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Hi. I'm a 1500+ Masters Zerg, who also wrote:
- [G] Belial’s Comprehensive Guide to Everything ZvT!
- [G] Belial's Comprehensive Guide to Overlords!
- [G] Belial's Comprehensive Guide to Beating 6 pool!
- Belial's Guide: How to Build a Budget PC
- ZvP: Ling/Infestor or: How I Grew to Love ZvP
- [G] Belial's Comprehensive Guide to Overlords!
This is a comprehensive guide to ZvP - it's all of the standard stuff, on everything. The guide is mostly focused on FFE, but I cover all other openings as well (you can find other types of expands in the 1 base section at the bottom).
I think the most noteworthy section is the benchmarking section, and I hope that, along with everything else, helps give people direction in their play.
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The bane of zerg macro
The Flow of ZvP
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- Zerg rules out 1 base all-in
- Zerg takes third and defends while Toss has map control
- Zerg gets map control
- Toss tries to take third against Zerg, defends
- Zerg tries to prevent Toss from moving out before Hive Tech by either harass, trading/aggression, or turtling.
- Toss pushes out with 3+ Colossi to kill Zerg before Broodlords
The Opener
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Standard ZvP opening these days is gasless 14 pool. There are a few reasons why this is standard:
1. It's safe against any cheese. Well, any pool or gas first is, but we rule out hatch first because a good cannon rush with double pylons in a good nook can occur and by the time the pool pops from hatch first, even if you get the pool quite quickly afterwards, Toss will just bank so much money that he can put down so many damn pylons and cannons that 6 lings and all your drones just can't deal with it. You can maybe try patrolling like 4 drones if you really want to go hatch first, but that would be behind 14 pool in terms of econ (also note, a Gateway Opener that reactively gets a Forge, will autowin against Hatch First too).
2. 11 pool is just as vulnerable to cannon rushes. You have to go 10 pool before overlord to really possibly get lings out in time to stop a cannon rush. Even if you go 11 pool, if Toss gets those 3 pylons up, he gets the cannon rush. So if you have to patrol drones, or pull drones, the same if you go 11 pool or 14 pool, you might as well go the more economic 14 pool. I repeat, an 11 pool will not get lings out to deal with a cannon rush or ramp block in time.
3. Speedlings are kind of useless against FFE. He's walled off. Yes, you might be able to pick off a probe easier, but you have total map control for 8 minutes with just 4 lings, so you don't need speed. If toss wants to get that pylon up, he's going to get it up anyways. And it just hurts your drone count too much.
4. Gateway openers just aren't popular. Zerg can generally go fast third as long as they rule out 4 gate, and then play as if it was FFE for the most part, so FFE is the more popular choice unless you know they are going gateway expand (eg close air spawn, crossfire). Even if they go gateway, you just grab gas asap and you'll be fine, or just plant a spine. Besides, even if Toss goes Gateway Expand, he will be so far behind that you will be way ahead anyways. Based on the odds, Pool First is the 'best' opener to flip your coin on
Note: I discuss 14/14 being the best build against 1 base Toss/Gateway openers, in the 1 Base Toss section
After going 14 pool, you'll want to patrol a drone at the ramp to stop ramp blocks. Toss throws down 3 pylons at 17 supply, so pull the drone at 16 supply.
You'll want to get that hatch at 16 supply, ideally. Since you will be pulling 2 drones to deal with the probe anyways (one to patrol ramp, one to follow probe), try micro'ing them to get the hatch down Idra style (if you ever saw his games before, he would do this and try to go hatch first). If not, just get those 4 lings out (you need 4 to deal with the pylon, if you just make 2, he can throw a pylon down and then you need to make those 2 lings and they just come out later to deal with it).
You can also take it at your third, but I don't like doing that because maynarding that far can really screw your econ. I would strongly advise against that - just wait for the 4 lings, Toss hurt himself just as much as your hurt by the delayed hatch by putting down that pylon. This is just my own personal preference though - many pros don't even bother with the natural and go straight for the third, and Toss can do something like add a Cybernetics Core to the pylon that would have made taking the Third a better choice to begin with. I'd say it really depends on the map, what Toss does or seems to be trying to do, and your comfort with it is.
Dealing with a Cannon Rush
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Just a short bit on this:
You cannot let Toss get the 3 pylons to block the ramp or the choke point. If he gets those up, it's basically GG - there's no way to win without a major fuck-up by Toss (like not seeing a hatchery in their base, or not realizing that the only thing Zerg can do is Nydus all-in and just not be active to deny Nydus). On most maps you can't 'drone drill', and even the maps you can drone drill, you can't drone drill on every spawn (like bottom right Shakuras). If Toss somehow gets them up, take all but 2-4 drones and try to drone drill, usually you'll have to use a really far away mineral patch that forces you to not watch, but by using shift+right click, it forces the drones to stack up and you can just time it out for when the drones attack. Hopefully Toss is stupid enough to not reinforce, and you can come out ahead, but it's highly unlikely.
So that's why at 16 supply, you send out a drone to block the choke point.
When Toss puts down that first pylon, pull 2-3 drones to nip at it. They will kill it before it finishes, and just a single pylon is no means to panic. If he puts it to block the hatch, or anywhere else where it's very open, don't worry about it - you only need to worry if it's in a blocked off position like behind the minerals.
The more Toss puts down, the more drones you pull. It's important to always be producing more drones and not get supply blocked. By pulling 4-5 drones per building placed down, you should be good. The most important thing to do against a cannon rush, is to block any sort of chokes. Have 1-2 drones behind the mineral lines, patrolling, to make sure Toss doesn't create a shitty situation for you. If Toss gets 2 pylons up behind the natural on Shakuras with his probe in between, you are pretty screwed, so the most important thing is to make sure something like that doesn't happen. With a 14 pool, you will have lings come out right when Toss banks a bunch of money to place a shitton of stuff down, and end the rush.
The important thing is just to pull 4-5 drones per building, and make sure Toss doesn't get a building put in a location that's impossible to hit with 4+ drones at once.
On 15+ Pools
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15 Pool can be more economic, but if Toss pylon blocks you, it will put you behind moreso than 14 Pool due to the delayed lings. I prefer 15 pools on larger, 4 player maps.
Third Timing
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Standard Third timing is usually around 21-23 supply.
Also, if the map is imba enough to have gold minerals, consider taking it as your third (Antiga close spawn, maybe not, but Metal, always). In my very strong opinion, there's no way for Toss to win if you grab gold on that map vs FFE. They can't do any pressure that would be stronger against a gold than it would be against a standard hatch. Making a precautionary spine would be more than compensated by the huge income boost - it's more than just 20% more income, but an exponential increase due to how zerg's inject mechanics work, as the higher rate of income and drone production in early game quickly snowballs, and with the gold, it snowballs even harder (side note: MULEs beat zerg in short term, but over long term, inject completely surpasses it).
Maynarding Workers
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It's extremely important that you evenly distribute your workers amongst your bases. Literally, evenly distributing your workers amongst your bases is like getting a free few additional drones, and not doing it, limits you severely.
For example, 24+24 workers on 2 bases, is less income than 14+14+14 workers, even though it's full 2 base saturation with 48 workers vs 42 workers on 3 bases. And a good, strong, gateway timing, can really happen when you are practically even on workers with Toss. So the only way to win such a battle, is to have a higher income with equal harvester counts, by saturating properly. And if you don't saturate properly, you might as well just go 2 base lair because your income isn't much better anyways and just benefit from the lair. Or, you could learn to improve your game!
If you ever watch 1st person perspective of a pro player - you can see it in replays, but better seen watching streams - you will notice they obsessively box over, select all the drones, and look at, their mining bases. To the uninitiated, you might say "Wow Nestea spams his APM even in the lategame" or "No wonder MVP has such high APM, he just spams all game long and constantly is boxing over his workers". But no, that's not what they are doing. They know that it's extremely important to spread your workers evenly amongst your bases.
Okay, I'm sure you get it now. So how to do it? It depends on your 2nd base timing.
If you get pylon blocked at the natural, and wait until lings tear it down instead of taking another base, you should take half of your drones and send it to the natural. If you don't get pylon blocked, just rally all hatches to the newest hatch - you will actually have an increased income due to the drone's pairing up, and that maynarding in this game actually hurts your income for the most part (due to the mechanics of larva inject allowing you to quickly saturate a new base, and because you would prefer to have more money earlier, than more money long term, because the more drones you have earlier, the better for long term, more so than maynarding). You'll learn when to swap up the rally points, and you can balance things out by where you take gas or make buildings at. This is actually what most pros do, and you won't hit 80+ by 8 minute unless you actually rally correctly to new bases, as opposed to maynarding or not paying attention to worker saturation.
If you compare incomes of Z vs a P who maynards half his workers, you'll notice that you'll actually be ahead by about 200 minerals per minute if you rally instead of maynard. Maynarding in this game actually is not a good idea, unless you have more than 16 workers at the base you pull from. That's why you should rally instead of maynard, unless the new base is late (like if you get pylon blocked).
It's up to you how you maynard them specifically, but what's important, is that you OBSESS over this in the game. Seriously. You need to be balancing them out all of the first 9 minutes. Personally, I am constantly re-adjusting my worker saturations all throughout the game, and constantly re-moving 3-5 drones as I morph new buildings, take gases, et cetera.
As you play more and refine your build, you will get a feel for how to best rally your drones to get the most balance. But this is what I see the best macro pros do - rally drones, instead of taking workers from existing mineral lines.
Gas Timing
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When you take your gas is a big deal. If you notice you bank gas in your games, chances are you are taking gas too quickly, or too much gas. The standard gas timing tends to be 6:00, or right around when third finishes.
DRG, who seems to have the best macro I've ever seen of someone going fast third in tournament play, tends to take 3 gas after his third has been well established and droned up a bit. You can make 1 gas early, 1 gas late, but the idea is generally have 2 gas up by 7:00 at the latest (personally I feel the 1 gas early/1 late kind of cuts econ a bit too much at the critical early stage of the game, as it's what I did for the longest time).
If you like to go by supply, that means 2 gas is roughly taken around 50 supply.
Roach and Evo
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Standard Roach Warren at 7:30 unless you see no gas (6:30) or 4 gas (7:30+), and Evo Chamber at 7:00+ unless you see no gas (not at all) or get a solid scout off telling you not to get it. These days Zergs don't seem to even get Roach Warren until Lair is done, or if Toss has no gas at the natural, and many will skip it if they see Toss isn't doing a gateway timing, or only make it if they see a possible gateway timing incoming. But, if you aren't so solid in your scouting and gamesense yet, you are better off making one always around 7:30. Make sure to get a 6:30 Roach Warren if Toss has no gas at his natural though, and make a few Roaches at least when it pops, as Toss is doing a quick warp gate pressure.
Evo chamber should be grabbed at 7:15 at earliest if you see gas at the Toss natural, and still aren't exactly sure what Toss is up to. Any earlier than 7:00 is too early. Upgrades won't finish in time to deal with any sort of gateway all-in (35evo+160upgrade= 3 minutes, 5 seconds, or 10:20 from a 7:15 evo). Initial stargate units are best handled with a queen or two, and additional spores added as necessary.
If Toss makes any sort of early zealot aggression, like double gate or gate/core/gate, you should get a Roach Warren at 6:30 (just like if you see no gas at his natural, as you likely won't see any gas at his natural if he does this), but rely on lings if he pressures earlier than that (this is because +1 won't be out on the zealots before 7:30).
Lair Timing
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If Toss does a hardcore, 6 gate +1/7gate/Huk style zealot heavy 8 gate, that cuts probes, and pushes out at 8:00-8:30 and potentially shooting your base at 8:50, you will pretty much autolose if you go for lair (obviously, if you are going 9:00+ lair, or basically lair after pumping units and knowing you can hold the push, that's fine, but the idea here is that a 6 gate +1 8:30 will kill you if you teched too hard). I'll talk about this more in-depth later, but basically, anything like roach speed or burrow will definitely not come in time to deal with such a push, if you simply don't die in the process, so this is sort of the benchmark we are looking at in regards to lair timing.
On a side note, it's great practice to play with a friend to keep 6 gate +1'ing you, as it's considered the heaviest all-in Toss can do from FFE, so if you can hold this all-in when going fast third, you can possibly hold anything (and thus, why fast third is standard vs FFE).
So lair timing is all about seeing gas at the Toss natural.
Zero gas = No lair (or rather, lair after you are sure you can hold the Toss push, and due to it's timing nature, you'll definitely know when you can be good to go lair)
1 gas = Generally, this is very standard play. Toss is going macro, so you'll want lair, but economy is the focus here. Standard Lair timing for Zerg going fast third is ~7:15
2 gas = Toss is doing an extremely tech heavy attack. So you can delay Lair, as you'll want to keep focusing on economy, as some Toss tech pushes will kill you if your economy is weak.
Getting lair at 50 supply or earlier (which means 42 mining drones basically) will hurt your economy too much. So even if you want to get lair very quickly, for whatever reason, make sure you get at least around 55 supply first. Going lair before 50 supply can hurt your drone count by as much as 10, so make no mistake it hurts your econ to get that lair.
Once you go lair, you generally want to grab gas to go with it. I would recommend you get a 3rd gas, as you will only be making roach/ling. Once you know what Toss is doing, or have enough to defend, get that 4th gas as you plan to get your lair tech of choice. Don't get your 5-6 gases until you absolutely know what's going, and have 60+ drones, and have run on 3-4 gas for a little while (getting 3-6 all at once, even if you are going straight to muta/infestor, will result in gas banking too quickly).
Generally, Toss warpgate finishes from FFE at 8:30+. So bear in mind, even if you see Toss go 4 gas, and getting a stargate and teching hard, you still need to make units at the 8:30 mark. How many units you make with how many drones you make, and how hard you tech up, is completely based on what you scout.
Macro Hatch Timing
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Standard Macro Hatch Timing is 8:00-8:30. You can delay this a little bit if pressure comes on right at 8:00 from a Zero Gas Toss, but otherwise you will need this quite quickly.
If Toss makes a stargate, that's a great reason to make a macro hatch (lings are better than roaches, and it means no super heavy pressure early on). Certain all-ins require the ling production from a Macro Hatch though, like Immortal/Sentry All-ins or Blink.
