Someone who speaks three languages is trilingual; someone who speaks two languages is bilingual; someone who speaks one language is a U.S. citizen.
"Consumers in West African communities were horrified when one U.S. company tried to sell its popular brand name of baby food in their stores. The labels featured a smiling baby--very popular in the United States, but but intensely disturbing in a culture that relies on pictures to identify the contents of of jars and cans." - My Textbook
PG 13
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When does an all-in result in a fast expand?
on starcraft
macro better
on life
surely passion will exceed
any problem you will meet
on women
watch out.
but seriously
first comes love
then comes marriage
then comes a kid
in the baby carriage!
this is bold despite being unimportant and not starting a new section
nor is this subtext important. watch out for things like this
on life
don't fret over choices. make them, differentiation pales next to choosing something.
i have REALLY bad gas right now
but i could be lying