You can find the replay of this the most excellent of games by clicking here.
The first game we played was on Shakuras Plateau for those too lazy to watch the replay. We both played pretty badly, cold hands, first game etcetera
We spawn close by air on the top half of the map and I (Protoss) scout after pylon. We both find each other first go of course considering the positions on the map.
Zerg opens gas first into very fast ling speed, and I open with a 3 gate robo build. I immediately poke with my first 3 units (sentry stalker and zealot) to gain map control and produce an observer to keep him scouted. The poke has medium success but I lose a stalker then freak out thinking "FUCK SPINE CRAWLERS MIGHT BE UP THERE" and leave.
My first poke
The zerg takes one more gas, I make a WhiteRa Prism and expand while warping in sentries with plans to drop harrass like a boss.
The zerg takes his third.
I load up 3 sentries into the prism with intentions of getting another zealot using it's power field to frocefield his workers into the mieral line... but... well... I'm plat okay! It got seen by an overlord when I parked it next to one thinking it was out of vision range and I don't drop because lings come to protect...
Not exactly how I planned that to happen...
With the third unscouted (even though I have an observer -_- because I'm just that pro) I think the game is about even. By now the Zegr's Lair is finishing up and since I have a heaps basic knowledge of timing I start to get scared of mutas and become passive (I'm sowwy... :/)
I then GUESS the third has just finished and forcefield the ramp to it reinforcing the WHITERA PRISM :DDD, killing it off and leaving, losing a fair bit in a trade that looking back was probably not that even my way...
Feeling pretty damn pro with my HuK-like forcefields. :DDDD
This allows me to get on a fairly even game but I'm definitely still behind.
I take both gases at my nat during this attack and begin immortal production to try and deal with the roach count coming from my zergy opponent. Because of my excellent deduction skills I don't bother with cannons or blink knowing the spire isn't coming any time soon. However the fact that that means he's probably going infestors if that's true slips my mind somehow...
He begins pathogen galnds and infestor production. This is where it really goes to shit for me... -_-
At this time I get a robo bay and two more gates hoping for a collossus deathball as I secure my third (such is toss ^^)
I'm falling extremely behind on upgrades even though supply is fairly even by now... I look back on that and facepalm.
By now it's the thirteen minute mark and my third is half done, pretty even on expos but pretty far behind on tech. I probably should've been more active with my WhiteRa Prism anyways.
Supply block is killing me but I begin my first collossus and move my army around the map trying to get some map control. I drop a twilight council after seeing the first 5 infestors aqnd start producing collossi and more stalkers that zealots and sentries.
Our thirds finish at the same time and he grabs burrow and a spire...
The bane of the Protoss race...
Then for some silly reason I feel I'm not being aggressive enough (the WhiteRa prism is being very quiet... sad face D I randomly attack at a very bad timing and angle with 5 infestors and a bunch of 1/1 roaches my attack is thoroughly flattened. I attempt some decent forcefields, when I should've retreated, but got fungalled shorty after I didn't capitalize on a window of opportunity.
By now I'm pretty damn far behind and have to hope to get lucky with scouting and deathball it up and A move... I get templar and storm and to feedback the infestors, in hindsight I shoul've gotten void rays and a mother ship to try and archon toilet a win...
I turtle up and take a fourth... and nothing much really happens, I'm pretty much trying to stay even on bases with the Zerg and get a decent composition, but I really should be getting some warp prisms to harrass.
Then we both turtle to max, he spreads some creep, kills zsome probes with mutas at my fourth and we a move into each other ^^
Because of upgrades and brood lords, I get squashed out and am forced to gg.
That was just one of the games, I'm too tired right now but I'll post them once a day for a while I reckon, to try and keep progress of my improvement in the matchups and my macro and multitasking, which in that game in particular was pretty abysmal. (That was the first game of the night so not the best one ^^
Thanks for reading there'll be more on the way. Get a practice partner doods. :DD