Anivia, the Cryophoenix
+ Show Spoiler [patch notes] +She hasn't been changed since I started playing. And that was quite a while ago. + Show Spoiler [base stats] + Health: 350+70 Health Regen: 4.65+.55 Mana: 257+53 Mana Regen: 7.0+.6 AD: 48+3.2 Range: 600 Armor: 10.5+4 Magic Resist 30 Movespeed 325
Anivia the Cryophoenix is a area control utility mage. She brings extremely high scaling, the best waveclear in the game and excellent teamfight control. With the combination of the best waveclear in the game, one of the best initiating/disengage tools in her wall, and low cooldowns, she is one of the strongest lategame mages. With her slow movement speed, high mana costs and long cooldowns early on though, she is also one of the most vulnerable midlaners early game before she gets items and blue buff.
+ Show Spoiler [details] +Upon dying, Anivia will revert into an egg and will get an armor and magic resistance modifier of -40 / -25 / -10 / +5 / +20. If the egg can survive for six seconds, she is reborn with the same percentage of health that her egg had left. This can only happen once every four minutes.
A revive passive, however this one does not grant you invulnerability. At lower levels, egg form has negative resists, being extremely vulnerable. It can be used to bait, however be certain that you will get to revive.
Flash Frost
+ Show Spoiler [details] +Anivia brings her wings together and summons a single piercing shard of ice that flies on a line, chilling, slowing movement by 20% and damaging anyone in its path. When the shard explodes or is detonated by Anivia it deals magic damage in a radius, stunning anyone in the area for 1 second. The magic damage done by both the shard and the detonation is the same.
Cost: 80/100/120/140/160 Mana Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds Magic Damage: 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.5 per ability power) Range: 1100 (detonation radius 150) First activation launches a slow projectile. On second activation, the projectile explodes, Use with caution because it is both your defensive and offensive skill early on, with an extremely long cooldown. Aim to land the projectile when your opponent is going for CS. In more passive matchups, or when you are getting pushed in early, use this skill to push back by double proccing it on large groups of minions, or using it to last hit under turret.
+ Show Spoiler [details] +Anivia condenses the moisture in the air into an impenetrable wall of ice to block the movement of her enemies. The wall only lasts a short duration before it melts. Anivia summons an impenetrable wall of ice 400/500/600/700/800 units wide, blocking all movement. The wall lasts for 5 seconds before it melts.
Cost: 70/90/110/130/150 Mana Range: 1000 This skill is your all-in-one initiation, disengage, bush check, control, skill. Generally put point into it at 8 or 10, and max it last. Usage will be detailed in a later section.
+ Show Spoiler [details] +Anivia blasts her target with a freezing wind, dealing magic damage. If the target has been chilled by Anivia's other abilities, they will take double damage.
Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana Cooldown: 5 seconds(all levels) Magic Damage: 55/85/115/145/175 (+0.5 per ability power) Range: 650 The nuke spell. It does double damage if the target has been chilled. The chill effect only needs to be applied before the projectile lands, so you can E and tag people with R for the bonus damage. At level 1, it deals slightly higher damage than an auto attack(assuming AP quints), as well as having a reasonable mana cost. You can use it to get last hits you'd otherwise miss as a pseudo auto reset. At higher skill levels, it can be used to last hit cannon creeps easily for a fairly low cost. With a low cooldown, and only minimally lower damage than Q, it should be maxed first.
Glacial Storm
+ Show Spoiler [details] +Anivia summons a driving rain of ice and hail to damage her enemies, slowing their movement and attack speed by 20% for 1 second, and chilling them. Cost: 75+50/70/90 Mana Per Second Cooldown: 6 seconds upon toggle off Range: 625 (radius 300) Leash Range: 1000(estimated) Anivia's signature spell, this gives her massive waveclear and a huge power spike. It is a channeled spell so stuns, silences, suppresses and knockups will cancel it, but roots will not. It also is one of the most costly spells in the game, with both a high activation cost and upkeep. It provides massive area of effect CC and damage. Place with care in a teamfight as you not only want to tag as many people as possible, you want to make it so that they need to stay in it to continue fighting. It can also be used to zone, by placing it down preemptively, you can make enemy initiation a dicey prospect. Even when far behind, by placing it several seconds before creeps arrive, you can be safely near maximum leash range while still killing the creeps before they reach the tower.
