On April 06 2012 03:35 heroyi wrote: anyone got tips on playing vs brand other than requesting help from the jungler?
I feel like even at my potential I can only defend myself to a certain point :/
also does anyone else feel like Anivia is starting to fall behind on the ranks as a ap carry(I feel like there are stronger picks than her)?
Against brand you need to be able to outplay him. The majority of his damage depends on his W and you cannot let him hit you with it. However, if you are trying to make him stay in your R, you might be a sitting duck for him. Try to poke him down with your Q and then go for the kill with R. You might want to go for a situation where you wont directly die at his burst but his passive might be a risk. That way, he'll fight without running away and you have your egg.
Having quite a bit of fun playing support Anivia. Stun, wall, decent harass dmg (early). The best is the egg bait. They come at you hard burning ignites and exhaust while your AD wails on them.
Ok, I just opened this thread out of boredom but support anivia sounds like something super fun that I'm definitely going to have to try as soon as possible.
Wall+AD carry is probably beastly, why have I not seen this before?!
On April 24 2012 03:09 Sufinsil wrote: Having quite a bit of fun playing support Anivia. Stun, wall, decent harass dmg (early). The best is the egg bait. They come at you hard burning ignites and exhaust while your AD wails on them.
fully endorse support anivia.
its actually pretty decent vs non sustain lanes like leona/nunu/janna. Wall also one of the best midgame support skills ever in that its so useful and you don't need any items. Q is the same and your ulti slows AD huehueheue
Mana issues make support anivia pretty impractical.
On April 24 2012 04:59 Juicyfruit wrote: Mana issues make support anivia pretty impractical. this and also she offers virtually no incentive to pick her for support over alistar or leona in terms of general utility, anivia is better suited mid because you can do both damage and have tons of utility at the same time
You can build philo and chalice and you got no mana probs. Obviously mid anivia is better but she serves well as a support too, a bit troll but its effective.
I can think of at least one incentive over both alistar and leona, her stun doesnt require her to be right next to the enemy for one.
i played against a support anivia the other night. they pushed us to our tower and then got ganked. anivia is so damn squishy. i started 6/0 that game as trist. i had soraka on my team vs corki anivia. it was a bit wierd at first, but ultimately i dont think its that great.
- Anivia has both the lowest health and lowest health scaling in the game. This is very bad because in bot, you probably aren't going to be able to get under tower to egg safely. - You can run oom very easily with RoA+blue on mid farm/levels. Support Anivia doesn't get any of this. - You aren't taking advantage of her scaling. Other supports have generally crappy ratios. Anivia has 1.0 scaling on 2 skills. You could either play mid and be able to burst an AD for over 2k late game, or do less than 1/3 that as a support anivia. - No sustainable zone control. Mid anivia should have the mana pool to ult siege a tower for 5-10 seconds at a time, and still have the mana to fight late game. Support anivia doesn't.
I think people have misinterpreted me, I never said she was the best support, but she is pretty decent vs a non sustain support/ad lane. Also not sure why people are comparing to her playing mid, rather than the other supports lol.
Her mana problems are lessened by philo/chalice, and comparing it to mids usage of mana is weird because you won't be using ult to farm creeps constantly. Her zone control is still pretty good for a support with her wall and R, but again you shouldn't be constantly using it like Mid anivia.
I should have at least 1 or 2 replays of me playing support aniv vs janna lanes in 1700-1800 elo if people want to see them
Mid Anivia you are casting a lot more than you would bot. I never have mana issues no more than any other support. I have a tear or cata mid game for mana issues for ulting.
You are playing much like if you played support/tanky mid. It is not your job to kill things late game. Its your job to disrupt, wall, slow.
It happened to me several times where I get matchups where they camp mid and deny my blue
When it happens I would go 2 dorans ring/tear instead of the early cata/tear
I wonder if that is the best respone in terms of itembuild to this?
I think chalice is better than 2doran as you'd rather have the increased mana reg over the ap and health in these lanes. chalice into tear is a pretty nice build for these situations where blue is denied.
Need to do that maths on chalice vs tear but im pretty sure chalice is quite advantageous. MR vs HP is also the difference in defence, MR better for high trade, HP better for high burst. I'll do the maths today if i get bored at work again
I'm not high elo (1550), so I'm curious to know if anybody who knows more about Anivia could tell me if the way I build seems legit or if it only works because i'm playing against bad people:
I build the catalyst as usual, but instead of upgrading it to RoA I build my deathcap. I then turn my catalyst into BV instead of RoA, and get void staff. Sometimes I'll get void staff before banshee's veil, depending on how the game turns out. Deathcap, void staff, and BV are ALWAYS my first 3 items, but after that there is a lot of variance. My most common choice is building glacial shroud on her because the CDR and mana are so helpful on her. The frozen heart aura is not important because her ult does that job already, but the glacial shroud is super cost efficient and very noticable on teams that run ad bruiser top and jungle. I've really liked opting for BV instead of RoA because my midgame is much more beast, and I feel way harder to kill with a BV, and never seem to lack damage.
