So, i've been thinking over the past few weeks that i should start a project of some kind. I need something that's atleast abit creative and to occupy my mind in between studies, which first lead me to thinking about TL's final edits and articles and how i wanted to write something "real".
Now i don't really have the knowledge about builds in broodwar to be able to write something like a battle report, i could write something passionate about it i suppose, but im just out of ideas.
While i was thinking about all these stuffs i was fiddeling with XSplit so i could stream Skyrim for a bored friend. Now that i have it all setup for 720p and pretty stable fps, i thought that i might actually stream for a broader audience, but alas im not sure what to do with it.
The problem is that there is about 60-70 (and even more during peak-hours) userstreams, featured and non-featured, on TL. Streaming for <10 people isnt that exciting so i thought about what you could do to attract more viewers and how to have fun in the process of it.
The people who get the most viewers are either top sc2-players, longterm BW-heroes or doing some sort of show (Day[9]s' daily, Zlashers talkshow, Sotg and whatnot). Now im not a pro or even close to it in any of the competitive games so i need to take a different approach and do something like a show. Atleast that is what would be the most fun i guess.
I stand before you here today, blogsection, to ask you what you think would be funny to watch. I just got a DotA2-key, recently purchased BF3 and Skyrim. I have Broodwar, SC2, HoN, D2, Amnesia (but holy balls i dont want to play that.), KotoR 1&2 and lots of other games that i could stream. But i need a twist to the stream!
Tell me what you think would be funny and perhaps even intresting?
Edit: looks like i forgot to change the topic. can a mod change it to something like "Ideas for stream?" or add a questionmark or something to it T_T
Since certain swedish tournaments and aftonbladet/rakaka etc keep insisting on using swedish commentators, it would certainly be nice to have a swedish commentator with decent knowledge of the game. :p Maybe you could go that route.
put up a race-war tournament, get 3~5 players for each race and let them battle it out keeping points per race not per player or team =D could be weekly or so and keeping scores over longer time, maybe even granting the leading race some minor advantage like a map veto or so
How about D2 coaching (I'm hillarious I know^^), but seriously, just play some old game that's nostalgic to you or smth. Or try to teach your viewers Swedish, play an instrument on stream... idk really^^
I actually managed to get 25-ish viewers by just playing D2 and (unknowingly) having my mic turned on in XSplit when I skyped with my friend in Norwegian. Just do what you want ^^
On November 16 2011 00:55 chaosTheory_14cc wrote: FBH quote hwaiting!!!!
On topic, yes, there are things like that which have crossed my mind but i just dont have the stones to pull it off :p
Maybe i'll just apply for a [Misc]-stream and play whatever.
What I meant to say in my last post was that it is your stream, you can do whatever you want (within certain boundries) and just fuck around if that's what you want to do. And it doesn't even have to be games, you could code programs (if you know how ofc), make websites, draw shit, design, play music or whatever. It's always someone who wants to see stuff like this out there :p
(Just suggesting stuff )