Skill Order
Whether you want to take a second point in Q or E depends on the matchup. If you are getting heavily pushed in, it can be useful to take a second point in Q at 3 to push back and clear faster, especially if creep waves are meeting. I generally put a point into W at 8 or 10 in matchups where the opponent is more short ranged.
Flask openings
+ x3 or 1+![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YnJOzzL.png)
Ward opening is safer against aggressive junglers like Zac or Jarvan IV. If you expect it to be a lane where you will be pushed in for much of it pre-6, I would recommend the 3 pot opening as anivia is one of the hardest champions to dive early on.
Faerie Charm openings
+ x5+ + ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/YnJOzzL.png)
+ + x3 If you want to get a faster tear or chalice, these are the openings. Double faerie charm opening can be good against certain lanes where you want a chalice very quickly.
First base
OR + Alternatively ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/J3mka5p.png)
Barring extenuating circumstances(ganks, kills etc), you want to save about 250-300 mana right before dinging 6 so you can clear the wave quickly, base, buy and be back in time for blue buff with shiny new items. Pick up sustain if you need it, and at least one ward, because you probably won’t be able to follow somebody who’s roaming. Catalyst first is generally reserved for dealing with strong AD mids with 100-0 potential. Chain vest into RoA into FH can work against heavy physical team comps(4 or 5 physical damage).
Midgame Goals
+ + OR ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/5apZS.gif)
After picking up tear/chalice, you want to try and finish a Rod of Ages ASAP along with sorc shoes. Then finish the other mana item, and head towards a void staff. At this point, you’ll have enough AP, and high enough base values that void will be more cost effective than deathcap.
Offensive items
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Ff5xzZQ.png)
Deathcap is an obvious choice. It will find its place in all builds. Liandry’s torment is an excellent choice against more tanky teams as R will deal insane damage over time. Abyssal can be situationally good if there are many sources of magic damage. DFG gives massive AP and CDR, and the active can absolutely wreck somebody in combination with the other skills in anivia’s kit.
Defensive items
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/4CeMeOp.png)
Hourglass is very good if there are heavy assassination threats. Keep in mind Hourglass activation will cancel ult as it is a channeled spell. Seraph’s is there for tear builds. Frozen heart and Spirit visage for high physical and magic damage teams, while also allowing you to cap CDR. Banshees is still really good, but I can’t recommend it over spirit visage unless you are up against a heavy poke team. QSS and GA are highly situational.
General item timings – 10 minutes – tear/chalice + catalyst. RoA+sorcs by 20. Other mana item and void by about 30-35 minutes, and from then on finish whatever you can.
Runes and Masteries
http://www.finalesfunkeln.com/s3/#7aK7zllUvdmq3vE I like this mastery setup, other people may have differing opinions. I prefer the AD&spellsword over AP&1% CDR to take advantage of anivia’s long auto attack range. AD is better than butcher because you don’t need to take butcher to get deeper into the tree. AP is better if you land a lot of spells, but AD is the more consistent lane winning option. If you expect to build an early athene’s, you could take a couple points from CDR and put it into butcher to maximize efficiency, assuming you can get blue buffs.
Red – Mpen - no other choice here really. I guess you could take an AD mark or two to make last hitting easier, or a crit mark.
Yellow - HP/lvl, Flat armor, AP/lvl. – HP/lvl for safe matchups without a lot of physical damage(autos included), armor otherwise. AP/lvl if you really want to play with fire.
Blue - Flat MR, Flat AP, Scaling AP
Quints - Flat AP, MS – AP is the better laning option, MS is the better mid-lategame option.
Laning Level 1 save your Q unless you see an opportunity open. Your damage output doubles at level 2, for under double the mana, which is quite a bit better than what a lot of other mids can say. Often times it’s a good idea to test your opponent with a stun at the early levels to try and get a sense for how they juke. Auto attack whenever possible, but don’t chase. If you retreat after launching the projectile, often times you will not draw aggro due to how creep AI works. Try to hit as much CS as possible early on because that’s the weakest point of Anivia.
To clear a wave, until I get a lot of mana items/AP built up, I prefer to wait for the creeps to line up before using ultimate to clear. By double proccing Q on the melee’s once they get low, it guarantees that you will get all 3 melees, and the ranged creeps will die before your wave reaches them. You can take wraiths or wolves, but keep in mind that unless you went a chalice build, you are mana neutral at best with blue buff just farming lane. Be mindful of how much mana you have left.
