I'm a senior in high school (Grade 12) and i'm in a class this semester called "Writing Styles and Forms." Now, in this class we do many things such as analyze poetry down to the very bottom, write essays constantly, read books that we then go through analyzing etc. A main portion of this class is about how to write essays correctly and how to just write how you want. Not listening to other people's ways of writing, but simply writing your own way (my teacher is a boss in doing this. He's so free willed and amazing at teaching)
But anyway, since the very first day of the class, we got this assignment where we got a paper full of 65 different prompts to write about. Unless the prompt was something that required us making a list of some sort, the minimum for how much you wrote had to be a full page typed. We have up until tomorrow to write all 65 of them. Based on how long we've had this assignment and how long we had to do it up until the due date, we should have written about a paper a day, maybe two. Here I am since about 11 A.M. this morning doing nothing but furiously trying to type all 65 of these papers. Why you might ask?? Because I am one of the biggest procrastinators you will ever know.
I stayed home from school today (my mom was ready to shoot me...) and slept in, got up, and started typing them. I have a mechanical keyboard and I swear to you everyone in my house heard nothing today but the constant clicking noise coming from my computer. I can't believe I let all of these papers go until now.
However, now I feel like the most accomplished person ever for writing all of these papers in about 9-10 hours but also I feel so tired from typing the whole entire day. (I was once one of the top 15 best guitar hero players in the world so my fingers are made of steel ;D but every other part of me is tired... t.t) and so, here I am finished typing 65 papers that were ATLEAST a page long, some of them three to foure, and realizing to myself how much I need to fix my procrastination problem. It's something I've always had since about 7th grade and when things like this always seem to happen, you would think I would've fixed this problem awhile ago...
So I was curious. What are your guys' procrastination stories??
Instead of doing math, I decided to go on team liquid and read the post I saw about procrastination. I then decided that I didn't need to fix my procrastination problems at all because there's no way in hell that I'd ever leave 65 papers until they're due the day before.
Hm.. last night I stayed up 3 hours later to finish a poster project, got a 90. I never did anything that bad hehe.
When I was a senior in high school like you I had a project to make a powerpoint on the chapter in our AP Biology textbook on the human immune system. We had three weeks to do it and I spent about eight hours of the time between 3:30 pm when I got home and 1:00 am when I went to bed working on it since I had done none of it prior. I gave the presentation the next day and in spite of having five hours of sleep, it went over at least as well as all the others. That's pretty much the most I've ever procrastinated anything I actually ended up doing. \o/
Major props for doing 65 papers in a day though, even if they were one page each and they were just writing for prompts, good job.
My story? Oh boy...
Let's see, I am in grade 12 also and in my impoverished town in the lovely state of Oregon we have a weird mix of college and high school classes for those advances seniors (for euros that is students in grade 12). Currently I am almost an entire year behind on my math courses due to a severe concussion and then that coupled with severe procrastination has led me to have exactly 2 months to do a year of math... But that's the easy part. In my Writing 122 class I need to write 4 essays in the next week totaling about 30-40 pages of solid work and research on my subject (procrastination [ironic isn't it?]). How I've managed to make it this far in school while procrastinating since 7th grade is beyond me, but hopefully I can get my problem under control before I go to a top liberal arts college in the fall.
Yeah, TeamLiquid.net is killing my homework and study habits!
Oh, and mechanical keyboards are great for procrastinators! You annoy everyone around you at absurd hours of the night while trying to finish that elusive essay or research assignment.
I had a to be written, and it had been assigned for 2 weeks. Didn't do it until the day of. Actually, in the seconds before the class. I had lunch exactly prior to the class, and that's when I wrote it. Got extra credit on the paper, aww yeah. Teaches you a lot about high school.
I can't believe your teacher is going to mark 65x whatever number of students in your class papers. That's insane
Freshman year of high school, I had a semester-long project for AP Biology. Basically it was to read a book then present it's contents in a creative way. I decided to make a video game booklet contained inside a standard video game case.
Anyways, I spent a weekend "making" the cover (actually browsing internet as usual).
I did everything else within the span of an all-nighter the night before. Got a 100. Felt awesome, especially since there were other people who were much more efficient with their time who got lower grades on their project. Then again, I was kinda of a favorite of that teacher, so I do kinda feel bad that I got rewarded for my lack of competency with time management.
Years later in college, I still haven't learned a thing. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator.
I'm in grade 10, every single day I wait till like 1 or 2 to start my projects. I finish by four and then sleep till 7. I zombie through school and then sleep from 4 P.M till like 8. Them I'm on SC till like 1. >.< Right now I have a literature paper due in 2 days, precalc, physics, latin and history homework due tomorrow. But here I am.
I keep telling myself that I will quit procrastinating tomorrow.
Hahahahahahaha no.
I'll tell you later. Not done procrastinating from yesterday
Woah, I thought I was a procrastinator... but that's awesome.
