Greetings newbies and professionals. Looking for a Zerg Grandmaster to watch that doesn't know what he's doing?
Day 1: Starting @113th Ending @69th, 12 replays.
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It's funny how while you're out there on your own you can tell yourself whatever you please. You forgive yourself mistakes, focus on comparing yourself with opponents rather then those examples of your race that do better than you.
My father is a quiet high level chess player. And if you use that as a frame of reference you understand just how lazy all starcraft players are. Even the most average Chess players spend hours learning and memorizing the patterns their opponents might employ, or they themselves can use. How many SC players can say theyre following the same routine? Ballpark major timings nonwithstanding.
Why do you think MC was able to win a major weekly cup with random against people like nerchio?
While i was at IEM NY i watched DRG kill time between sets playing terran on his NA account and it astonished me how clean his build orders were- much cleaner then a lot of GMs and Masters ive encountered on both NA and EU servers. It's the korean way - learning what your opponent might do, how much resources he can collect, how quickly he can throw down a tech building.
When i played on korean server i started on a brand new account in platinum and worked my way up to masters from there. And i must say they have the cleanest build orders even in platinum. They might be funky build orders that accomplish nothing. They might lack micro or macro skills required to win. But when a Korean takes StarCraft in his hands he doesn't just jump into it ASAP to get some kind of gaming high - he takes a scientific approach. A korean takes pleasure in mastering a Build Order, making his game as clean as possible. That's why, i must say, it is such a pleasure to play on Korean server. You never get cheesed in a way that makes you think wow that guy is abusing his race to the maximum. When you get cheesed there you watch the replay and you think wow this guy's play is a thing of beauty. And i think that's something everyone should strive to achieve.