At the beginning of 2011 I was first discovering the GSL with the beloved caster archon in Code S and .... Doa and Moletrap in Code A? I think? I don't really remember it feels like it was so long ago.... First discovering the Day9 daily and watching avidly over the next few months and improving from a lowly platinum player in Season 1 to a masters player in Season 3 with the race that (at the time) was horrible, Protoss. My first post on TL was on probably the most controversial editorial at the time this editorial: .
Throughout the last year I've used TL as a lifeline when I couldn't quite stay up until 6 am for my favorite BW players or the more anticipated GSL matches. I am one of the gamers that I can say will remember such tags as RootKiwikaki and Liquid`HuK, and I will be one of the lucky people to experience the KeSPA transition from BW to SC2, for better or worse.
It's been a great year TL. I've tried my best to be a respectable member of the community and am so glad that we (on a good day) are capable of almost civil conversations on important topics. The funny pictures thread and the desktop of the month threads are also great procrastinating tools especially
With that, I bid all of you adieu and hopefully this is another awesome year as I see some of my favorite players in a game that I myself have taken some sets off of some mid-level pros
P.S. Did everyone get their mom a Mother's Day present?! I sure hope so! :D:D:D