Anyway, here are a few of the highlights in my procrastinating/not caring about school career, in order of impressive-ness (I'm in 11th grade):
- Haven't read a single page of a book or textbook in any of my classes (including English) - Had to have 60 sticky note annotations in my book in English (which I hadn't read) by the end of the unit. I waited until the last day. I did them all in school, the day they were due (luckily they were due 7th hour) and ended up with an A on the assignment. - Wrote the entirety of an 18-page science-fair write-up the day before it was due. - Woke up at 5 AM to type the entirety of a philosophy essay that we had been working on for a week in class (I had been browsing random sites and doing crosswords). Did the same thing for US Government once also. - Got 100% on a class discussion on a book that I was supposed to read. Not only did I not read the book, but I came to school that day with no knowledge of any of the book's contents... and the book didn't have a sparknotes entry. The hour before the class I looked the book up on Wikipedia and read the very short plot summary. I then listened to others participating in the discussion to get a feel for what the book was about, then BS'd my own ideas about it to earn the grade. I've done this twice.
Hmm, I'm sure there's millions of other, smaller procrastination's I have done, but no other outstanding one's that I can think of. I just have no motivation when it comes to school. +80% of the stuff I learn I'm never going to use, so I just don't care to learn it.
Despite that, I'm still the 5th highest GPA in my class D:
EDIT: And when people say "you're not going to be able to do that in College," I don't see that as advice. I see it as a challenge :3
On March 06 2012 12:32 reincremate wrote: I can't believe your teacher is going to mark 65x whatever number of students in your class papers. That's insane
those were my thoughts too, pretty amazing if a teacher marks 65 of anything let alone that many from every student lol. I think the worst I ever did was leave a 10 page paper until the day of and then bang it out. Did well on it and stuff but never that late again. I still always leave stuff to the day before because i enjoy the pressure I guess but yeah, whenever i finish stuff ahead of time (probably twice a year) it just doesnt feel as good
Well lets see, Starting at 10pm last night and up to about 6pm today (slept from about 6am-9am), I read the first 3/4 s of a 400level photonics & optoelectronics textbook, memorized ~50 complex diagrams and graphs, and countless more equations. Then wrote one of the most difficult tests of life that was based on me having an absolute concrete understanding of those things. Aced it. Also did basically the same thing last Thursday for my Discrete Signals Processing class, and will be doing it again this Friday for my communications systems class. Oh and i only procrastinated studying so i had time to do my other homework and design projects.
Engineering is fun kids, learning to function on a schedule of like 3hours sleep most nights, on top of 12-16 hours of work every day (including weekends) is a good skill. (unless you are a civil then you just drink every day and never go to class to earn your 90%, or 4.0+ for you Americans)
I should be doing statistics, but I'm reading this blog.
Alright, here's my procrastination story:
I am a second semester senior in college. I have already been accepted to graduate school. It is finals week. I have minimal desire to do any work whatsoever.
The Story:
At the time, I was taking about 24 credit hours of classes, finishing up a double major. Suffice to say I was completely burned out from doing this for 3 years straight. I had a few finals left (biochem & some philosophy paper). I calculated that I needed a 2% on the biochem final to pass; that was easy enough. I just went C's down the scantron and handed it in like a champ. The scary part? People did worse than me on the test.
The philosophy paper, however, was another beast. It was 50% of my grade and I needed to pass the class to graduate (damn core curriculum). I was taking the class with my buddy. Neither of us had bought any of the books or done any of the reading assignments - it was heavy shit; Plato, Decartes, some dude whose name started with an M - real heavy shit. It's a few days before the paper is due. Now its a day. Now its the night. Now its less than 12 hours. We still don't have the books or even know what the paper is about. We decide to finally get things into gear and work on it after renting the books from the library and reading the assignment paper.
We get into a conversation about how video games aren't as challenging as they used to be - we start rattling off games for the SNES & Genesis. Boom. The itch hits me. I want to... no, I need to play Castlevania Bloodlines. Not just play it, but beat it. Without save states. It's rolling around 6am now, and I'm still working on the game. It's encompassing: I'm on one bar of health, leaping across the screen shattering chandeliers and harvesting rubys. It was exhilerating. Dracula is finally beaten at 8am. The undead threat is abated - Transylvania can rest easily.
The aftermath:
We have not started on the paper. In fact, we forgot what the paper was about and we realized we've squandered the greater portion of the night beating an unforgiving game; the only thing I can boast about is having a screenshot of the castle crumbling while omnious music played in the background; I set it to the background of the computer (we were in the graduate lounge in the Chemistry department, so it was a semi-public computer). Everyone would know about my feat. Level-headedly, we quickly whip up 7 pages (no short cuts, no spacing or font tricks. Just good wholesome writing) in less than 4 hours, turn in the paper, and nod with a job well done. We ended up getting A-'s on the paper.
I can't think of anything that I haven't procrastinated on.
Will update post with story later
you're making me procrastinate by reading this, but its ok. I forgive you.
4000 word essay due the next day. It was a research project assigned THE YEAR before, required massive amounts of research and so many formalities in the paper. It was 4000 + extra stuff. Finished document clocked in at 5000.
And I had about, 200 words.
I still got it in.