Scouting the Protoss
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The most important thing to do when going Fast Third, besides making drones, and making that third hatch, is literally putting an overlord by the Toss natural's gas. Don't worry about Toss trying to fake you out - he needs to grab both gas in his main before his natural nexus finishes in order to start getting his cyber tech out (on a side note, if Toss doesn't grab doublegas in his main, that's usually indicative of FFE double gate before Core, which means heavy zealot pressure early on but much later warp gate and tech).
It's also extremely important to put at least 1 overlord by the Toss main. This is how I send my overlords:
Initial Overlord: Toss natural, or close air base. I check to make sure he doesn't go FFE 2 Gate and Core Timing, then to natural's gas.
9 Overlord: Spot my own natural for cannons, proxies, then to Toss main when nat pops or queen arrives (if he sends probe while you send out lings, he can sneak cannons there and that sucks).
15-17 Overlord: Directly above Third to spot for cannons
23-24 Overlord: Toss third/2nd Overlord to sac
32 Overlord: Where Toss tends to proxy pylons near your base
36 Overlord: Near Toss base to turn into Overseer if you sac 2 overlords into main with 3rd by gas.
Toss generally plants their tech direction at 5:45-6:30, so you want to see what's up at 7:00-7:30. At 7:00 is when you need to think to yourself "Okay, what is Toss doing?" Toss cannot simply just plant the tech after the 7:00 overlord that dies to a single sentry/stalker at 7:40 - by the time it finishes, you will have an overseer!
There are 2 things you are looking for when scouting the Protoss, and can basically identify 99% of what's going on - is his base empty or full of a bunch of gateways, and natural's gas. Additional factors like constant/not constant probe production, chrono on the forge or cybercore, stalker, sentry, or nothing made out of gateway at first, and intuition, can really nail everything else.
Drone Scouting
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I find drone scouting extremely important in ZvP. Quite simply, you need to know if Toss is doing a FFE, or his empty base is actually because of double proxied gateways. If you don't realize it's a doublegate early enough (and he actually banks 3 zealots instead of sending first 1), those zealots can walk into your base while you just threw down the hatchery. A lot of pros don't drone scout, maybe they are being greedy, maybe that's why Nestea lost to Naniwa's doublegate at the last set. If you want to disagree about drone scouting, or be a bit greedy and 'know' that Toss won't doublegate you, while keeping that Overlord over the natural to make sure nothing is incoming, go for it, but if you drone scout, read on.
A 13 drone scout will get into Toss' base in time to block a Nexus First. A drone also beats a probe 1v1.
You just want to make sure Toss is going FFE - if he isn't, check the ramp for gateway openers. Then, just bring the drone home. Also note, FFE should have something thrown down, Nexus or Forge, before Pool pops, so if nothing is up still, he might be doing a proxy 2 gate.
Overlord Scouting
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This is really the biggest deal when it comes to scouting. Basically, you keep 1 overlord by the natural's gas, and at least 1 overlord by the main.
The overlord at the natural, is simply seeing how much gas he takes. You will know for sure that Toss took 2 gas at his natural right away, before the nexus finished, if he went gateway/cyber instead of 2 gate before cyber, so he can't fake you out here. Note, when I talk about gas counts at the natural, I am referring to gas taken before 6:30. All 2 base Toss will take 4xGas by 6:30+, it's his gas count up to 6:30 that tells you everything you need to know.
Secondly, you have the at least 1 overlord by the main. If you drone scouted, you know exactly where all his pylons are, and where to send them.
Now we are leaving nothing to chance here, so what the overlord sac's are doing is NOT to see that stargate, or twilight council. What his job is, is to get a look at the gateway count. To be blunt, "Is there a buttload of gateways in his main?". Of course, the overlord will eventually die, but even a stalker will take a while to kill an overlord. If Toss made 8 gateways, there is no way in hell that the overlord will see just an empty base. If Toss made nothing, and your overlord dies seeing nothing, chances are that there are no mass gateways, and he put down tech first instead. Seeing nothing tells you everything - Toss cannot deny overlord scouting.
With a simple yes/no on that, and his gas count, you can really figure out almost exactly what Toss is doing. But with vigilant overlord sac's, you should be able to see exactly everything. Also, Toss can proxy a DT shrine or SG, but they can't really proxy gateways (or rather, it's not worth it too) - an empty base should tell you everything.
As a Rule though - if you still aren't sure what Toss is doing by 10:00, freak out! Put down spores, make lots of units (chances are, any sort of army based attack is obvious by 10:00, with him having a ton of units and all...).
Identifying the Build
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Yes, the above section was just how to scout, not how to interpret what you scout. Here, I will break it down.
So the most important things are:
1. How many geysers did Toss take (and, how did he take them?) by 6:30?
2. Is there a bunch of stuff in his base, or did I see an empty base (you don't make 4 robos, so 'stuff' is always gateways)?
Since seeing the Toss gas count is what is most important, I will break this section down by how much gas you see, and how it's taken.
Note: Toss obviously needs 4 gas on full 2 base saturation, so eventually he will get all 4 gas. What I am talking about is the opening, ie gas count before 6:30. Also, I am referring to gas taken at natural, so '1 gas' really is 3 gas total.
Zero Gas
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This is either a 4 gate +1 timing attack, or 6 gate +1/7gate/8gate zealot all-in. Either case, you need a 6:30 roach warren.
Against a 4 gate +1, you will really need roaches to deal with it, and need that 6:30 warren. If you 'forget' and get it as late as 7:00, that is okay, but you'll want a spine to buy that bit of time for you, at where you think he'll attack (usually your third).
Against a 6/7/8 gate all-in, you will still want a 6:30 warren, because some variations can hit at 8:00, like huk style zealot 8 gate. Against some variations you can get by with a 7:15 warren, but you won't know which variation he is doing for sure, and the early roaches allow you to push back any attempt to throw a proxy pylon down, which helps you crush him all the easier.
You will need to sac an overlord into the main to see if it's a 4 gate +1 (just a couple gateways, usually 3 around 1 pylon, maybe just see 1-2 since he spreads them out, or if there are a TON of gateways for a 6/7/ gateway all-in.
Zero gas into 1 Gas
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90% of the time, this is Single Stargate.Toss uses just 1-2 void rays to clear out overlords, maybe do mild harassment, maybe bank up some phoenixes to discourage muta play, and use vr/zealot to secure a third against roach/ling respectively. He can also be aggressive and go voidray/gateway. He will make a single stargate by 6:00, then take a single gas. Most of the time, this is followed up with 3 more gateways. Single stargate should not get 4 gas quickly (yes, maybe there is mind games, but 4 gas should always make you ask if you should make spores, so it's not a very good trick).
1 Gas
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A lot can sort of come from this, but basically, you are safe from some super hardcore, early gateway all-in, and can go lair, upgrade, and a macro hatch. Just make units at the general time at about 8:30+ (a higher ratio of drones to units than against zero gas though) until you really figure out what's going on. That's where the overlord sac's come into play.
If you see an empty base, that completely means he is going SG/DT. Remember, by 7:00 he's banked at least 400 gas, it's got to go somewhere.
If the base isn't empty, it is generally just more macro oriented play, or tech oriented gateway. Also, as sort of guidelines:
Zealot = banking gas, maybe using them as aggression to distract from heavy tech
Sentry = defensive or macro oriented play, or a later gateway push
Stalker = aggression
2 Gas
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2 gas should be setting off alarm bells, that something extremely tech oriented is coming, and Toss is going to be doing pressure. Whatever it is, drone hard to 9:00, since he won't be able to attack with ground units before then, and that he isn't planning to take a third anytime soon.
2 gas quickly taken, like right when the nexus is done at natural, almost always means double stargate. Confirm this by sac'ing an overlord into the main and seeing nothing at all. A stalker instead of a sentry, or even more telling, absolutely nothing, will be a big tell for it too. If toss is running on 4 gas, remember, that means by 7:30 he's going to have at least 700 gas. It's got to be going somewhere.
Don't rely on seeing the stargates. He could put them in separate locations, maybe to fake you out into thinking it's a single stargate, and double stargate means his entire base and economy is focused onto just 2 buildings. Compare that to, say, 6 gate +1, which has 6 buildings. You can't exactly hide 6 buildings, but you can hide 2. All you need to do, is confirm with the overlords, that the base is empty.
If your overlords see a bunch of gateway in the main though, that means it's not double stargate, but a tech heavy gateway push.
1. Mass blink stalker (lots of stalkers, no sentries)
2. Sentry/Immortal push (lots of sentries, no stalkers). This build tends to grab 2xGas at the same time, usually 6:00.
These are all the same in how you react - you need lair tech, and a stronger economy than you'd have against 6 gate +1.
Signs of DTs
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Finally, he could also be going DTs. He has to have at least 1 gas taken, if not 2. Figuring out DTs is about putting multiple clues together.
1. Gateways, but not mass gateways. DT does require heavy gas, but they do benefit from additional gateways due to WG, of course. If you get a good scout off, and the base feels somewhat small, chances are, it's DT. Toss should have at least 5 gateways and tech planted, or 2 stargates, planted by 7:30. If you don't see any tech, and you see just a small amount of gateways and it isn't 4 gate +1 pressure, it may be DT play. FFE can support way more than just 4 plain gateways, so don't think that because Toss has only a few gates and no SG or robo, you are just safe and can chug along.
2. Zealots. A lot of DT play is preceded by lots of zealots, often as pressure too, so while you are preoccupied with zealots he just a-moved, he is actually setting up his real plan. If you see an oddly high number of zealots, and it's not 4 gate +1 pressure, consider DTs. Sometimes, a gate/core/gate or 2 gate opening is an opening that is meant to transition into DT's.
3. The Twilight Council is not upgrading. Blink takes a long time to finish, with your 7:00 overlord you should definitely see it upgrading, and being chrono'd. Hang around the twilight council if you find one - see if it's upgrading. The animation is actually very subtle, and hard to recognize, so I recommend you take the time to go into unit tester, and see what the differences are. Maybe it's the angle, but it's actually quite hard to distinguish if it's upgrading, but it DOES flash quicker.
4. Nothing has happened yet. You'e chugged along to maybe 9:00 or so. No SG, no mass gateway units at Toss base. DT takes a really long time. If Toss has gas at his nat, you should be asking if it's DT play if it's oddly calm.
Making an overseer when your lair is done if you see Toss take any gas, can be smart, especially if Toss did not go stargate or robo, you aren't sure what Toss did, or you saw a Twilight council (even if it's researching blink).
Finally, I strongly recommend making an Overseer when Lair is done, to see if Toss made 1-5 Gates for an Expand build, or 6+ Gates for a timing, so you can identify if you are safe to start teching immediately, and even cut corners like skipping roach speed.
If toss does not take a Third by 10:00, he's definitely doing some sort of all-in, although all all-ins will push out before 10:00, so if you aren't sure what Toss is doing by 10:00, I'd recommend throwing down some spores and making an Overseer or two at home! You should be able to tell what Toss is doing though, based on his posturing - much like 3 gate Sentry Expand will put a pylon on the low ground and have his units at his ramp, a Toss will have a probe, pylon, and his units near his third by 9:30 if he plans to expand. By 9:30 though, Toss should have taken his third or pushed out, so you should know what Toss is doing pretty quickly. If there is no third by 9:30, you should be very alarmed.
How to React
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After 8:00-8:30, you will need to start pumping speedlings - even a Fast Third from Toss can do +1 Zealot pressure that can be threatening if you don't have a large chunk of speedlings. However, do NOT make any roaches until you know that Toss is all-inning or pressuring - they will seriously delay your tech, and you always want to be more Ling heavy, instead of Roach heavy. You really only need 10, maybe 20 roaches, at most, against the most dedicated, latest, and strongest of all-ins, and only after they've warped in multiple reinforcements - it's much better to be Ling heavy, not just to keep your economy stronger and tech quicker in the case of a macro game, but also because Lings are the real damage dealers.
As for engaging, always, always, always set up a flank with at least your lings, and grab some of the roaches during the battle to focus fire important targets that a few of them may be in range of (Sentries, Immortals, units with low HP). Toss all-ins also tend to hit before Lair is done.
6 gate+1/7gate/zealot 8 gate
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This push can come as early as 8:00.
Cut drone production at 8:00, or ~70 supply, or ~55 drones (if these aren't one and the same, you may have to reflect on your macro), and then going into 100% unit production of roach/ling. You should have started Roach Production around 7:30, as well.
4 gate +1 8:00 timing pressure
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This is largely a test of if you made that roach warren earlier than standard. If you make it later than 7:00, you can really take so much damage that Toss can do whatever he wants, like take his third uncontested, and just win the game one way or another. If you are a little late on your warren (maybe you were preoccupied, maybe the drone got stuck and then cancelled the command), put up a spine at the most likely location of attack (almost always the third). Even if you make that 6:30 warren, I recommend making 1 spine, to buy more time for you, since his initial push of maybe 2-3 gateway units won't kill a morphing spine fast enough that it doesn't buy you a good chunk of time.
All you really need to do, is get that 6:30 warren, and make roaches as soon as it pops. Pro-tip - click on your third (or where you think he is going to attack) and make the roaches at that hatchery. A good 5+ roaches made when warren pops, should push him back easily, and allow you to safely drone/tech up, and make units reactively if Toss continues to warp-in.
As long as you start Lair asap, and continue to drone up, and don't make more than ~5 roaches when Roach Warren finishes, you should come out far ahead of Toss, while being able to make reactive units if Toss decides to pressure more. If you overmake units, you can come out behind, especially if Toss just backs off.
A good sign of Toss' intentions is when he takes his gas at his natural - if Toss takes 2xGas at his natural, you know he plans to transition out soon.
Single Stargate
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A single stargate will just not have enough air units to do major damage. He will use it to poke and prod though. Don't overreact - if you put down 3 spores at 7:30 when you see that stargate, or even at 8:00 when that void ray kills an overlord, you will be seriously behind. Spores really hurt your econ - 1 drone lost, plus another the mineral count. A good ~7 drones 'lost' due to 3 spores is a real damper to your econ.
You need to 'know' the timing of stargate units. A Void ray takes an entire minute to make, phoenixes, 35. So a 6:00 stargate done at 7:00 completes a void ray at 8:00 which takes maybe 45 seconds to get to your base. So don't flip out when you see the stargate!
