Hello Guys! :D
I am going to start this blog to document my "Comeback" in Starcraft2.
I have been playing the game a few months ago quite casually. Ive made my way up to Gold League with Terran, then switched to Zerg and played like five games a week. One of the major Problems was that after some ingame Minutes my PC crashed, so i lost games i had already won and i also lost games that were still open. Thats why i stopped playing like four months ago as ranked nr.1 in Gold League. Last monday, i brought my PC to the shop to let them repair it. I will get it back next week and when the problem finally is fixed, i am going to start over and try to quickly advance, as my new goal is the diamond league.
I had trouble finding the race i finally wanted to play, and i decided to go for Zerg, just because i look like a roach. :3 When i get my PC, i will instantly stop cheesing or playing heavily aggressive - i will let me fall down to the bronze league and then heavily work on my mechanics and game sense. I hope that i can play ladder games every day, and i will post any progress that is worth to be told here, so i hope you enjoy the blog and i wish you a happy new year.
I don't understand why you have to fall down to bronze league. Just play normally until the game puts you where you belong. I think your mistakes become more obvious when you play better players.
Anyway, good luck getting to diamond league.
Just play as best you can. No reason to drop down to bronze unless your Z truly is bronze level. You will go up in skill faster playing platinum and gold players than playing bronze players.
lol you decided to go with zerg because you look like a roach??
I agree with Artline. I don't really understand where the justification comes from to go down to bronze to improve mechanics and game sense. Personally, I would think it's better just to play to the best of your abilities (minus the cheesing) and improve that way.
Anyways, it is your decision in the end so all I can say is: Best of luck to you. Hope you achieve your goals.
good luck, i will also echo what the others said keep playing and if you lose so be it but unless you play "good" people on the ladder you will never know if your zerg is gold, bronze or whatever.
Don't drop down to bronze league unless you have absolutely no idea how to play zerg. Let your MMR sort it out for you. If you really feel the need to do so, just go to silver, because a lot of bronze players are inactives or just plain don't know how to play. At silver, there are a lot less inactive players, so there is more competition.
Well, then ill just start over with my old MMR. I think youre right, in Bronze i wouldnt really learn that much.
Thanks :D
But your mmr isn't the same, im Sure its significantly lower so be prepared to lose a lot Good luck!