Starcraft2 Laddering
Past week I had nothing to do (for work since there was no assignment) so I finally decided to go grind the ladder hard core.
And boy did I grind the ladder
I've played nearly 200 ladder games in a week (spent almost 10 hours a day on this each day for a week)
And did I experience a lot of things
I went on massive losing and winning streaks.
In the end I went from 1350 Master league rating (0 bonus pool points) to all the way up to 1591 rating (with a peak at 1605).
I defeated my first GM (who was offracing) and even so I was still happy that I progressed this far with just 2 hours a day since release and sometimes inactivity for weeks/months (which makes me wonder if I actually spent like 5-6 hours a day if I could become GM level at the least).
It also pleases me that I've come this far while race switching during the ladder lock in s1 to s2 from Protoss to Terran. With so little practice and games (s1 had 1k games and s2 600) I wonder if I would be like GM level with Protoss
How are you people doing so far on ladder? Satisfied/unsatisfied with your progress?
Self study during summer vacation
Last blog I mentioned I had been doing some new projects and learning for school and thus far I'm keeping it up and also managed to start train my physical condition (just running on a machine) for only an hour a day.
I've been learning some Objective-C for the iOS to learn develop iPhone/iPad apps and so far I've been enjoying learning it.
I'm still a big newbie but atleast I'm still motivated to learn it. I've put up about 3-4 hours a day into this and still enjoying it.
I've already been looking into more books to read after my current book (only 529 pages). Any recommendations from the more advanced programmers here to me?
TV Shows and Movies
And last but not least I can't even imagine how I manage to free up my time with all the laddering/studying and health exercises to watch tv-shows and movies.
I watched the Green Lantern, Transformers, Harry Potter 7.2 at the cinema with my friends and family. I've watched Transformers atleast 3 times with 2 times different family members and 3rd time with a friend. Can't believe they all wanted to go to Transformers but oh well as the kind guy I am I just couldn't say no to all of them.
I enjoyed them all as I was raised by comics and the transformers cartoon (the 80's animation).
And new show and other episodes that I've been watching are:
Oh man have I become attached to this show. A good show and I quite like one of the main characters.
White Collar:
I've watched this since season 1 and I just like the storylines!
Recommended by my friends:
- Game of Thrones (really a lot of my friends are saying I should watch this and I've also seen a thread here on TL but somehow a show about the Middle Ages is not something that is something to my liking but I will watch it when I have time).
Any tv shows or movies you guys recommend I should watch?
Damn what a long blog post.
I Got to prepare to do my exercises in a bit for an hour and after that I'm going to continue studying for an hour or two and then I will hit up the ladder.
Thanks for reading (a part or full) blog :D