So that means when you first realize it's stargate, just maybe get the evo chamber up if you haven't already, and take it as an opportunity to drone up, and tech up, as you know no 9:30 gateway all-in is coming, and any gateway pressure will be light and/or delayed. You really only need to plant the spore as late as when the 1st stargate unit arrives at your base, or at around 8:00 so it finishes in time for the 2nd stargate unit. Just 1 extra queen would really be enough, and growing your AA as his fleet may grow.
It's possible that Toss can put on a lot of pressure with single stargate openers, as Zerg will not have anti-air besides queens and spores until after such a push would win the battle. If Toss makes a 2nd void ray, you'll want an extra queen made, if not 2.
- If Toss adds on phoenixes after his first 2 units, it means you do not need to worry about warp gate units pressuring you, or a SG+WG all-in, and that you should add spores.
- If Toss does not add on phoenixes after his first 2 units, it means you should worry about warp gate pressure, and a possible SG+WG all-in. The best way to defend such an all-in, is using queens as your AA, with a ling heavy roach/ling army.
If Toss goes for his third though, you will want to make a ton of lings and deny it though. Don't let Toss get his third until he's made a justifiable number of sentries. Do not let Toss 'cheat' and get his third when he shouldn't be allowed too. Void rays are great against roaches, but not lings, so keep an eye for when he tries to take his third.
Once you get lair up, how you respond is up to you. Many times Toss will pump out phoenix to discourage mutas, but you can 'open' with corruptors to end the phoenix harassment (lots of phoenix made to discourage mutas will also harass heavily until your AA arrives), and then pump out the mutas. You can also go hydras, pressure Toss and force him to use his air units to defend and lose some of them, then mutas. You can also just straight up go hydras. You can also just go pure roach/ling and hammer the Toss down, and use queens to defend any air + gateway push.
Blink All-in
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This push arrives around 9:30.
This is very all-in, in that Toss will have no sentries, and a late robo. If you are able to push Toss back, he will just die because he can't forcefield to protect himself. But it's also a very strong push.
However, sometimes Toss just is very careful, and masses a huge ball of stalkers. This can be extremely frustrating to lose to, Toss can just never attack until he has like 30 stalkers, and then pushes, and wipes you out, even if you have creep, a better concave, et cetera. This is why your macro needs to be good. It may seem like BS, but if you have this happen to you, chances are you aren't droning enough at the start, and when the blink stalker push comes, you are at less than 60 drones. It's very important you have a strong economy to deal with this push, and if you macro well, you should be able to have a force strong enough so that his army will slowly grow weaker and smaller, or he will have to retreat.
It's an extremely difficult push to deal with, but if you see 4 gas taken and lots of gateways, made more clear by lots of stalkers made at the start, probes constantly trying to set up proxy pylons, and chrono'd forge and cyber, you should be able to tell what's up.
Also, how you engage is important. When your army is somewhat even with his, and he blinks, you can give chase and nip away hurt stalkers, but when his cooldown is about to be reset, you should pull back because he'll blink away before you get a killing blow in, resulting in you losing units while he doesn't lose any. Don't press in when he warp's in either. You should have lots of lings, to nip away at him as he blinks - if you do it right, his push will slowly grow weaker as his stalkers all get red health. Think of the moment right when his blink cooldown resets, as invulnerability on his units - you generally don't want to give away units for free (also, a defensive spine can go a long way to making sure this invulnerability isn't used to get free potshots as you retreat to regroup with reinforcements).
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There are 2 ways to hold this build - the more conventional straight up fighting with flanking, or base trading. I will cover both here.
Hydras, Infestors, and Drop Tech will always come too late to stop this (that isn't to say that they aren't great way to follow-up after holding). The key to holding this push is not about composition, but good macro - if you do not keep up with injects, even during the battles, you WILL lose as you cannot keep up in ling production.
This push can come as early as 10:20, and push out by 9:30, with 3 Immortals and 6+ Sentries.
You need to keep up with injects with this style, even during battles, as you want to be MUCH more ling heavy, and need to constantly flow out lings during the fight. You also simply cannot win against this if you do not have flanks going on, you need to engage in the open, on creep, and at least from 2 directions. Consider getting a dedicated creep queen on maps like Cloud Kingdom, where the third is a big choke, or laying tumors down at first with the queen there.
You really need to be pumping Lings right from 8:00 to 8:30, and units non-stop from there on out. Lots and lots of Lings. You do not want to make roaches until after Toss pushes out, in case he is doing a robo expand, to which making roaches against in a macro game would severely cut your tech (infestors, hive, bl - even roach speed can be too costly against a macro Toss). You also want to be much more Ling heavy against Immortal/Sentry, like all Toss gateway all-ins, and only need about 10-20 Roaches for this all-in, depending on how big the army has gotten and how many Immortals are present.
You NEED to flank against this type of push, since the main damage comes from the Sentries, especially on creep. You also want to bait forcefields with the lings you already have out when Toss pushes. You won't be able to straight up fight Toss, but you should be able to bait some forcefields with your lings (or, if he doesn't FF until too late, you can snag a few sentry kills). Don't worry too much about the pylons or probes, he will bring a warp prism eventually, and he will likely have a forward pylon out already. It's great if you can get a free probe or pylon, but don't lose lings in the process for anything less than killing sentries.
Eventually, you will need to fight on creep, and you MUST have your forces split at least once, so you can come from both sides. Your Lings will be the main damage dealer, but during the engagement it is important for you to select roaches within range to focus down the immortals. It is imperative you keep up your macro, as you need to be reinforcing with mostly lings. If you a-move straight into his army, you will not win - you HAVE to engage on creep, and you HAVE to flank.
It is important to have creep out against this build, and a macro hatch taken by 8:30, with this style of defense.
Base Trade or: Mutas
There are 2 ways to base trade, with roach/ling or mutas. I'll cover the basics of both, first.
You will need a ton of lings out, again, pumped after 8:00-8:30. Try to delay Toss' push as much as you can, but don't lose any lings in the process (unless you snag an immortal or a couple sentries cost efficiently from a klutz). When Toss finally pushes out, you will need to cut unit production, and start massing spines in your natural. This is because with a base trade style, you will lose if Toss is able to go straight into your main, so by massing 8+ spines in the natural, you force Toss to wait for a few warp-ins first, and effectively force him to go to your third instead.
From there, simply base never engage Toss, and base trade. You can pump units at home and try to make the fight at the spines more costly for Toss, or just rush all units to base trade, which you should win easily. Have a drone or few out on the map to remake hatcheries and crucial tech under overlords spewing creep, and you should make all tech in the corner of your main, furthest from the reaches of Toss' push.
The great thing about Mutas against Robo Builds, is that they really shine against both Robo All-ins, and Robo Expands, which is why fast spire is my tech of choice against Toss who make a Robo.
The earlier you can identify that Toss is going Robo, the more greedy you can be - Leave out that Evolution Chamber, the Roach Warren, and take 4xGas by 7:30 and 6xGas by 8:00 (or to be simple, have all 6 gas taken by 8:00).
From there, it should be pretty easy. The quicker you can make Lair, Spire, the easier it will be to beat the Immortal/Sentry all-in with this style, but understand that doing this would lose against a 6/7/8 Gate All-in, so never cut out the Roach Warren or make a Spire immediately when Lair finishes blindly. You should have 15+ Mutas popping around the time Toss is killing your Third. This is okay, your Mutas will break down the wall-in at Toss' natural, and those 100+ Lings you have will stream in and evaporate his base. By the time he kills your main, you should have 24+ Mutas that will erase any sort of Pylon or Nexus he tries to throw up in a feable attempt to win the base trade, especially if you keep your lings alive.
If you made a Roach Warren or Evo before realizing Toss is doing a Robo Build, you can still pull this off, just make sure you grabbed 6 gas by maybe 8:15 at the latest, and that you started Spire immediately when Lair finished. If you don't realize it's a Robo build until about 20 seconds after Lair finishes, it will be too late for you to do this style.
If Toss goes Robo Expand, quick mutas can just win the game instantly, depending on how late his third is (the later the third, the more vulnerable Toss will be to mutas).
For more discussion on Mutas vs Immortal/Sentry, as well as all around discussion on dealing with Immortal/Sentry, especially with base trading, check out Nestea's Anti-Immortal/Sentry Build, complete with multiple replay examples and talk of pro strategies and results against Immortal/Sentry.
Double Stargate
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As Toss has no sentries, this build is completely all-in. Toss needs to do more damage than killing just a single base to come out ahead, and with no sentries, once you push back, you win the game.
As soon as you see quick 4 gas, alarm bells should be going off about how a Double stargate is possible, confirmed by sac'cing an overlord and seeing an empty base. You can't really hide (or proxy) 6 gateways, but you can hide (or proxy) 2 stargates.
A void ray takes a minute, stargate takes a minute, phoenixes, 35 seconds. So double stargate means Toss has 4 void rays at 10:00. If at 9:00 you aren't sure what's up and don't see massing of gateway units at Toss' base, it's definitely double stargate.
Basically, make queens to 'counter' void rays, and spores to 'counter' phoenixes. Don't plant them all immediately, but eventually you will need 2-3 spores at the place of contention with lots of queens. Void rays can avoid spores, but phoenixes can't, so balance it out, and drone fucking hard, and grab 4 gas and lair quickly.
I would recommend you get corruptors to push back, as he won't have more than 4 void rays and phoenixes just tickle corruptors. The problem with hydras, is that you need more than 1 hydra per phoenix, and he can pick them off easily while they rally out of different hatches, although if you have tons of queens, they can protect them. Since Toss won't have a significant ground army anytime soon, Colossi are usually the follow up anyways, so corruptors are better there. Corruptors also let you transition extremely quick into broodlords if he finally gets sentries, because no way in hell he'll be able to push on ground. Really, you can do whatever you want, if he doesn't kill a base, you win. He has no third against mass lings.
This is the only instance where infestors are okay against 2 base Toss - they do make sure he doesn't ever reach critical mass, and while he will take his third eventually, you can fast track to BL. I don't really like infestors as the answer, because they will have a hard time pushing back the air fleet until you get a few out with energy.
Also, an interesting follow up to the corruptors, is speedbanes, since there are no sentries. It's what Nestea does. Sometimes Toss throws the gateways down before committing too much though, so make sure he committed alot before going speedbanes. Deny third, win with whatever. Just make sure to kill off a lot of the void rays with corruptors first.
Finally: Make sure to trade with his void rays before he gets 6+ critical mass that will kill anything you could make. That's a stupid way to lose. You don't need to be cost efficient, but 8+ void rays with phoenix support and ever increasing numbers will destroy anything but mass infestor, and you will not get mass infestors in time when he already has 4+ void rays and lots of phoenixes by the time your lair is done, unless you went straight for infestors. This is fairly easy to do with Corruptors, as phoenix just tickle them and you can snipe the voids very quickly with them once you have 8+.
On Triple Stargate
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Toss can support triple stargate from FFE. The attack will hit a good 1-2 minutes later, and if you macro well, you don't even have to really prepare for it - you will have enough roach/ling to simply force him to go back home as he only kills 1 base as you save the drones and mass up spores at your other bases to keep them alive during the base trade, and have corruptors soon on their way when you noticed Toss was on double gas and not going for a gateway push. It's really just a bad build - it's the same as double stargate, and although it's slightly stronger, it hits wayyyy later (a double stargate into triple stargate, if anything, is 'better' as an all-in).
But just because no double stargate hits you at 10:00, doesn't mean you should simply forget the damning fact you saw quick 4 gas, and a fairly empty base, with your overlord scout at 7:00. Maybe you even just thought it was a single stargate, but single stargate never gets 4 gas quickly at the same time, and even if he did do that, it's okay you made a spore and extra queen at your main and third just to be precautionary. This is really about the rule I stated above: If you are still clueless at 10:00 on what's going on, freak the fuck out!
Also, once you survive, you really need to make sure you trade with those voids right away, as he can build up a huge amount of VR's really quickly.
Anyways that's most of the scary stuff. If Toss is on 3 gas, there's lots of standard plays he can make - 5 gate robo, 5 gate twilight, et cetera. This guide is just about the opening!
The rest of the game basically will go like this:
- Get map control, delay Toss third
- Keep Toss from moving out with a deathball before you have hive by harassing/trading/turtling
- Get Bl/infestor, win
If you go roaches, you will need to smash Toss' army as soon as maxed to lower his deathball size so you can get Broodlord safely (my preferred way to play this style is roach/banerain/infestor, but this style is what roach/hydra basically was). If you go the muta route, you use mutas to contain Toss on 3 base while teching to BL/Infestor once Toss has his third up and a sizeable army. If you go roach/hydra/corruptor, you need to be hyper-aggressive and trade over and over and deny the third forever (works less on maps with chokes). Finally, you can turtle Stephano-style by splitting the map with 40+ spines and quick mass infestors to fast-track to hive.
Macro Benchmarking
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Since going Fast Third is all about how many drones you can make by 8:00, it's important to benchmark yourself if you want to improve. You'd be surprised to learn, that anyone who isn't High Masters, just does not make drones. They don't. They're macro is complete garbage.
Don't believe me? What your replay. Do you *ever* have idle larva before the 8:00 mark? Do you ever have more than 200 minerals? Yes? Then that's a problem. Also, please tell me what supply you hit. Because unless you hit at least 65 supply, then your macro is complete garbage. You have to hit at least 70 supply. Note - I said 70 supply, not drones (that's impossible, you will have at least 10 of that supply tied up in larva at 8:00). Even if Toss pressures you and you had to make a lot of units, you should still hit 70+ supply (only excuse is a cannon rush attempt at the start).
So. What do people get?
DRG, who has the best macro in the world, from what I've observed with this in mind, consistently hits 80+ supply!. That's just beast. Bear in mind most masters struggle to hit past 60, and diamonds barely leave 50. It's rare to see any other pro hit 70+ in tournament play, and I consistently see Code A 'scrubs' below 70. The ones who hit 70+, are almost always the usual suspects of top tier players, or macro players - Idra, DRG, Nestea, Stephano. DRG is the only person I've seen hit 80+, and as high as 83, in a tournament game.
Nestea usually hits 65, although he has hit 70 plenty of times.
Losira, 65. Idra, usually passes 70 (he's really impressive macro wise actually).
You need to hit at least 60 to be 'in the game'. If you can't get past 60, you have serious macro deficiencies, and you really want to strive to hit at least 70.
If you are having trouble, first, check your gas timing. Are you banking more than 200 gas at any point? You should only have about 100 gas total mined at the 7:00 mark, at most. If you are getting more than that, you need to work on your macro.
