Hi TL,
I know only a little more than lay(wo)men when it comes to computers and I wish to purchase a new laptop. I am a student and require a laptop for general purpose usage and some casual gaming here and there. Here is what I'd like, if people have suggestions please let me know.
Not a Mac (I don't really like them) Sub $1100 Relatively fast, I'm looking at the new Intel i5 IvyBridge processors and they seem good. Has webcam, bluetooth. Can run SCII without breaking my computer Relatively light so I can carry it around (sub 3.5lbs I think would be nice)
I've been browsing around and seen some good reviews for Lenovo's but a friend of mine has one and it often overheats and bluescreen of death pops up.
All suggestions welcome, if you could link me to a specific model that'd be much appreciated.
you are overthinking it. Just go to a freaking computer store or website and buy a computer that is within your desired price range, that's it.
You could go for any asus or lower end Alienware laptops. However you'll find no gaming/powerful laptops under 3.5 lbs that has decent ventilation. You either get less power or more weight, or as your friend has : a frequent of BSODs.
I just did a search on Newegg Canada, found 4 laptops close to your requirements. I changed ivy bridge to sandy bridge, sandy bridge will be able to play sc2 fine, and changed the weight to less than 5 pounds since nothing came up for 3.5.
Out of the 4, I would recommend this one since it has the best processor, with same specs everywhere else. This notebook will allow you to play sc2 at med with no problems, maybe high as well. http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834215360CVF
Maybe someone else here can double check to make sure this is a good choice.
Acer has the worst customer support, and 14" is not really gameable.
Seeing as you are from CA i will browse NewEgg real quick to see what they got.
Also all those acers got 5400RPM harddisk drives which severely hamper performance.
Regardless what laptop you choose, if you are gonna use it as a "desktop replacement" you need to get a laptop cooler underneath it.
These are the two that i found that are solid laptops, both suitable for gaming and normal use and have better performace and larger screen then the ones chairman listen.
Both of them will be a little over the 3.5 lbs that you want, but only a little bit.
and btw i have sold laptops ( and repaired them ) for over 3 years, and i would get an acer in every day. Only got 3 asus laptops in all that time.
MSI's are newer brand in laptops, but i bought my girlfriend one 2 years ago and is running ever since without so much as a hickup.
14" is gameable. May not be ideal, but I played sc2 on a 13.8" monitor for a while.
I strongly suggest you to so stick to a brand with known quality and known reliability, because afterall liability is what comes first when choosing a laptop for gaming, you don't want it to overheat.
I strongly advise you to stay away from brands such as HP and ACER.
Out of personal preferances I advice you to the ASUS, Other than that, Make sure it has good cooling.
I bought a Lenovo laptop 2 months ago and advise you not to do the same. Not only does the display suck, the touchpad is quite annoying as well. Not to mention the fact, that UEFi was somehow not correctly implemented... t.t
im using 13.8' for SCII so I'm used to it. I already have a laptop coole
Is Asus the best brand? HP/Lenovo/Acer bad?