntled community and contribute to it at the same time.
Another terran whiner... what's new
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Thank you for writing this post, Ver. You summarized every non-zerg player and spectator's frustrations very well.
There's really nothing to discuss, blizzard just needs to swallow their pride, get their sh*t together and fix the game. They don't even have to fix the game "correctly" the first time, they just need to try SOMETHING. Anything is better than watching free units and spells that prevent micro kill your entire army..... and the armies of the best Terran, Protoss (and, as we saw this weekend) even Zerg players in the world.
On December 04 2012 07:21 Medry wrote: These stupid balance/whine posts just further damage the game. Think of how many people will read this and be discouraged by it, decide not to ladder, maybe decided not to watch an upcoming tournament. Way to complain about low viewer numbers and a disgruntled community and contribute to it at the same time.
The alternative is to stick your head in the sand and pretend everything is fine?
If the game is in such a poor state then the viewer numbers deserve to decline, when it gets better we can talk about how great it is again. More and more people switch to playing/watching other games every day, not because of " community negativity " but because of real issues that are not going to go away by doing nothing.
wow. good write up. i like the flash pictuer. let see flash bring some news into teh game
really great post, too much haters here. The problem isnt the %win ratio on tvz or pvz, it is only infestor and how to go to a zerg "deathball" easily and uses it "easily" too. The winratio about korean against foreigner is really sick, I enjoy it and your whole post.
Best article on TL I've ever read. Thanks OP.
On December 04 2012 07:22 league wrote: Another terran whiner... what's new
This is VER we're talking about....
Rofl the responses to this post are the culmination of why TeamLiquid has fallen to this sad state and all the sad SC2 players on it are pathetic kids that only care about the validity of the success of their race and don't even play the game at a respectable level. Fuck this hahahaha.
and here i thought blizzard didn't know what they were doing and were making a great series into a bad game. They were really just rigging it the whole time to give sloppy white guys like me a chance to beat someone good! Wow blizzard are GENIUS!!! Thanks OP for opening my eyes. ^_^
On December 04 2012 07:19 Snowbear wrote: Wow, just wow and 1000x respect! It's just GENIUS how you covered every single feeling all terrans have, how everything you say is so true (with the exception of the conspiracy ofcourse :p). I agree 100000%.
Ofcourse you will get a ton of flame for this, because zergs don't like to hear all of this. In their eyes everything is totally fine.
If you think about it, in an objective way: is it normal that: 1) the race with the best macro mechanics 2) is also the race with the best army 3) is also the race that has a maphack named creep 4) is also a race that can prevent expansions from landing/going up for a long time (creep, overlord creep, burrow, speedling)???
Worst part is: 1) Race with insanely forgiving micro (compared to other two). 2) Race that punishes other races for non-exceptional micro incredibly harshly.
I disagree with the OP, i dont think the infestors are good enough. Until we see top 16 of IPL are all foreign zerg, infestors are still too weak (storm does 2x damage as fungals and nukes just kill everything!!!!!) these last few months of ZvZ are nothing more than just Zerg players being better than their opponent. Since zerg was the most popular race in bw with the likes of Yellow, July, Savior, Jaedong leading the charge there are more people playing zerg in sc2 so the meta game for zerg is more developed. Terran and toss just needs time to catch up and adapt to the metagame.
+ Show Spoiler +for all the poptards that cant tell, that was sarcasm. I also used the terran go-to whine for when T were OP and just replaced Zerg players/ Zerg names where it used to be terran players
Can't understand how even other zerg players could defend a nerf not being a good idea. Got bored of the turtle to 40 mins crap within like 10 games
If we can eliminate broodfestor we can open up the possibilities zerg have in the early and midgame. Yea those things youv barely seen since 2011, that are currently squashed in before the 11 min hive.
Hive should be like at least 15 mins at the earliest, think anything blizzard have to do to put the lategame back in the, er, lategame is fine by me.
Everyone knows Zerg is super balanced TvZ and imbalances PvZ. Just say it and leave it at that.
Contradicting yourself by saying in one paragraph "Fans want exciting games!", then in the next saying "Fans don't care about game quality as long as foreigners win!" make you look dumb.
Here here to the infestor nerf cannon!