If you get supply blocked a single time, that usually cuts your supply count by about 10. Literally, a single supply block is like losing 10 drones for free. It hurts that much. If you make an overlord at 46/52 instead of 50/52, that cuts your drone count by about 2-3 each time. Don't make overlords too early, and until you hit around 50+ supply, you should *never* have 2 overlords being made at the same time unless one is about to die (eg sac'd overlords). Making 2 overlords at once, costs you about 3-4 drones by the 8:00 mark. So it's not just supply blocks that you need to avoid, but you need to learn to make overlords on time, not too early not too late (I find that most people make the 52 overlord way too early, like at 46).
After 50+ supply, a lot tends to go on, and you are probably losing an overlord as a sacrificial scout. A lot of pros tend to make 2-3 overlords at once at 50+ supply, because you will have 3x injects popping off. 54+3x8=78 total. The way with it working with 3x larva injects popping off, making 2-3 overlords at once at 50+ supply/7:00+, is a great way to go from the 50's to 70's from 7 to 8 minute.
It's a hell of a lot easier to hold a blink stalker all-in with 65 drones instead of 55 drones. Chances are, if you have games where you go "wtf Toss just masses a huge derp of stalkers/units/etc and wins", check your supply at 8:00. If you aren't past 60 supply, you've pretty much already lost the game, really. If it's in the 50's at the 8:00 mark, I don't think it's possible for you to win unless the opponent is just as bad or is similarly behind (eg failed cannon rush).
After about 30 supply, you need to be extremely aware of when you ever start an overlord, and how many overlords you have morphing. Making an overlord when you already have an overlord making can cost you about 2-4 supply, so it's really, really, important that you know whenever you start that overlord. By doing this, you will also be aware when you need to make overlords. You should also have your overlord timings mapped out to at least 60 supply (17, 23, 32, 36, 51, 55!), and understand what each additional overlord does (so at 54/54, 2 overlords is +16, so that would put you at 70!).
It is definitely possible though, to hit 70+ supply as a non-pro player, and I've even hit 80+ supply a couple times on ladder (it's rare, I can assure you that much). However, I consistently hit 70+ these days, with a good mind on macro, and I can assure you, everything from all-ins, to pressuring, to macro games, are much, sooo much easier, when you hit 70+ supply than if you are muddling at 62.
Playing the Game or: General Strategy
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As I stated above, you never want to start Roach production until Toss pushes out with pressure. Lings are the core for dealing with Toss all-ins, and are 'free' in the sense that they will not delay your tech. Doing something like making 20 +1 Speedroaches against a Toss who actually going for a Fast Third, will get you killed, in that your Infestors, Hive, will just be too late. If Toss is going for a macro game, you may even want to totally skip Roach tech, if you can identify it early enough. Against Quick Third Toss, you should have Broodlords in time if you skip Roach Tech, and fast track to Hive, and 30+ Spines asap, if you want to play the macro game.
Once you've defended your third, you should regain map control as your economy has kicked, you have enough tech (roach speed, upgrades, etc), and your exponentially increasing rate of production has surpassed Toss. What you goal should be, is making the least amount of roaches necessary. ~20 Roaches should be enough to defend most pushes (of course, with ling support, but lings cost no gas, meaning faster hive, so they are 'free' in the sense that they don't cost you time).
Of course, you can be aggressive and make more roaches to deny the Toss third, but your plan should never be to straight up win the game with roaches alone (however, it's okay to be opportunistic). It's extremely all-in to max out on roaches, although there are definitely great times to do this, such as holding early pressure or knowing Toss is far behind or being too greedy, or the map favors it (wide open natural, for example). You generally want to avoid going max roaches, unless you see a sure-fire vulnerability in Toss. If you max roaches, and Toss doesn't die, and gets his third in reasonable time, you may die to a colossus based push simply because you won't have the tech to deal with it.
However, it's not to say that maxing roaches is easy for Toss to deal with, and many pros have made a name for themselves by maxing roaches and ending the game there (or at least delaying the third long enough to get a huge lead).
Eventually, Toss will get either enough blink stalkers, sentries with stargate support, or immortal/sentry, to take their third, so it's important you understand when making more roaches won't delay the third any longer. All you want to do is keep Toss honest. If you want to continue aggression, consider going with lings instead of roaches so you aren't costing yourself time.
So you really want to throw down your 'tech of choice' as soon as you know you are safe to hold Toss aggression, and have map control, to move towards the late-game.
I have talked largely about defending your third, but now I will move on later into the game. The following is how to play the game once you have defended against Toss or see him posturing for his third. You can also switch between the following playstyles (mass roach into muta, or hydra into muta, or muta into infestor).
Delaying Toss push with harass (Muta)
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The point of this is to keep Toss stuck in his base for so long, that by the time he can push out, you have your hive tech.
This is muta play. Mutalisks are a great option no matter what Toss does, even if he opens stargate or blink. These are best played on maps that have lots of airspace for mutas, and counterattack routes for your lings, and the larger maps.
Basically, you just make lots of mutas, don't make any more roaches (it's important you keep your initial roaches alive though, they afford you enough map control to keep Toss in his base), and harass, harass, harass, and expand, expand, expand. Toss will have 2 options:
1. Base trade. If you lose too many mutas by being too aggressive, or if you stay on muta tech too long and Toss finally has mass cannons on his bases that forces you to lose too many mutas to base trade quick enough and/or has storm tech out, you will lose. Pump lots of lings, and takes bases elsewhere, and run your queens and drones away from any base he starts to attack - you really want to keep as many drones as possible. Making a 2nd spire far away, before he kills your original spire, is helpful as well, and your spawning pool is also important, as lings are useful in this scenario. Spines are okay to buy time, but he will likely steamroll spines without support.
But simply put, you are killing his base way faster than he will kill yours. Focus on cannons or pylons powering cannons, cybernetics core, and nexii once his army is far enough away, so his buildings are all revealed. With 20+ mutas, you will always do more damage in the base trade then he can, unless you lost too many and/or toss has tons of blink stalkers and that storm tech. You can find a great guide on ZvP muta play in Decaf's ZvP Muta guide here:
2. Toss doesn't base trade. The problem with mutas, is that they can't really engage the Toss army. If you never move up to hive tech, and stay on mutas too long, eventually Toss will have storm, archons, mothership, just a really nasty army, and because you are never killing any army, it will just slowly grow until even a pure 3/3 broodlord army can't handle his 3/3/3 mass archon/colossi/mothership army, even if he only has had 1 mining base for the last 30 minutes at any one time.
You really want to move towards hive tech as soon as Toss starts to stabilize and has his third set up, an army that starts to become intimidating, or throws down his HT tech.
Also, many Zergs stay on lairtech instead of going toward hive. If you would prefer to ramp up the aggression and try to end the game, instead of going for hive, that's up to you (going for baneling+speed, maxing out on mutas and encouraging the base trade, etc).
Note: If Toss goes for colossi on 2 base (not as a timing, just gets them like deathball derp) and just masses a 2 base colossi deathball, go for mutas (if he goes fast colossi push, mass roach will own it, I'm saying if they are derping). And in general, if Toss is staying on 2 base because he can't take his third because you have total map control, mutas are a great way to end the game and avoid any BS, and just base trade if he ever pushes out.
In regards to stargate openers: There are two choices:
1. Go for hydras before mutas, push, and force Toss to use his air units to defend. You can kill enough phoenix with the hydras to secure clear airspace for the mutas.
2. Add a few corruptors to your muta ball. They aren't that much slower, and don't be afraid of a few phoenix. If toss tries to go for phoenix range, his army will be much smaller, and his colossi later - identify this double stargate phoenix range move, and cut muta production and switch to infestors and a quicker hivetech (Stephano said that when he lost 20+ mutas to White-ra's ~6 +range phoenixes all in 10 seconds, he knew he won the game because he just go to infestors quicker).
Delaying Toss push with trading (Roach)
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This is about trading armies with Toss aggressively, so that he can never move out until you have a huge hive tech army.
You could go:
1. Roach/Hydra/Corruptor. Somewhat 'outdated' nowadays
2. Mass Roach followed by Infestors
3. Mass Roach (you should max out 200/200 before 12 minute)
4. Roach/Banelingrain/Infestor (this was my preferred style for over a year)
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When going roach/bane/infestor, you should get infestors at about 160 supply. You don't need many roaches - this is a supply intensive build, and banelings are the most gas costly per supply units in the game (more so than motherships, carriers, BCs, ghosts, etc). You really just make those 20-30 roaches as necessary at the start, and the rest is lings. You use a ling heavy army with roaches to threaten Toss and delay his third as much as possible, and use that 6 gas for those ~160 infestors, and then droptech + baneling to finish exactly at 200/200. You only need like 20-30 roaches - your army will look rather puny, as so much supply will be tied up in ~8+ overlords filled with banes, and you only need 2-3 infestors (they will gain energy, you don't want to waste time getting lots of infestors or use up all your gas in infestors, you just need 4 FG to FG the toss army twice to hold them in place).
You then turn all the lings into banes. For hotkeys:
1. Army + Overlords
2. Infestors
3. Overlords.
Basically, 1a, FG, and then right before selecting overlords, you FG again, and then select the overlords, and redirect them to bane rain all over. After this big battle, which should be done in a tight area aggressively at Toss' base, you can shift+ctrl+click the overlords in 1 to deselect all of them, and then hit ctrl+1 to remap the control group so no overlords are in it (they can be really awkward and dead weight after the drops). You will always demolish the Toss army, but if you keep your infestors alive and lots of the roaches alive, you should be able to remax on 10+ infestors, pressure again, and during this pressure, be going quick for hive tech, so then after this attack, you remax on broodlords. If you don't keep much of your army (20 roaches and all those banes will usually all die) and it obviously didn't go great, remax on roach/banerain.
You should definitely have burrow to get those infestors out of there. It's really important. Also, when banedrop is ready, I like to send 3 overlords out for banerain - 1 to each base of Toss, and you can shift command it so they go around the edges, and drop automatically (obviously, manually dropping is better, but I find being active with the army and just telling the overlords to shift move and then shift "d" at the middle of a mineral line, all 3 at the same time, much better).
The biggest counter to this, in my experience, is not air play (you just go heavier on infestors), not stalkers (few more infestors, more bane rain), but double robo colossi. But even with double robo, you should be 200/200 and ready to attack before he has 5+ colossi. Also, you can't use ling/banerain/infestor, because once Toss has 3+ colossi, all of the lings will just fry instantly, and you can't NP to prevent that like you could pre-patch.
Personally, I stopped playing this way because the tech cost is really the same as pure broodlord army. The difference, is that the tech time is a bit quicker, but I've been liking muta or mass spine play instead as a means to delay Toss for that little bit more of tech time.
In a fair game, your 200/200 roach/banerain/infestor army will always demolish the Toss army. Toss can definitely kill more of your shit or retreat with a little more of his gas costly units if the engagement goes well (however, if you mismicro, which is definitely possible with an attack that requires 150+ apm to pull off, you can lose everything, so practice in unit tester first) so that you can't just go to broodlords though. But the benefit of this style, is that it will hit right before Toss is at critical mass, whereas when going hive tech, the major concern is that Toss will always hit before you have broodlords ready to go (unless you delay him or turtle hard, with the other playstyles, to buy that time).
If you trade well, go to hive tech. If you don't trade well, you will need to remax on your t2 army. Better on maps that are wide open at both the natural and third. This style is somewhat riskier to play because if you don't do enough damage, you will lose because your hive tech WILL be late. But, sometimes noticing that Toss is being too greedy or is far behind, and taking advantage of that with aggression, is the correct strategic choice.
You can also play this style, and then transition into another (going roach/hydra to snipe stargate units, into muta, for example), or be more or less all-in with it (going mass roach, but grabbing 6 gas instead of the usual 4, to transition into muta/infestor afterwards).
Delaying Toss push with turtling (Infestor)
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This is about massing tons of spines with infestor support, so that Toss can't push you until you have a huge hive tech army. This is different from roach/infestor, in that you aren't trying to be aggressive with Roach+FG or Roach+IT, as you are trying to turtle behind mass spines, and make as few roaches as possible, only making them in times of panic, so that you may get more gas for hive and infestors instead.
This style is best used on maps mutas are bad on - single attack routes, lack of airspace (means easier to defend with infestors), and maps trading is bad on - Toss can get a very easy third (entombed valley, antiga), lack of open space.
The best this can be explained, is Day9 daily #429 about Stephano:
But basically, you rush for infestors as soon as you realize Toss is going for his third, and you have established map control with roach/ling. You rush towards 100+ drones right away, expand a ton when Toss goes for his third, and lay down 40+ spines, replacing the drones constantly. Your infestors are very cost efficient, and mass infestor+spine is extremely deadly. As Toss gets colossi tech, you get spire, and when he has 3+ colossi and pushes out, you should have 15+ corruptors. If he a-moves into the spines, mass FG will destroy his army. If he moves colossi forward to snipe the spines, you FG them and then snipe them with the corruptors.
As long as you get those mass infestors out, and let them pool energy, early enough, and get enough drones and keep replacing them, you should definitely be able to buy enough time to get those 15+ corruptors into mass broodlords.
I would say the problem with this style, is because you are turtling so hard, Toss can get 4+ bases, and be able to compete with your pure broodlord army with tons of gateways for archons, and a mothership. But if you really believe that bl/infestor is superior to Toss, go for it. It's definitely an extremely strong style of play, especially if Toss opens stargate or some sort of opener that allows you to skimp on roaches.
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If toss goes for a Third, you can instantly take the game to lategame! A Toss taking his third gives you free pass to fourth, infestation pit, and eventually hive, as well as skipping Roach tech if Toss did not do a 2 base opening. You can also play mid-game aggression as well.
The checklist for Zerg lategame is as follows:
- Fourth (and soon, 5th)
- Infestation Pit, Hive
- Double Evo
The end-game goal for Zerg, is pure Broodlord/Infestor (gone are the day of a huge roach army with just 5 broodlords, or broodlords with hydralisk support). I'd recommend at minimum, 5 bases for BL tech, so as soon as Toss takes his third, you will want to take a fourth and a fifth quickly afterwards.
I would recommend double evo melee/carapace upgrades, as broodlings are the real damage dealer. The many queens you made to inject your hatches are great for support, and if you didn't mass spines before, now is your time. Just make sure you ALWAYS have 70+ drones - if you cut too many drones for spines or more broodlords, you will just get crushed by a counterpush if Toss can push you back, like a threatening mothership.
