Thanks for the link. I have already studied it, and it has been very helpful.
I know there are several master level players, including 'halby', who have 60-80 apm. At Silver level, APM is not my main problem. I can occasionally beat players with double my apm even now. After playing 20+ games in the Silver league here are my main problems:
A. Poor execution under pressure: I am about 30 seconds behind my 7:30 attack benchmark in a ladder game compared to playing against the computer. The 3-Rax open only requires a mid-20's APM, so APM is not holding me back.
B. No Midgame: after my first attack I am often ahead in econ or army but lose my advantage because I don't have clear, practiced plan for the mid-game. Higher APM will not do that much for me here either.
My goals for the next week are:
1. Improve execution by practicing at faster speed while not staring at my base. (mechanics+mutlitasking)
2. Practicing a low-apm mid game that builds on a 3 rax open. (strategy)
APM improvements can wait until I have developed these priorities. I can already click fast enough in Diablo to break several of my mouses. I prefer to play well slowly, then improve speed while continually playing well rather than the other way around of clicking like a monkey on crack trying to copy a pro strategy and losing every game in the silver league until something magical happens and everything suddenly 'clicks'.
So again the reason for this post is to ask for a low APM midgame strat that build on my 3-rax open. Can anyone help?