Ward one or both sides to protect your side lanes and jungler and yourself. You are one of the most vulnerable mids to getting caught out, and a poor roamer/duelist, especially when unprepared. Your goal is to farm as much as possible, wraiths wolves are fair game if the jungler isn’t nearby.
Place ultimate down in the path of creeps several seconds before hand so if an initiation comes, they will be diving from the start. If the ADC still walks up to shoot the tower, wall them in and fire off a Q towards their escape path. They should learn fairly quickly.
You’ll want to walk up with the creep wave to lay down ultimate on the open side of turrets to zone people off, and if they have a lot of wave clear, maybe even wall them off to protect the creeps so your ADC can get a few shots off on turret with a wall and Anivia ult between them and the enemy. On the side inner and inhib turrets especially, if you place down anivia ultimate and a wall, it becomes exceedingly difficult for the enemy to initiate on you while still retaining followup from his teammates with that much separation.
This is probably the hardest part about playing Anivia, and also the most rewarding. Autos aren’t listed, but you should be using them as filler. QE – Basic combo. To have a higher chance of landing Q, fire it from FoW, or when they are going for lasthits ER – Once 6, use this to harass without committing a stun. WQER – The easy version of the Anivia combo, but less effective. Wall off behind somebody who’s retreating, fire Q in the direction they are headed, E and lay down ult. QWER – The hard version of the Anivia combo, but extremely effective. Fire Q towards somebody. Wall off the direction they are headed such that the AI will bring them back towards the projectile. R as far away from you as you can, and keep chasing because most likely they will still have the chilled debuff when you can fire E again.
Annie, Brand, Heimer, Karthus, Lux, Morg, Ori, Ryze, Swain, TF, Veigar All of these matchups you should at minimum go even in, and generally cannot punish your weak early levels too hard. Dodge skillshots, play safe and none of these are losing matchups. TF can be very scary for your side lanes because you won’t be able to follow, but it’s not a hard matchup. Ward well, and 1v1 these mids have fairly low kill potential if you don’t screw up. For some of these you might just need to resort to pushing the lane repeatedly at post-6 to win the matchup(swain, ryze, annie most notably)
Cass, Diana, Fiddle, Katarina, Kassadin, Kennen, Khazix, Leblanc, Lissandra, Malzahar, Syndra, ADC mids, Ziggs
Be wary of picking Anivia into these mids, as they enter the danger zone in terms of matchups. While some of them are winning matchups early on, they present very high danger whether it be through burst, Crowd control, roaming, mobility or even just making life hell early on by pushing ridiculously hard. I generally wouldn’t pick Anivia into these matchups by choice, although they are playable.
Ahri, Fizz, Lee Sin, J4, Pantheon, Zed, Gragas
These champions all have something in common. Strong early game, excellent dueling, and mobility(can be either to outplay/juke your skills, or just kill everybody else on your team while you’re still ramping up). Don’t pick into these matchups, they’re difficult to say the least. In conjunction with a decent jungler they will pretty much always win 2v2 unless you get a 2 person stun, and are legitimate kill threats on you at almost any point during laning phase.
In general you don’t want to pick Anivia when the other team has strong ganking junglers. You’re a slow, squishy and very inviting target, especially if the laner can follow up. You don’t really want to see an opposing Elise, Zac, J4 or LS because they can all very easily initiate from very long range and almost certainly force a flash. Some junglers can also be pretty rough due to the strength of their ganks(naut, sejuani, Rammus), although a well placed stun can be quite good at deterrence.
Waiting for S4 changes.
Last Update 8/21/2013
1. Always start boots + 3 pots. Always.
2. Never pick anivia vs cassi or karthus, your slow move speed and your slow animations make it really easy for them to land there Q on you. Never pick anivia vs Kassadin for obvious reasons. Pick Anivia vs everyone else.
3. Archangels... Real? That items garbage. You will have blue buff for 75% of the game, and if you can't manage your mana that other 25%, well practice.
The item build you should use:
boots > catalyst > roa > hextech > sorc shoes > rabadons > voidstaff > wota > most suitable defensive item > merc treads.
Obviously some tweaks can be made, you have ap top get wota faster, they stack magic resist get void faster etc... But avoid archangels, and stick to these items.
I'd also use flat ap quints and ap/level blues. You have 1.0 ratio Q+E and 0.25 per sec on your R, you cant afford not to get flat ap quints.