Get NP later on, really just for motherships. If you can be lucky enough to snag a NP, you win instantly. However, my preferred method of dealing with Motherships, is having 6+ Corruptors with upgraded air - Corruptors take down motherships insanely fast with Corruption (which is far from a useless spell, go test it yourself and see), especially with FG keeping the Mothership from getting in range of the Broods, and IT spam under the broods as well to keep the mothership at bay. Ground units will focus on the Broodlings and IT/Broodlords before the Corruptors.
I don't find spreading broodlords that useful - you only have what, 10-15 broodlords at most? So getting a vortex on just 5 broodlords is enough to completely screw you over. But of course, you should spread. I like to move command my broodlord army past where I'm headed, and use hold position when I want to attack, to keep them spread out (like siege tanks), so if he vortexes the front, the back 10 broodlords will rain down the pain.
Whatever you do though, you need to be extremely careful against motherships. Always have some energy on your infestors, and always pull back before the mothership gets in range to vortex you (9 range, by the way!).
You also need to make a good 5+ overseers when mothership comes out. I like to add a few of them to my infestor control group, and a few to my broodlord control group. You should be spamming changelings all the time as well - not to put in his army, but to spot where his army position is. Put them all over the place in front of his bases, so you can know where his army is located at all times (or rather, know where his army is *not* at, at all times). Changelings are sooooo awesome in lategame, they really are. It's like a ling burrowed in front of their base, but free, and you can make a million of them.
Make sure to add spines and spores in a Sim City around your most important piece of tech, the Greater Spire - adding Evo's around it also is not a bad idea. If you add a 2nd Spire for upgrades, make sure to put it far away from the original Spire, for insurance reasons.
Ultralisks in ZvP
Symbol and BbongBbong have been 2 Zergs who are big proponents of using Ultra/bane in ZvP. The idea with Ultras is, if Toss goes for a third, instead of massing spines, you get Baneling Speed, NP, and Ultras asap. If Toss does a 3 base 3+ Colossus push asap, you should be able to crush it with the Ultras breaking forcefields for the banes to wreck everything. This is perfectly viable, and the ultras are a sort of 'tier 2.5' unit before broodlords. The upside is this gives you a chance to break Toss with aggression, but the downside is that if Toss goes fourth, templar tech, he will be much more prepared against the eventual broodlords. Check out this thread on Ultras in ZvP (Symbol Style) for further discussion.
Extreme Lategame
In Extreme lategame, you will need a second spire, and you should get +3 Missiles for Infested Terrans as well. This stage of the game will focus a lot on Toss harassing you with SpeedPrisms, and how well you can Sim City/Spine/Spore your tech and future bases. If you massed spines in the mid-game, re-root them to new bases as frontal attacks are less of a concern once a large BL fleet is up. If Toss goes for Carriers or Void Rays, its very important that you focus on upgrades, and have a few Broodlords to deal with Storm so that Corruptor/IT Army can trade efficiently.
Avoiding Ridiculous Losses or: How to translate a Lead into The Win
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We've all played games where we were way ahead of Toss, held their stupid crap, BM'd the crap out of them, and then lost to some derp like mass void rays or pure colossi or an archon toilet or DTs. So how to avoid that?
When Toss is on 3 base, get a spore and 2 spines at each base. If you are ahead, you should do this quicker. Desperate Toss will always try DTs before leaving the game.
Warp Prism Harass
2-5 spines in smart locations, like next to buildings or in mineral lines, should stop Warp Prism play. Add on spines and spores as the game goes on or warp prism play increases.
Mass Void Rays
Well you should have queens early on. A single stargate won't get enough out quickly, to kill you, and should be obvious by lack of gateway units or gateways in his base, and lots of gas taken. However, your goal should be to eventually kill those goddamn void rays - especially if you defended a double stargate all-in. If you let him build up a critical mass, you can lose. Be aggressive once you have that macro lead and your anti-air units out, and kill them off if he's massing them. If you have a lead, it's okay to be cost inefficient.
The ETA Concept
This is a big one. You can read about it here:
This is not some ambiguous thread. It's extremely useful. If you are on 3 bases vs 2, or 5 bases vs 3, your "E" is good. Now, work on on Tech and Army. If you lost a stupid game even though you were way ahead in econ, check the army values when you lost the game. Chances are, you were way behind in army value, and 1k less in roaches will never beat a higher value army of colossi, +3 upgrades, etc.
Basically, once you've secured your third, and held off that Toss aggression with such a huge lead, you no longer need to focus on your econ. You already have more bases. You don't need more drones, especially once you've reached 70. You need to match what Toss is doing. Match your tech, to his tech. Match your army, to his army. With a higher econ, but even army and tech, there is no way to lose. Too many times, people lose because of their 6 bases vs a 2 or 3 base Toss, because they only have roaches against sentry/colossi/blink/upgraded deathball. Unless you have lots of mutas and Toss doesn't have 3 bases with HT and lots of blink stalkers, you will never beat colossi without broodlord tech.
Once Toss makes the move toward more econ, then you can get that 4th, or 5-6-7 bases. Just because you aren't growing your econ, doesn't mean you aren't growing. Tech and army are also great ways to 'expand'.
Never go below 70 drones in lategame
A pure broodlord/infestor army, with 70 drones, and a few queens, really ends up to be like what, 10-15 broodlords, and 10 infestors? It's kind of tiny. But when you start making spines, and not replacing them with drones but instead more bl/infestor, you leave yourself vulnerable. 70+ drones is good, but if you are at 60ish drones, you will just get rolled by a counterpush if you don't win, and it's simply not worth 3 more broodlords for a much lower income that won't be sufficient to remax on t3 units. The easiest way to lose, is to max out on bl/infestor, and have only 60 drones because you wanted more broodlords. You won't always win with the broodlords right away - the game may drag on, toss may push back because of vortex or you not having infestor energy or sniping bases with mobile units. So ALWAYS make sure to replace those drones, so you always have 70+ drones!
There's nothing wrong with having 90 drones and losing your smaller bl/infestor army, and then remaxing very quickly behind mass spines to buy that bit of time, but it will cause you to lose way too many games if you have only 60 drones. It takes a long time, and a ton of money to remake bl/infestor. Don't let the super supply efficient Toss army get a chance to win if he gets a slightly lucky engagement. Leave nothing to luck. With 70+ drones, you can always trick out a 220/200 army anyways. This is a huge mistake of lower level players.
Respect the Mothership
Yea, so you were on 4 base while toss was on 2. You crushed his army multiple times. But eventually he got 3 bases and a mothership. Be careful. I've already explained how to deal with motherships, but you really need to respect it. It's okay to lose 5 infestors to get that NP+Vortex off, or snipe it with mass corruptor. It's not okay to lose a 1/3 of your broodlords to a vortex because you got too aggressive or didn't manage your infestor energy.
Don't Max on Roaches when you have an Advantage, Don't Remax on Roaches
You just got your army crushed without making a dent in his army. Whatever you do, don't remake an army that is going to be slightly weaker or smaller than what was exactly just gotten crushed.
Or, you have a lead and total map control. Don't max out on roaches, it's very all-in. Your hive tech will be too late, and your max roach army will just be dead weight for 20 minutes because Toss secured his third, finally, and you can't just attack hard with them because if you lose them, you lose your map control. Be smart on remaxing. If you lost the game, you lost the game, but don't max out on roaches. They are a tier 1 unit. Robotech rapes roaches, and you can't break down a brick wall - eventually, Toss will be able to secure his next base. Just as you can't always defend a base and it may be smarter to just let the base go and keep your drones and units, you can't always deny a base. The game will be even, secure your lead without resorting to desperate play.
I get that max roach can bust a toss being too greedy. I'm not saying don't go mass roach as a strategy. What I'm saying, is if you have gained a lead, maxing roaches is the easiest way to throw it away and, remaxing on roaches after you failed to make a dent, is a terrible idea.
This stuff is obnoxious, I know. But it simply doesn't work at the higher levels, largely because of macro. If you are losing to deathballs, a big reason may be because of your macro. Check on it. Maybe your macro is better than the opponent, but is your macro good enough is the real question. But hey, we all don't macro well... so. The ETA concept is also a large part of this - if you maxed on roaches, any sort of deathball play will crush you if you don't kill him before he gets 2+ colossi.
Mutas are a really good hard counter to deathball play. Seriously consider mutas if Toss is going for deathball play. If he opened stargate, it's okay - mutas are better than colossi more so than phoenixes are better than muta/corruptor. Just have a few corruptors in your muta control group, or if Toss has only 4 phoenixes, don't be scared to stomp it with your 15+ mutas. If he has colossi, he won't have many phoenixes.
If Toss is doing a 2 base deathball play, mutas really are the best answer (after using corruptors, or maybe hydras, to take down mass phoenix). If he is doing a 3 base turtle deathball, you can jack up your roach/ling army you made to deny the third long enough to get mutas out, or mass roach and just trade with his colossi right when the 1st or 2nd one pops and sentries, hard enough that you can fast track to broodlord tech.
But really, the 2 answers to deathball derping, is mutas, and macro'ing well (as in, having the econ to be able to mass roaches to stomp his 4 unit army).
Massive Stalker balls, Immortal/Sentry balls
These armies need to be nipped in the bud early on. You can't just drone up, and then let him come to you and defend - you need to build up your army, and attack his army while it's small, or push back when it's still small. Eventually your rate of production will overwhelm such armies. If you are losing to this kind of play, chances are your macro is weak, or you waited far too long to make units.
Secondly, don't be afraid to go mutas (as long as you know for sure his initial pressure is over and he has to back off because your roach/ling/hydra army is large enough). Blink is okay, but he'll need storm eventually, and mutas will always beat stalkers in a base trade. As for immortals, they are costly. While they aren't as costly as colossi, they are costly. Mutas will do fine against them.
Dealing with Toss 1 Base Openers & Cheese
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Toss may go with a build other than FFE. I will cover that here, from 1/3g expands to cheeses.
Against any sort of gateway opening though, you will want to get ling speed asap. Throw down a gas as soon as you realize he's going gateway instead of forge. You need speed to check his army, his expo timing (or lack thereof), and to defend any sort of pressure/all-in, and maintain map control to take your third against gateway expand. I recommend you remove all 3 drones off gas after speed (you want minerals to bank up for that third, and you can get enough roaches quickly by just putting 3 in gas when you place down warren).
As long as he makes a core instead of 2 gate, you will want to get drone up hard to 30-35, and check with a speedling to see if he expands, and an overlord into his main unless it's completely obvious with your ling that he's going 1/3g expand (pylon on low ground, signs he wants to take an expand, and 1 zealot and 2-3 sentries).
Why 14/14 is the Best Build vs 1 Base Toss
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Now, we already know that Toss almost always goes FFE, so therefore we should always go Gasless Pool. But, sometimes you are playing a map where FFE is unheard of (Crossfire, Dual Sight), it's a Best Of X series and mindgames are going on (Nestea vs Naniwa MLG), or who the opponent is (LiquidNony is known for loving Gateway Expands over FFE).
In these circumstances, 14/14 is a smart strategic choice to make.
A fast chrono'd stalker after zealot (or no zealot made at all) by Toss (like if he scouts no gas when pool completed) can do a lot of pressure if you don't go 14/14. You will need a spine, and if the natural is wide open, a single spine alone isn't enough, but will need queen micro + slowlings. With speedlings, you can make sure no pressure like this occurs, or if it does, get a stalker for free and 1 less sentry for Toss was made.
Mainly though, Toss cannot go 4:30 Nexus (1 gate expand). If he does, you can make a round of reactionary lings to force a cancel, and make Toss go 3 gate Expand at 5:30 (it will be a little later due to him losing 100 minerals to cancel). A good Toss will not go 1 Gate Expand against 14/14, and will hold an infinite number of speedlings with 3 Gate Expand (even if you force a cancel, 100 minerals is not worth over 10+ less drones). But that's the point - you force Toss to go 3g Expand instead.
However, it's not a huge deal if you went gas after pool, but it seems that 14/14 is standard if you suspect Gateway Openers. So if you suspect Toss will open 1 base, go for 14/14.
Scouting 1 base Toss
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You should see no pylon on the low ground at his natural, meaning he either opened gateway at his ramp (very rarely, sim-citied), or proxied buildings. Make sure his base isn't empty once you realize it's not FFE. I recommend drone scouting, especially to check for 2nd gas timing on gateway builds and to block the nexus first of FFE. If you don't believe in drone scouting in ZvP, or want to be greedy, that is fine.
If there is an empty base, it's clearly proxy 2 gate. If he's going Nexus First, he has to make a pylon on the lowground so make probes after 11 supply, and to eventually get his forge.
So now you realize he's doing a gateway opening, and the first unit is a zealot. With your drone scout, make sure he takes his second gas (or steal it after he makes his core to make sure he can't do any fast DT/SG or get lots of sentries - I recommend gas stealing gateway openings!). If he doesn't get his 2nd gas, especially if he is saving up chrono energy and is not chrono'ing his nexus, worry about a 4 gate (confirmed with your overlord scout later).
Understand that if he has 2 gas, that should translate to about 200 gas when his 2nd unit pops out. If it's a zealot, question where that gas is going. If the 3rd unit is not a sentry, alarm bells should be going off.
If he is chrono'ing his gateway hard, he may be doing zealot/stalker pressure. Make a spine in your main when nat is nearing completion, and bring it down to your nat. If the natural is wide open, be aware you will need to make some lings because without speed, a single stalker can torture you.
If he makes zealot/sentry/sentry, you can be assured he is going sentry expand from 1/3 gates. It's when he makes anything else that you should be asking serious questions and sac'ing an overlord....
Send that overlord in at 30-35 supply. Check to see if he took his 2nd gas (2nd gas taken immediately after core, is signs of DT/SG, he should be taking it around 21), and with that drone scout you should know where his pylons are, to see if he put down DT/SG play or 4 gate, robo, or just has 1/3 gates.
A 1gate expand, expands at 4:30. A 3 gate expand, expands at 5:30. The only reason a nexus isn't going down as late as 5:30, is because he's distracted by your ling and he's obviously making a very clear effort to throw down that nexus immediately, or he is all-inning. No nexus by 5:40 should be setting off red alarm bells, no nexus by 5:50 can't be anything but an all-in.
