But invis+gap closer+aoe knockup/speedboost would be an amazing set for a jungler to have
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United States12679 Posts
But invis+gap closer+aoe knockup/speedboost would be an amazing set for a jungler to have | ||
United States1317 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
On July 26 2011 13:45 arnath wrote: But how do you manage to jungle with no sustain and no aoe? Probably start with small camps. He has aoe in the form of nimbus strike or w/e his E is called. I'm guessing somethin like Wraiths (smite) -> wolves -> minigolems. Recall then wraiths->wolves->blue, etc... Or you can have someone help you a lot with blue/red then go for a lvl 2 gank or smth | ||
Germany9118 Posts
if he cant jungle, i dont see his use. edit: oh im late to the party, sry. Also, he can probably do the long farm route: wolves, wraiths, double golem, recall, full jungle starting at blue. | ||
United States1267 Posts
jax getting ratio back, which I like. annie nerfs feel appropriate. sorry if you like kayle, but frankly Im pretty happy with this patch. | ||
United States17077 Posts
dVeloped: he said very underpowered (When speaking about monkeyking in champ select) | ||
Canada1528 Posts
I just played against a team of Morde/Shen/Garen/Ezreal/Soraka as Jarvan/Tristana/Anivia/Cassiopeia/Janna, and our carries were dumb enough not to build any MRes, so morde was routinely 2 shotting our Trist with his Q and ult. I was trying to think after the game finished what I would do playing one of my standard AP's and AD's. For AP, I'd probably build a Bveil or Abyssal Scepter, just any item that gives a decent amount of MR, and the spell shield on Bveil would help a lot.... For AD though, I was hard-pressed to come up with an item other than Wits End that would give me some offensive stats plus any defense against the inevitable morde combo. I thought of Hexdrinker as an alternative, but a 300 damage shield isn't really going to do much against a 468 AP morde... Thoughts on the item in general? | ||
United States47024 Posts
On July 26 2011 13:45 arnath wrote: But how do you manage to jungle with no sustain and no aoe? W and E are both AoE. And not having natural sustain is absolutely not a problem in jungle-- see Amumu/Jarvan/Shaco/Rammus/etc. | ||
9871 Posts
On May 02 2011 18:54 locodoco wrote: pending luck i can go 1700~2k in a 2~3 days i can go 2k~2.1k in a 3~4 days but 1400~1600 is a fucking week long job every single time you give me hope loco somebody said on here that if you can't get 1500 within 100 games you are retarded so now that I've started playing ranked my goal is 1500 within 100 games, in other words my goal is not to be a retard was within 20 points with 50 games played a pathetic 1425 a few games later... I'm working on it! | ||
United States9006 Posts
http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/izt4n/hi_im_doublelift_formerly_of_team_eg_and_today_i/ | ||
China26351 Posts
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United States931 Posts
On July 26 2011 15:13 zulu_nation8 wrote: Just played a ranked game where we had 1% chance of winning after losing another fight and the enemy team went to baron to seal the game. Then our Orianna ults to steal baron and although we end up losing pretty much every fight after that too, we took enough towers and inhibs in the end to win. Pretty much with one play our Orianna turned a sure loss into a huge advantage. You had Orianna, your chance of winning was more than 1%. I couldn't believe she got barely touched this patch. I was expecting some base value nerfs on her spells or something and instead now that I finally hit 1600 I can abuse her more to hopefully hit 1700. | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On July 26 2011 14:47 overt wrote: DoubleLift might be homeless? http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/izt4n/hi_im_doublelift_formerly_of_team_eg_and_today_i/ That's really bad Damn asian parents... Not to mention, BAD FOR ESPORTS. Also can't wait for the patch, most of those changes I'd have to play the characters to decide if they're good or not. Corki looks dead, Cassiopeia looks more beast than ever, pirate is now a shit jungler, Orianna still beast, Maokai is still hella fun and Galio looks meh. JUST GIVE US BACK GALIOS E YOU SCRUBS. | ||
United States2294 Posts
On July 26 2011 14:47 overt wrote: DoubleLift might be homeless? http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/izt4n/hi_im_doublelift_formerly_of_team_eg_and_today_i/ poor DoubleLift.. Asian moms can be such bitches sometimes. If i were to give my honest advice, I'd tell him to put his personal feelings aside and kow tow to his mom to accept him back. Just let the poor woman vent. Or he can also go to his financial aid office at his school and apply for financial aid and work. I'm sure he can get at least a work study since school has not started. | ||
Germany14079 Posts
On July 26 2011 13:14 0123456789 wrote: Unfucking believable. Monkey king is easily OP material. I just hope he costs like 4800 so I can buy him and abuse his ass. Corki nerf was needed. Blind made trying to fight him in lane impossible, he did too much dmg, his r was like a nuke, not a poke. Corki came out relatively unscathed except for the q dmg nerf, which imo was not needed. Now an auto attack does almost the same dmg lvl 1. I like the annie nerf, really good. Ok, let's talk about monkey king. He has a leap, an invis escape, something like empower but better, and ult is a CC. Already a godlike lane beast, with I would say good transition out of it. About Corki... I agree on some dmg reduction, but removing the blind completely seems insanely huge. That blind was a huge part of making him solid imho. Now he's just another ranged AD carry. Cait/Trist/Ashe T1 for ADs. EDIT: WHO THE F*** SENT JANNA TO THE SOLARIUM? W T F . | ||
United States17077 Posts
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Korea (South)1615 Posts
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United States931 Posts
On July 26 2011 15:33 HazMat wrote: Anyone else notice how Riot employees only play broken champions? Eski used to play around in ranked with champs like Teemo and now he plays Orianna every game. Phreak only plays Corki + Orianna. There's this other employee that only plays Fiddle. Pretty sure Eski got too satisfied playing Rumble after he discovered him to go back to balanced champs. | ||
United States37500 Posts
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=247773 | ||
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