Poll: Where do you play BW?ICCUP (186) 67% Fish (57) 21% Official Battle.net gates (18) 6% Other (11) 4% Brainclan (5) 2% 277 total votes Your vote: Where do you play BW? (Vote): ICCUP (Vote): Fish (Vote): Brainclan (Vote): Official Battle.net gates (Vote): Other
With the new korean servers trend just a little poll to know where do you play Broodwar nowadays?
You can also explain why you chose this one rather than another and specify what are the qualities and flaws to help the tl.net members to make a choice.
I think for the most part, super casuals play on the official bnet servers, casual-competitives (D- to C-) play on iCCup, and the more competitive players(C and up) play on brain/fish.
Fish because I don't like waiting 5-10 minutes for a game.
I play on Fish. All of the top iccup admins are abusers, imho.
ICCUP....I really really really hate playing vs Koreans. Id never play on a server dominated by them.
Depends on the mood. Most of the time I prefer ICCUP. But sometimes Im full of piss and vinegar and wanna challenge some koreans. Only to get humbled
On August 16 2011 00:57 soujiro_ wrote: why no garena option ?
Im always hearing about this Garena. Does this server keeps stats like Bnet and Iccup ?
On August 16 2011 01:03 SarR wrote:Im always hearing about this Garena. Does this server keeps stats like Bnet and Iccup ?
No it's just a lan emulator (like hamachi) where you can play games for fun like some epic 4v4 bgh
On topic: I play on both iccup and garena. I plan to add fish to that list.
I voted iccup at the end tho.
Korea (South)11568 Posts
idk about if garena keeps stats, it's a hamachii like system (similar to the chinese VS server if you ever played that back in the day).
in terms of skill from worst to best in my opinion it's Garena -> Europe ->UsEast -> Asia -> ICCUP -> UsWest (mainly for op clanby or other korean team channels) -> Fish -> BrainClan
I don't really think there is much of a Korean server playing trend. Op Teamliquid on the Abyss still has a ton of people in the evening, even some of the people who said they were going over to the Fish Server.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Iccup because I haven't figured out how to make the Fish thing work yet and I am too lazy to do so.
Ow yeah and I am bad.
I play on Bnet nowadays mostly BGH and Fastest due to LAN latency being too laggy for me atm.
ICCUP for now, but maybe ill venture into fish once i get better
Iccup just because I can't make games nor read koreans to type the room name they whisp me ;/
ICCUP mainly because the average skill in Fish is bit higher than my own skill, and because I hate having to switch languages so I can communicate with the koreans :<
Though if you're over C-C+ Fish is heaven
I only play BW at LANs so i guess "other" is the correct choice.
I play on fish only, because I can host and it doesn't take ten minutes to find a game. It's harder, but that means I'm going to get better in a good way. You don't have to know korean at all.