Finally: At 5:30, Toss with 2 gas has mined ~400 gas (a 3g expand will have 2-3 sentries and wg tech). So you need to ask at 5:30 - where is his 400 gas?
(Proxy) 2 gate
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If you just overlord scout, it can be deceiving when you see an empty base with maybe no gas being taken, or no wall-in to the ramp at his main, and you haven't seen yet that he has no pylon on the low ground at his natural. While seeing no pylon on the low ground (after seeing he didn't wall-in at ramp) is a dead giveaway to double 10/10 proxy gate, on some maps you just may not see that in time. It's okay, your 14 pool build will be fine, even if you made a hatch at 16.
As soon as your pool pops, make 2 spines in 'uncomfortable', choked up locations like by the geysers, next to your pool that's by a wall/object, or in your mineral line. If you only make 1, Toss can kill it and you will be screwed. Also, grab your gas asap - get ling speed, and you will be able to crush any remaining forces and just run into his base and autowin. I strongly recommend against roaches - he can go for core, stalkers, and torture your slow roaches, especially if the gates aren't proxied.
You should really cancel your hatch if you planted one, but if he's being an idiot and attacks it, let him attack it and just cancel it at the absolute last second. Even if he kills it, you should be fine. However, you don't NEED to cancel it, you will have enough resources to make enough to hold and make mass speedlings and autowin, and if he kills it you can still end up ahead if you make those 2 spines and keep your drones alive and get ling speed. It's up to you - I'd say it's safer to cancel, it's greedier to keep it but really you'll be ahead whether he kills it or doesn't. Or, you could keep or cancel it based on if he attacks it or not.
If he does not proxy the 2 gate, you can definitely keep your hatchery. It will take damage, but you will uproot your spines and put them down in the nat. There are macro oriented 2 gate openings where they expand right afterwards - just make sure he expands (he won't have stalkers) instead of going core, gas, into 4 gate follow-up, and take your third and threaten with your lings and just be so far ahead of him...
4 gate
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You drone up to 30-35. Make a single spine.
You can either go ling/queen/spine gasless, or get gas and roaches. I would recommend you go roaches, unless the map is like Shakuras, where you have a relatively small ramp to the natural that makes static defense extremely strong (3 spines, an extra queen, no way a 4 gate will ever get up, and if he tries to rush past it, you make a ton of lings quickly and finish off his army).
The reason I recommend roach/ling as defense, is because eventually, you will defend this 4 gate. If you go gasless, meaning you go mostly with spines and queens (which isn't viable on maps that are super wide open, at higher levels Toss can just react by expanding if you put down the necessary amount of spines on the wider natural maps, and you will need a lot), you can't deny Toss from putting down his natural. With roach/ling, you can eventually counter-push and delay Toss' natural for so long, that by the time he gets it, you will have followed up by droning up to ~44 drones, gotten 3 gas lair, and roach speed, and just won with an unbeatable mass roach army.
4 Gate Robo
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An all-in that hits a little later than 4 gate, but harder, with immortals, sentries, and sometimes with a warp prism.
The key here, is knowing it's not a plain 4 gate, but a 4 gate robo. If you cut drone production at 30-35, you will have a much harder time defending. With that overlord scout, you will be looking for 4 gates, but a 2nd gas, and him obviously not pushing out for a proxy pylon with his first 3 units, maybe even the robo. But if you reacted thinking it was a plain 4 gate, or droned a bit more and didn't realize it was a 1 base all-in until you notice no expo by 5:40, it's okay.
So the first thing you want to do, besides drone up to 40, is queue up 2 more queens. You really want a good number of queens against this, to deal with the warp prism, and for transfuse and creep spread. Your primary concern at the start, is him dropping a sentry at the top of the ramp and FF'ing it, and then warping in reinforcements. You have the watch towers and a ling in front of his base, so there is no reason to keep your army at the front of your natural.
You will want to go heavier on lings, queens, and eventually spines. Making spines right away (except maybe a conservative single spine) isn't too great because of the warp prism and immortals, and the timing is biggest before your base is totally spread with creep to allow your queens to deny the warp prism.
As his harass continues and your ling army gets very large, you can start adding a few drones, and put back in gas and get a roach warren, and start adding lots of spines. Spread creep around your base to deny the warp prism. Your army should be primarily lings, but the goal is to survive for 50 drones, lair, and then mass speedroaches to push back and then deny his natural. It's a hard push to deal with, but you should have a couple more drones than against 4 gate, and go for queens right away, and speedlings, then spines, then roaches (roaches on their own are useless, and mass spines are only good after you've creeped up your base to deny warp prism and have lots of lings/queens to support them).
You can search the Zerg Help Me Thread for much more on this subject.
1 base DT/SG Openers
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When you see he didn't expand with 3-4 units at 5:30, you need to be asking questions. This can be made obvious by a gas taken immediately after core as opposed to a little bit after core is taken (with intuition, you will just notice he took his gas a little too quickly), and no sentries made.
So you should be asking if DT/SG play is coming if you don't see P have 3 sentries at 5:30. Sometimes Toss will make a zealot/sentry/stalker, or do double stalker pressure at the start. That's fine, as long as he expanded at 4:30-5:30. Usually though, it's pretty obvious that DT/SG is coming - he only made zealots, there is only a zealot and stalker, there are no sentries. Sac'ing an overlord at around 5:30 when you don't see surefire signs of a 1/3g expand, and when you see he clearly isn't going with 3+ gates, you can figure out enough to know to make spores.
Also, DT/SG openers go with 2 gates usually.
Make that evo chamber at 5:30 when you realize something is fishy, get an extra queen. Put the extra queen on hold position at the ramp, and a single spore at the natural. You should have a handful of lings made - Toss didn't expand, you are ahead in econ right now, it's okay - and have them stay at the ramp too, so if he's going DT, you are blocking the ramp, and the spore in his natural will sight the DT and you can kill it off.
Whatever he's doing, will hit you at about 6:30. If it doesn't, he might be just making more air/dt's, so make some more queens, maybe a spore in your main. Remember, what he's doing doesn't quite look like a conventional 1/3 gate expand, and you know he isn't doing a gateway all-in (he may even take a 6:00 nexus), but unless you got a good overlord in, you are confused on what's going on! Don't get complacent - a 1 base opener that expands oddly at 6:00 and doesn't quite have 3-4 sentries taking his nexus, could just be a 1 base stargate that is massing a ton of void rays and phoenixes, that will rape you. If you are unsure of what's going on, and it's obviously not 1/3g expand, make more queens. Even if he's just an idiot doing a bad 6:00 3 gate expand, he's the one who is going to be further behind, not you.
If he is doing a DT/SG expand, you will want to spread creep rapidly to your third, and drone very hard. Against air play, you should be spreading creep and making 2-3 extra queens, and walk them over to protect the third until the creep gets there and you can put a spore down (some people like SG expand as the safest possible expand build, since void/sentry will stop any roach/ling all-in easily).
If he went DT expand, you can't get your third until you have creep all the way over to the third. It's okay, he is quite far behind in econ and army size. Drone hard to about 45 drones and get lair, and go for speedroaches on 2 base. Use an overseer to finally take that third, and use the speedroaches to prevent toss from doing anything but peeing his pants. You will deny any sort of goofy gateway/archon push (a very deadly follow up to DT expands, which will roll you if you simply don't mass enough speedroaches), and delay the third for a very, very long time, allowing you total control of the game.
3 Gate Stalker
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If the natural is extremely wide open, where a single spine won't work against fast single stalker pressure, and Toss scouts you didn't take your gas up to when the lings popped out, Toss can just open 3 gate Sentry Expand, except instead of making sentries, he makes stalkers. This build usually starts with a quick stalker made after zealot, too or; this build is a great transition if Toss opens fast single stalker pressure after he probe scouted to see you didn't get gas before lings popping out.
Get your gas as soon as you see Toss went gateway instead of FFE, and avoid losing to this. An example of a tortuous death to this, is MC vs Nestea GSL S2 2012 Dual Sight. The stalker ball will just get larger and larger if you never took gas for speedlings, and if the natural is wide open and you don't make 2 spines right away (or 1 if it has a ramp), he'l harass for so long as his stalker ball gets larger, then warp gate finishes, and the you die.
Gateway Expands
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I lump these together because they are pretty similar in how you play it out and they look similar until the moment Toss throws down his nexus. 1 Gate Expand is not viable if you opened 14/14, because you can react to the 4:30 nexus with a single round of 2xInject lings, and force a cancel and a late nexus made after going impromptu 3 gate expand. However, anything but FFE is rare these days, so gasless pool first is the 'better' choice in that based on the odds, it's the better build to open with, so Toss can see you didn't go Gas First, and respond by going 1 Gate Expand instead of 3 Gate Expand. If he sees you went Gas First, he can just go with 3 Gate Expand (a good Toss will know to react like this, but most aren't that smart).
If you did not go 14/14, don't make lings to attack (no matter if it's 1 gate or 3 gate expand). Against a good Toss, you will not do enough damage. Secondly, you are really hurting your econ. If Toss is going 3 gate expand, and you just mass speedlings from a 14/14, the best you can do is delay the Toss Nexus as his 3 gateways go online and he just has to wait for 1 warp-in. Not having a good 10 drones for a minute, hurts a lot more than a Nexus being delayed for a minute (a good Toss will not lose any of his units since he stays at the ramp and FF's quick enough). Also, if you do go 14/14 against a 1 Gate Expand, only make a single 2x round of lings - making anything more, will actually put you further behind as all you are doing is forcing Toss to go 3 gate expand with a nexus that is maybe 10 seconds later . Once 3 gateways are up, he WILL get his nexus up, and a cancel only costs 100 minerals, which is a lot less than not having a 2x injects worth of drones for a minute.
I repeat, anything but going 14/14 and making reactionary lings to 4:30 nexus, is either not going to work against a good Toss, or it won't do enough damage to justify it (however, against bad toss, it's awesome). Now, moving on.
4:30 Nexus, 1 gate expand.
5:30 Nexus, 3 gate expand.
That's the only way to tell. With a 3 gate expand, he will have that same 3-4 units, made from the single gateway. Now, moving on.
Build Order
~35 Third supply (some like 2 base lair and take third while getting speed, but this is my guide, this is how I see it).
~40 Roach Warren & back on gas (Depending on Toss zealot/sentry pressure and map size, you may either need to make 2 early overlords and bank for 7+ roaches, or drone up).
~ 55 2nd gas
- Scout if Toss is teching or making lots of units.
- Get Lair as soon as you safely, possibly can.
After you drone to 40, you will want to consider making roaches to defend. You can delay the roaches if it's a longer map, or you scout Toss teching rather than making more gateway units or going for pressure, but Toss can move out with his first warp-in of units and go straight to FF the ramp in your main, and it can really hurt if you didn't start roaches (having a single spine up by 50, to buy time for those roaches, can go a long way too), and hit you by about 50-55. Having a ling out front of his base here is critical, and being supply blocked from 40-68 can cost you the game. It's extremely important to have a ling in front of his base to see if he does this zealot/sentry move-out.
I'd also recommend making a round of lings after taking your third, for 3 reasons. If he pushes out, it can buy you critical time if you go run into his natural, to force him back to his base, when he's about 1/3rd across the map, to get those roaches out. Secondly, once you hold off his attack, and he starts retreating, if you only have roaches and no lings, he will be able to return home with every sentry intact, and not be punished at all for his push. Third, you can often discourage him from moving out at all if he sees that many lings out and about.
At about 50-60, you should try to overlord scout. If Toss has taken both gas at natural, or is getting a stargate, robo, or twilight, it means you can drone up to 65-70 before roach production, and react accordingly with quicker lair, an evo and/or queens & spores. If it's lots of gateways, you might want to get some roaches in before lair. You will need to make roaches around 70 supply at the latest, in order to get map control to delay Toss third or deny strong pushes from getting set up.
You will want Lair as soon as you safely can, 55 supply at the earliest (delay the lair if Toss did not take gas at natural, or Toss is clearly going to push out as he adds lots more sentry/zealot). If your lair is too late, Toss can get his third too easily as you won't have roach speed. Your goal here is to defend that third, and then tech up to lairtech as fast as possible.
It's really quite similar to FFE. The differences are just you'll need speed, in case of early pressure or if he doesn't expand, and you'll need to produce units after taking your third, in case he pushes out with sentry/zealot (after all, gateway expands do have the merit of having a larger number of units, early on).
From there, the game is up to you. If you can defend the sentry/zealot pressure, you should be wayyyy ahead of Toss. I almost always go for mutas, and I don't think I've lost to 1/3g expands in recent memory by going Third, Defend, Mutas. There is a reason many people consider this build outdated - you play basically the same as you are against FFE except get speed early on (slightly later lair is result of getting speed).
Zerg All-ins
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I think all of these all-ins are outdated by now, and Toss largely knows how to hold them.... In the lower levels I think you can always make these work though, and even at higher levels, you can work if Toss just goes one way as opposed to another or doesn't react perfectly. These are all of the all-ins I know of, there isn't really any all-ins that are standard in the metagame at the moment.
Early Pools
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Many variations of 6-10 Pools that you can do in ZvP (it sounds to me that 7 Pool is most popular). While you can all-in with drones to try to end the game immediately, some variations will simply aim to autowin against Nexus First and force Forge First to reset into a defensive 3 gate expand. A very deadly, popular follow-up to Early Pools is 2 base Muta.
11 Pool
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You are sacrificing kind of a lot of econ (later hatch or less drones, then less drones due to making an extra pair of lings), in the hopes that when you pool 3 larva at 15 supply, you run into Toss' base if he went Nexus First, and you do some damage. I think you need to kill at least 5, maybe 6+ probes, to make this worthwhile (I believe you need 5+ lings in the base in order to guarantee probe kills against a good Toss). A forge first should be able to get ahead if he reacts correctly. You are hurt econ-wise if Toss didn't go Nexus First, but not as far behind as with 6-10 pools, and you can still go for the macro game.
3 Roach Rush
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This is my preferred cheese against Toss, like when on close spawns. I would prefer this over the 3 roach rush, this can be strong in the lower levels. It doesn't work as well if Toss gets 2 gateways quickly. The reason I like this rush the most, is because you can 10 drone scout on maps with close spawn to see if you should do this or not, as the pool is placed on 13 instead of earlier, like it is with 7rr. You also get speed with it, unlike most quick 1 base roach all-ins. (I'm not sure how it works against FFE).