Example build progression : [boots + pots] [catalyst] [merc treads/sorc shoes] [deathcap] [BV/glacial shroud depending on game] [void staff] After that solid core RoA/Wota/Hourglass/Guardian Angel (changes game to game)
Does this kind of build work only because I'm playing lower skilled opponents? Or do you think this would work at high ELO?
That's how casters used to be built. You'd get cata for laning phase and then rush Deathcap. Later on you'd get turn cata into bveil. I think your veil is too early... maybe if you're vs Kass or LB or something but I wouldn't rush it everygame. Have you tried WOTA? It's quite nice on Anivia.
Your build is legit, one of the most standard builds has been tear>cat>deathcap for the longest time now.
Your mid to late game item decisions also pretty solid, I'd argue to try out Wota before defence if youre not having trouble as it's retarded strong for you and your entire team (you usually get it around when dragon fights start too so this timing is right), but if you taking alot of damage BV is smart.
starting to enjoy rod>boots>shurelyas a lot on anivia right now
I started playing LoL back around Christmas of 2010, and Anivia was the first champ I used. After her free week was up, I bought riot points and picked her up (6300 ip felt like so much), and exclusively played Anivia from 1-30. I got to the point where I would play her in any duo lane, jungle, mid, top it didn't matter the match up. I was going to hit my q's, and get fed. Some time around the Nocturne release, I stopped player her because of how OP his ganks were upon release (it was basically like playing against old eve as in any aggression after Noct hits 6 and you're dead, except you couldn't even ward against it) . Naturally if you can't beat them join them, and I started playing a ton of Noct. I consider Anivia to be my "ace in the hole", a go to champion I pull out when ever I'm looking for a win.
In the hundreds of games played with her, I have built her every way I could think of. Standard Death Cap rush: 2 doran's, sorcs, hat, and stack more ap/survivability from there. RoA first ap with or with out lichbanes. Ultimate Bravery with 3 snowball items. AD with Triforce first. AD with dorans blade stacking. Tanky DPS with manamune, frozen heart, B-veil, warmogs, atmas. I'm sure there is at least a few other troll builds that I've won games with. After doing all of this there are a few things that stick out.
Say you're facing a heavy/early burster squishy mid (Lelanc), buy a chalice, run mr/ level in your blues. Most players using these champs are using runes/masteries, and sorc shoes to hit that 30 magic pen mark. I recently had a game vs Leblanc mid, Riven, Mundo, Ashe, and I think it was Janna support. I decided to run mpen reds, hp/5 yellows, mr/lvl blues and flat ap quints. I farmed up a chalice, and HoG then got Merc's. I bought Mejai's around level 9 because Le Blanc was unable to kill me, while I could kill her just for trying to farm. I ended up getting a Randuin's because their Riven was getting pretty fed, and with it I was sitting at 100+ mr and armour. Randuin + Anivia ult = 48% attack speed reduction + a 48% slow, so if Riven/Mundo ever jumped on me I could pop randuins and ult e create some distance wall q stun and another e.
Mana / level or flat mana runes aren't required to get first blood against an idiot in lane. If you don't miss your moves Anivia will do enough damage with out them (unless you're up against some one like soraka with 50+ mr lvl one, another person stacking early mr, or another person with incredible sustain). Some games you can run the mana runes if you know you can be very aggressive because of the enemies slow jungle or poor ganks (maybe pick up first blood, and continue to harass the enemy off the cs after they return before your first buy). You can buy Chalice/ Tear/ Catalyst/ 2dorans/ Philostone (gold per 10 is underrated), and get blue buffs for mana regen for later in the game.
Skill order should be qeewereqewrqwqwrqw. This will give you much bigger walls faster. Level 1 wall is ok, but level 2 wall at level 10 is worth more in team fights than the extra 30 or 60 (depending on 2 hit or not) damage on your q. If the bigger wall allows a team mate to get one of their moves off, its going to be better for the team in general. The extra second of time it takes for an enemy to get into a team fight can potentially win the fight. The extra point will allow you to keep some one in the ult longer (cutting their auto attack dps more), the extra point will seal off more exits/entrances than level 1 wall. Utility from high level walls is under rated, and the added damage and cdr from leveling q is over rated.
You can disagree with me, these are just my opinions, but Anivia is my favorite champion. I'm going to continue to explore new builds, and possibly even hybrid set ups once I can afford to get some double penetration runes, just for funzies of course.
So everyone's maxing Q over wall? Seems like i must be doing something wrong. I usually start lvl'ing W at 8 and max it second.
I max them both out evenly. Wall is op in team fights man. If a tower goes down early, or for some other reason I think we're about to have a big team fight. I will get lvl two wall at 8 for the team fights.