Now just so you guys know, this is a "special" kind of tetris because in my opinion it requires no "tetris skill" (i'm not sure how to describe it), but it just requires high APM and a knowledge of where pieces fit. I think flamewheel released a thread on it for his 10,000th post, and it is known as ST staking which utilizes back to back T spins (if you don't know what a t spin is, just watch the stream an you'll know). It is useful for this game specifically because it sends a lot of garbage very quickly with out having to bother too much with getting rid of your own garbage.
Now let me also say, I am in no way whatsoever good or skilled. I'm just bored and want to stream. Feel free to talk shit about me in the chat. Oh by the way i use livestream. I have no idea how to use
EDIT: lol i'm getting raped
EDIT 2: I think i'm done. I just remembered why i quit tetris in the first place. Short session sorry guys.