Ling/Bane all-in vs FFE
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- Open 14/14, speed then bane nest, lings. Stream into FFE.
It takes 5 banelings to kill a cannon, and 5 for a pylon. Toss can beat this with good micro, or a 2nd cannon placed quick and well. The best part of this build is how well it works even on large maps, due to speedlings being quick, and how banelings are made, but it can be obvious if you went gas first, to which many Toss will make that 2nd cannon, knowing the possibility of all-ins. Unlike roach all-ins, this build doesn't care about ramps and wall-ins.
20 Roach Warren Roach All-in vs FFE
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On maps that have a wider open natural, this is a very strong all-in. It's extremely strong on maps like XNC or Dual Sight if Toss dares to go FFE.
- Open Gas before hatch
- 20 Roach Warren, Overlord, Pool Larva
- Pull off gas and follow up with lings
This build can be executed with a hatch taken in front of the probe, and then cancelled before roach warren pops (which should be made at 22-23 instead of 20-21 to make up for making a hatch).
Toss can expect this if you have gas in front of the probe. It doesn't work if Toss gets 2+ cannons, which is why I don't like it and prefer...
35 Roach Warren Roach/Speedling All-in vs FFE/Gateway Expand
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This build can work great even if Toss makes 2+ cannons instead of just 1, and really stresses Toss' handling. While he can beat if he scouts and knows it's coming and throws down a ton of panic cannons, or opens quick single stargate or is good with a quick sentry and micro, it's a very strong build that, unlike the 20 roach warren, Toss must realize it's coming or he will lose.
~19 or earlier, gas, speed, 2x hatch&queen
- 35, Roach Warren, 3 Overlords, save larva
- 35-52, Roaches, remove from gas.
- Speedling Reinforcements
On maps like XNC, it's near impossible to stop this when going FFE. Protoss needs to send out a zealot scout, in order to spot for this, but you can avoid the zealot, and avoid revealing you have speed by taking the watch towers and knowing where the zealot is coming from, which results in Toss having less to defend with. This build is also extremely strong against gateway expands. I would not recommend this on maps like Shakuras that have a tight ramp to the natural. This build works better than 20 roach warren on larger maps, and may even be better to do on large maps if you consider that Toss may feel safer on such maps.
Make sure to go for cannons, pylons, sentries, and focus zealots with the roaches so your speedlings can be the real damage dealers. The roaches are just to bust in.
Zenio's 3 Hatch Baneling Bust vs FFE
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- Single Queen only
- Gas when Lings pop/probe leaves base
- Normal Third Timing
- Speed, Baneling Nest
- 28+ Lings
This all-in abuses the fact that Toss rules out all-ins by scouting your third. It works less if Toss is less greedy and gets sentries right away, and if he can find out about you making so many zerglings, having speed so early on, mining gas before third, or seeing no drones at your natural. This build plays upon Toss' assumptions based on limited information, so do as much as you can to deny scouting (run lings around side path, morph banelings to the side, et cetera).
2 base Slowling Nydus
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- Expand, no 2nd queen (or delay it), put overlord into position by Toss base
- Quick 2 gas, put only 2 drones in 2nd geyser
- Lair
- Nydus, bank 100 gas for worm (speed is not gotten because worm is most important to get asap)
Unless Toss is vigilant about nydus, because it was obvious with 2 gas or no drones at nat, Toss should lose a base. If toss is good though, he will abandon his main completely, cannon up his natural (or even wall off the bottom of the ramp), and just play it as 1 base vs no drones. He can come out ahead, unfortunately, but if you can take out the natural first, where the cannons are located, and before a pylon is set up in main, you can win quite handedly.
2 base Spinecrawler Rush
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This build works only when Toss uses his nexus as part of his wall-off (Antiga sometimes, Metal, Dual Sight)
- Expand, no 2nd queen (or delay it), put overlord into position in front of Toss base
- Quick gas, remove after 100.
- Lair
- Spew creep with overlord right out of range, plant down 3 spines. The edge of the creep should just barely be in range of his buildings, so he sees it at the last second. Stay out of range of cannons as you work his buildings and nexus.
- Drone up
A strong follow up after droning up, is hydras. He will be on 1 base and quite far behind if you work him down well. Hopefully, Toss doesn't realize what's going on and make lots of cannons right away. You have to be able to kill his nexus, or it won't work. If Toss makes a wall-in without the nexus, you can do damage, but all Toss has to do is just rebuild his cyber, forge, and gate further back, with cannons up front so you can't move your spines up to the new wall.
2 base Hydra All-in
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Pretty straightforward - get lair going ~35 supply, hydra den, range. You should keep droning all the way up to until the hydra den is done. You can go for either nydus and nydus into his base if you are ballsy, or you can nydus out front and bust his wall with the hydras and even add spines with the creep spread, or you can go with drops. This build is best executed against FFE stargate. Reinforce with lings, put in a queen for creep spread, and maybe even add spines.
This doesn't really work well if he doesn't open stargate, or opens stargate and makes sure to deny nydus, or cuts stargate units quickly for robotech and stays alive long enough with micro and sentries and cannons for colossi. If he goes gateway, he can do okay with micro.
2 base Muta
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On some maps, 3 base isn't an option, and/or the map has a lot of airspace and distance, making 2 base muta a decent macro oriented build as long as Toss doesn't counter it hard with a build like aggressive gateway/blink play or stargate with lots of phoenixes.
~35 2xgas
~45 lair, 2x gas
- Speed, spire
- Secure Third after mutas
Toss really should be paralyzed in his base, he won't be able to push as the mutas come before, say, his 6 gateways come online. Eventually he may try to push - be ready with mass spines and lots of lings. If he's stupidly aggressive, you can actually win 2 base vs 2 base by trapping his entire army in the spines with your lings, and your mutas adding damage. If he just defends, or doesn't run into the mass spine, you will have to keep adding mutas, and double expand. You really need to drone up hard after the mutas come out.
If you go lair too quickly, your econ will be dead. If you go lair too late, you will miss the timing for when 2 base muta can do a lot of damage. I find starting lair in the 30's is way too quick, but in the 40s, just fine. As long as Toss doesn't open with a mass gate or blink stalker all-in, you can really do a lot of damage. Hopefully, it isn't too predictable when Toss realizes you didn't take your third. Also, you don't really need to scout what Toss is doing, once you go lair at a fairly normal time rather than super early, you are committed, and you will hit before Toss' tech really comes out. Losing overlords to scout is not worth it, as you will just miss your timing, or shorten the timing you can do a lot of damage. Making an overseer is nothing short of stupid - you just reveal that Hey I have a lair right now, but I'm not doing a super fast roach/ling all-in, so therefore I must be going mutas!
2 base Infested Terran Timing Attack
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2 base infestor timings can be great, especially if Toss tries to open with aggressive gateway timings, as well as against dedicated stargate play (the things 2 base muta are worst against). This build is better in cases where mutas are worse, while still putting on pressure against Toss. You will definitely be behind if you don't do damage (like if Toss does not dedicate much to his stargate, or even worse, he goes robo or macro oriented play), just like 2 base muta. However, if your attack fails to do damage, you can hope to stay in the game by having a huge tech advantage, and fast tracking to broodlords because you never made roaches (or, some really strong roach aggression with infestor support).
~35 2xgas
~45 lair, 2x gas
- Infestation Pit, Speed, Pathogen Glands
- Secure Third after Infestors
Your goal is to get a ton of infestors out quickly, and spam IT all over his wall in to decimate sentries, cannons, take down the wall, and then stream in speedlings. You don't make roaches for this attack.
The good part of this build, is if you don't outright kill Toss, you have strong infestors to keep you alive so you can secure your third. Toss can end up ahead and go right towards colossi, and just steamroll you with 2+ Colossi before you can get the necessary 3 bases to handle 2 base Toss, but with your infestors, you should be able to handle any sort of gateway play if Toss goes for mass gateway, blink, or stargate, because FG+Lings will decimate anything without colossi long enough for you to get your third up and hopefully enough roaches to withstand a smaller colossi army, and then you can move towards a quicker hive.
11 Minute 200/200 Roaches
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Fairly straightforward. Follow my guide on Fast Third vs FFE, and at 8:00-9:00 cut drone production and just pump pure +1 speed roaches on 3 gas (eventually, 4 gas) and 4 hatches 4 queens 3 base. You will still need to defend whatever pressure or opener Toss does, but with decent macro and a macro hatch, you should be able to hit 200/200 before the 12:00 mark. If you are hitting it after 12:00, or after 13:00 even, you are doing it wrong. The merit of this, is that any deficiencies in macro you may have are blanketed, and it largely looks the same no matter who is executing it! Don't do this on maps like Shakuras with a ramp to the natural, and you'll lose if Toss is conservative and doesn't lose his entire army stupidly, and gets 2+ colossi before taking his third.
There was a while this was considered a soft counter to FFE, but most Toss now know just make sentries and get a robo bay with immortals, and eventually colossi.
Counter-Strategy or: Basic Tips to Protoss
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Scout to see if Zerg went Hatch First, or Gas First. If Zerg went Gas First, that's definitely a 2 base play (if not always an all-in). Unless you can 100% scout what is going on, you should make at least 1 extra cannon (and if no all-in yet, make add another as time passes and the possible all-in gets stronger) - you can always take comfort that Zerg hurt his econ more than you hurt yours. If he went Hatch First, cannon rush it. Learn to cannon rush well - it actually takes a lot of skill to cannon rush well, but eventually no one should be able to survive with Hatch First (if you opened Gateway, add a forge, then cannon rush with a zealot).
If Zerg went gasless, block the expansion, throw down a pylon if you can, and go back to see if Z took his gas or not by the time pool popped, or is close to finishing, before scurrying away. A gas before third is an all-in.
Personally, I feel Toss should just always 9 probe scout, and Nexus First if Zerg made a 14 Pool or later. A 14 Pool goes down at 2:00-2:15, so generally a 9 scout will arrive before it is planted. You should be able to make nexus, forge, cannon, maybe even gate before cannon, against 14 pool, but yet so many Toss make a cannon so early, or don't go Nexus First. I don't know what's up with certain GSL casters - it's not 'risky' to get a Nexus First or gate before cannon against 14 pool.
Early Game
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If you went 1/3g Expand, you should do pressure if Zerg took his third, and stay inside your base if Zerg didn't, with a scout sent out around 5:30 (when you take nat with 3g). You may not end the game, but you can force a lot of roaches, and then just recall back home if Z has a lot of roaches (oh wait... not yet). If Z seems to have roaches, just back off. Don't wait until you have zero energy to retreat.
If you went FFE, there isn't really much you can do to deny an overlord scout. However, you can make it costly. Spread your pylons out, spread your buildings out. Don't make it so a single overlord can see everything - you want to force Zerg to have to lose at least 2 overlords, and maybe even an overseer later on, to get a full scout off. If you plan to go DT or 2xSG, I'd recommend proxying it. The hints to scout it are pretty obvious with just an overlord by natural and your lack of army, but if you proxy it, you may catch zerg off guard (which is the whole point of those builds in the first place).
Understand the role of the game as well - if Zerg doesn't have a third, defend. If he does, you can attack, tech hard, or try to expand yourself so that you are forcing Zerg to pick a path in the same fork in the road that you did. From what I understand, standard third timing is 9:00+.
Also, during any pressure, killing a queen really screws me over. It's like a 1/3rd of my production for each queen when going 3 hatch. It's a huge deal, and I've lost many games because I was down drones and couldn't afford enough army later on, or couldn't match production with a hard attack.
On a side note, never FFE on Metalopolis. I always just take the gold as my natural or third (with both 2 and 3 base play), and you will never keep up since I can connect the creep quickly, and there isn't really any pressure you can do that wouldn't be any stronger against the Gold as it would against a regular third. Really, just veto that map, it's horrible for PvZ.
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Zerg basically has 3 options - muta, roach, or infestor. Respectively, these styles are harass, aggression, or turtling. If you see Zerg take 6 gas before 10:00, that can indicate that it's not mass roach, but he can put his gases at his third if he wants (unlike Toss FFE has to get first 2 gas in main), and it doesn't tell you infestor vs muta. The only way to tell if he's going mass roach or not, is if you see Zerg still making roaches after he's defended any sort of aggression - ie he makes more than the absolute bare minimum.
From there, deciding muta vs infestor is really based on intuition:
- Is Zerg setting up his army to counterattack, or defensively?
- Is he taking far away bases, or double expanding to nearby bases around the same area or route?
- Is he spending his minerals on lings, or drones and spines?
- Is he gradually adding spines, or does he throw down a ton early on and continues to mass them?
- Does the map have a lot of airspace, or not?
- Does the map have multiple attack routes, or a single path (Wide open maps can be good for either)?
- Can Zerg possibly pressure the third, or is it ridiculously easy for Toss to secure?
- Is the map large, or is it small and forces a lot of spines anyways?
Note, you cannot just check his upgrades. Even if he's going mass roach, the majority of the time, he will not have 2 upgrades done by 12:00, and he won't even have a single upgrade done by 10:00 (upgrade takes 2 minutes when you don't have chrono, and +2 attack can be preferable to 1/1 for roaches). Some Zergs like missile no matter what tech route they plan for, because of it's huge marginal benefit (+2 damage per upgrade for roaches), or melee because they plan to eventually get to broodlords and it's amazing for broodlord damage (since broodlings add the most damage). Many Zergs don't even decide their tech route until the exact moment comes to throw down the tech - I know personally I always go +1 missile, and I base muta vs infestor vs roach on how the game is going.
Made pretty obvious when Zerg makes more roaches than the bare minimum to defend (like your observer by his base seeing constant roaches rallied). It's okay if your third is later, because Zerg is delaying his hive and infestors significantly, as well as his macro - it's pretty much an all-in to go 200/200 roach. Just don't leave your army in the open - as long as your army is never completely out in the open, you should be fine. 200/200 roach will not bust up a ramp of sentries and immortals. I would not recommend Colossi - it's an overreaction, Zerg can jush tech switch to mutas, they cost way too much for you to afford on 2 base, and immortals do the same job for cheaper (making 2 base colossi no matter what is going on is horrible).