On January 03 2012 04:24 arthur wrote: Okay...
1. Always start boots + 3 pots. Always.
2. Never pick anivia vs cassi or karthus, your slow move speed and your slow animations make it really easy for them to land there Q on you. Never pick anivia vs Kassadin for obvious reasons. Pick Anivia vs everyone else.
3. Archangels... Real? That items garbage. You will have blue buff for 75% of the game, and if you can't manage your mana that other 25%, well practice.
The item build you should use:
boots > catalyst > roa > hextech > sorc shoes > rabadons > voidstaff > wota > most suitable defensive item > merc treads.
Obviously some tweaks can be made, you have ap top get wota faster, they stack magic resist get void faster etc... But avoid archangels, and stick to these items.
I'd also use flat ap quints and ap/level blues. You have 1.0 ratio Q+E and 0.25 per sec on your R, you cant afford not to get flat ap quints. Archangel isn't bad on anivia. Rushing Archangels is bad, but getting it isn't. Archangels provides the largest single source of AP in the game and Anvia can really use the mana pool. She also charges it up extremely fast. If you're going to get archangels it's best as a 5th or 6th item.
Archangels is like the last item I make as I've still got a tear in my inventory. But I'd prioritise any other AP items before that as tear usually is enough manapool once its stacked anyway.
How do you figure Anivia charges a Tear quickly? You only use one spell to clear an entire wave, and your other spells have significant cooldowns and they're not spells you want to throw away either.
On January 03 2012 07:30 Alzadar wrote: How do you figure Anivia charges a Tear quickly? You only use one spell to clear an entire wave, and your other spells have significant cooldowns and they're not spells you want to throw away either.
her ult counts x2, her q counts x2 if manually detonated, and if you r+q to insta kill a wave, you have easily enough time to go kill wraiths or wolves or both for more stacks + gold&exp. Even getting tear after deathcap, it'll charge up to +5-600 with ease because lategame you use q for poking a lot, and r just for positional control. Getting it before deathcap can be dicey because it does delay big damage by a lot, but usually it'll be +1000 by endgame easily.
Long post incoming.
People need to be more open minded in this forum, I see too many people being like "THIS IS HOW YOU DO X EVERY SINGLE TIME" as of late
Anivia has extreme flexibility in item choice. Archangel's seems to be looked down upon extremely for whatever reason - there are scenarios where it is viable to get before deathcap. Anivia's base mana regen at level 18 is 17.8, and her base mana is 1211. Tear of the goddess gives 7 mana regen: archangels gives 25. If you are able to consistently get blues and keep them, then deathcap after RoA is indeed optimal because deathcap is so strong as an item. However, not every game plays out that smoothly, and having to play without blue buff or any significant source of additional mana and mana regen is suboptimal and indeed gamebreaking in matchups against another dominant AP with wave clearing potential (gragas etc.) who have less issues managing mana or have a team with better blue control. In these scenarios, getting a tear or even finishing archangels before deathcap is viable, as having a completed archangels is superior to having deathcap components in midgame fights. Anivia has a gamechanging skill in her w, so comebacks are always possible with its appropriate use.
RoA and deathcap are core on her, as an AP mana hog who scales doubly from HP with her passive up. Aside from that, she has a large number of viable choices. WotA, Archangels, Void Staff, DFG and banshees and other various defensive items are all strong on her. She also has a lot of flexibility in boots choice - Anivia benefits even more than other APs from mercs in that she is likely to survive beyond the initial CC that it reduces and she benefits from the mres in both forms, and in general aims for a lategame with void staff (fairly easy with good csing). Sorcerer's boots offers one of the strongest damage increases for a low price along with increased movement, as it does for all APs. She is also one of the APs who can get swifties without getting flamed. The additional 20 movement speed that swifties offers over other boots2 options you puts your movement speed higher than that of most enemies (notably other ADs and APs). This additional movement speed allows Anivia to catch up and wall fleeing or distant enemies as well as to kite incredibly hard with the slows from her ult and her q.
The swifties option was prevalent in season 1 when some of the best Anivia players played her frequently (jiji, manyreason and co). With some of the new champions and the increased numbers of dashes in the game, it has become less popular, but is still viable, especially versus teamcomps with less escapes.
