1pm-2pm~ Coaching hour with Kalamar
3pm-4pm~ New builds, are formulating
4pm-5pm~Coaching Hour with Synflux
5pm-10pm~Eu laddering Practice
8am-12pm~ Na Laddering *Serious business*
12pm-1pm~ Tutorial Video from Starcraft 2 formula future site
**1pm-5pm~ Bad Mannered Monday with co-host NATE DAWG **
War Hound
I think with the inclusion of this into the Terran army, will greatly give even more versatility for the Terran army.
-Factory builds will dramatically increase.
-Transformed hellion/War hound/Tank will be a huge stable mech army alternative vs Protoss and Zerg
However I don't believe this unit will provide, that much change up in TvT. I still can't see even with this units ability to do more damage to mechanical units, it will be able to overcome large amounts of tanks. I guess the best relation it could be listed as is the current, Tank to thor Match-up in TvT. Yes thors can easily overrun small amounts of tanks, but in great number tanks, easily dominate thors.
I'm really excited though, I can't wait to do a quick 1-1-1 opening that will open with war hounds vs Protoss Depending on how much damage they do vs mechanical, could you imagine running only 1-2 war hounds , and being more easily able to defend the 1-1-1 weakness? (Early aggression).
Only time will tell how big this unit will change the game vs Terran in the Tvp, and TvZ match-up.
Battle Hellion
OMG, a reason to mass hellions early on, and the ability to make them viable mid-game and late game?!?! Through watching videos, it is clearly a ridiculously unit that can take extreme amounts of damage. One question is though is that when you transform the hellion whether or not it will remain light armored or not. If they do change from light to being another "type" of armor quality besides light, they will Dramatically work well vs Bane lings. You might see marine marauder Transformed hellion, but the big play in this unit will come from the fact terran will begin to mech more far often, given the fact the core mech unit has the ability to be usable mid-late game.
Mass charge-lots will, and speed lings might actually change due to this unit. Hellions might actually force roaches from zerg no matter what. Mid game-late game charge-lots may not even happen anymore.
One a side note though... Transformed hellion might actually offer a unit that can withstand tank fire and allow an effective way to push tank lines.
Not much to be said about this unit. I don't think it will make the cut, and be toned down a lot. We have planetary fortresses, siege tanks, bunkers, and turrets.......did Terran really need another form of static defense? It seems like a cop-out for Terran's that were getting countered attack by Zerg Units..... which is a very effective way to deal with Terran.
Its a retard-idly good unit..... back up with siege tanks, and turrets... you could have a OP unit.
And here is the kicker, it only activates when no friendly units are around.... but does that go the same for buildings?
Imagine the following:
[ D ] [ D ] [ D ]
[ T ][ T][ T ]
S= Shredder
D= supply depot
T= Siege tanks
*= Turrets
If units attempt to walk through shredders in attempt to take down siege tanks, at choke points, not only do they get funneled thru supply depots, but also take radiation damage from shredders. If enemy units focus fire down the shredders, then they take radiation, and siege tank damage.
Like I said I will really like to see how this unit will work in the beta.
Because this unit alone will add another layer of defense to the terrans already dominate defensive abilities.
Let me know what you guys think about the new units, and looking forward to seeing you guys on Sunday, and Monday.!
Enjoy blizzcon guys!