However, there are other types of Roach. He could go roach/hydra, that's pretty well figured out now with just making Colossi. If Zerg goes with infestors, I'd recommend a doublerobo colossi after third, colossi will just wreck them (roach/infestor is different from infestor turtling, in that he makes a ton of roaches, is aggressive, and doesn't make spines). If he goes roach/banerain/infestor, double robo colossi is extremely strong, with of course blink micro. If you get storm tech, you can just FF, run away, and storm so all the overlords just go into the red if he gives chase.
All variations of going roaches is about aggression, so you generally want to turtle, then push when he tries to get his hive (as long as you didn't die before then).
First, don't make colossi until you know that Zerg is going either infestors, or a ton of roaches. If you are worried about roaches, immortals will work enough for you to secure your third against anything but an all-in max roach. Second, don't make HT on 2 base, you just can't afford it, and you'll get rolled by mass mutas in the ~4 minutes it take to get HT. Just get stalkers, defense upgrades, and blink, calmly. Many Toss pros add cannons in the mineral line of their main after zerg regains map control after the stage when Toss normally does aggression, so they can keep their stalkers in their natural in case of roaches or mutas in the natural, and buy enough time for their army to respond.
Also, don't think that going phoenix or blink will rule out muta play. Zerg can go hydras into mutas, or get corruptors, against phoenix, or simply not move out with their mutas until they get 15+, and blink won't do anything to save your base if you leave it (so mutas will still be effective in making sure you never push out until he wants you to). Phoenix are a great way to scout for possible muta play though.
I don't know if phoenixes are a great way to counter or discourage muta play. If a Zerg wants his mutas, he'll make corruptors, attack with a small amount of hydras with lots of roaches to force you to fight with them (and then he focuses them with hydras), or he can just go infestors and capitalize on you delaying your 3 base colossi timing so much. I know a lot of people say phoenixes are crap against mutas. I would just say, if phoenixes are possible, it's harder to use them to counter muta play than to go stalker/ht (I've seen HerO rip it up with well timed phoenix into third and fend off mutas with them amazingly), and that I've never had a problem with them. Stephano has also commented about how crappy the range upgrade is, since it's so expensive and requires such a large investment into phoenixes, that you really need to delay your third or colossi that Zerg just gets infestors and quicker hive.
The quicker you find out, the quicker you can be greedy and tech harder, and even take a quicker fourth. A problem with infestor play is how passive it is, so you can always force the game into extreme lategame with a mothership, and try to negate any disadvantage by time and a well placed vortex. If you can read the Zerg well, you can bust with 4+ colossi before he has mass corruptors with mass infestors behind it. I'd recommend once you start to get a larger army, maybe with 2+ colossi, that you constantly poke and prod around, to try to find a place where the spines are a little weaker. Maybe you can also catch him up-rooting too many spines at once, and kill enough of them when they are re-rooting that you can bust through. Once zerg starts morphing those corruptors though, back off until you can get mothership/archon. Warp prism harass can also go a long way if Z has no AA, especially no air units when he still doesn't have his spire and is making infestors.
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You want to bust Zerg with 3+ Colossi, with 3 bases, before Zerg has hive tech. If you defend his aggression/harass well or push before his turtling got BL tech, you should be able to hit and do significant damage. If you are slightly behind, you may want to go for a 4th as well as tech (mothership, storm) while Zerg is getting broodlords instead of trying to push against broodlords, who will just push you back till you die if you are only on 3 bases and don't have mothership/storm.
Interview with the OP
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Hey Belial88, who are you?
I'm a Mid-Masters Zerg on NA who's trying to climb up the ladder. I actually try hard to not watch VODs, reddit, tournaments, or TL, because I've found if you really want to improve as a player, cutting down on this stuff and instead really putting forth an effort to play as much as you possibly can (oh you have 20 minutes before work? You're tired from work and want to surf the internet for a few minutes before bed? the girlfriend is still getting ready to go out? PLAY, PLAY, PLAY!). However, I work over 60 hours a week, have a girlfriend, and a little bit of a life, which often leaves me in a place where I can't play, but I can post.
I've already graduated university with a degree in Economics (you can't be an Econ major and not be a conservative - although I'm a proud Republican, I'd definitely say I'm libertarian [it's the Grand Ole Party because we have room for everyone] and an atheist [however I love christianity, I think it's a force of good and protestant countries always turn out well), love ice cream, and kind of a bit of a jerk, but in a fun way. I've traveled a lot, and definitely spent a lot of time in bad places, from living in the ghetto and seeing people die (I'm not claiming to be particularly poor, just where the really nice apartments for cheap were - jk, sort of), to having traveled to third world countries (I don't think you can hate capitalism, or really respect all cultures, when you've been to certain parts of Africa).
I don't think anyone dislikes me after they talk to me - I really take things impersonally, and never find anything offensive. However, my comments aren't always taken with the same attitude, so naturally a lot of people dislike me. That, and I am a lower level player, so naturally I say a lot of stuff that is just plain wrong, but I'm humble enough, don't take myself seriously at all, and completely aware that I'm a scrub, that I actually want to be called out, so I can improve.
I'm sure I come off as disrespectful, but unless I say a blatant ad-hom, I don't mean to be. I'm the kind of person to always ask why, no matter who it is that at the moment, I don't understand. I'm never satisfied with an answer without a reason (which is why my posts tend to be long-winded, I answer things as I would want them explained).
Hey Belial88, why did you write this awesome guide?
Too much shitty content on TL Strat. In particular, a 'comprehensive guide to zvp fast third' was posted by swooozy, someone who is now permabanned. I called him out for having a completely terrible guide that had a lot of misinformation in it, and although most people agreed, even with the rough tone I used, some people actually thanked him, as if bad content was better than no content. Also, I tend to basically write guides as responses to people's questions, and if my posts were put together, they could be organized guides themselves.
So now I can just link this guide to answer questions (even advanced ones, or ones that are complex). I had always planned to write one, but the swoooozy guide pushed me to actually do it.
Hey Belial88, how long did the guide take?
As it was a guide to Fast Third only, maybe 5 or 6 hours? Editing afterwards, another 3 or so hours. The big update that just happened, maybe 8. Replay/Vod section, which is arguably the most important part of a guide, is generally the longest, and also why I take so long to come out with new guides. I constantly save vods/replays that I think have value in a future guide.
Hey Belial88, I'm just starting out, any tips?
Focus on your macro. When you are below Masters, you don't really realize how horrible your macro is, so you may want a higher level person to analyze it for you, and you can never underestimate how important it is, because if you just macro 'okay', not good, but 'okay (avoid ever being supply blocked, don't bank 400+ money ever, never have a lapse of more than a second in idle larva or worker/unit production), and understand basic scouting (did he expand or not, does he have a lot of basic army/macro or could he be teching?), you would just simply skyrocket to Diamond (with a slight improvement, maybe a minor understanding of the game as anyone would have by diamond, then you would be masters soon enough). All of the goofy, late strats and attacks you see below masters, all become unviable as good macro simply hard counters them (3 void rays at 11:00? u leik 170/200 roaches?).
When you are above Masters, you realize how shitty your macro is. Especially if you play against a high masters or GM - you really don't appreciate how good a pro player is until you play one once you are at a level where you can execute basic macro. The efficiency they make a single unit have, is ridiculous (below masters, it's unanimous that people just hurt themselves every time they macro or attack because of lack of multi-task, let alone macro).
Just... watch some basic pro games, and try to make your games look like that. There is something wrong with you, if you are playing a TvP, and you are going 3 rax with tech/tech/reactor, or if you are zerg and grab more than 1 gas before 45 supply, or you are Toss and do any opener besides 1/3gate expand or FFE (besides all-ins). If your game doesn't resemble what you see pros do today, something is wrong. You can at least execute a similar build that takes gas and expansions and production buildings at similar times.
Hey Belial88, where do you plan to do next?
Probably a ZvT guide, then ZvZ guide. ZvT is very straightforward to me, I feel a guide on that would be really quick and easy to do (it's by far my best match-up, but I win it so often against people on ladder I rarely think about it, if that makes sense), and there are still some kinks I'm trying to sort out in regards to strategy in ZvZ. I may also start streaming soon, but the schedule would not be regular at all, and I just moved in and got internet that has more than .6mb up (it's about 3.8 with this xfinity).
Hey Belial88, anything else?
Thanks NrGmonk to changing title. Thanks to UCSD SC2 for letting me know how shitty I am, I was quite unaware. I'll be high masters soon enough. You can post this on your facebook page too you know. Anyone else can copy this too, as long as you give credit to Belial88@TL. If you want to contact me, PM me. Don't message me on B.net except to say how much you like me. If you want to thank me, for anything I do, do it in public so everyone sees how awesome you think I am.
Replays/VOD examples
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vs 1 Base Openers
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1 Base All-ins
- Myself vs Ladder
Cannon Rush
Note that I click on every warping building to see what it is, and I very deliberately, diligently, and slowly,
put 4+ drones on each building. Even when lings pop, I still use drones because lings alone won't do enough
if Toss dedicates. He follows with a 1 base all-in, note I get evo/warren ~35 to deal with 1 base. - Myself vs Ladder
Cannon Rush - Naniwa vs Nestea Blizzon
Cannon Rush - Myself vs Ladder
Proxy 2 Gate
Despite low ground pylon and probe 'trying' to take nexus, I knew what was up when nothing went down
by the time pool went up. I didn't need to cancel nat, I just make 2 spines, 2 queens, pump lings, speed. - Myself vs Ladder
Proxy 2 Gate - Nestea vs Inca GSL May Code S Finals Set 2 & 3
1 Base DT Rush - Savior vs Ladder
4 Gate Robo All-in
Gateway Expands
- Myself vs Ladder
Gas'd Third vs 1 Gate Expand - Myself vs Ladder
Gas'd Third vs 3 Gate Expand
I got a quick 3 bases up, and the muta follow-up was too much - Myself vs Ladder
Gas'd Third vs 3 Gate Expand, Mutas in a base trade - Myself vs Ladder
Gas'd Third vs 3 Gate Expand into Double Stargate
You can see I have no idea what he's doing but am still safe from everything, and the roach/ling I made in case
of gateway all-in allows me to pressure him and win
Fast Third vs FFE Openings
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Plain Gateway All-ins (Zero Gas)
- Myself vs Ladder
4 gate +1 8:00 Timing
Note the overlord sac to make sure it's not 6/7/8 gate, and me starting lair and droning/teching hard throughout,
to make sure I end up far ahead, and just making ~5 roaches. - DRG vs Squirtle GSTL S1 Ro4 Set 1
4 gate +1 8:00 timing
Although DRG loses in the end, he shows a picture perfect hold against +1 4 gate pressure - Losira vs Trickster GSL July Code S Ro8 Set 3
6 gate +1 - Myself vs Ladder
6 gate +1 All-in
Notice despite 'knowing' I need a 6:30 Warren due to no gas yet, I still sac an overlord at 7:00 to see if it's a
4gate, in which case I'd need to drone and tech up after 5+ Roaches, or if it's a 6 gate, where I need to go all
units. I see lots of gateways, so I don't even make an evo, lair, or 4th gas, and pump units. I hold easily.
I also saw heavy chrono on his cyber, forge, low probe count, so I knew I needed early roaches
Worst case scenario is I may overmake units against a 4 gate +1, so I only made a few roaches, and lots of
lings, so I could hold the initial pressure, and then make units/drones/tech accordingly.
Tech Heavy Harass (3-4 Gas, Few or No Gateways)
- Myself vs Ladder
DT Rush
I saw a 3rd gas, no stargate, and a twilight council that wasn't quickly blinking. It could have been blink, but I did NOT see 7 gateways indicating a blink all-in. Generally, fast third gets a robo, so I didn't think he'd expand.
I didn't see 7 gateways in total, maybe they were somewhere else, but I made sure to get ready for DTs by just
making 2 overseers in my base, and for blink by making roach/ling - Nestea vs Anypro LG Cinema GSL May
Double Stargate - DRG vs Genius GSL S1 (Set 2 and 4)
Double Stargate
Tech Heavy All-ins (3-4 Gas, Lots of Gateways)
- Myself vs Ladder
Blink All-in - Myself vs Ladder
Immortal/Sentry all-in using Roach/ling
It's as close as it was because I lose too many lings trying to deny pylons. Note I am ling heavy, and strive to
flank. I was able to scout the build by seeing late expo, army movement, and early on I saw the observer sliver
moving overlord toward main, but I saw the chrono and I could have seen the robo if I didn't see observer sliver. - Savior vs Ladder
Immortal/Sentry All-in using Roach/ling - Myself vs Ladder
Immortal/Sentry using Muta Base Trade
I massed spines in my natural when he finally pushes to make sure he goes to third first. - Myself vs Ladder
2 Base Deathball
I made lots of roaches and was simply able to overwhelm his small army, and then the muta follow-up was simply too much for him
Macro Games
- Myself vs Ladder
Mutas into Base Trade
I always go mutas if I see Toss get Colossi on 2 base - Myself vs Ladder
Mutas into Lategame BL/Infestor - Day9 Daily #429
How to go Infestor/Spines into Lategame (Day9 Daily Instructional VOD) - Dongraegu vs Alicia MLG Spring Finals Set 1+
DRG hitting 80+ by 8:00 - he skips Roach Warren to be greedy, but otherwise his build order is solid - Myself vs Ladder
Hitting 83 Supply at 8:00 like a boss - Myself vs Ladder
Extreme Lategame ZvP, Dealing with Mothership
Note when seeing the quick third, I completely skip roach tech, and go Hive, Mass Spines. I put more and more
spines down as the game goes on, and have 3/3/3. During engagements, I Corrupt/Focus the Mothership, and
lay down IT right in front of Broodlords to protect them from Stalkers and Mothership, despite storm + Colossi. - Myself vs Ladder
Extreme Lategame ZvP, Dealing with Mothership and Speed Prism Harass
I get a Roach Warren due to late third, but he takes one eventually so I get Hive. He does a 3+ Colossus 3
base push, but I hold with IT Spam, Spines, and Corruptors. I go double spire, 3/3/3, 3/3, and Mass spines to
deal with SpeedPrism harass. The 6+ Corruptors force a bad vortex, and I win then and there.
Zerg Cheeses
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- Leenock vs Inca GSL S2 2012 Up&Down Group B Set 3
14/14 Ling/Bane All-In vs FFE - Leenock vs Naniwa MLG Providence 2011 Finals Set 5
20 Roach Warren All-in vs FFE - Zenio vs MC GSL S3 2012 Up&Down Group D Set 6
Zenio's 3 Hatch Bane Bust vs FFE