Runes are also very flexible. mpen for reds is fairly straightforward, but everything else can vary. The older mass mpen page with flat mpen blues and quints allowed for increased damage over AP pages for early levels against opponents who did not rune mass MR while allowing for strong damage against squishies while getting swifties, and is the runepage I would run if I planned on getting swifties / mercs. Anivia benefits from hp/lvl on yellows doubly because of its interaction with her egg. She benefits from ap and ap/level as do all APs. Movespeed quints are an interesting option, but if I wanted that movespeed I would probably get it from the utility tree's 2nd tier (while depending on playstyle, I believe that Anivia playing optimally shouldn't be running out of mana at early levels, and past level 6 3 mp5 is usually not gamebreaking). Besides, you rune and itemize to go beyond a certain movespeed threshold (moving faster than your opponents lol), and the only way to really guarantee this as Anivia is to get swifties anyway.
Something that you should probably expand on is playstyle. Pre 6 I have seen some players play extremely aggressive with q + e, flash, and ignite to secure early first bloods, and more passive gameplay using q e as counter-harass. I personally feel that playing very aggressive is only good if you really outclass your opponent in the mindgames and mechanics of landing skillshots. Given a strong opponent who doesn't get creep blocked and can dodge well, this playstyle often screws yourself over if their champion can take advantage of you when your mana pool is low or has extremely fast cast animations. Playing defensive on the other hand is more flexible as well as a way to secure some baseline of farm for yourself before you get to instaclear status. When an opponent goes for harass with spells or autoattacks, their animation is usually enough to land a q if you can launch it when they begin the animation as the hitbox is fairly large as mentioned in the OP. In trades of q-e, anivia is hard to match in damage given her double damage mechanic, especially at levels 3 and 5 (in a similar vein to the way how zilean is one of the only others who essentially uses two level 2 / 3 spells at those levels, it does a LOT of damage). Anivia's autoattack (600 range) is one of the longest, so if you can get csing with her down, she becomes a very potent and consistent laner with a passive playstyle.
And although it may be very obvious, for newer Anivia players, you can use e and then activate r immediately over an opponent as the e's double damage will activate even if it is cast while they are not frosted as long as the ult reaches the opponent while the e particle is in the air. This is good harass with blue buff and a potent finisher.
Not an anivia player, or hell, even an AP mid player (easily my worst matchup) but i'll just poke in and say that a rule of thumb that kinda stuck with me (dun remember where i got it from) was that as long as you got AA after roa, it was well worth it in terms of cost efficiency. You also have to want the mana. Those were the conditions i remember.
Navi makes alot of really good points above, I'd never really thought of going AA staff first if I can't secure blue earlygame but I think its something I might try out a bit in the future.
I think the aggressive playstyle pre-6 isn't very good against decent players as your damage is entirely dependent on hitting a very slow skillshot in lane. Against most decent players they will manage to avoid your Q and counter harass early which leads me to play passively in lane with anivia.
Not much has been said on Wall so far this post, which is probably one of the greatest CC spells in the game, in any forced positioning such as when a team is posturing for dragon or baron, you can cut off 1 or 2 approaching enemies at the chokepoint entrances to jungle and split their team entirely.
On January 03 2012 07:30 Alzadar wrote: How do you figure Anivia charges a Tear quickly? You only use one spell to clear an entire wave, and your other spells have significant cooldowns and they're not spells you want to throw away either. you get two charges for your ult and your Q
What are your thoughts on Rylai's vs RoA? 35% slow (since Rylai reduces aoe slow to 15%) on R seems like a pretty good trade for the mana you lose out on.
edit: always forget that q will have a 35% slow as well with pretty decent range
rylais is terrible on anivia imho you already have enough slows/CCs at your disposal to to your job and anivia probably benefits more from the mana on rod than a 15% slow
On January 04 2012 11:15 midnight.tokyo wrote: What are your thoughts on Rylai's vs RoA? 35% slow (since Rylai reduces aoe slow to 15%) on R seems like a pretty good trade for the mana you lose out on.
edit: always forget that q will have a 35% slow as well with pretty decent range
Rylai's is worse in basically every way than RoA. Without RoA you'll run oom pretty fast even with blue buff, and without it you'll be completely ineffectual without other mana items. You also don't get any sustain when laning from the catalyst proc. The slows don't stack as much as you think. it's going to be a grand total of 28% slow for AoE and 40% slow from frostbite applications of rylai's slow. While rylai's proc on frostbite is nice, there are other items I'd much rather have even in my 5th and 6th slots.
On January 04 2012 11:15 midnight.tokyo wrote: What are your thoughts on Rylai's vs RoA? 35% slow (since Rylai reduces aoe slow to 15%) on R seems like a pretty good trade for the mana you lose out on.
edit: always forget that q will have a 35% slow as well with pretty decent range Don't quote me on this but I'm prettyyyy sure that Ryalis slow doesn't stack with Anvia's own slows...even if it does it's not going to increase the slow amount by much.
slows do stack, but the strongest slow is applied first and then further slows are applied at a weakened percentage (i think by a flat percentage, 65% came up in a thread when i typed in slow stacking league of legends http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=1487578)
while anivia does benefit doubly from HP, that also means amount of HP at which getting further HP is less efficient than armor / mres is reached much quicker than every other hero when her passive is up. many other damage items are more useful overall for her (wota for team and self in sustained fights, void and dcap for pure damage, rod and AA for efficiency when fully charged) and individual MR/armor survivability items provide more survivability overall (banshee and hourglass), and she doesn't benefit from the cc greatly, so she doesn't want it.
I also always start boots + 3 health pots, unless I am confident that i can land some early harass, and I'll switch out one health pot for a mana one so I can get an extra Flash Frost. I play Anivia a lot differently than most people, mainly because I refuse to use flash on the principle of the matter. For non-ranked games I substitute teleport, while in ranked I'll either grab ghost or stick with teleport if the enemy jungler doesn't have a fear or stun. I also play Anivia very differently in pubs than I do in ranked. In pubs, I am a huge fan of boots of mobility. In pubs you generally do not need much in the way of magic pen, and as I have runes for magic pen, I'd rather have the ability to chase and dodge. I play Anivia in pubs as a do not get hit champ. I will stun, wall, and ult you so that you never hit me, and the speed advantage of boots of mobility means I will get away.
For ranked I'll play a lot more like guides say to. So not much to add there.
I do want to comment on Anivia + Sejuani. I witnessed first hand early this morning how disgusting of a combo they make. Sejuani stuns them with Glacial Prison and applies the frost status which means Anivia gets a free Frostbite (at 2X damage) and Flash Frost. Add in the Glacial Storm for the DoT and a halfway decent wall, and you have a fairly easy double kill or better. Throw in an Ashe for overkill and the enemy team is going nowhere. Anivia and Sejuani probably have the best synergy I have ever seen between two champs.
anivia's E will not do double damage on frost effects applied by other champions, that was patched out over a year ago i think
On January 23 2012 05:16 gtrsrs wrote: anivia's E will not do double damage on frost effects applied by other champions, that was patched out over a year ago i think
Sure did not seem like it last night, regardless, having stationary champions and Anivia free to R+Q+E still means those champs are screwed.
I do want to comment on Anivia + Sejuani. I witnessed first hand early this morning how disgusting of a combo they make. Sejuani stuns them with Glacial Prison and applies the frost status which means Anivia gets a free Frostbite (at 2X damage) and Flash Frost. Add in the Glacial Storm for the DoT and a halfway decent wall, and you have a fairly easy double kill or better. Throw in an Ashe for overkill and the enemy team is going nowhere. Anivia and Sejuani probably have the best synergy I have ever seen between two champs.
You haven't seen Anivia + Jungle Alistar then, it's beyond retarded. Alistar knocks back, anivia stuns + e, aliztar pulverizes, anvia ignites and e's again = guranteed kill. Froggen and Snoopeh do this so so much.
On January 23 2012 09:05 dooraven wrote:Show nested quote +I do want to comment on Anivia + Sejuani. I witnessed first hand early this morning how disgusting of a combo they make. Sejuani stuns them with Glacial Prison and applies the frost status which means Anivia gets a free Frostbite (at 2X damage) and Flash Frost. Add in the Glacial Storm for the DoT and a halfway decent wall, and you have a fairly easy double kill or better. Throw in an Ashe for overkill and the enemy team is going nowhere. Anivia and Sejuani probably have the best synergy I have ever seen between two champs.
You haven't seen Anivia + Jungle Alistar then, it's beyond retarded. Alistar knocks back, anivia stuns + e, aliztar pulverizes, anvia ignites and e's again = guranteed kill. Froggen and Snoopeh do this so so much.
Well as I have yet to see a jungle Alistar, I obviously have not seen this, but I shall make sure to try it with a friend now.